November 2016 Official Publicaon of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma—People of the Grey Snow 1‐888‐336‐IOWA or (405) 547‐2402 Jack Myers: One of Our Very Own Making Major Accomplishments! Updates TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA –Jack Myers, D.O., was recently named Constuon Chief of Surgery at Northeastern Reform Health System. His surgical Meeng experience, as well as his vast Educaon knowledge of hospital history and Updates workings, will greatly compliment his new role. Elders Menu “I have worked in several roles in Youth Photos the hospital,” said Myers. “I start- has Inside ed as an emergency room nurse ing allowed to parcipate in their end of paent care given me perspecve that I’ll use for the rest of my ca- tech in 1997. I was also an oper- reer. Dr. John Galdamez was my mentor from under- ang room orderly in 1999.” graduate studies through surgical residency. He’s proba- By 2002 Myers was vising paents as a medical stu- bly the most gied and inspiring physician I’ve ever dent. Upon graduaon he served as the emergency known. Dr. Randall Turner was also incredi-bly kind to room aending physician from 2006 to 2008. me, and helped get me into medical school. Dr. Tom “I’ve literally and figuravely grown up in this facility,” Ward was a legendary surgeon here and I certainly en- said Myers. “I’ve mopped floors, stocked rooms, made joyed spending me with him as a medical student.” coffee, applied dressings, bathed paents, and been a Myers is excited to take on his new role as Chief of Sur- paent myself.” gery. Myers credits several mentors for his success as a “I like to think that being appointed Chief of Surgery physician. means that my peers respect me as a surgeon and see “I started working here during undergraduate school at me as a leader,” he said. “One of the best things about the University of Arkansas on nights and weekends. I lit- working at NHS is feeling genuinely supported and ap- erally didn’t know what vital signs were,” remembered preciated by the administraon.” Myers. “ I had several mentors at this facility over the Myers and his wife of 10 years, Lana, have four children. years, and I wouldn’t be the physician and surgeon I am When not working, Myers spends his me as a song today without them. Roberta Jones, Steve Imhoff, and writer and musician for his band The Vox Squadron. He Pat Butler were emergency room nurses at the me. Be- also enjoys many outdoor acvies. Bahkhoje.com 1 1‐888‐336‐IOWA or (405) 547‐2402 November 2016 Bah‐Kho‐Je Journal The Bah-Kho-Je Journal is an 2016 ITO Holidays official publicaon of the Iowa Veterans Day November 11, 2016 Tribe of Oklahoma. Friday Thanksgiving Holiday November 23-25, Leers to the editor and guest 2016 ½ Day Wed.; Thurs., Friday columns published in the Journal Christmas Day (Observed) December 26, are the opinions of the writers 2016 Monday and do not necessarily reflect New Year’s Day (Observed) January 2, 2017 the opinions of the Bah-Kho-Je Monday Journal or any elected official, administraon, or department of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Constitutional Reform Meeting dates Reprint permission is granted, are as follows for the with proper credit to the remaining year of 2016: Bah-Kho-Je News, unless other copyrights are shown. Arcles and leers may be delivered or November 12 emailed to [email protected] December 10 *Tribal members should nofy name and address changes. Newsleer Publisher Greengs Iowa Tribal Members! Shayla Miller The Agriculture Department would like to inform everyone that the Meat Distribuon Applicaons will be mailed out soon. Tribal Officials DistribuƟon will be on December 10, 2016 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Chairman At the OES Building Bobby Walkup MUST HAVE CDIB TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE Vice‐Chairman Please note the due date for these applicaons will be Thursday, De‐ cember 1, 2016. No applicaons will be accepted aer December 1, Eddie Kent 2016 (NO EXCEPTIONS). The applicaons may be hand-delivered to the Treasurer Administraon Building or mailed to the following address: Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Judith Shores ATTN: Administraon Secretary 335588 E. 750 Rd. Perkins, OK 74059 Chalis Cox Applicaons will be accepted up ll 5:00pm December 1, 2016. Every Council Person person, excluding Tribal Elders, will be required to pick up their own Eagleboy McClellan meat. Unless noted by Elder with their signature. MEAT MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN THE LAST DAY OF FEBRUARY. Thank You 2 November 2016 Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff: pipeline be stopped and kept off our Treaty bounda- ries.” Mni Wiconi, Water is Life On July 27, SRST filed litigation in federal court in the District of Columbia to challenge the actions of 8/15/16 Cannonball, South Dakota the Corps regarding the Dakota Access pipeline. The Indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com suit seeks to enforce the tribal nation’s federally pro- tected rights and interests. The nation is seeking a The controversial Dakota Access Pipeline project is preliminary injunction to undo the Corps’ approval of back in the news. Over the weekend, tribal activists the pipeline at a hearing on August 24. The Chey- faced off against lines of police in Hunkpapa Territo- enne River Sioux Tribe and several other native na- ry near Cannon Ball as construction crews prepared tions have asked to join the lawsuit. to break ground for the new pipeline, while Standing On August 8, Dakota Access called the Standing Rock Sioux governmental officials resolved to broad- Rock Sioux Tribe to give 48-hour notice that con- en their legal battle to stop the project. struction would begin on August 10 for an access On July 26, 2016 the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe was corridor and staging area where pipes and other stunned to learn that the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- equipment will be stored for construction. neers had given its approval for the pipeline to run As news of the planned construction spread via so- within a half-mile of the reservation without proper cial media among tribal citizens and activists, a consultation or consent. Also, the new 1,172 mile grass-roots gathering assembled at what is now be- Dakota Access Pipeline will cross Lake Oahe ing referred to as the Sacred Stone Camp where (formed by Oahe Dam on the Mis- people are holding the line to souri) and the Missouri River as stop construction. After Dakota well, and disturb burial grounds Access workers began clearing and sacred sites on the tribe’s an- an area for preliminary pipeline cestral Treaty lands, according to work, several hundred protes- SRST officials. tors gradually assembled at the Texas-based Energy Transfer site, prompting law enforcement Partners will build, own and oper- to intervene and arrest more ate the proposed $3.78 billion Da- than a dozen people. Among kota Access Pipeline and plans to those were Chairman Archam- transport up to 570,000 barrels of bault (in orange shirt in below crude oil fracked from the Bakken video) and SRST Councilman oil fields across four states to a Dana Yellow Fat, who quickly market hub in Illinois. The pipe- posted bond and were released. line—already facing widespread “We have a voice, and we are opposition by a coalition of farm- here using it collectively in a re- ers, ranchers and environmental Ioway members, Elwood & Christa spectful and peaceful manner,” groups—will cross 209 rivers, McClellan family at Sacred Stone Camp Archambault said. “The Stand- creeks and tributaries, according ing Rock Sioux Tribe is doing to Dakota Access, LLC. everything it can legally, through advocacy and by Standing Rock Sioux leaders say the pipeline will speaking directly to the powers that be who could threaten the Missouri River, the tribe’s main source have helped us before construction began. This has of drinking and irrigation water, and forever destroy happened over and over, and we will not continue to burial grounds and sacred sites. be completely ignored and let the Army Corps of En- “We don't want this black snake within our Treaty gineers ride roughshod over our rights.” boundaries,” said Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chair- Archambault said the United Nations Declaration on man Dave Archambault II. “We need to stop this the Rights of Indigenous Peoples requires free, prior pipeline that threatens our water. We have said re- and informed consent for development impacting In- peatedly we don’t want it here. We want the Army dian land, territories and waters. Corps to honor the same rights and protections that “We have a serious obligation, a core responsibility were afforded to others, rights we were never afford- to our people and to our children, to protect our ed when it comes to our territories. We demand the source of water,” he said. “Our people will receive no 3 November 2016 benefits from this pipeline, yet we al law requires the Army Corps to done an excellent job addressing are paying the ultimate price for it review and deny or grant the com- any comments received to date." with our water. We will not stop pany’s permit applications to con- Tribal leaders and environmental asking the federal government and struct the pipeline. The southern activists say the company’s draft Army Corps to end their attacks on route takes the pipeline across the environmental assessment of De- our water and our people.” Missouri River and Lake Oahe, cember 9, 2015 did not mention The proposed construction route is implicating lands and water under that the route they chose brings within a half-mile of the tribe’s res- federal jurisdiction.
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