YCRES104969_proof ■ 29 July 2021 ■ 1/13 Cretaceous Research xxx (xxxx) xxx 55 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 56 57 58 Cretaceous Research 59 60 journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/CretRes 61 62 63 64 65 1 A new Pissarrachampsinae specimen from the Bauru Basin, Brazil, 66 2 67 3 adds data to the understanding of the Baurusuchidae 68 4 (Mesoeucrocodylia, Notosuchia) distribution in the Late Cretaceous of 69 5 70 6 Q7 South America 71 7 72 8 a, * b, c d Q6 Gustavo Darlim , Ismar de Souza Carvalho , Sandra Aparecida Simionato Tavares , 73 9 Max Cardoso Langer a 74 10 75 11 a Universidade de Sao~ Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ci^encias e Letras de Ribeirao~ Preto, Laboratorio de Paleontologia, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeirao~ Preto, 76 12 SP, Brazil 77 b ^ 13 Q2 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Geociencias, CCMN, 21.910-200 Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos 273, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil c Centro de Geoci^encias da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 78 14 d Museu de Paleontologia “Prof. Antonio^ Celso de Arruda Campos”, Praça do Centenario, Centro, Monte Alto, SP, Brazil 79 15 80 16 81 17 article info abstract 82 18 83 19 Article history: Baurusuchidae is one of the most diverse notosuchian groups, represented by ten formally described 84 20 Received 7 January 2021 species from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Bauru and Neuquen basins, respectively in Brazil and 85 21 Received in revised form Argentina. Among these, recent phylogenetic analyses placed Wargosuchus australis, Campinasuchus 86 18 July 2021 22 dinizi, and Pissarrachampsa sera within Pissarrachampsinae, whereas Baurusuchinae is composed by 87 Accepted in revised form 18 July 2021 23 Aphaurosuchus escharafacies, Aplestosuchus sordidus, Baurusuchus albertoi, Baurusuchus pachecoi, Baur- Available online xxx 88 24 usuchus salgadoensis, and Stratiotosuchus maxhechti. All baurusuchines, except for Baurusuchus pachecoi 89 and Stratiotosuchus maxhechti, were collected from the same locality of the Adamantina/Vale do Rio do 25 Keywords: 90 Peixe Formation, i.e., Fazenda Buriti, near General Salgado, Sao~ Paulo. Recent works suggested that 26 Notosuchia 91 27 Baurusuchidae pissarrachampsines of that stratigraphic unit come only from outcrops in Minas Gerais, with a possibly 92 Campinasuchus dinizi older age equivalent to those of the Neuquen Basin members of the group. Here, we present a new 28 93 Distribution Pissarrachampsinae specimen from Fazenda Sao~ Jose, a site near Fazenda Buriti, which challenges the 29 Paleobiogeography proposed chronostratigraphic separation between the Sao~ Paulo and Minas Gerais baurusuchids, sug- 94 30 Adamantina Formation gesting that both groups lived at about the same time. 95 31 © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 96 32 97 33 98 34 99 35 100 36 101 37 1. Introduction species were described in the last decade (Nascimento & Zaher, 102 38 2010; Montefeltro et al., 2011; Carvalho et al., 2011; Marinho et al., 103 39 Baurusuchidae is a well-known group of terrestrial and predatory 2013; Godoy et al., 2014; Cotts et al., 2017; Darlim et al., 2021). The 104 40 notosuchians from the Late Cretaceous of Gondwana (Montefeltro group is restricted to the Bauru Basin, except for the Argentinean 105 fi 41 et al., 2020). It was rst described based on Baurusuchus pachecoi species Cynodontosuchus rothi and Wargosuchus australis from the 106 42 Price, 1945, which remained as the single species for the genus until Bajo de la Carpa Formation, and possibly the Pakistani Pabweshi 107 43 the description of Baurusuchus salgadoensis by Carvalho et al. (2005). pakistanensis, currently comprising eleven species (Woodward and 108 fi 44 Since then, other baurusuchids were identi ed, such as Cyn- Woodward, 1896; Wilson et al., 2001; Martinelli and Pais, 2008; Q3 109 45 odontosuchus rothi (Gasparini 1972)andStratiotosuchus maxhechti Darlim et al., 2021). Baurusuchidae is traditionally diagnosed by a 110 46 (Campos et al., 2001). Yet, much of the morphological and phylo- reduced tooth formula and ziphodont dentition, a laterally com- 111 47 genetic information about Baurusuchidae is quite recent, as most pressed rostrum, and a verticalized quadrate (sensu Price, 1945). It 112 48 corresponds to one of the most diverse notosuchian clades, with two 113 49 subgroups recognized by Montefeltro et al. (2011),Baurusuchinae 114 50 * Corresponding author. and Pissarrachampsinae (Darlim et al., 2021). The former group in- 115 51 E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Darlim), [email protected] cludes Baurusuchus albertoi, Baurusuchus pachecoi, Baurusuchus 116 (I. de Souza Carvalho). 52 117 53 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104969 118 54 0195-6671/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 119 Please cite this article as: G. Darlim, I. de Souza Carvalho, S.A.S. Tavares et al., A new Pissarrachampsinae specimen from the Bauru Basin, Brazil, adds data to the understanding of the Baurusuchidae (Mesoeucrocodylia, Notosuchia) distribution in the Late Cretaceous of South America, Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104969 YCRES104969_proof ■ 29 July 2021 ■ 2/13 G. Darlim, I. de Souza Carvalho, S.A.S. Tavares et al. Cretaceous Research xxx (xxxx) xxx 1 salgadoensis, Stratiotosuchus maxhechti, Aplestosuchus sordidus,and of left jugal, the left ectopterygoid, and the anterior portion of both 66 2 Aphaurosuchus escharafacies,andthelatterPissarrachampsa sera, hemimandibles (anterior to the external mandibular fenestra), 67 3 Campinasuchus dinizi,andWargosuchus australis (Campos et al., including dentary and splenial. Furthermore, the dentition of both 68 4 2001; Nascimento and Zaher, 2010; Montefeltro et al., 2011; upper and lower jaws is mostly preserved. Although incomplete, the 69 5 Carvalho et al., 2011; Godoy et al., 2014; Darlim et al., 2021). How- recovered material is in good state of preservation (Fig. 2). 70 6 ever, these subgroups have not been retrieved as monophyletic in The specimen was originally found with the right lateral surface 71 7 some recent phylogenetic analyses (Fiorelli et al., 2016; Barrios et al., of the premaxilla and maxilla exposed on the rock-matrix. The 72 8 2018; Leardi et al., 2018; Fernandez-Dumont et al., 2020). material was prepared by SAST at the Paleontology Museum “Prof. 73 9 All Brazilian baurusuchids come from the Vale do Rio do Peixe Antonio Celso de Arruda Campos” in Monte Alto-SP. The rock ma- 74 10 Formation of Fernandes & Coimbra (2000), which is part of the trix was removed using low impact hammers, and the fossil was 75 11 Adamantina Formation described by Soares et al. (1980; see also stabilized using white glue Cascorez in different concentrations. At 76 12 Batezelli, 2015). Several of these were also collected in the same the end of the preparation, the skull and mandible were 77 13 locality, known as Fazenda Buriti, near Prudencio^ e Morais district, disarticulated. 78 14 General Salgado, Sao~ Paulo, including Aplestosuchus sordidus, Baur- 79 15 usuchus alberoi, Baurusuchus salgadoensis,andGondwanasuchus 3.1. Comparative material 80 16 scabrosus, all of which, except for the latter, are baurusuchines 81 17 (Marinho et al., 2013; Godoy et al., 2014). Pissarrachampsines, on the Aphaurosuchus escharafacies LPRP 0697, Aplestosuchus sordidus 82 18 other hand, are restricted to the Adamantina/Vale do Rio do Peixe LPRP 0229a, Armadillosuchus arrudai UFRJ DG 303R, MPMA 64- 83 19 Formation of Minas Gerais and Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Neuquen 0001-04; Baurusuchus pachecoi DGM 299-R, Baurusuchus salga- 84 20 Basin, in Argentina. Based on the age of the latter unit, Montefeltro doensis MPMA 62-001-02; UFRJ DJ 288-R, 308-R; Campinasuchus 85 21 et al. (2011) discussed a possible older age (i.e., Santonian) for the dinizi CPPLIP 1235, 1234, 1236, 1237, 1436; Gondwanasuchus scab- 86 22 Pissarrachampsinae-bearing deposits of Minas Gerais, compared to rosus UFRJ DG 408-R; Pissarrachampsa sera LPRP 0019, 0018, 0020; 87 ~ 23 those yielding baurusuchines in Sao Paulo. Stratiotosuchus maxhechti DGM 1477. 88 24 Here, based on a first-hand comparative analysis of most rele- 89 25 vant specimens, we describe a baurusuchid partial skull discovered 3.2. Institutional abbreviations 90 26 in Fazenda Sao~ Jose( Fig. 1), near Fazenda Buriti, which has enough 91 27 morphological evidence to be assigned to Pissarrachampsinae, CCPLIP- Centro de Pesquisas Paleontologicas, L.I. Price, Uberaba; 92 fi 28 speci cally to Campinasuchus dinizi. Campinasuchus dinizi was DGM- Museu de Ciencias^ da Terra do Departamento Nacional de 93 fi 29 described based rst on cranial (Carvalho et al., 2011) and, poste- Produçao~ Mineral, Rio de Janeiro; LPRP- Laboratorio de Paleon- 94 ^ 30 riorly, on postcranial (Cotts et al., 2017). material from the Tres tologia de Ribeirao~ Preto; MPMA- Museu de Paleontologia “Prof. 95 fi 31 Antas Farm, in Minas Gerais. This is the rst record of pissarra- Antonio Celso de Arruda Campos”; UCR- Universidade Estadual 96 ~ 32 champsines in Sao Paulo, challenging previous assumptions that Paulista, Rio Claro; UFRJ-DG- Coleçao~ de Macrofosseis da Uni- 97 33 the taxon was restricted to the Bauru Group of Minas Gerais. versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Geologia. 98 34 99 35 2. Geological settings 100 4. Systematic paleontology 36 101 37 The specimen herein described was found at Fazenda Sao~ Jose(20 102 Mesoeucrocodylia Whetstone & Whybrow, 1983 sensu Benton & 38 360 59,800 S50 290 18,300 W), Prudencio^ e Morais district, near General 103 Clark, 1988 39 Salgado, Sao~ Paulo State, in a field work leaded by Prof. Joao~ Tadeu 104 Notosuchia Gasparini 1971 sensu Sereno et al., 2001 40 Arruda. The deposits exposed at Fazenda Sao~ Jose (see Castro et al., 105 Eunotosuchia Ruiz, Bronzati, Ferreira, Martins, Queiroz, Langer & 41 2018) belong to the Vale do Rio do Peixe Formation described by 106 Montefeltro, 2021 42 Fernandes & Coimbra (2000), which corresponds to most of the 107 Xenodontosuchia Ruiz, Bronzati, Ferreira, Martins, Queiroz, Langer 43 Adamantina Formation as described by Soares et al.
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