EX 1 No. ISU10311 l20i 6 The High C>:,:nm·~•:'.,L"' ,·,1 1'1d1a 10 ''ak,.~1.1n pm•,c:d!·, 1!:;; ''01nphnHmts 10 th,'! ;,f F ore,rir .:\fl.,w ,; ,·' 1•:;: "':,,,1r:':c r:::.,!p'dbl1,: ')f Fak1:,:,tan a-·:~I Las nH: 1·.;m,,:r:.,, f•?fr•-r tu the Ciurpr)rtc:-c.1 (·1r:·r:~-~t c:·t \:11·, ;:··;r1ttit'l it, i·Jal\.t(;r-•;t"$t"t1r1 ~·tr? r·,.,,ia~t.·er vvas raised cy 1~--: t!-•tis cor1tex1. tf-°i!s i ;··:-~)1·1·;~·r,:ss~cr rHqtJt)sls. tl•'if} ti.1i'r'!tS11 y o1' 11-indfy prov1tjc \· .. nn:;uia, 1\cc1c•ss ·o !l,c ,a1<11nd1vu:lu,a! at lha t,at11e~,l th·ts opportunity to •·:_:rf-_'.·<1r\ Lav)< txf th~~~ \)f F>f1~,;S,UJr: r:c•r·,~ 1tt~-;",r·a!,o: Islamabad, 25 March 2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Kind attention: Mr. Hafiz Afaq Ahmad, Director (India)] Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ls!amabad I The l-ltgh (:ommis~wn of !nd,a !<.·1 !'itkistan presents its c,nnplmH•n1;; tu thf' Mini~~!!;: of Furc1gn Affairr;, G;n:cnrnienl nf the lsiarrnc Ri:pub!k nf 1'ak1~,r,1n ;rnd !urttwr to its ,,nte 1xc:rhnle N,:1. !SL/ 103/ l lb chHt:(l rvt,Hc.h :~ )lllf, rdmg l he pi l!fH•rl<'d arrcsl nf nn l nclian 1wtm1 vd m Hnlt1t'h1~t ,·tn. h:1s e I !·1rmour to reiterate our requf:::..t :o thi: cslt:f:rncd tv1irnstr·y to prq\ick 10:1,;,ll,11 { ir:cf'f;s r,; ihe said i11dividu:1l :ir the C;1rl1cf;J The High Commission nf India In Pakistnn avails itself of th:s opporu11nl\ f to n:11c\v to the l\·1inistsy of Foreign Aff:nr~~, (;o,•<:~1T1nwnt of the hdarnk: Hept1hli1: ol (1,,1krnt,:1n, lbe assurances ot it:s highe~;I ,onsickn,l\1t)n ( ~ Mini:,try of Foreign Affair,; (Kind attention: Director General (South Asia)I Coverrnncn, ,if t.hc Islamic Republic of Paki:Han fsiarnabad .1\ ,t- -.~ ·:r-;__:.1__: ::.,.,,-: ")"-," .,{-t ';?ft:.?..1,·:1:;, -~;::·:i.·~.;,:r1-.Fr,,·-.,~; .,,1.·?~ - \ ~ - •.•• , 'f :; j ''\. ' ~ ,.,,. l ;· 1far_ <·_,f}j\--l !v11s:~, t. tJ ~~ {) F r. ~-... l rt/\ t;L\:\l:\I·: \D No.lSL/103/14/20·16 The High Commission of India to Pakistan presents its cornplernents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Islamic Reput)lic of Pakistan and has the honor to refer' le) its Note Verbales No. ISL/103/1/2016 dated March 25, 20-16 and No. ISL/103/14/2016 dated March 30, 20·16 regarding the purported arrest bf an Indian national in Baluchistan. This Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to provide Consular Access to the said individual at tl1e earliest. The High Commission of lndla to Pahistan avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Governrnent ot Hie Islamic Republic of Pakistan the assurances of its highest consideration. Islamabad, May 06, 20H1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Kind attention: Mr. Hafiz Afaq Ahmad, Director (India)] Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamabad G«\ Diplt111ia1ic FiiclaH:, lsl:m1abad, Phone: 0092-) .! hi;,;: Oil92-S l-2B.1- ~2110, rnJ-.i28(i. :>:n ...;.25,1 No.lSU103/1412016 The High Commission of India to Pakistan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and has the honour to refer to its earlier Notes Verbale NoJSU103/1/2016 dated March 25, 2016, No. ISL/103/14/2016 dated March 30, 2016 and May 06, 2016 regarding purported arrest of an Indian national viz. Kulbhushan Jadhav in Baluchistan. The Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to provide Consular Access to the said individual at the earliest. U is reiterated that safety, security and well being of all Indian and believed­ to-be Indian prisoners, may please also be ensured till they are in Pakistani jails. The High Commission of India to Pakistan avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the assurances of its consideration. June 10, 2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs~ {Kind Attention: Director (India)}, 6J L.. Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamabad. NoJSL/103/14/2016 The High Commission of India to Pakistan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and has the honour to refer to its earlier No1es Verbale NoJSL/103/1/2016 dated March 25, 2016, No. ISL/103/14/2016 dated March 30, 2016, May 06, 2016 and June 10, 2016 regarding purported arrest of an Indian national viz. Kulbhushan Jadhav in Baluchistan. The Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to provide Consular Access to the said individual at the earhest. It is reiterated that safety, security and well being of all Indian and believed­ to-be Indian prisoners, may please also be ensured till they are in Pakistani jails. The High Commission of India to Pakistan avails itself of this opportunity to re·new to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the assurances of its highest consideration, Islamabad July 11, 2016 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, {Kind Attention: Director (India)}, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamabad. Nt.L ISL/ i J,J/~Klio The I figll C1.)nm1it,~;ion qf India t,i Pakistan prcst:nts JU., t:01r1plnn,. tH~. ti.• t lw ivlu11:·,try t1f Forcigr:: i\ffaiP;, <3uvenirntnt of rht~ 1sLui :,1 · l<q 11d.d.1s · , ,I l'.1kis1 :n1 ,oHi ftnl!H.·r lo 11:, ·iute:-. n',bdlc t·.vcn nurn r l\.c"i LI.re h JtJ rv1 ;;1._y ()(_, J l r;;; re~_!Jtrriu 1g tl1e f)tl rr)()rteci na t i,lnil !, Kulhh u:,;J ia:1 •.. ktd:1\'. m IJalu(·h islun. The Mission t<·iter;iles 11''., rr·qucst to the i·~,tccmtd \fo1 tc, , unsular ;wees:, to rhc ~;aid i11div1du,d at rhe c,nlic.~,L :L Thi: High C\> 1 nmission of lnd1t1 to Pnldst,,ui av;uls 1hdi 11 :i~: <..lpportunity 1u rcne,.v to the :tv1inisixy of F11reign Affa11:::. Goverrnm nl i he ls!an11c Republic of P;:1k1stan the assurances of 1rs h1ghc~-t c1m u,n,'.; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [Attention: Director General (South Asia)! Islamabad •... · _/t· Th,: H:;~h (',,mmis1;1,in of lud!d I(• !'ak,sla.n JJITS("ill.:, l':.:, , .. 11qdm1nJ'..:; ;(; d.i::r Mirn:sliy iii Fui v1f'..n .,\lf,urr;, c;,1v,Tnmen1 ,Tf the lsi.11111; l;'.cpulllic ul !'ak1:,un :,nd '.Ut ! IH-r to tlit· High Comm;:~SK•n's t~;,riwr ,,,,res :.. •ediaf,.,. of even numbc1 \L.u, Ii :,!S, r·vbnh :m, May Oo ,June 10 d.nd .Julv ! l, 2016 r<:gardmg puipu1tf·d ,HP·~,! nf ;rn lndi,111 nauorwl, ML l<ullJl1u:,hari .l,llllEiv, m n,~lt11lm,u1n, ha.s !h< h,:in,H:r t•.'• nltf•r,m· It~. lt'lJlll'",t f.11 rh,· r:'.;lecnwd ;\·~mi:,uv !U p1,·•v1,k c,,nsql,u ·\, u·:,,~ h) the '.t,Ud mdnd11.c ;1! I.lie Cdl lwsl Tlw Ht}~li (\m11111s~.10n al5u reqt,i::~:ts that. ~tllc1y ~;1.•n1n!y a.ud wi·II lndr;m ;1ad hd11.·vcd t<. 1 lie !nd1an pr 1~;1>1wrs m Fakisrnni J,His rnay k1ndlv hr' ,·n:,11 .I The H;.1:li 1 :qrnrr11st,1nn ,>f lnd1;i to P.➔ kisrnn av,ul:., nf l!n\: npp,,, 11rnJ! l() t I 1 ,.:ur:w !o du· Mmif,try of Foreign Afta11s. Go,•crnmt·nt 1hc hlnnm R•'.puh;w ,.d I !'ak1sta.11. the ussurar1ces t,f tts higbi:!St considernlHm I o}c Ministry of F,.11f•1gn Alfans [Kind attem.tion: Director General (SA & SAARC)J Government of the lslanuc Republic of Pakistan lslamab;;1d ~cpl~~•. ~ HIGH COMMISSION OF INDIA ISLAMA~A.. I> NGJSL/103J1412016 'The High GormnissiOn .of India to Pa.k~n presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gowm,mentof the Islamic Republk: « Paki•tarl. and ~ tt,e· oonout to refei' to Its earner Notes Verbale· NoJSU103/1/2016 ~ March 25. 2016, No. lSU103/14/2016 trlafed March 30, ·2016. May 06, ao1s1 Ju.rte 10, 2016, July 11, 2016, July 26i 2016 and August 22~ 2016 ~aroi~g purported arrest of .a'I Indian national .viz~ Mr. Kulbhushan. Jadhav In Baluchistan. ·t1,e Mission reiterates it$ request to the· esteemed Ministry to prQvide Consular Acc:ess to the said- individual at the earliest It is reiterated;. Q,at sa~y, _security .and well being of ad Indian and believed­ ~oo .1. prisooei», may .please also be ensured till they are in Pakistani jaits. The High Commission of India to Paki$tan avala itself of this opportunity ·to renew to· fhe. Ministry of Foreigtl' Affairs, Government of the Islamic• Republic· :of Pakistan, the assurances of · est consideration.. llli1118try of Fo'9ign .Affair$, (Kind :Attention: Dl~ctor (&qdit)i~ ·Govemment ofthe'tstamlcdt.,blic of Pakistan, Islamabad: The Ministry of External /\ifairs, Goverr.11H:11l of india, prc::;(~ntr, ilF, complimunts 1o tile High Commis:;ioi1 fen Ihc: i::;!~:intic F{i::public of 1:iakir,U:in, Ne1iv Delhi, and has the honour to rf:k:r tu 1.1rev1nu::, dcmw1 cl 1es !Jy thi::: fviinislry as vvell as forr::1al notes trnrn 1111::) High CcHn1niss1on o1 India in li:dani?:bi',d regnrdinfl Hie purported nrn:~si of lnd1;m 11ata:in,:1!, Mr f<u!I ihu~.;I 1an .f arll 1a\1 11: parlic:ular the'; reque~~t tu pr oviclc 1m1T1c:-di;;,tc cor1~:;; Jim ,iccciss le) 1',/41.
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