Friday, June 8, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 1 The dependent IN Reformer for the People Vol. 2 No. 23 Friday, June 8, 2007 $1.00 BacBacBackkk tototo thethethe FuturFuturFutureee We all know the Aikman story or so we juxtaposed beside the super materialistic Dean think: clean-cut “Wonderboy” drop-kicked Oliver and super disgraced Said Wilbert. No- the PUP leader’s butt in the polls in Freetown body knows who’s walking behind him and some 20 years ago and paid the ultimate price: there’s a lot of speculation. Some even believe major humiliation, financial and otherwise. It that the Lord of the Bank developed a con- is generally accepted that there was apparent science and a chance to right a wrong commit- collusion between both political party leader- ted against a younger Aikman, a couple de- ship & a certain highly successful banker to cades ago. Or maybe he just sees an opportu- bury Derek politically. They did a wicked nity to pit the big boys against each other by number on the man for being young, popular, introducing another third man into the ring. assertive, and ambitious. That was then. We also believe it is possible the rainmakers The man possesses political genius; and, think that Derek Aikman is the man who can there are forces in our society who knows bring the third parties together, that can then who possess the real Svengali-like powers take down the Musa Government, fair and around here and now two decades later, a lot square in any election with great ease and some wiser, Aikman has resurfaced yet again. resources. They are not so comfortable with There exists a need in the Belize political the other leader-in-waiting because he is not landscape today for a leader to pull together so comfortable with them. the various third parties to make them see the So no good deed goes unpunished. common ground on which they stand. There For as quickly as he got 10,000 people mo- have been a lot of energies expended to get bilized in 48 hours to pressure the Government this accomplished over the years but human to withdraw its ridiculous proposition to bail nature being what it is, the efforts have fallen out private concerns, he was picked up, bound, on fallow ground. gagged and held for 3 days. Disciplined. A In walks Derek, looking rather saintly when (Please Turn To Page 16) Caught with conch in reserve waters The Belize Audubon Society (BAS) monument without written authoriza- marine protected areas staff have de- tion and illegal entry into a natural tained three persons for illegally fish- monument. All three were charged ing within the Halfmoon Caye Natu- $400 for the offences. The Forest ral Monument. On Sunday, May 27th, Department, under whose jurisdiction the marine protected area (MPA) staff natural monuments fall, prosecuted detained Markito Mendes, Hipolito the case. Novelo and Geraldo Cobb for har- The confiscated conchs were do- vesting conchs within the boundary of nated to the Dorothy Menzies the Halfmoon Caye Natural Monu- Childcare Centre in Belize City ment. One hundred and fifty-two BAS, as the on-site manager, ad- (152) conchs that had already been dresses encroachment issues both removed from the shell were confis- through enforcement and through cated for evidence, and 194 live compliance by way of public educa- conchs were released within the tion. Recently, BAS has observed in- Halfmoon Caye Natural Monument creasing pressures from illegal fisher- Under the National Park System Act ies within the protected areas. As 1981, it is illegal to fish within any the Society does not have all the re- natural monument. The boundaries of sources to address these issues on its the Halfmoon Caye Natural Monu- own, it depends on the support of ment is clearly demarcated by moor- partnership agencies and organiza- ing buoys and BAS has undertaken tions for their support in conservation extensive education campaigns to in- efforts. form fishers of the protected areas The Belize Audubon Society helped boundaries as well as the importance establish Belize’s first protected area of protected areas to maintaining at Half Moon Caye, and now man- Belize’s fisheries. ages nine protected areas covering The three men appeared in the over 162,000 acres, on behalf of the Magistrate’s Court and were found people and Government of Belize. guilty of catching fish within a natural BAS reels in fishermen illegally harversting conch near Half Moon Caye Press Release Friday, June 8, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 2 Editorial Director LettersLetters toto thethe EditorEditor Meb Cutlack Dear Editor. even get a good feeling out of asking the radical part, go after the principals If the Prime Minister-- and this is a for money that win actually help the of UBS to collect whatever else is owed big if-- is sincere about providing af- Belizean people instead of paying for to the bank instead of burdening the fordable health care for the citizens of all of their failed, short-sided govern- Belizean taxpayers with their privately Editor this country, there is a less expensive ment projects for the benefit of their owned failed venture. option that would satisfy everyone. He friends. Sounds like a win-win situation all and Ralph could go to the IMF, World After the KHMH is upgraded, addi- around. However, as the Prime Minis- Karla Heusner Vernon Bank: or wherever they go when they tional staff would be needed which could ter likes to say, hindsight is 20/20. I say need extra pocket money, negotiate a come from those that are no longer at if the PM does not have the forward concessionary loan for $10-$30 million UHS. This change of direction should vision to see this, the people must de- dollars to upgrade and expand the not affect the Belize Bank because as clare him legally blind. KHMH, and turn it from a shell hospi- the Prime Minister has told the people Unfortunately, the cowards in cabi- General Manager tal into a full-service institution. of Belize the UHS has over $30 mil- net and the area reps are the only ones The terms and interest rates would be lions in assets -and if his word is good that can stop this madman from push- Trevor Vernon far better than the pound of flesh the enough for us, shouldn’t it be good ing his vision down the throats of the Belize Bank is asking for and save this enough for Mr. Ashcroft? Then all the Belizean people. Anyone in government country and the people upwards of bank would have to do is sell off the willing to stand up and do the right thing? $70-$90 million. assets (some of which KHMH could signed, In addition, Said and Ralph might purchase at discount) and then, this is Oscar M. Design/Layout William G . Ysaguirrre Comments? Suggestions? Published by: or want to share your thoughts & Independent Publishing photos. 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Friday, June 8, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 3 AnotherAnother desperatedesperate cabinetcabinet reshuffle:reshuffle: Mark,Mark, Cordel,Cordel, EamonEamon && TheThe DPMDPM forcedforced toto walkwalk thethe plankplank Government of Belize composed PRESS RELEASE The changes in Cabinet will take effect on Tuesday, June 5, 2007. Cabinet Changes - June 2007. Belmopan - 04 June, 2007 THE NEW CABINET (JUNE 5, 2007): The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Said Musa, has advised His Excel- lency the Governor-General to effect a number of changes in his Cabi- Rt. Hon. Said Musa – Minister of Finance, National Development net. and the Public Service Against the background of two Ministers being asked to leave Cabi- Hon. Vildo Marin, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture net, the upcoming national Convention of the People’s United Party set and Fisheries for July 1, 2007, and the run-up to General Elections due within nine Hon. Francis Fonseca, Attorney General, Minister of Labour, Educa- (9) months, the changes being made are as follows: tion and Culture The Prime Minister has invited veteran politician, Corozal Southeast Hon. Godfrey Smith, Minister of Tourism and National Emergency Representative, the Hon. Florencio Marin, into his Cabinet, and of- Management fered him responsibility for the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Hon. Ralph Fonseca, Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Environment. Hon. Florencio Marin will be retiring at the end of this Housing term. Former Minister of State for Labour, Hon. Valdemar Castillo Hon. Jose Coye, Minister of Health, Transport, Communications and will be appointed Executive Chairman of the Commercial Free Zone at Local Government Corozal to replace Hon. Florencio Marin. Hon. Sylvia Flores, Minister of Human Development o has declined to accept any other post in the Cabinet. The Hon. Hon. Michael Espat, Minister of Works John Bricen Hon.
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