•:••''-/:•••-* •'••'••../ '•-''• '. A •c 'v.v: MENTAL HEALTH -THE-CRANFORn CITIZEN A? .,THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1956 . • ;- "y • Babe Ruth League Fathers' Night Djrte Plan Expanded Golden Wedding •yt. Practice Saturday S ••• -'-.il kocal Pupils Aid Soil Testing by PTA Summer Program bintier Honors G A R W O O.D — The -annual GARWOOD •— IVactjceJoijhe Babe JRuth League',-, open jtojGar fathers' night program of the Gar >EB, ' • «t . :.- •.:.:: A- J- Vf ^ , ^ ^^ i _j Project of Jamesburg Class r Fot Playgrounds wood boys between the. ages of 13 GAR WOOD— The children of . • The l'o«t Oftice at 'Craft/old, N. J. f., i' .,f wnnri parent-Teacher Association •••CRANFORD', ;NEW -JERSEY, THpRSM^APRIL 26^ 1956? JAR-WOOL) •- and—l-i),—wni—begin -1 h I.**—ffiilniUtUL -jaj^and • Mi .•». ,L»j|U>S-P Wffft^9' ftfcftfc has been postponed trom them Marjorie . sixth grattf j eves, 4+; James Dobbin*. 41; Mart p,aygl.ound vo_ at ,Unami-Park, It -wai; reported 247 Fourth avenue been- .i- tin , Gerger, ^Patsy PeUegnno it was announ- gram - under sponsorship of. thefollowing a league irieeting 'held at a-surprise goldeld n wedding an- . Set Clocks Ahead I Recreation Commission already are Monday-night. ' • niversary dinner and party at tho Cont tacis:Aivardeii f or ££? to^earra^ for | ^- Cranwood on Sunday.-' . Saturday Night a collection Qf-soils, found in this I executive board in- the .underway, it was .reported today pPoaches were named as follows: ( Frank Severage. Attending were approximately Cheer .up, folks;- Despite these I area in response to a request re- Mr. and Mrs., Robert Ecob,. 353 by Joseph Ti-oianb, recreation 'di- Donald l^egg, *ranK. ocvuiogc, 60 guests-^from. Garwood, Beverly, Hickory avenue. DavitJ 'Wilson,- John Lecitra, chilling "spring" "days, there's rector lor the commission, ' Ocean -Gate, Elizabeth, North Ber- I stjll hope I'oi'1 better-tjmes ahead. , Contracts'-'totaling, approximately $130,000- have been .awarded, fijp.j A contribution to the. state Mr. Ti'oiano has been authorized Cecil Spencer, Roc.eo Lettieri, Carl gen, P'ompton' Lakes, Union, Ro- in building fund, was approved ancC Soltis, Sr., and Jphn'Battale. ." ' Daylight Saying Time, with its erection-of the new rectory at St.. Michael's Church, arid the work is-j Ind-icatibiis are that, more than ' by the .commission to hire t\vo selle Park, Westfield, Rahway, Eas'l long, bonus hours of after-work scheduled, to-get under way immediately, .with'Completion promised ; will be made at alatpr date. Mrs. -• . • • . • • • • _ i • ' •! •• • 2.500 persons will take advantage -. playground • directors,-, one i'oi Keansburg and Newark. •brightness, is just around the Fredericks C, Wehrum,. Jr., pre- Two reqftests for .construction of sidewalks, "in- vicinity oTelcmcn- by November, it was announced, today-^y the Rev. William B.'-Dpri-J i of the Salk anti-polio vaccine pro- I. - Washington ScK'ool and.ont; for Former Garwood Mr. a.)d Mrs. Wenzel were-mar- corner. ' . ': sided.- ' ' •'•••' .... Lincoln School;-:~- ried on Ajyil 14, 1906, at the-Ger- sehools were presented to Townsliip Committee Tuesday, night. hcl'ly,'.pasto'r.' ' .. ',..•'. '. • . j Municipal Committees | gram to be conducted here by the •' • £ referred to-^the public works tlcparlmbnt tq survey, the Daylight Saving Time officially brushes and tooth paste and arc . y, ; Assisting Mr. -Troianp, Hi. prep- man •• Lutheran Church on East W rc The general contract \yas awartU': Board of Health' starting- Monday c ls0 becomes effective 'at 2" o'clock- being- givwV domon.'itraiiohs and ' Regula>- •'r •organizatio, n candidates aration for the expanded slimmer Girl Married 62nd street, New York City. Both ta'i areas and prdsent "their findings at a special conference. ed to' Wilson Brothers Builders -'•with two-Newark doctors.in charge,! , advice.on the correct way to brush j <»v.|,«..., •...„ induct Officer^ program are John Hay, commission are.natives of Zips, Kinsidel,''.Au- Mrs. Richard p. Adams .qt. 24,:Hernfng avenue, president of the Sunday morning," Sp_jiet your iAinong; Honor -Ine^-ibf—Plainlleld--on-iheir. bid oi al wel<( v ' here fo/^tiis- clocks:AH]&AD one hour before and sqverul local physicians -co-' ." ,their teeth' by Mrs. Michael Kueh- : *<> - favored here lof dis- president; William Patten, sec.ru- In Florida ^ stria-HUi-^gary. --Mrs. Wenzel emi- 'Roosevelt PTA, requested a per- .• - ;-~ •— '— $101,000, while the,, plumbing con- ~ta •••KchopUnursV.arid Dul.MljIton ! "pt dehu-i.tes to; the Democratic j^aryrti'easurer, and. .Louis' Martci. going.to bed Saturday night. operating. ...' ... ; ' ; Of Rosary Society ' GARWOOD j-*; Announcement grated 'tVjSfew'-York City in-190.3,1 m'an'e'nt sidewalk on' at least one Invited by College . _" A little reminder on keeping tract went to Olehilc'Plumbing l TJuehbinder • i- - f nafkm"4T coTivcntiorir the-votes-be-1 StitdentsppStudentS~TJarticipatingg -in • the has been made of the marriage of and Mr.-Wenzel came to Garwood • llcating Company .ef Linden ,U.p .to yesterday,-the.-Board of, i 1 ;jde of. Dunham avenue, in the ift scmi-<innual.,clock-switching J-lealtlV'had rcceivc,d a,.-total of -2,~ At~ Special Service |:after-school recreation- ." program Miss Dorothy J'ano.Egeiy daughter m 1905. 9 490, the heating and 'ventil ! ''Mrs. Kuehta also .reported thfl.t'j'^K.'Edwa'rti'L. Whelan, (34; Jose- . - WIDER '2-18 rc~ciTrest"c'flr"ds' foi'.'ti'ie inoctila.-----: firw-arvTroh-nTi^^ hoU ot:'Mr. and MrsTHHerman w. ^g ^tolcnng, inspector~f6T~thG-bor-- stf aightrTT cHT )'upils..now have received their! >- 34, ancTSjdney .nrSTolTCr^r that- lack' of a sidewalk. tioiis, and it is expected that others^ . pupil* - I as compared with' the. Kefauvei of Hollywood, Fla., \vho formerly oUgh for hine years, Mr. Wenzel ahead"' but "fall- back. Ci-anford for $10f300. and. resided, in Garwood, to Robert C. .a hazardous condition for electrical contract to Joseph will'be filed -before the clinics" patch "tests. g, was employed for rViahy years ab I" stai'l lii-lbualSchtmHttltl'di+HifiT-^htt^— -V—T-h«—W« B^St|i 1. [t:l|fih on hmwt-a^aiV-w^— and Loan Association has of ^ ,. Tla Brohko, at a _specinl induction ' -. • ' , I Ol iVUilllli, J: let. , • ^lui Kenneth Morris 'of 9 Blake /Bids- on . the project, were re- of the. vaccine. " J . - ocCpins of merit' For alternate Democratic c '.V.u'"u" •'. u • . announced. Following the" ceremony,,- held dren, Mrs. Roger Todd' and Riw service conducted^bcondy the Ritl Rev; cloiph Wenzel of Garwood and.-Wal- presented a petition- con- ceived recently at the Newark Dio- Health Oftlcer William P; Smith pils who have attaint' delegate's, unopposed regular or- The boys' boxing-team will meevj. n 5 . St. Mary's Church, Mia- Msgr.i John M. Walsh]]' pastor, in 1 fining 24 signers requesting a cese Chancery in Newark, and the-, reciuestoci-that all persons wishing average for the current year in, ganization . liindidato's" ^received.' a team from the Irvington PAL ii. mi'•--. an•d a ,receptip'• •.-..••:n a.t th.. e _„Heidel' , ,-;;- .tor. Wenzel of. Menlo Park; Tour Set for Alert the church last Thursday night. grandchildren 'and one great- sidewalk on the easterly side of contracts were; awarded on Tues- to arrange for the shots have tlveir. their thrift- habits.. -•' • • . • vot.es (is .follows: Jean Krulish, 70. the .'Lincoln School gymnasium at burg . Inn, HalTend'ale, Fla.,; the day. Father Donnelly said the There also was. -recitation of'the couple- left' for Nassau. They plan grandchild.. ' .-' - ' . .'. Walnut avenue for. 500 ..feet o)?r .request slips-in his-office by to- . In the Franklin' School kinder-' and Sigmimd Swirtntknwski-,, 71.- 8 p.m. ••• May 4. Pat DiFabio -is , -.•••••• <$. - . •' p. landscaping - c 6 n t r '& c t will be Rosary in the church, following coach -for thelocad, team. to make their home in Miami. ' . posite-the Walnut- Avenue' School/ On Tuesday | niorow -to prevent swamping the Carten the following pupils-had-a Congressman,,Harrison A! Wil- awarded later. -, /•'..'• which the society's monthly^meet- Possibilities of setting' up a sen- Mus, Jerry Pynka and Raymond Her letter pointed out that young- clinics with last minute requests. perfect' record in 'attendance lor liams, Jr.-* unopposed-for. Demo- Plans for Cranford's participa- .With.the work scheduled to start , The'' clinics will be in chiirge t\t the month of March: K.'tren Gili; ; ing was held in the cafeteria of St.. ior, baseball team for ^bpys be- Kitsteiner of Miami were the at-Anna M. Mumiy, 163; Ogden.Beat- stei's have to undergo an unnecesr ion with, other communitics> of mtit,•:•:•.:..-: cratic nomination for reelection, iromediately, g r o u nd. .-..brea'king Pi;. Abciol ishimi. M.C., F.A.C.S., Anne's' School. tendants, and ushers were H. John ty, 106, and Harry A.: Wierenga iiary risk bywalking in the street Carolyn Seamfin, Jacqueline Ken- was accorded a tally, of, 70 Gar- •••" • i'tween the ages of 16 a'nd .19 are die; state in" the ''"Oixsration May; ceremonies will be Qmitted; Father I of St. Barnnbas'Hospital, Nowsirk,- Other ;for ^hc ensumg |bcingbeing,, stucliedstudiedi , ththe recreatio recreation didi- Eger of Hollywood,.brother,of (he •101'. • • ••'" ''•-•' '. •along ti' busy ' thoroughfare,- and ny,.John-Tousehor.-.arid John Wor- wood votes.. Day", alert ori; Tuesday were an- i Donnelly' Said, but there will bo ! and'Memorial Hospital,' New York, 1, i i. •,i-.-ii •.,. ohitz! Carolyn Seaman has.-missed year were , installed as follows: rector reported. bride, and.Mr, Pyzfca. - - . Sen. "Estes- Kcfauvcr,-._.-whosg this- is the.only stretch along Wal- nounced today by Civil Defense Regular organization .candidates were name was the only • one- appearing nut avenue between R-aritaa road' j suitable dedication rites later, and Dr.
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