Thb boollet coatahs 8 pdateil pages. Question Booklet No. : 12516 Questlon Booklet for TDP (Generall lst Semester Exam., 2O15 HISTORY FulI Marks : 4O l FIRST PAPER [Tlme:1Hour Question Booklet SBI No. : C DO N(yI OPTN'THIS BOOKI,ET I'NTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO Read l. Use bl,rch/blue dot pea only. 2. FiU in the particulars given below in this page. 3. FiU in ttr€ particulars (on the Slde 1) of the OMR Answer Sheet as per Instructions contained in OMR Answer Sheet. 4. The 8Ef Ifo. of this Question Booklet is C. Write the SET No. at the specilic space provided in the OMR Answer Sheet. 5. There are a0 (forty) questions in this Question Booklet, each carrying 1 (one) rnark. 6. Each question or incompletg statement is followed by 4 (four) suggestive answers--[A], [B], [Cl and lD] of which only onc is correct. Mark the corect answer by darkening the appropriate circle. 7. Marking of Eore thar one answer against any question will be treated as incorrect response artd no mark shall be awarded. E, Ary change h a!38er nede or erased by uslag solld or Uqnld erarcr rlll drnage the ODIR Atrrwet Shect rcsulgrg tD reJectloa of the whole AnsEGr Sheet by thc conlnrter. Therefot , do not ch.ltgc or ercle orlce the aagwer b nerLed. 9, No part of the Question Booklet shall be detached or defaced under any circumstances. lQ. II* of moblle phone, calculator, log tdbte, oornt alta, scale and l:,ttg elcctrontc gcdget ls sffietlg prohtbtted ln the Exatntna,tton Ed.lL 11, Q[eltlon Bootlct ard tbe OMR Alswcr SLcet n|lrt be rctuned to thc lnvlgllator withtD I {orcl Hour of thc commeacencat of tte exanlaetlon. 12, AdoDtion of unfair means in anv form or violation of instruction as mentioned in Point No, l0 shall result into- expulsion from the entire- examination. Irl 13, The candidate must ensure that the Question Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet are signed by the r9/ Invigilator. :ll 14. Aftar operlng the qteruotr Booblet, chccl thc total number of prlnted pager and report to the xl lnvlgllitor ln celc of any dlscret)sncy. Roll Number : OMR Answer Sheet No. i (As printed in tlle OMR Answer Sheet) Verified and found corr€ct Full Signature of the Candidate Signature of the Invigilator with date 141r4-C 1. The first historical emperor of India was 5. Nasik Prasasti'was associated with [A] Chandra Gupta I [Al Gautamiputra Satakarni [B] Samudra cupta [C] Asoka [B] Satakarni I [D] Chandragupta Maurya [C] Gautami Balasri The Mauryas established their capital [D] Yajna Sri Satakarrri at lAl Rajaeriha [B] Vaisafi 6. 'Irhe H rna leader who attacked during the Gupta period was [Cl Pataripu@ tDl Ujjain [Al Mihir Bhoja tBl Uitiratuta 3. Who was t]:e 23rd Tlrthankara? [Al Mahavira [Cl Dandin [B] Parsavanatha [Dl Sudraka. [Cl Rishabhadeb lDl Siddhartha ?. The' autlror of Rturl:bali was 4. Ttre founder of the Satavahana dynast5r was [A] Sudraka [Al Simuka [B] IGlidasa [B] Sri Satakami Bharavi [Cl Pulamayi lCl [D] Yajna Sri Satakarni [Dl Harshavardhana r{rsG 01 ls 49+C s-r /. / I | | 2 I ' 8. Who was regarded as Indian 1Lr ffirire ar€ dte6q aod'frl'-rr..ed? Shakespear€' in Gupta period? lAl Bihar [Al Kalidasa ' tBl Uttar Pradesh [B] Sudraka [cl Andhra Pradesh [cl vishakhadutta [D] Maharashtra lDl Aryabhatta 9. Who was regarded as 'Iqdian Napoleon' 12. Who among the following was one of the in the Gupta period? principals of Nalanda? [Al Chandra Gupta [Al Shilbhadra [Bl Samudra Gupta [Bl Aryabhatta [Cl Skanda Gupta lCl l-tsine [Dl Vainya'Gupta [Dl Kafidasa 1O. Who made a remarkable contribution to . period? Kushana dynasty? Kujula and Wima [A] Varahamihira [Al lBl Aryabhatta [Bl Yueh-chi and Kan-su ICI eratunaSunta tCl Kanishka and Vasishka [D] Dhanvantari [Dl Wiua and Kanishka s-1/HrsG/or/r5l+w I lP.r.o. ,.:--:=---r/ .-- 14. Where was the capital of Sasat*a? l?. Deva Gupta was the king of [Al Malda [A] Gauda [Bl Murshidabad [Bl lGnauj tC] rarnas-uvarna [C] Malwa [D] Kanrup [Dl Kanrasuvarna 15. Rajyavardhana was killed by 18. The leader of the l(aivarto Revo]t was [Al Bhaskaravarman [Al Ramapafa [B] Sasanka [B] Surapala [Cl Deva Gupta [Cl Divya [Dl Grahavarman lDl Bhima 15, Who founded the Pala kingdon? 19. Who called Sasanka 'Gauda Pashanda? [A] Gopala IAI Hiuen Tsang [B] Dharmapala [Bl Banabhatta [C] Devapala [C] Fa-Hien _ tDI Ramapala lDl R. C. M4iumdar s-l/HrsG/or/ 1sl49r+c 4 . 20. Who was tlre author of Rannclarita? 24. Which Chola king attacked Bengal? IAI T\rlsi Das [A] AditYa [B] Sandhyakara Nandi , [B] Rajendra I tcl Banabhatta [Cl Rajarqia [Dl Kalidasa [Dl Sundara administrauon 21. Gopala was the follower of which one of 25. Mandalam in the chola the following religions? refers to [A] Hinduism [Al Province [B] Buddhism [B] district [C] Jainism lC] village [Dt Ajivikism [D] town 22.WhomdidDharmapalaplaceas}ris26.Whichoft}refollowinghasbeen nominee on t|e throne of Kanauj? described as a €hola Lake? [A] Devapala [A] Arabian Sea [Bl RamaPala [B] Persian Gulf [Cl Indrayudha [cl BaY of Bengal [D] Chakrayudha [D] Red Sea was patronised by the 28. The first pala ruler to get involved in tl:e 27. Which language tripartite struggle was Pallavas? [Al Gopala [A] Sanskrit [Bl DharmaPala [Bl Pali [C] Devapala [Cl Frakrit [Dl Ramapafa. [D] Tamil . s-1/HrSG/Or/$149+C 5 lP.T.O. 28. Who killed Dahir? . 91. With whom did Al_Biruni come to Indiai [Al Muharnmad ibn_Kasim [Aj Sabuktigin [B] Al-Hajjaj Fl Mohammad Ghori [C] Omar [C] Suttan Mahmud [D] Obeidullah tDl araptagin 29. who was also 32. The larown as sakala main source of information about Dakshina Patha Natha? tfre history of Aob irrrr";;;; [A] Harshavardhanq lAl Tabaq6-i Nasiri [B] Sadashiva [Bl Ctmdmama I [C] Pulakesin I l0l ?arikh-i-Firuz Sha.hi [Dl Pulakesin It IDI ra.hkik-i-Hind. gO. 03. ?he main Which Sultan of Ghazri invaded India opponent of Mohammad 17 times? Qhori in *re Second Battle of rarain was [A] sulta4 Mahmud [AJ Jai chandra [Bl Alaptagin IBI prithviraj Chauhan . [C] Sabut<tigin [Cl C]ovindaraja [D] Mohammad chori [Dr Ara-ud_din_Husain s-r/Hrsc/01/ l5l4cr+c 't 34. Junagarh inscription is associated with A?. Irthal' is located in [Al Gujarat [A] Rudradaman [B] Rajasthan [B] I{anishf<a lcl sindh Punjab lCl Gautamiputra Satakarni [D] tDl Ravikirti 38. Which of the following civilizations was not a contemporary of Harappan Civilization? td Sumerian 35. The earliest literature of lndia is [B] Mesopotamian IAI ffe Ranapna tCl Greek tDl Egrptian lBl rt, upanishads lCl Tle Purarn 39. The author of Michctthitleatika was [Al Sudraka pl rhe R@-veda [B] Kautilya [C] Harishena 36. ,Sr-yu-ki was written by [Dl Taranatha [Al Hiuen Tsang 4o. hipita.lras a-re the sacred books of [B] Fa-Hien [A] Buddhists [Bl Jains [C! I-tsing [Cl Ajivikas [D]' None of them [Dl None of the above s-l/Hrsc/orlrsl4er+c 7 lP.r.o. s-l/Hrsc/o1/ 15 . TDP (Generalf lst Semester E:ram., 2O15 -... HISTORY ( General ) , FIRSTPAPER Full Marks: 4O Time:2hours TIE figure-s in the margin indiate futl narks for tte Ercstions Answer all questions L. (a) How did tJ:e 'later-Vedic Civilization' dilfer from the 'earlv-Vedic Civilization' with regard to social and economic life? c+5=ru .Or (b) Discuss the. social and religious backgrounds of the rise of protest movements in ancient India. 5+5=10 2. (a) Who were 'Kushanas? Discuss t}re military and cultural achievements of - their greatest king. 2+(4+41=lO Ml6l49,4a , ( Trrn Over ) t2l '{:' . : ;- Of .' ... -;-' - (b) Narrate.the contribution of Nalanda and Vikramashila to ihe field of education in . ancient Indla.. 5+5=1O s. (a) Discuss , t}+ . .. .achievements of Harshavarilharia witl-r reference to his conflict.'.., witl Sasanka. 5+5= 1O Or {b,f Narrate the sociocultural conditions of ' . Bengal.driring tf,re Sena. Age. 5+5=10 ': ! , r' J 4. (a) Write a;t. note _..)ir:,on Pallava Art and Culture. : 5+5=10 ' 5+5=10 : ,.;: -:: ) .t' ' :t' :::, ,t ;. , .!2r,: ;:,ti :.; ,i':i ; .i";' . .-,:.; M:16-13860/494a 314359 Thls booklet coDtaltrs 8 Printed Pagcs. Question Booklet No. : Question Booklet for TDP (General) lst Semester Exam.' 2016 HISTORY Full Marks : 4O l FIRST PAPER lTlrlc:lllour Question Booklet SEf No. : A DO NOT OPEN TIIIS BOOKLET I'NTIL YOU IIRT TOLD TO DO SO Read l:lu lollowtng IIvS?RUdIlOlttS caretallg z 1. Usc bleck/blue dot Pett only. 2, Fill in the particulars given below in this page. O. Fill in the particulars (on the Side l) of the OMR Answer Sheet as per Instructions contained in OMR Answer Sheet. the oMR 4. The SE,f I{o. of this Question Bogklet is A. write the sET No. at the specihc space provided in Alswer Sheet. 5. There are a0 (forty) questions in this Question Booklet, each carrying i (one) mark 6. Each question or incomplete statement is followed by 4 (four) suggestive alswers-[A],.lBl, [c] and [D] ol which only one is correct. Mark the correct answer by darkening the appropnate clrcle' ?. Marking of more thrn ote ernswer against any question will be treated as incorrect response and no mark shall be awarded. 8,- Atv chan(e h aEawer tnade or erased by uring eolid or llquld eraser slll damag€ the, ouR Anawer bft"i-;;;itt"g in rejectfoa of the wbol; Antnier theet by the conputer.
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