TIE CM? STNKME Devoted to International Socialism Vol. Ill NOVEMBER, 1919 No. 4 SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THf RUSSIAN SOVIET REPUBLIC-ISSUE CONTAINS ARTICLES BY Karl Marx N. Chicherin Nicholai Lenin Klara Zetkin Leon Trotzky Wm. Brow Lloyd Rosa Luxemburg A. S. Sachs and othen editorial* and Important Document* Price, 25 Cento Communist Labor Party of the United States of America IS SPRUCE STREET, N. Y. CITY THE CLASS STRUGGLE TffCWSTINMIt Devoted to International Socialism PUBLISHED BY No. 4 Vol.111 NOVEMBER, 1919 The Commu list Labor Party of the United Stabs of Ameiica hsued Every Month 25fi a Copy; $3.00 a Year Editor.: JACK CARNEY. LUDWIG LORE and GREGORY WEINSTEIN CONTENTS Pages Hands off Russia!—A call to the American VOL. Ill NOVEMBER, 1919 No. 4 Working-Class.—By the Communist Labor Party „ - 354-355 Two Years of Soviet Russia.—By Ludwig Lore... 355-366 Work, Discipline and Order to Save the Soc. Hands off Soviet Russia— Soviet Republic.—By Leon Trotzky. 366-382 The Invincible Power of the Russian Revolu* The imperialists of the world are continuing their tion.—By A. S. Sachs - 382-386 infamous armed intervention in Soviet Russia. The Oh! How—German is this Revolution!—By counter-revolutionary Tsarist generals, backed up by Rosa Luxemburg 386-389 allied troops, allied" ammunition and allied money Convention Impressions—By William Bross continue shedding the blood of the Russian workers Lloyd - 389-394 and devastating the territory of the proletarian Re- Concerning the Jewish Question—By Karl Marx 395-406 public. Moreover, the Allies are tightening the iron The Twilight of Leadership—By A. Bilan 406-408 ring of blockade around Soviet Russia, thus doom- The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolu- ing millions of women and children to unheard of tion—By N. Lenin 409-413 misery, starvation and disease. Rosa Luxemburg—Her Fight against the Ger- man Betrayers of International Socialism— All this is being done because the workers and By Clara Zetkin „ 414-424 peasants of Russia have cast off the yake of exploi- Documents „ , 425-436 tation and oppression and have devoted themselves Bolshevist Propaganda: Leaflets, Distributed to the task of reconstructing their life on such foun- to British and American Soldiers in North dations as will eliminate all oppression of the poor Russia.—The Agrarian Program of the Com- by the rich, all exploitation of the toilers by the cap- munist Party of Germany. italists. This is why the capitalist countries, where Editorials ., 437-448 all the power is concentrated in the hands of the big The Communist Labor Party.—The Dynamic commercial and financial interests, are waging this Class Struggle.—One Year of German Revolu- predatory war against Soviet Russia. Defending tion.—Democracy.—The Dictatorship of Capi- their class in Russia they are thereby protecting their talism. own interests, for they know that the example set by the Russian workers will inevitably be followed by Tke Co-OperatiTe Pren ISSpraceSt. NewYotk the workers of their own countries. HANDS OFF SOVIET RUSSIA 354 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 355 Hence, America's participation in this war against Soviet Russia, not a cent, not a rifle to help against Russia! wage this war. American troops are still on Russian territory, This slogan has already been adopted by the and American ammunition and money are still be- British, French and Italian workers. In Great Bri- ing used for the purpose of strangling the only pro- tain, in France and in Italy the workers are refusing letarian Republic in the world. to load ships with ammunition and provisions des- tined for the foes of Soviet Russia. The Soldiers are America's intervention in Russia is frequently refusing to go to the Russian fronts! referred to as President Wilson's private war. This is correct only insofar as the formalities required American workers, you must follow their ex- for the waging of this war have not been complied ample! To every invitation to play the part of Cain with: It is being carried on without the consent towards your Russian brothers, to every request of of Congress, Yet, as a matter of fact, it is not al- the American government to enlist for active service together President Wilson's private war. It is rather in Russia, or to load ships for the bloodstained Rus- the class war of the American plutocracy, the class sian White Army, there must be one answer: war of the international money bags. American cap- "HANDS OFF SOVIET RUSSIA!" ital is vitally interested in crushing Soviet Russia and it does not stop at mere technicalities, even if The Communist Labor Party of the United States it means the violation of laws of its own creation. of America. In waging this war, President Wilson plays the part of the faithful servant of the American plutocracy. American workers, you must realize this and bear it firmly in mind. You must know that every American soldier sailing for Russia, goes there to Two Years of Soviet Russia shed the blood of the Russian workers and peasants By LUDWIG LORE who are now engaged in a desperate struggle against the capitalists of the world—those brigands of the Not even the most optimistic among us believed that it was possible. That Russia, dark, ignorant, barbarous, illiterate, international highways. You must bear in mind Tsar-ridden Russia had, not quite a year before, shaken the curse that every rifle, every cannon, every machine gun of the Tsar's despotism off its back had seemed marvellous which is being sent from the United States to Rus- enough. That, for years to come, this great nation, made up of sia means death for the many Russian workers and countless heterogeneous elements, exhausted by years of war- peasants who are sacrificing themselves in order that fare and incredible exploitation would change from ruler to ruler, was so obvious that the abdication of the first imperial- the workers the world over may be liberated from istic government in favor of that of Kerensky caused little the yoke of international capital. surprise. But the coming of a real socialist revolution, a revo- lution that would not only place complete political control into Workers of America! it is not sufficient to know the hands of the socialist movement, but that would by and by and to bear all this in mind—you must act accord- actually carry out in medieval Russia the Marxian program of ingly. Your slogan must be: Not a soldier for war expropriation exceeded even the wildest of our hopes. 356 THE CLASS STRUGGLE TWO YEARS OF SOVIET RUSSIA 357 When the incredible did occur, there was a sharp difference The Tsarist government had assumed obligations particularly of opinion among the socialist and labor movements, everywhere. to the Allied nations that it seemed impossible to meet. Un- On the one side were the conservative, doctrinaire elements who der such conditions, an open break with the Allies was unthink- had accustomed themselves to the thought that the first social able, and, at the same time conditions in the country and at the revolution must and would come in one or the other of the front made further warfare impossible. The fact that there most highly developed capitalistic nations. They had always was no strong capitalist class in Russia which could have steered expected that Russia, once it had rid itself of the domination it safely through this critical situation doomed every govern- of the Romanoff despots, would develop its industrial resources ment that would attempt to meet these obligations to failure at under democratic conditions somewhat similar to those that ob- the outset. Moreover, after once the Soviet government had tained in the United States, and they vehemently resented this been established, the counter-revolutionary elements had so lit- unexpected development for which their program had made no tle, unity of purpose, were so hopelessly divided on personal provision. On the other side were those who had realized that issues that it was possible, even with the depleted resources that the war and the situations it had brought about had decidedly remained, to successfully meet and overthrow them all. shaken up our old conceptions of social development. Above all they realized that Russia, bled to the limits of its endurance As a matter of fact the greatest danger that threatens the was unable to endure the torture of further warfare. It had Russian revolutionary governmenfis not the opposition of its become more and more plain that no government could long re- own exploiting class but that of the great capitalist nations of main in power which did not-take definite steps toward the se- western Europe and America. At first it seemed as if the lib- curing of a speedy peace with the Central Powers. While the eral elements in these nations would be sufficiently strong to formal political control lay in the hands of the duly recognized force, if not actual recognition, at least a policy of tolerance cabinets, these bodies were able to hold themselves in power and aloofness on the part of their respective governments. In- only so long as they were tolerated there by the revolutionary deed President Wilson, who in those days still fancied himself elements in the Workmen's and Soldiers' and Peasants' Coun- in the role of liberator to a despot ridden world, at first showed cils. But none, neither the upholders nor the opponents of the a marked sympathy for the aims and aspirations of the Russian action that definitely established the political domination of the people. Lloyd George, so long as he hoped to rule in England socialist movement in Russia expected that its ascendency would with the sole support of the Liberal Party was inclined to pur- be permanent.
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