f ~ .: KRAB PROGRAM GUI DE f\UI-IB ER 1WO HUNDRED AND TWE NTY ONE - CO, TAINING PROGf\AM LISTINGS FOR DECEMBER, 1971 This program gJ;ide is not sold, it is given, free of charge, to the subscribers and supporters of KRAB radio , which is owned and operated by the Jack Straw ~1emorial Foundation, a non-profi tte , tax­ exempt. organization composed of those self- same subscribers and supporters , both to KRAB in Seattle , and KBOO in Portland Oregon. The Board of Trustees of the Jack Straw ~ I emoria l Foundation is composed of: Byron Coney, tlike Duffy, Bob Friede, Jon Gallant (on leave), Nancy Keith , Gary ~1argason , St eve Menas ­ ian, Helen Norton , Greg Palmer, Dave ROIlIland and Tom Slavin. /·'1embers are elected to the Board by a general e l ection held each ~1arch. KRAB STAPH : Station t·lanager, Greg Palmer; Program Director, ~1ike Wiater; Ilus ic Director, Bob Friede; Assistant ~ Iusi c Director, Phil I,junger; Assistant Program Director , Jim Duncan; Chief Engineer, Steve , )Ienasian; Promotional Director, ~larcus Kunian; Office ~Ianager , Ni la File; Bookkeeping, Ca thy palmer; Subscriptions, Trudi Friede; Guide Layout , Lorna D;1.\;son; Guide Advertising Director, ' Phil Bannon ; Engineering Director (JS~lF) Ben Dawson; Production Assistants . Steve Putnam, Ken· Sher ; Program Pro­ ducer, George Green, Allister COI1l-lay, Jack Boyes, Nila Fi l e; Legal Re lief, B.D . Coney, ~1 . ll . Bader ; Vo luntee r s : Roger Sale , Dick ,Tameson, Randy Francisco, ~ Iik e Duffy , Hal Sherlock, Co lette ,\'Ien asian, Tiny Freeman , ~lalcolm Griffith , Jeff Boyce, Ali San, Ray Serebrin, David Utevsky, Bruce Gri xl , Raymond Jarvi , BnlCe Gordon, Rabbit Slvanson , Randy ~1cCarty , Dick Parker, Pasco Rose, ;·lae S . Day , Bob West, Mary Brown , Jim /.1ish'alani, Lim Chew-Pah , Bob Glvynne , Roslvell, Sid Brown, Stan Keen, John Prothero, Bob Garfias, Cap'n Baltic, Joanne Wiater, Byron Ohashi, Freffle . p. ~lontmore n cy , Fred Kessel, Frank Krasnolvsky , Tim Wire, David ~ Ieltzer, Larry Rouch, Doug li osner , Gary Mar gason, Ivars ;'Iikelson, Barry West , Billy ,Toe Ray Bob, and Y.Y. Yabronsky, among others . KRAB: 9029 Roosevelt Hay Northeast , Seattle , Washington, 98115 LA2 - 5l 11 107. 7. mcgathumps, 20 , 000 I;arts HlPORTANT NOTES : If your name is corralled by a red circl~ on the back of t his guide, it means your subscription has expired and this is the last progra~ guide you ~i ll receive unless we see some of the folding stuff or a promise thereof. 'n l(' t i l'1es and occasionally days listed in parentheses after some of the program des­ criptions i n this guide are the times the program is to be repeated the next day, or the day menti oned, \\hi chever app lies. I've Ivri tten that fi fty ti mes over the pas t few years and there ' s still no understandible way to say it. Suggestions accepted at this address . Subscription rates to KRAI3 are: ~2S regular yearl y subscription, $15 minimum yearl y subscription, or, $5 for four mon ths . Contributions are tax deductib l e, if rou make your will or cheque out to the JACK STRAW ~ID I 0RIAL FOU NDATION . Also , as a specia l added inducement , sub­ s cribers to KRAB recei ve a reduced subs cri ption rate for SO U;'!D L'iGS NORTI!I\'EST, the Hl- Fi ne Arts guide that contains comple t e listings for a ll that's happening in Seattle area radio, especial­ l y classical music. Call KRAI3 to inquire about this offer . @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* - *@*@*@*@*@*@* ' *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*G*@* @*@*Q*B*@*0 *@*Q*@*@*@* * 0 *q* 0 * 0 * ~ * *@* @*@*@*@* @* The cover of this program gui de is by a photographe r \Vh f) ' S n an1P Ive h ave forgotten of someone who ' s name we didn't know . We 'll give you one or the other next month . Nifty address labels on this guide courtesy , indirectly, of Dodd , Hamlin and Coney , and Dave Rowland KRAB NEEDS old news magazines, literary magazines, etc., so that I\'e might build up a picture fil e for ,the program guide . If you have some , that you don't need, bring thc·;., by t'le station and \Ve wil} dis­ pose of them for you. Thanks . PROGRAM GUIDE ADVEHTISING -" The one kind of advertising I\HAB does is here in the program guide , and hopefully I;e get enough each month to offset the printing of the guide . Ads can ~e purchased by anyone, subs~ riber or not, and the guide goes to approximately 2 , 000 peo­ ple In the course of a month . GUIde ad rates are : $40 full page $20 half page " $10 quarter page $7 . 50 eighth page, or $5 if copy is camera ready And please, if you see an ad in the program guide that leads you to the me rchant in question, tell him KRAB sent you so he knows his ad paid off'. Thanks . S Jean rei da GJlickeys &/ightQf ~ _____ o1dell emOrl and other disasters $6.95 Doubleday FURTHER NEWSY NOTES Dulcet toned Dave Row l and is the n ew manager of KB OO in Po rtland. Dave r eplaces Roger Ferguson, who retired wi th honors , and ass umes command directly on the heels of his r e turn from Japan, Hawaii and Fort Mudge . ATTENTION JEAN SHEPHERD FANS! On Christmas Day, in this program guide, we 'll be playing six of Jean' s programs from the pas t years, every other hour beginning at 10:00 a.m. Hopefully, these will be programs not previously heard in Seattle, selected from the vast Shepherd archive at WOR in New York by Jean and Leigh Brown, his producer, as the best , or rather, some of the best, from the past 38 years Jean's been on the air. Following the Christmas Day Shepherd dynamic festival, we'll begin the NEW SHE PHERD SCHEDULE. That wi1l be thus: A new Shepherd program wi 1l be heard at Noon on Sunday, 10:00 p.m. on Monday (the regular time now) and Noon on Tuesday (as opposed to repeating the Monday night program at 11: 30 Tuesday). So , you Shepherd fans lose a repeat , but you gain two new programs. How zabout that? ALL THINGS CONSIDERE D Over the past six months KRAB has sporadica1ly carried various offerings from Nationa l Pub li c Radio: Fu1lbright hearings, National Press Club luncheons, etc. However, we haven ' t carried t he regular program provided by NPR, A1l Things Considered. Our r eason for not airing this news-magazine affair was that it was already carried by KUOW at the regular feed time , 5 : 00 p.m. each week night. We have decided recently, though, to air All Things Cons ide red for a month tri a l period, the month being January. If we receive suitable response from lis­ teners , we 'll continue to play the program. If it appears no one is listening , we'll drop it. At present, our p lan is to carry the program from 5:30 to 7 :00 in the morning, four days a week (Tuesday through Friday) . We figure that the audience at that time wi1l be almost totally dif­ ferent from the audience who might hear the same program on KUOW the night before. If you're in­ t erested in the program and want KRA B to continue to play it, drop us a line to that effect. Again , All Things Considered will begin Tuesday, January 4, at 5:30 a .m. , EJ ~b" S. r J~~~~()t-.J u ~[IiTTLE IJ I (] -TLJIJ ~~LL[J<Y In offhand moments I have wondered what it wo uld be like t o be George Meany, snar l ing from podia in Chicago and Miami, chewing on cigars, striking fear i nto politician ' s hearts, making grammatical e rror s wi t h t he same finesse Bill Buckley misuses !. 'l.tin. Th us , i t was wi th some i nteres t r e­ cently that I noted Meany had l ambasted J udge Ge orge Boldt, Tacoma's own , about somethin g t o do wi t h Phase Two. He r e I was, preparing my own b l as t at J udge Bo l dt , and no l e s s a on than George Me any stole my thunder. It mi ght make my complaints about the Judge seem pale by comparis on, but I feel t he time has come to expose a l ong histor y of treason­ acts agains t the State of Washington , of whi ch Judge ldt is the most recent , if unwitt ing , offender. ~ly first recollection of t he problem i s Bill O' Ma r a , al­ ough I'm sure it ' s much older than tha t . I once owned a campaign poster of Spokane ' s C. C. (Cold Cash) Dill, one of the guiding l ights behind the Communications Ac t of 1934 by which KRAB broadcasts , and even that f ine gentleman had t he ' Coll yer' problem. But my first real recol­ lection is Bill O'Mara, standing on the shores of Lake Was hi ngt on calling the l ast heat of the Gold Cup race to a national network audience . And after it was a ll over , and either Joe Taggart or Lo u Fageol had been thrown in the drink (they always won back then, and we always l oved t hem) t he ABC camera wou l d cut to Bill for a wrap-up and he'd be wearing a bow t ie .
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