March 20, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E387 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE CAREER OF LOIS HONORING THE SERVICE AND CON- COMMENDING THE 2012 SUBURBAN ROCKHILL TRIBUTIONS OF MR. GEORGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SERV- RAZ AUTRY JR. ICE AWARD HON. MIKE PENCE HON. LARRY KISSELL HON. LEONARD LANCE OF INDIANA OF NORTH CAROLINA OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Mr. KISSELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate honor Mr. George Raz Autry, Jr., a proud vet- congratulate the honorees of the 2012 Subur- the long and distinguished career of a true eran, a defender of education and a dedi- ban Chamber of Commerce Service Awards. community leader in east central Indiana. After cated, lifelong contributor to the great State of The Chamber is an accomplished partnership more than two decades in service to those North Carolina. of business and professional people working within our community who need a helping Enlisting in the Marine Corps out of High together to build a healthy economy and im- hand, Lois Rockhill will be retiring as the exec- School, Mr. Autry honorably served our coun- prove the quality of life in our communities. utive director of the Second Harvest Food try in World War II. Upon his return, he at- The Chamber, which represents the commu- Bank of East Central Indiana. tended East Carolina Teachers College where nities of Summit, New Providence and Berke- he served as Student Body President. Raz ley Heights, New Jersey, brings people to- Before coming to Indiana, Lois had already married his wife Ireni Toumaras Autry in 1951. gether who live or work in the area and who distinguished herself while serving in Turkey Mr. Autry then moved to my home county of want to better their community. I congratulate as a member of the Peace Corps. When she Montgomery County, North Carolina, and the 2012 honorees for ‘‘Tying the Commu- came to Second Harvest in 1989, the organi- helped open East Montgomery High School, nities Together.’’ zation had distributed 450,000 pounds of food my alma mater. Mr. Autry found further oppor- President’s Award—The Honorable Jordan to those in need. Under her leadership, that tunity in Hoke County in 1967, where he be- Glatt, Former Mayor of Summit, New Jersey. amount has grown to more than 9.5 million came Hoke High School Principal and later Beautification Award—McGrath’s Hardware, pounds of food this past year, which exceeded School Superintendent. He continues his life New Providence, NJ. their goal for 2011. of service today in Hoke County as a peach Business of the Year—Investors Bank. The Second Harvest Food Bank of East farmer, author, columnist, speaker, auctioneer Public Service Award—The Honorable Jon Central Indiana is now the region’s largest and respected community leader. Bramnick, Minority Leader in the New Jersey charity dedicated to alleviating hunger. Each An ambassador for education in North Caro- State Assembly. year, the organization provides food assist- lina for more than 45 years, Mr. Autry has Public Service Organization—The Summit ance to more than 69,000 low-income Hoo- served in a multitude of prominent and impor- Area YMCA. siers facing hunger. That includes nearly tant roles in support of youth, farmers and our Silver Service Award—Karen Olson, Family 31,000 children and more than 5,000 senior community as a whole. Mr. Autry’s impact on Promise. citizens. North Carolina will last for generations. His I thank these public servants and organiza- The leadership Lois has shown over the last selfless service has inspired countless others, tions for their tremendous public service. 23 years will be sorely missed, but I am con- including myself. Mr. Autry has led through f both example and instruction, and continues to fident that the proud legacy she built at Sec- CELEBRATING THE DISTIN- serve as inspiration to all of us who know him. ond Harvest will continue. And though her re- GUISHED CAREER OF CURTIS I was honored to nominate Mr. Autry for The tirement plans include spending more time MEEDER with her grandchildren and traveling with her Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest order beloved husband Erv, Lois will always be a that can be bestowed in our State of North voice for those in our community who are less Carolina. Raz received that recognition re- HON. MARK S. CRITZ fortunate. cently, and he is certainly deserving of such a OF PENNSYLVANIA distinction. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Lois Rockhill dedicated her ca- I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Tuesday, March 20, 2012 reer to serving the most vulnerable of our fel- the life and work of my friend, a mentor, and low citizens. Her career at Second Harvest my former High School principal, Mr. Raz Mr. CRITZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratu- and tireless advocacy for those in need will Autry. Let us thank him for his life of continued late a skilled engineer, devoted public servant long be remembered as a blessing to Eastern service to the future of our Nation. and faithful patriot, on a distinguished 33-year Indiana. career with the Army Corps of Engineers. f On March 31st, 2012, Curtis Meeder will re- f tire from the Corps to begin a new chapter in PERSONAL EXPLANATION his life. Since 1979, he has used his extensive PERSONAL EXPLANATION knowledge of economics and water resources HON. JACKIE SPEIER management to improve the navigability of our HON. ADAM KINZINGER OF CALIFORNIA Nation’s waterways, to aid in disaster relief ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forts and to reduce the risk of flooding in our OF ILLINOIS local communities. Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Curt began his career with the Corps in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I was unfortu- Detroit District as an economist and water re- Tuesday, March 20, 2012 nately delayed by a meeting and was unable sources planner. From there, he went on to to cast a vote on rollcall 111 on the evening work as a study coordinator and technical re- Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, un- of March 19, 2012. I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ viewer in the North Central Division for 5 fortunately, I was unable to cast my vote on on H.R. 3992—‘‘To allow otherwise eligible years, and then as a supervisor in the St. Paul H.R. 3992, the E–2 Nonimmigrant Visas for Israeli nationals to receive E–2 nonimmigrant District for 6 years. Israeli Nationals. Had I been able to I would visas if similarly situated United States nation- Since moving to Pennsylvania in 1988 to have cast an ‘‘aye’’ vote in favor of the legisla- als are eligible for similar nonimmigrant status work out of the Pittsburgh District, Curt has tion. in Israel.’’ taken leadership roles in a number of projects ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:10 Mar 21, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20MR8.001 E20MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 20, 2012 aimed at improving existing water navigation pleted his college education at the University building better roads, a first rate port, strong systems, including the Upper Ohio Navigation of Connecticut and soon found a passion that local schools and a growing college. Study, the Nation’s largest such study on an he would pursue for the rest of his life. During Named for its Orange groves, the modern inland river system. He has also demonstrated the McCarthy era, Al was one of those singled Orange boasts its very own Shangri-La and a clear commitment to helping communities in out for proudly sharing his thoughts and ideas. the world class Lutcher Theater as well as the need. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he Standing firm in his support of civil liberties renowned Stark Museum of Art. This is a com- served two deployments in New Orleans, dur- and the right of every American to freely ex- munity that doesn’t shy away from a chal- ing which he coordinated requests for Federal press themselves, Al discovered his passion lenge. Hurricanes Rita and Ike only hardened debris removal assistance with parish and for civil and workers rights—two issues to the resolve of this Golden Triangle treasure local municipal officials, monitored contractor which he has dedicated a lifetime of advocacy. and I expect more great things from Orange in curb-side collection from private properties, Here in New Haven, Al has made many the next 125 years as this community con- and worked with regulatory agencies to reduce contributions that have changed the face of tinues to grow, while maintaining its signature the environmental impacts of disposal oper- our community. One of those outstanding ef- small town charm mixed with world-class cul- ations. forts was his work to bring light to story of the ture. Currently, Curt serves as the Pittsburgh Dis- Amistad captives and its lessons of unity to Today, I honor all those who have made trict’s Chief of Planning and Environmental achieve freedom.
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