REPORT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES A Bimonthly Publication of the Foundation for Middle East Peac e Volum e 20 N umber 2 March-April 2010 THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TALKS TOUGH By Geoffrey Aronson “proximity talks,” thus formalizing the issues” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S. effort as it has evolved during the including the status of Jerusalem, be When then Secretary of State Con- first year of Obama’s presidency. included in upcoming talks. doleezza Rice was set to visit Israel The fragility of this understanding The loss of confidence between the almost two years ago, Prime Minister was exposed by Israel’s decision to two capitals fueled by the Netanyahu’s Ehud Olmert decided to postpone the advance the planning of 1,600 units for settlement program has been highlight - festive opening of the new border police approximately 10,000 new residents, in ed by an unprecedented statement by station in E-1 east of Jerusalem in order the East Jerusalem settlement of Ramat CENTCOM commander Gen. David not to embarrass the U.S. envoy, who, Shlomo, a fast growing ultra-orthodox Petraeus, suggesting that the diplomatic like her predecessors, had been prom - neighborhood of close to 18,000. PLO impasse threatens the safety of U.S. ised that a decision to settle E-1 would chairman Mahmoud Abbas suspended forces in the region and impacts nega - not be realized for years. Palestinian participation in the yet to tively on Washington’s ability to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu begin talks and Biden “condemned” regional challenges. After a hiatus of saw no need to be as sensitive to U.S. the Israeli move. Tensions increased many months, U.S. officials are once concerns about settlement in East Jeru- throughout the West Bank, but particu - again declaring that resolution of the salem during the recent visit of Vice larly in East Jerusalem, threatening to Israel-Palestinian conflict is an Ameri- President Joe Biden. The announcement overwhelm the stalled diplomatic agen - can national interest. of a routine planning approval for 1,600 da promoted by Washington. The Arab George Mitchell is continuing sepa - dwellings in the East Jerusalem settle - League suspended its endorsement of rate discussions with Israeli and Pale- ment neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo the proximity talks, which may begin stinian delegations pending commence - precipitated a crisis in relations that only if the Arab League reconfirms its ment of formal proximity talks. The highlights not only Israel’s intention to grudging support at its summit in U.S. goal remains the same as it has expand settlements—in East Jerusalem Libya. been for the past year, first and foremost and elsewhere—but also the need for a American anger continued to grow. to establish an agreed upon formula, more effective U.S. effort to rescue Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had described during late 2010 as “terms of President Barack Obama’s troubled the first of many difficult conversations reference,” that will enable the resump - diplomatic initiative. with Netanyahu in a long telephone tion of direct Israeli-Palestinian negotia - The Obama administration’s interest conversation. She announced in a subse - tions. in resuming formal negotiations has quent television interview that the deci - Palestinians remain intent upon win - been stymied for months by Palestine sion to advance settlement planning in ning U.S. and Israeli agreement to a ter - Liberation Organization chairman East Jerusalem was “insulting” to the ritorial framework for talks based upon Mahmoud Abbas’s refusal to open direct United States. During talks with the June 4, 1967 line dividing Israel negotiations with Israel, a central fea - Netanyahu in Washington, administra - from the West Bank, including East ture of diplomacy for the last two tion officials demanded that Israel Jerusalem. decades, in the absence of a commit - reverse its approval for construction in “If [Israel] accepts the framework of ment by Prime Minister Benjamin Ramat Shlomo, make a “substantial ges - a two-state solution based on the 1967 Netanyahu to a “quiet” settlement freeze ture” towards the Palestinians, reported - borders and an end to occupation, with in East Jerusalem. In place of direct ly including transfer of Areas A and B time lines and mechanisms, then there talks, special envoy George Mitchell to Palestinian Security Control, and won the agreement of all parties to publicly declare that all of the “core OBAMA , continued on page 6 TO OUR READERS FOUNDATION FOR MIDDLE EAST PEACE Washington’s recent flare-up with Israel The hard truth is that the American- over planned new settlement in East Jeru- Israeli relationship, exaggerated rhetoric Merle Thorpe, Jr. salem was an opportunity to explain that aside, was not made in heaven. To survive, Founder Israel will face unpleasant consequences in it must ultimately be a two-way street that (1917–1994) its relations with its best friend if it contin - also supports American interests. Today it ues to ignore U.S. concerns over Jerusalem is deeply troubled because Israel’s policies Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. and settlements. Unusually frank rebukes of occupation and settlement undermine President by Vice President Biden and Hillary U.S. peace efforts and national security Geoffrey Aronson Clinton, and General David Petraeus’s rare interests. Constant commitments to Israel’s Director, Research and public acknowledgement that the Israeli- security as “absolute” and “fundamental” Publications, Editor, Report on Palestinian conflict threatens U.S. national and the “unbreakable bonds” between the Israeli Settlement in the Occupied security, exposed the growing gap between U.S. and Israel are meant to reassure. But Territories U.S. and Israeli policies and serious strain they mask the reality that the greatest Nitzan Goldberger in the relationship. threat to Israel’s security and its democratic Waseem Mardini This episode will prove useful if the U.S. and Jewish character are its own policies Editorial Assistants continues to speak more candidly to Israelis toward the Palestinians. about our troubled ties and the reality of Resetting our dialogue with Israelis in a Holly Dagres their situation. To succeed, we need a less way that is both clear, honest, and empathic Monica Kamen Interns ambiguous vocabulary. While in Israel, toward genuine Israeli fears is difficult. But Biden harshly condemned the Israeli plan, we need to offer more truth telling and less TRUSTEES and said later in a speech that “sometimes sugar coating. only a friend can deliver the hardest truth.” Landrum R. Bolling Yet most of Biden’s speech was devoted to Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. an over the top rhapsody of Israel and James J. Cromwell U.S.-Israeli relations. Peter Gubser Stephen Hartwell Richard S.T. Marsh —————— N —————— Richard W. Murphy Jean C. Newsom Gail Pressberg The fact is that our position is that settlement activity is illegiti - William B. Quandt mate, and that the final resolution of borders has to be worked out Nicholas A. Veliotes that will give both sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians, the secure The Foundation, a non- borders that they deserve to have. And both sides recognize that profit I.R.C. 501(c)(3) development and swaps will be necessary in order to achieve the out - organization, supports peace and security for Israelis and line of the Palestinian state. But, of course, it will be based, as I have Palestinians through mutual said many times, on the 1967 lines, with the agreed swaps, and taking recognition and a negotiated into account subsequent developments. Those are the very clear division of historic Pales- parameters that the United States believes that the parties should tine. It publishes the bi- monthly Report on Israeli negotiate over. Settlement in the Occupied So that is, then, our condition. It remains our condition. And we Territories . think the best way to resolve the ongoing concerns that are reflected Copyright © 2010 in the question and the feelings that so many people have is to get the parties into a negotiation facilitated by the United States, and to assist Sign up to receive the Report by e-mail, to be them in whatever way we can to reaching a resolution on borders, on notified of events in refugees, on security, on Jerusalem that will, once and for all, end the Washington, D.C., and conflict. more. Visit us at Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, February 15, 2010 www.fmep.org. 2 O Report on Israeli Settlement March-April 2010 March-April 2010 Report on Israeli Settlement O 3 SETTLEMENT TIME LINE December 1 A group of Israel Defense negotiations with the Palestinians.” ( Yediot December 4 The Jordanian Foreign Forces (IDF) reserve officers living in the Aharonot ) Ministry demands that Israel immediately West Bank circulate a letter calling for cease renovations on the outer walls of the IDF soldiers are forced to cease training reservists there to abstain from reserve duty Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem exercises so they can assist border police in for the duration of the 10-month settlement out of concern that its actions, taken unilat - quelling violence arising from enforcement construction moratorium. ( Yediot Aharonot ) erally, will disturb the status quo in the Old of the construction moratorium order. City. (Israel Radio, Ynet) Verbal clashes ensue when civil administra - (Ma’ariv ) tion officials arrive at the Kiryat Arba, YESHA council chairman Danny Dayan The Israeli High Court states that because Revava, Karnei Shomron, and Shavei states, “We will violate the decision to freeze of the settlement moratorium, demolition of Shomron settlements to issue construction [construction,] and we are prepared to pay illegal outposts in the West Bank would freeze orders. ( Yediot Aharonot ) the price to break down Netanyahu’s White have to be postponed.
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