.UCSD 'Staff ' Members Receive Job Threats 5 Blacks Told to 'Quit or Else': campus Police Call FBI on Case by Mark Stadler aDd David Elsen Five black UCSD staff employees have received notes through the campus mail telling them, in effect, to "quit your job or else." The notes, which have been examined by the Triton Times, were signed "K.K.K." One note arrived last Friday, three Monday and one Tuesday. In addition, a sixth staff employee received a similar threat over the City DNA Report Released phone yesterday, sources indicate. However, campus police represen­ tatives have refused to comment on this development. FBllnvesUgaUon UCSD police chief Hugh French said he first learned of the notes Continue Research, Board Says Monday afternoon, and contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation Tuesday. San Diego FBI spokesman, Jordan Naylor said that his department "is investigating the case and considering prosecution under - by Joel C. Don from prominent advocates and research, whether public or the civil rights act." Associate News Editor opponents of the research over the private, including industry, notify Chancellor McElroy has called for a "full-scale investigation" and has six-month period. the City of their actions and adhere vested full authority in F:rench. The police chief indicated Wednesday A recommendation from a The eight-member committee, to the NIH Guidelines while con­ that his office is "~ttempting to ascertain the origin of the notes." special committee for the con­ composed of scientists, physicians ducting this research. "None of the people who have received letters have asked for police tinuation of the controversial and a lay citizen, set out to The committee expressed the protection," and none have said they will quit, according to French. recombinant DNA research was detennine the potential hazards need to continue the interaction One of the persons threatened told the Triton Times Wednesday that, approved Wednesday by the San the research may pose to the San between the University and the while the matter is a serious one, the police are doing a good job. Diego Quality of Life Board. Diego community as well as the city on recombinant DNA At least one of the threatened staff members did not come to work The board approved the IS-page potential benefits to be gained. research-related activities at report of the DNA Study Com­ University'S Hole UCSD, through a similar sub­ mittee, a group formed at the The report recommends that the committee of the Quality of Life request of Mayor Wilson when it San Diego City Council Board. was disclosed that UCSD had "acknowledge the fact that the The committee report also in­ applied for a $300,000 grant from University is now and will be cluded the following recom­ the National Institutes of Health conducting research as a part of mendations : (NIH) in order to construct special the University's role in engaging in --The Chancellor's Special facilities to conduct genetic free inquiry. " Biohazard Conunittee at UCSD engineering experiments. Although the committee found should also include lab workers The conunittee, which has met that an assessment of the potential involved in recombinant DNA regularly since August 1976, hazards and benefits of recom­ research. reviewed the multitude of binant DNA research is "difficult -Allow "unannounced visits" to literature and information on to ' make at this time," they inspect the biohazard facilities. recombinant DNA research and recommended that the City -Keep accurate health records investigated the nature of UCSD's Council enact an ordinance on all individuals involved in research plans. In addition, the requiring all institutions planning recombinant DNA research. committee heard the testimony to conduct recombinant DNA -Have the Department of 'public Health "monitor the public health • aspects ofthis research." Student Center Fee May be MiDority Report In a minority statement, com­ cam puSPoLiceChiefHugh;r~nch EOPHeadWilliamByrd I ncreased to $1 a.-Quarterly mittee member Shirley Wood, the yesterday, and, two refused comment when contacted by the Triton by David FrIedman only lay citizen on the conunittee, Times. recommended that all recom­ The notes, all typewritten on official stationary, varied in lenef,h from 3 _ Staff Writer . binant DNA research be suspended lines to several paragraphs French said all the notes appeared to be Proposms for the first Student Center f~ l~crea.se since the establIsh- in the San Diego area, asserting written in IBM typewriters. ment of the payment have reached adrmmstration consideratIOn, ac- that California is not an ap­ . Penonal References cQrding t2 Dan Almour, S~udent Center Board repr~sentative . propriate sight for this research Four of the notes contained personal references which, according to The target date for the implementation of the increase is fall, 1977, and because of the earthquake one source, could give the impression the writer knew the staff member. would involve raising the Center fee from its present six dollar level to 10 potential. In one case the writer referred to the fact the staff member had recently dollars per quarter. Wood asked that public forums received a promotion, while another threat was directed toward a staff According to Almour, the extra revenue generated by this proposed be held to "acquaint the public member's wife. Another said, "We only give one warning." action would be used primarily to protect Student Center reserves, which with the issue and let the public have become depleted in the face of increased debt service due to the new determine whether it wants to fund Contrlbutlag information for this article were Triton .Tlmes staff Center construction. the research or seek research members Alee Nedelman aDd M-C Briea. Moreover, the Student Center Board must assume utility payment of its developing alternative facilities and also seeks to develop the large BuUding "C" into a technologies which pose little or no The notes were sprinkled with racist terms and, according to one restaurant. Funds froll) the fee increase would serve to underwrite these risks." source who has read the notes, allusions to the re<:ently televised adap­ expenditures in the future. Almour expressed confidence that the fee action would be approved by She also asked that the tation ofRootl. University " bear costs and The five employees receiving the notes were "at least acquaintances," Vice-chancellor and Dean of Student Affairs George Murphy, and ultimately would be sent to the Regents for the required implementation damages in the event of an escape according to William Byrd, director of the campus Equal Opportunity to the environment of any disease­ Program office. Byrd said Weenesday that he heard about the nQtes procedure. Murph)' Expresses Caution producing recombinant organisms Tue ~y, "through the black grapevine," and initiated a Wednesday originating from the University morning meeting with the recipients "to sit down and talk about it." . Murphy, when reached for comment, affirmed the Student Center The meeting "went fairly well," according to the EOP director. He request had reached his desk but cautioned against predictions about its laboratories. " added the developments have "created an increase in anxiety among the ultimate resolution. Murphy's Student Affairs office has requested a With the approval of the Quality black staff at UCSD." comprehensive three-year budget prediction from the Student Center of Life Board, the coriunittee AgeRaage Board to serve as the basic criteria for evaluating the fee increase report will now go before the full French said the five employees have been at U~D for between three request. City Council and Mayor Wilson for and seven years, and 'range in age from 23 to 35. He added the five are all Expressing confidence that the Student Center had adequately consideration. Although the City "middle-level" staff members. researched the necessity for the action, Murphy indicated support for the Council has no jurisdiction over the The FBI called the US Attorney's Office in Washington DC and the increase. The current Student Center fee is among the lowest in the UC University, its final decision on the bureau's Washington office in an attempt to establish whether it has system, he said, and even with the advancement to 10 dollars, would still jurisdiction in the case. A source indicated that, although the incident is a rank in the bottom half campus wide. Continued on back page . fringe area violation for the FBI it now feels it is on firm ground in taking the case. San Diego FBI supervisor Bob Ivey said yesterday several of the original notes have been submitted to the bureau's Washington DC laboratory for analysis. Council Delays .DeCision On Bike Shop Recommendation The question of whether the San the City Council is that the Bicycle Diego City Council will recom­ Business Activities being con­ mend closure of the UCSD Bike ducted by UCSD should be ter­ Shop h8s been continued IDlW minated; directing the (council's) Wednesday moming at nine. ugis1ative RepreaentaUve (in The council was originally let to Sacramento) to work with the state act. on the iasue last Wednesday, Legislature to secure the deletion but' post-poned consideration, from the lItate budget of funds for according to Qty Clerk Edward such purpoee. " Neiben, because two CCKmCil The resol"ion was paaed to the memben - Floyd Morrow and Lee fuD council by ita rules committee Hubbard - who t.d taken an ~ 00 a ~2 vote, with GU Jomson, who tereat in the BiJle Shop were a~ ....-.nta UCSD, cutin8 the sent. cIeddinc vote. The question the council will '!be cotmd1 meeu on the twelfth Spontaneous failure of a pipe fitting near Revelle Cafeteria ye terday caused thi bubbling ca ad . Water ervic to eventually act on IUds : . floor 01 the aty AdminlstraUon the cafeteria was Inle"upled for a short time and part of th Urey Hall parking lot was flooded befor r parrmen were "Declarinc that the poIiUon 01 BuiIdinI, at m "e" St.
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