; I The Cash Box , Music [ Page 19 August 23, 1958 32 Albums In Coral’s “10th Anniv. UA Signs Diahann Carol Sell-Ebration” Fall Release NEW YORK—Coral Records un- “Lawrence Welk Presents Keyboard veiled its fall product simultaneously Kapers”; “Exciting”—George Cates; with its Tenth Anniversary at a press “Sophisticated Lady” — Manny Al- gathering held at the executive of- bam; “Front Row Center”—Barbara fices of the Deeca-Coral building, last McNair; “Steve Allen Plays Neal week. Hefti”; “Picnic — Dorothy Collins Sings Steve Allen”; “Kingdom A Smash Hit The plan, which is a varied collec- of tion of 32 long playing albums, (in- Eddie Lawrence”; “Sugartime”—the cluding four stereo disks) was pre- McGuire Sisters; “Greetings From The McGuire Sisters”; sented via a pre-recorded script and “Soft Swingin’ I “MY ! samplings of the LPs. Jazz”—Joe Newman Quartet; “Scar- let Ribbons”—Carolyn Hester; “Time Norman Wienstroer, Coral General Out For Teresa”—Teresa Brewer; Sales Manager, tho touring Coral 1 WHITE I “Guys And Dolls Like Vibes”—Eddie branches, and distributors through- Costa Quartet; “The Four Knights”; out the key areas in the country, was “Alan Freed Presents the King’s NEW YORK — Diahann Carroll, singing sensation CONVERTIBLE” I heard introducing the package line just signed by Henchmen”; “Colette Renard — The United j via the recording. Several of Coral’s Artists Records, and Alfred Girl From Montmartre”; “Piano- H. Tamarin, Vice President of the j key artists were also heard, including company, rama”—Jerry Carretta; “We Like attend a sneak preview of Now You Say Are Thru 1 Eddie Lawrence, whose short address “The Big Country” at the Loew’s Lex- g§ We Girls”—Various Artists; “We Like = ii (written by Norman Weinstroer) was ington Theatre in New York. Miss by the Bands”—Various Artists; “We Like the light touch that lent an entertain- Carroll’s first platter for UA will be Guys”—Various Artists; and “Kane the theme from “The Big Country,” ing as well as commercial aspect to is Able”—Jack Kane. UA motion picture release. HALL BROTHERS the whole affair. [ f On Brunswick: “Lawrence Welk P The sales theme being used in con- ARC 4444 Presents the Lennon Sisters”; and junction with the entire release is “Lawrence Welk Presents Dick Kes- Breaking Big In New York § tagged “Coral Records 10th Anni- | ner.” versary Sell-Ebration”. "Tia Juana" Albany—Los Angeles The following albums are also H. B. BARNUM Wienstroer spent a busy two weeks Philadelphia—Washington available in stereo: “Champagne IMPERIAL 5530 (August 5th thru 15th) heading sales # Dancing Party” — Lawrence Welk; • in key areas thruout the 1 meetings “Kane Is Able”—Jack Kane; “Law- country introducing the label’s spe- rence Welk Presents Dick Kesner”; ARC RECORDS “Sell-Ebration” package. The cial “A Gallery of Gershwin”—The First 12-16 Jefferson Avenue g first meeting took place on August jj Modern Piano Quartet; and a pre- Elizabeth, N. J. Montreal, Canada. On August 5th in viously released Welk album, “The Robin Luke 11th, the Eastern Divisional meeting World Finest Music”. IlIllllllllllflllllllllllllllM was held at the Warwick Hotel in Earlier this year Coral released New York City. Wienstroer left im- ” “The Civil War,” its first album in mediately for meetings in the follow- “Suzie Darlin’ the new “Citation Series”. The series ing cities: Cleveland, Ohio, August retails for $4.98 and features a beau- 12; Chicago, August 13; and Los An- tifully bound book type album con- # 15781 geles, August 15. taining insert pages of photographs Wienstroer informed distributors and written material. A new addition that the special “Sell-Ebration” disk in the “Citation” album catalog is DOT RECORDS “Reunion In Hi Fi.” The Former (which has artists introducing their Glenn Miller Singers, Marion Hutton, salesmen’s own LP’s) is available for Ray Eberly, Tex Beneke, and The use as well as a regular demonstra- Modernaires, were flown into New tion disk containing the same music York expressly for this recording- From the 20th Century-Fox Film date. original group never exclusive of narrative. Handsome The has recorded previously in Hi Fi. They “A CERTAIN SMILE” litho binders, which include a com- were all a part of the Miller organi- plete Coral and Brunswick catalog, zation, when the band was at its peak. are also available to salesmen as sell- Another “Citation” package is “A A Gallery first ing aids. Special order forms and Of Gershwin” by the Modern Piano Quartet featuring Dick brochures containing the new dealer ,Marx, Eddie Costa, Hank Jones and releases and complete catalog, are Johnny Costa, with Manny Albam. CERTAIN also available. Backed by a 30 piece orchestra con- ducted by Manny Albam, the group To give further impetus to this pro- performs some arrangements written gram, an extensive promotion and ad- by Manny and Irv Joseph. SMILE vertising campaign has been planned, The third “Citation Series” release is “Blues Is Everybody’s Business” exceeding any previous presentations. by Manny Albam. This is a jazz suite MILLER MUSIC CORPORATION The plan for the fall program goes written by Manny in which he utilizes into effect on August 18, continuing- all the artists used previously by him through September 12. Back orders on the Coral “Jazz Greats” albums, and allows each to employ his writing- and deliveries will be made up to ability. PADRE and including September 30. A 10% recorded by discount is being offered to any dealer : TONI ARDEN Decca who places an order for the new re- : VALERIE CARR Roulette leases, as well as catalog merchandise SARAH VAUGHN Mercury totaling $200.00 or more. As an added Kapp Sponsors Sales O’BRIEN Coral ; ERIN incentive dated billing is also avail- able to accredited dealers, allowing Incentive Contest The Big Hits payment to be made in thirds on the HARD HEADED WOMAN ; following dates; First payment due Are On NEW YORK—Between August 15 recorded by Second De- on November 10, 1958; — and September 30 Kapp Records is ELVIS PRESLEY RCA Victor Today’s Hit cember 10, 1958, and the Third on holding a sales incentive contest for L i December 26. all its salesmen. There will be three Trademark groups of entrants based on territory DAY YOU LEFT ME Brunswick re- THE j The new Coral and potential. Scoring will be based on recorded by leases offered in the “Sell-Ebration” a point system for singles, extended EDDY ARNOLD RCA Victor include the following—under the play, long playing albums and window displays. Coral banner: Published by There will be three first prizes of “Champagne Dancing Party” — beautiful natural emba mink stoles. HILL AND RANGE SONGS, INC. Lawrence Welk; “Musical Trip To York, York Other prizes will be 17-inch portable 1619 Broadway, New New \ Latin America” — Lawrence Welk; TV sets and transistor radios. “If* What’s in THE CASH BOX That Counts—l!\TERI\AT!OI\ALLY”.
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