DEAN SMITH EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO 195 MCC STUDENTS DOCTRINE Leonard Smith, Dean of Stu- R. Johnson, B. Jones, G. Ka- dents, has recently announced leta, J. Kaplan, C. Karwacki, K. that 195 students attained a 3.00 Kellogg, A. Kendig, V. Keppler, Volume IV March 7, 1966, Rochester, N. Y. No. 9 average or better during the first G. Kernutt, B. Kinzel, B. Kla- semester and thus have been witter, J. Knitis, B. Knitter, S. named on the Dean's List. Kopin, M. Koutz, T. Kraus, L. Krinsky, V. Krivis, B. La Varn- PROFESSOR SPEAKS Cultural Those students are: way, B. Lambert, J. Lauth, D. C. Allen, T. Allen, S. Amazeen, Leach, R. Lindeman, B. Lloyd, J. Ange, J. Astman, R. Backer, P. Lloyd, W. Long, P. Longdue, ON STUDENT REBELS Events M. Bader, P. Baker, R. Bartucca, C. Loria, D. Love, R. Lux, V. E. Bemish, H. Benson, F. Bi- Lynd. By BRUCE KNIGHT "chalk up the war in Vietnam to anchi, G. Bitetti, S. Bitkoff, G. the poor." J. Marcille, P. Margeson, E. On Friday, February 18th, Prof. Blake, O. Blyszczak, T. Boland, Mayes, J. McNall, L. Menter, J. Richard O'Keefe delivered the Democracy stresses equality, Schedule G. Bookmiller, B. Braddock, M. education and responsibility in Meyer, L. Millard, D. Moore, S. first of four planned faculty lec- Everything on this schedule is Brown, R. Budic, N. Burnett, J. Morley, J. Muck, D. Nagel, P. tures. He spoke on the topical, fellow man, but the system free to MCC students. Tickets Butterfield. O'Sullivan, J. Otis, L. Ouellette, provocative subject of student stresses quantity commodity buy- are available in the Student Ac- P. Caracci, D. Carey, R. Car- G. Owen, M. Paiko, M. Papalia, rebels, "There's Nothing Wrong tivities Office, Room 230. Films S. Patterson, M. Patzwald, R. With Student Rebels Except..." are also open and free to the ozza, G. Church, A. Clifford, E. Cobb, R. Colombo, J. Connelly, Peck, A. Pedersen, M. Perrins, Prof. O'Keefe started his lecture public. L. Petralis, I. Pfeffer, J. Pilling, by pointing out that he was speak- R. Cordello, C. Cox, P. Cristi- Monday, February 28, 11:00 a.m., ano, P. Cross, D. D'Aloia, R. R. Polito, C. Prideaux. ing about a small, active minor- Mr. Cutler Coulson, Cultural ity of intelligent, sensitive and Daddazio, J. Davenport, M. De D. Quercia, D. Quetchenbach, Attache and Motion Picture Kraker, R. De Marco, L. Delia E. Quirin, G. Ranieri, L. Ressue, dedicated students. Mario Savio, Officer, U.S.I.A., will lecture the leader of the Free Speech Vella, N. Denison, D. Deutsch- C. Richards, J. Richardson, R. and show color films on Thai- bein, M. Dick, T. Didas, S. Dorn, Richardson, J. Rising, M. Rizzo, Movement during the student land (Siam), in College Audi- J. Doty, M. Duignan, E. Elliott. demonstration at Berkeley, is torium. D. Roberts, D. Rodgers, S. now a student at Oxford Univer- J. Farnach, J. Fay, J. Feder- Rosenfeld, N. Ross. sity studying for a degree in Saturday, March 5, 1:00 p.m., ico, M. Fiser, K. Fodge, J. Fogg, G. Salata, B. Salmon, N. Sal- physics. His wife is completing City Club lecture, Newton N. A. Ford, K. Ford, P. Forest, D. zer, B. Schroeder, J. Schwartz, her doctoral studies. Prof. Minow, "Equal Time: TV and Foster, S. Foxton, P. Fricke, S. D. Sementino, R. Serron, L. O'Keefe said the activist rebels Political Campaigns," Cham- Friedland, S. Fulmer, T. Geis- Sharp, M. E. Shea, J. Sizer, J. also work with the poor, register ber of Commerce Auditorium. ler, M. Gleason, L. Gould, K. Skurski, R. Smith, J. Spence, P. Negro voters and generally speak Wednesday, March 9, 8:30 p.m., Grammatico, A. Granville, H. Suydam, D. Swift, D. Taddeo, L. for the powerless. These students film—Lazarillo (Spanish with Griswold, C. Gruschow, R. Guy, Tappenden, E. Tehan, P. Terra- use their vacation time and even English Subtitles), College Aud- A. Haefner, S. Handyside, J. nova, J. Testa, J. Tripoli, S. their own money working for itorium. Harper, P. Harrison, D. Heffer, Tuttle, T. Uhl, A. Ulterino, W. causes they are committed to. Prof. O'Keefe Thursday, March 10, 8:15 p.m., N. Heiney, P. Herman, R. Heuse- Utter. They want a better American so- veldt, R. Hollenbeck, M. E. Hos- concert — Rochester Philharm- F. Vaccaro, S. Van Arsdale, ciety, a truly "great society," ing. The conflict is apparent to onic Orchestra, Laszlo Somo- pers, W. Huber, L. Hunter, J. one in which the "system" does the student. They enter the uni- P. Van De Mortel, L. Van Duzer, gyi, Conducting, featuring Syl- Hurd, A. Infantolino. A. Wehle, R. Wilson, J. Win- not set the guidelines. Prof. versity to search for truth and via Khatchadourian, Soprano, O'Keefe said of the "system" haber, R. Wiseman, P. William- meaning to life. The university, and John Ogden, Pianist. Anthony, J. Woods, V. Wright, J. that the students believe, "the despite its glowing platitudes, has Eastman Theatre. Wygal, J. Young, C. Zuder. system is an insidious tyranny in actuality become part of the Friday, March 11, 11:00 a.m., MCC Faculty based on a quantity or mass so- system. The students are put in Professor Joseph J. Granata Breakdown ciety rather than a quality or large classes, sometimes num- will lecture and show slides on personal basis. It is designed to bering in the hundreds and have Joins AAUP The number of students that "Mission to Paraguay," in have attained the Dean's List appeal to the average person, little contact with the instructors. Room 307. who does not exist and therefore (Continued on page three) Faculty members at Monroe standing in each of the college's causes dissatisfaction to every Friday, March 11, 8:15 p.m., Community College recently programs are as follows: person who is not average." concert — The Eastman Phil- formed a chapter of the Ameri- Transfer Programs harmonia, Igor Stravinsky and can Association of University Liberal Arts 69 According to Prof. O'Keefe the Robert Craft, Conducting an Professors. The AAUP was activist students see the hypoc- Sophs! Take All Stravinsky Program. East- founded in 1915 by a group of Engineering Science 4 risy of the "system." The poor man Theatre. distinguished scholars for the Business Administration __11 barely exist in our country, while Notice Saturday, March 12, 1:00 p.m., purpose of advancing the ideals Career Programs and standards of the academic we live affluently and fight a Official class rings will be City Club lecture, Dr. Francis A.A.S. Nursing 15 war many thousands of miles J. Trembley, "We Filthy Am- profession. Accounting 6 from our shore. Operation Head able to be ordered on March 14, 1966 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 ericans," Chamber of Com- The organization is vigorous in Contract Nursing 12 Start is not allowed to advance merce Auditorium. Data Processing 9 and other poverty programs are p.m. in the main corridor on its defense of academic stand- the first floor. Sunday, March 13, 4:00 p.m., con- ards and freedoms, and it has, Dental Hygiene 18 cut back. The students conclude, cert—Rochester Chamber Or- in the past, censured institutions Electrical Technology 8 chestra, David Fetler, Con- for violations of professional eth- Marketing 2 ducting. College Auditorium. ical standards. Today the Asso- Mechanical Technology 7 Monday, March 14, 8:00 p.m. ciation has 72,000 faculty mem- Optical Technology 3 Draft Threatening MCC Night at the Dryden The- bers in every rank and disci- Police Science 11 atre. Mr. James Card will lec- pline, distributed among approxi- Recreation Supervision 8 ture and show film on "An mately 1,500 accredited institu- Secretarial Science -11 Introduction to the Film," tions. In addition there are more Non-Matriculated than 900 local chapters on col- Even for Collegians Dryden Theatre, George East- Liberal Arts 1 man House. lege and university campuses The call of the draft is threat- has no ROTC program, but sev- across the nation. ening all young men, many of eral other colleges and universi- Wednesday, March 16, 8:30 p.m., TWO NEW PROFS whom are seeking refuge in col- ties in New York State do offer British poet Stephen Spender The MCC Chapter elected the lege. A II-S deferment is certain- them. Alfred, Niagara, and St. will read and comment on his following officers: President, Pro- ly beneficial in delaying a man's Bonaventure Universities offer poetry. College Auditorium. fessor George McDade; Vice- ASSUME POSITIONS obligations to his military serv- Army ROTC in which 2 years of Thursday, March 17, 8:15 p.m., President, Professor Stuart Por- Two newcomers have assumed ice, but it also has its disadvan- ROTC is compulsory. The Univer- concert — Rochester Philhar- ter; Secretary, Professor Eliza- positions on the faculty of MCC tages. Any deferment, including sity of Buffalo offers Air Force monic Orchestra, Laszlo Somo- beth Gennarino; Treasurer, Pro- for the spring semester. They a II-S deferment, makes a man ROTC where 2 years of ROTC is gyi, Conducting, featuring An- fessor Carol Rayhill. At the are: Miss Meda Bowman, Assis- liable for induction to age 35 compulsory. Army and Air Force dres Segovia, Guitarist, play- meeting members agreed to let tant Professor of Nursing, and rather than to age 26. Also the ROTC is offered at Syracuse Uni- ing Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Con- the officers appoint a constitu- Mr. Robert C. Calhoun, Assistant local draft board can and in versity, Navy and Air Force certo for Guitar. Eastman The- tional committee and a program Professor of Data Processing, many cases will obtain a stu- ROTC is offered at the U.
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