Pt. 165 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–09 Edition) (1) Any absence or malfunction of 165.3 Definitions. vessel-operating equipment for naviga- 165.5 Establishment procedures. tional safety, such as propulsion ma- 165.7 Notification. chinery, steering gear, radar, gyro- 165.8 Geographic coordinates. 165.9 Geographic application of limited and compass, echo depth-sounding or other controlled access areas and regulated sounding device, automatic dependent navigation areas. surveillance equipment, or naviga- tional lighting; Subpart B—Regulated Navigation Areas (2) Any condition on board the vessel likely to impair navigation, such as 165.10 Regulated navigation areas. shortage of personnel or lack of cur- 165.11 Vessel operating requirements (regu- lations). rent nautical charts or maps, or publi- 165.13 General regulations. cations; and (3) Any characteristics of the vessel Subpart C—Safety Zones that affect or restrict the maneuver- ability of the vessel, such as arrange- 165.20 Safety zones. ment of cargo, trim, loaded condition, 165.23 General regulations under-keel clearance, and speed.) Subpart D—Security Zones (d) Deviation and authorization. The owner, master, or operator of each tow- 165.30 Security zones. ing vessel unable to repair within 96 165.33 General regulations. hours an inoperative marine radar re- quired by § 164.72(a) shall so notify the Subpart E—Restricted Waterfront Areas Captain of the Port (COTP) and shall 165.40 Restricted waterfront areas. seek from the COTP both a deviation from the requirements of this section Subpart F—Specific Regulated Navigation and an authorization for continued op- Areas and Limited Access Areas eration in the area to be transited. FIRST COAST GUARD DISTRICT Failure of redundant navigational-safe- ty equipment, including but not lim- 165.T01–0422 Summer 2009 Fireworks, Coast- ited to failure of one of two installed al Massachusetts. radars, where each satisfies § 164.72(a), 165.T01–0512 Safety Zone: F/V PATRIOT, Massachusetts Bay, MA. does not necessitate either a deviation 165.100 Regulated Navigation Area: Navi- or an authorization. gable waters within the First Coast (1) The initial notice and request for Guard District. a deviation and an authorization may 165.101 Kittery, Maine—regulated naviga- be spoken, but the request must also be tion area. written. The written request must ex- 165.102 Security Zone: Walkers Point, plain why immediate repair is imprac- Kennebunkport, ME. ticable, and state when and by whom 165.103 Safety and Security Zones; LPG the repair will be made. Vessel Transits in Portland, Maine, Cap- tain of the Port Zone, Portsmouth Har- (2) The COTP, upon receiving even a bor, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. spoken request, may grant a deviation 165.104 Safety Zone: Vessel Launches, Bath and an authorization from any of the Iron Works, Kennebec River, Bath, provisions of §§ 164.70 through 164.82 for Maine. a specified time if he or she decides 165.105 Security Zones; Passenger Vessels, that they would not impair the safe Portland, Maine, Captain of the Port navigation of the vessel under antici- Zone. pated conditions. 165.106 Security Zone: Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, Seabrook, New Hampshire. [CGD 94–020, 61 FR 35075, July 3, 1996] 165.110 Safety and Security Zone; Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier Transits and An- chorage Operations, Boston, Massachu- PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGA- setts. TION AREAS AND LIMITED AC- 165.111 Safety Zone: Boston Harbor, Boston, CESS AREAS Massachusetts. 165.112 Safety Zone: USS CASSIN YOUNG, Subpart A—General Boston, Massachusetts. 165.113 Security Zone: Dignitary arrival/de- Sec. parture Logan International Airport, 165.1 Purpose of part. Boston, MA. 634 VerDate Nov<24>2008 09:19 Aug 25, 2009 Jkt 217131 PO 00000 Frm 00644 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217131.XXX 217131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS Pt. 165 165.114 Safety and Security Zones: Escorted 165.500 Safety/Security Zones; Chesapeake Vessels—Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Bay, Maryland. 165.115 Safety and Security Zones; Pilgrim 165.501 Chesapeake Bay entrance and Hamp- Nuclear Power Plant, Plymouth, Massa- ton Roads, VA and adjacent waters—Reg- chusetts. ulated Navigation Area. 165.116 Safety and Security Zones; Salem 165.502 Safety and Security Zone; Cove and Boston Harbors, Massachusetts. Point Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal, 165.117 Regulated Navigation Areas, Safety Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. and Security Zones: Deepwater Ports, 165.503 Security Zone; Captain of the Port First Coast Guard District. Hampton Roads Zone. 165.120 Safety Zone: Chelsea River, Boston 165.504 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Inner Harbor, Boston, MA. Dock Company Shipyard, James River, 165.121 Safety and Security Zones: High In- Newport News, Va. terest Vessels, Narragansett Bay, Rhode 165.505 Security Zone; Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Island. Power Plant, Chesapeake Bay, Calvert 165.122 Providence River, Providence, R.I. County, Maryland. regulated navigation area. 165.506 Safety Zones; Fifth Coast Guard Dis- 165.130 Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey—secu- trict Fireworks Displays. rity zone. 165.507 Security Zone; Chesapeake Bay, be- 165.140 New London Harbor, Connecticut— tween Sandy Point and Kent Island, MD. 165.508 Security Zone; Georgetown Channel, security zone. Potomac River, Washington, DC. 165.141 Safety Zone: Sunken vessel EMPIRE 165.509 Security Zone; Severn River and KNIGHT, Boon Island, ME. College Creek, Annapolis, MD. 165.150 New Haven Harbor, Quinnipiac 165.510 Delaware Bay and River, Salem River, Mill River. River, Christina River and Schuylkill 165.151 Safety Zones; Long Island Sound an- River-Regulated Navigation Area. nual fireworks displays. 165.511 Security Zone; Atlantic Ocean, 165.152 Coast Guard Station Fire Island, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Delaware Long Island, New York—safety zone. Bay, Delaware River and its tributaries. 165.153 Regulated Navigation Area: Long Is- 165.512 Safety Zone; Patapsco River, North- land Sound Marine Inspection and Cap- west and Inner Harbors, Baltimore, MD. tain of the Port Zone. 165.514 Safety Zone: Atlantic Intracoastal 165.154 Safety and Security Zones: Long Is- Waterway and connecting waters, vicin- land Sound Marine Inspection Zone and ity of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Captain of the Port Zone. North Carolina. 165.155 Northville Industries Offshore Plat- 165.515 Safety Zone: Cape Fear River, Wil- form, Riverhead, Long Island, New mington, North Carolina. York—safety zone. 165.518 Security Zone; Waters of the Fifth 165.158 Safety Zone: Patchogue Grand Prix, Coast Guard District. Patchogue Bay, Patchogue, NY. 165.530 Safety Zone: Cape Fear and North- 165.161 Safety zones: Coast Guard Captain of east Cape Fear Rivers, NC. the Port New York annual fireworks dis- 165.535 Safety Zone: Atlantic Ocean, Vicin- plays. ity of Cape Henlopen State Park, Dela- 165.162 Safety Zone: New York Super Boat ware. Race, Hudson River, New York. 165.540 Regulated Navigation Area; Cape 165.163 Safety Zones; Port of New York/New Fear River, Northeast Cape Fear River, Jersey Fleet Week. Wilmington, North Carolina 165.164 Security Zones: Dignitary Arrival/ 165.552 Security Zone; Oyster Creek Genera- Departure and United Nations Meetings, tion Station, Forked River, Ocean Coun- New York, NY. ty, New Jersey. 165.166 Safety zone: Macy’s July 4th Fire- 165.553 Security Zone; Salem and Hope works, East River, NY. Creek Generation Stations, Delaware 165.168 Safety Zones; Coast Guard Captain River, Salem County, New Jersey. of the Port New York Fireworks Dis- 165.554 Security Zone; Three Mile Island plays. Generating Station, Susquehanna River, 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. York Marine Inspection Zone and Cap- 165.555 Safety Zone; Delaware River. tain of the Port Zone. 165.556 Regulated Navigation Area; Chesa- 165.170 Safety Zone: Triathlon, Ulster, peake and Delaware Canal, Chesapeake Landing, Hudson River, NY. City Anchorage Basin, MD. 165.202 [Reserved] SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT FIFTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.701 Vicinity, Kennedy Space Center, 165.T05–0489 Regulated Navigation Area; Merritt Island, Florida—security zone. Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, Oregon Inlet, 165.703 Tampa Bay, Florida—Safety Zone. NC. 165.704 Safety Zone: Tampa Bay, Florida. 635 VerDate Nov<24>2008 09:19 Aug 25, 2009 Jkt 217131 PO 00000 Frm 00645 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217131.XXX 217131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Pt. 165 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–09 Edition) 165.T0704 Safety Zone: Savannah River, Sa- 165.765 Regulated Navigation Area; Port Ev- vannah, Georgia. erglades Harbor, Fort Lauderdale, Flor- 165.705 Port Canaveral Harbor, Cape Canav- ida. eral, Florida. 165.766 Security Zone: HOVENSA Refinery, 165.708 Safety/Security Zone; Charleston St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Harbor and Cooper River, Charleston, SC. 165.767 Security Zone; Manbirtee Key, Port 165.709 Security Zone; Charleston Harbor, of Manatee, Florida. Cooper River, South Carolina. 165.768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force 165.711 Safety Zone: Port Everglades, Fort Base, Tampa Bay, FL. Lauderdale, FL. 165.770 Security Zone: HOVENSA Refinery, 165.714 Regulated Navigation Area; Atlantic St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Ocean, Charleston, SC. 165.771 Safety Zone; Bahia de Ponce, Puerto 165.720 Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns Rico River, Jacksonville, FL. 165.773 Security Zone; Escorted Vessels in 165.721 Safety Zone: St. Johns River, Jack- Captain of the Port Zone Jacksonville, sonville, FL. Florida. 165.722 Security Zone: St. Johns River, 165.775 Safety Zone; Captain of the Port Jacksonville, Florida. Zone Jacksonville; Offshore Cape Canav- 165.726 Regulated Navigation Areas; Miami eral, Florida. River, Miami, Florida. 165.776 Security Zone; Coast Guard Base 165.728 Jacksonville, Florida—safety zones. San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico 165.729 Jacksonville Harbor, Florida—secu- 165.777 Security Zone; West Basin, Port Ca- rity zone. naveral Harbor, Cape Canaveral, Florida. 165.778 Security Zone; Port of Mayaguez, 165.730 King’s Bay, Georgia—Regulated Puerto Rico.
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