Free Parting" Hi' Weather There is no charge at meten Cloudy today, chance of light in the Red Bank parking lot* snow. High, 30. Clearing to- after 6 p. m. Wednesdays and night. Low in the 20s. Fair Fridays, Red Bank'* two shop, tomorrow. High, SO. See pg. 2. ping nights. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since'1878 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE laiued Dally. Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOLUME 82,, NO. 145 at the Foat Office at Red Bank, N. J., under tlis Act of March 3, 1S79 Speakers Bureau Senate Firm Proposes Cloture To Explain Plan $55 Million RED BANK - A speakers bu- Vote Due reau to explain the recommenda WASHINGTON (AP)-The Sen- Shore Area tions in the central Business dis- ate votes at 2 o'clock this after- trict redevelopment plan will be noon on a petition to clamp a set up by the Red Bank Commun time-limit on its civil rights de- Homes Project Escapes ity Chamber of Commerce. bate, now in its fourth week and The plan was presented to the likely to continue. 9 Snowstorm Borough Council Monday night Almost simultaneously, the Ask Rezoning and has been endorsed by the House starts debate on a civil Miners LONG BRANCH - That pre- Planning Board. rights bill that Is far less ob- dicted snowstorm, which could Chamber of Commerce offi- jectionable to Southern oppon- In Marlboro; have dropped more than eight cials have been a main force ents than the measure before Rescue inches on the shore area, dis- in the drive for an urban renewal the Senate. sipated itself over the Kentucky program—which is expected to The vote in the Senate was 2,500 Houses area last night. result from the plan submitted forced by a group of self-styled William D. Martin, U.S. weath- by Urban Planning Associates, liberals against the advice of the BAYONET ROBBERY — Middleto'w'n Detective Robert Letts, sitting on table, ques- Expected MARLBORO — The Township er observer, said the snow laden New York City. leaders of both parties, and de- Committee will attempt tonight storm reached as far north as Enthusiasm tions three youths in connection with robbery early Tuesday morning of a Rt. 35 to thrash out the issue of wheth- feat of the effort was widely LOGAN, W. Va. (AP) - Offi- Philadelphia and Atlantic City Directors of the chamber re- er this municipality should draw predicted. gas station. Seated, left to right, are Thomas Ullery, 21, of 104 Atlantic Ave., and cials directing rescue operations He said a few flurries could be ceived the plan with enthusiasm up a master plan—which may The vote was ordered on a Thomas Sullivan, 18, of 239 Sarfield Ave., both of Long Branch, and Peter Hoblit, 21, for 18 men trapped in a fiery expected in this area early to- at their meeting yesterday. take two to three years—before petition of 31 senators to invoke coal mine said early today they day, but not a measurable Francis J. Bolduc, executive Graystone Ave., Old Bridge. Standing are Middletown Police Chief Earl N. Hoyer, permitting Webb and Knapp, the Senate's cloture rule under expected to reach the entombed amount. vice president, said he hopes to which each senator's speaking left, and George H. Clayton, Jr., Red Bank detective. realtors, to develop here on lots miners within a few hours. The southeastern section of the have the speakers bureau set up time would be limited to one of less than a half-acre. country was not so fortunate by next week. The purpose is to The mine officials said the hour. The question came up as a re- The late winter storm dumped outline the plan to civic and other stubborn fire which has held the The rule, not successfully In- sult of a rhubarb at Tuesday snow and sleet from the Georgia groups in the borough, In addi- voked since 1927, can be put Lost Ring Detectives Arrest 3 men trapped almost 48 hours is night's Planning | Board meeting coast northward through the tion, the chamber—probably with into effect only by a two-thirds practically under control and Carolinas, across Virginia into funds from its "Operation Cross, they expect rescuers to move on which was climaxed by a point- majority vote of the senators Turns Up blank refusal by the board to ac- Ohio and Pennsylvania. road"—will print more than 250 present. "as rapidly as possible." Records Set copies of the plan for public dis In Rt. 35 Holdup Rescue workers, their faces cept Webb and Knapp's initial re- The Senate agreed to meet five quest for subdivision. Record falls were recorded in tribution. black with grime, slogged hours in advance of the vote, In Kokomo Tho realty firm has indicated many communities in Kentucky Enlarged drawings of the pro- with each side to be allotted MIDDLETOWN — Some sharp through water, mud and debris RED BANK - Walter J. that if land can be developed on Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee and posals contained in the plan will equal time to make its argu Bennett, 42 Robin Ct., Middle- detective work during the past in the bowels of the southern Missouri. More than a score o be on display in the Municipal ments. Emmons two days resulted in the arrest West Virginia coal mine. the basis of lots less than half town, a worker in the Mon- an acre in size, some 2,000 to storm-related deaths were re- Building, 32 Monmouth St. Sen. Richard B. Russell (D- yesterday of two Long Branch The trapped miners were cut mouth Workshop for the 2,500 homes will be constructed ported. Representatives Ga), leader of a band of 18 youths and a Madison Township off by a fire and roof fall Tues handic'apped here, lost his wed- Suspension here on properties totaling '850 Mr. Martin said the forecast Peter T. Jones suggested the Southern senators fighting against youth, .wanted for the bayonet day morning four miles deep in ding ring while working in the acres, for a project value of for the Shore area called for chamber invite representatives civil rights legislation, denounced robbery of Sol's Service Station, the Island Creek Coal Co. No. shop's letter shop a few weeks some 55 million dollars. clearing skies by tonight. Tem- (See RED BANK, Pg. 2) (See CIVIL RIGHTS, Pg. 2) ago. Upheld Rt. 35, early Tuesday morning. 22 mine at nearby Holden. peratures are expected to hit 30 They haven't been heard from The subdivision request made This week it was returned to According to Police Chief Earl today. .TRENTON (AP) - A Long since their telephone suddenly to the Planning Board, termed a him by an executive in Koko- Branch Patrolman Maurice Em N. Hoyer, the Middletown Detec- The Shore area, which was hit tive Bureau — with a big assist went dead at noon that day — "first step" in the 90 to 95 acres, with 19 inches of snow a week mo, Ind. mons was properly suspended for for some 200 homes. 3 Boys Cause Wide, refusing to take a sobriety test from the Red Bank, Madison apparently burned through by ago, also experienced a record What had happened to the Township and Long Branch de- the fire. Officials figure the slate Do Not Conform low temperature for March o valued keepsake became ap- after an automobile accident, the State Civil Service Commission partments — led to the arrest of fall broke a trolley wire which The map takes in the Mac- 13 degrees yesterday. parent recently when the per- the trio. started the fire. Dowell tract off Rt. 79 at Wyn- sonnel office at Bendix Avia- ruled today. The situation was worse in Unnecessary Search Chief. Hoyer identified the The fire is the big obstacle to crest Rd., in Wickatunk. Even Kentucky where Gov. Ber tion Corp. in Eatontown re- The commission said a police- though some of the lots on the ceived a leter from Edward L. man must comply with the law youths as Peter Hoblit, 21, of rescuing the miners—if they're Combs declared a state of emer- Graystone Rd., Old Bridge; still alive. (See MARLBORO, Pg. 2) ' gency. More than 20 inches cov- LONG BRANCH-Three boys homes unharmed, and said they Delery, of Kokomo. He re- even more than a private citizen, Thomas Sullivan, 18, of 239 Gar- ered the Blue Grass State. Nat- caused a widespread search here had not been near the water. ported he found a wedding since he Is sworn to uphold it. field Ave., and Thomas Ullery, ' tonal' Guardsmen were pressed last night when yt was- feared . They were . Frank Burrnugh, band in literature he had re- Emmons, of 3?Q. Jersey Ave. 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 21, of 104 Atlantic Ave., both into service to aid highway they had fallen through thin ice. quested on some Bendix pro- Long Branch, was off duty on crews and police. Burrough of 121 Atlantic Ave., ducts. He was able to read Aug. 1, 1959, when his auto col Long Branch. O 'Reiliy, Rich, Demo New England was the cnan Bat they returned to their and Richard and Robert Clem- the inscription, in part, and lided with another in Long The trio face arraignment to- try's coldest section this morn ents, 8 and 9, respectively, sons Mr. Bennett's ring was identi- Branch. The other driver demand day on an armed robbery charge Ing with temperatures near zero of Mr.
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