Butll. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat., 73: 61-70. 2005 ISSN: 1133-6889 GEA, FLORA ET FAUNA Are Callirhytis erythrostoma (Dettmer, 1933) and C. erythrosoma (Dettmer, 1933) synonyms of Callirhytis erythrocephala (Giraud, 1859) or different species? (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) Juli Pujade-Villar* , François Barbotin (†), Roger Folliot** & George Melika*** Rebut: 15.02.06 Acceptat: 24.11.06 Abstract KEY WORDS: Cynipidae, Callirhytis, C. erythro- cephala, C. erythrosoma, C. hartigi, biological A new heteroecious life-cycle of an oak cynipid gall- cycle, taxonomy. wasp Callirhytis erythrocephala (Giraud, 1859) (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Cynipini) has been closed experimentally. Callirhytis hartigi Förster, 1869 is a syn. nov. of C. erythrocephala. The sexual Resum galls induced by C. erythrocephala are described for the first time. The sexual female and male of C. erythrocephala are re-described, and morphological Són Callirhytis erythrostoma (Dettmer, 1933) characters of adults for the differentiation of the i C. erythrosoma (Dettmer, 1933) sinònims de sexual form from other sexual forms of Callirhytis Callirhytis erythrocephala (Giraud, 1859) o species are also given. It is questionable whether són espècies diferents? (Hymenoptera: Cyni- Callirhytis erythrosoma is synonymous with C. erythrocephala or represents a distinct species. pidae: Cynipini). Un nou cicle heteroècic de cinípid ha estat tancat experimentalment: Callirhytis erythrocephala (Giraud, * Departament de Biologia Animal. Facultat de Biologia. Uni- versitat de Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 645. E-08028-Barcelona. 1859) (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Cynipini). Calli- A/e: [email protected] rhytis hartigi Förster, 1869 és una syn. nov. de C. ** Université de Rennes 1. Faculté Sciences. C.N.R.S. UPRES- erythrocephala. Es descriu per primera vegada la A 6026. Équipe Canaux Récepteurs Membranaires. Bât 13- gala de la forma sexuada de C. erythrocephala. Es Campus de Baulieu. 35042-Rennes Cedex – France. *** Systematic Parasitoid Laboratory. Plant Protection and redescriuen les femelles sexuades i els mascles de C. Soil Conservation Service of County Vas. Kelcz-Adelffy St. erythrocephala, i es destaquen les característiques 6. 9730-Köszeg-Hungary. que permeten diferenciar aquesta forma sexuada A/e: [email protected] d’altres ja conegudes en el gènere Callirhytis. Es 61 GEA, FLORA ET FAUNA discuteix la possibilitat de què Callirhytis erythro- closing a gall-wasp life-cycle is quite remarkable soma i C. erythrocephala siguin espècies diferents in entomological research. Checking a known en lloc d’espècies sinònimes. cycle is easier because the variables mentioned above are controlled. KEY WORDS: Cynipidae, Callirhytis, C. erythro- cephala, C. erythrosoma, C. hartigi, cicle In Europe the genus Callirhytis was biològic, taxonomia. represented by 5 sexual and 4 asexual forms. Francois Barbotin (1914-1996) was the first researcher to experimentally close the life- Resumen cycles of Callirhytis rufescens (Mayr, 1882) and C. glandium (Giraud, 1859). Later, Nieves-Aldrey (1992) published Barbotin’s Son Callirhytis erythrostoma (Dettmer, 1933) results on his own, and established the y C. erythrosoma (Dettmer, 1933) sinónimos alternation of generations for two species: C. de Callirhytis erythrocephala (Giraud, 1859) rufescens sexual form (with asexual C. glan- o son especies distintas? (Hymenoptera: dulosa) and C. glandium asexual form (with Cynipidae: Cynipini). sexual C. aestivalis). Sexual forms of these species emerge from galls in the twigs of oaks Un nuevo ciclo heteroécico de cinípido ha sido cerra- do experimentalmente: Callirhytis erythrocephala of Quercus section Quercus, while asexual (Giraud, 1859) (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Cyni- females develop in «stone» galls in acorns of pini). Callirhytis hartigi Förster, 1869 es una syn. the Cerris section. For this reason, Nieves- nov. de C. erythrocephala. Se describe por primera vez la agalla de la forma sexuada de C. erythro- Aldrey (1992), after communicating with cephala. Se redescriben las hembras sexuades y los Barbotin (FB), proposed that the alternate se- machos de C. erythrocephala, y se destacan las ca- xual generation of C. erythrocephala, which racterísticas que permiten diferenciar esta forma was known from producing galls in acorns of sexuada de otras ya conocidas en el género Calli- rhytis. Se discute la posibilidad de que Callirhytis the Cerris section, could develop in young erythrosoma y C. erythrocephala sean especies dife- twigs of the Quercus. The only European rentes en lugar de especies sinónimas. Callirhytis species that was known only from the sexual generation and had the tarsal claw KEY WORDS: Cynipidae, Callirhytis, C. ery- simple, without a basal lobe, was Callirhytis throcephala, C. erythrosoma, C. hartigi, ciclo hartigi Förster, 1869, and Nieves-Aldrey biológico, taxonomía. (1992) proposed C. hartigi as a possible sexu- al generation of C. erythrocephala, although the gall of C. hartigi was unknown and he Introduction treated C. hartigi in his review of Callirhytis as a separate species. This pairing has been It is not easy to close experimentally a confirmed experimentally by FB and Folliot cynipid gall-wasp species life-cycle and it (RF) independently (see below). very often depends on a correct host plant or François Barbotin’s family donated his plant organ being chosen and given to the collection to Juli Pujade-Villar (JP-V) (Pujade- gall-wasp (Pujade-Villar et al., 2001). Mo- Villar & Folliot, 2001) and the experimental reover, even intraspecific preference can material from Callirhytis species was found strongly influence the result of galling (Stone and examined. François Barbotin closed the et al., 2002). For these reasons, pairing possi- above-mentioned life-cycles in several experi- ble asexual and sexual generations and ments during 1971-1983 but never published 62 them, although JP-V has pressed him to since generation only) are known from a single 1984. Barbotin hardly worked on life-cycles generation only, so their life-cycles are not of cynipids until 1989-1990. He informed closed yet. It is possible that C. comantis is the J.L. Nieves-Aldrey and one of the authors of sexual generation of C. reticulatus, however, it this paper (JP-V) in 1984 about his results on must be demonstrated experimentally or gene the Iberian species and the preliminary sequences must be obtained. manuscript that he was writing; in 1987, Callirhytis erythrocephala is native to Barbotin informed to JP-V that the paper was Central Europe, and a presumed invader in close to being finished. Unfortunately, he northern Europe where Q. cerris has been suffered from Alzheimer’s disease from introduced. As we have mentioned, RF (in 1991, dying on the 19th of August 1996 1964-1967) and FB (in 1971-1986) inde- (Pujade-Villar & Folliot 2001) and leaving a pendently closed the life-cycle of this species lot of his research unpublished. Nieves- but their results have never been published Aldrey (1992), in his revision of the until now. Below we discuss these experi- European Callirhytis species, published ments, describe for the first time the gall of Barbotin’s life-cycle results; he listed 4 the sexual form of C. erythrocephala, re- Callirhytis species for Europe but, however, describe the sexual females and males and did not mention two other known species synonymize C. hartigi with C. erythrocephala. from Azerbaijan: C. comantis Belizin & Maisuradze, 1961 and C. reticulatus Belizin & Maisuradze, 1961 (Maisuradze, 1961) Material and methods (later, Melika (GM) found the second species in material collected around Sochi, Georgia Twenty experiments involving sixty-seven and in the Russian part of the North agamic females were undertaken by RF in Caucasus, unpublished data). In the same 1964, 1966 and 1967 on Quercus robur L., Q. study, Nieves-Aldrey did not designate the pubescens Willd., Q. petraea (Matt.) and Q. lectotype of C. hartigi after studying the cerris L. In each experiment, as is the custom typical series, and he listed Callirhytis in the study of cynipid life-cycles, an oak villarrubiae Tavares, 1930 as a synonymy of twig is isolated for as long as possible from C. rufescens from JP-V’s unpublished PhD any other gall-making cynipid by a transpa- thesis without his permission. rent tissue bag. The buds are separated from Thus, on the basis of the data mentioned the bag tissue by a light metallic armature in above, the genus Callirhytis is currently order to be accessible (see Garbin et al., represented in the Western Palaearctic by 6 2006: figure 3). The insects studied are species: four species are quite common in introduced into the bag after their emergence Western and Central Europe (C. bella from galls. The experiments on Q. pubescens, (Dettmer, 1930), C. erythrocephala, C. Q. petraea and Q. cerris did not give any glandium and C. rufescens) and two species results. One of the agamic females used on Q. are from Azerbaijan, Georgia and the cerris was seen stinging a bud like an Andricus Krasnodar region of Russia (C. comantis kollari sexual female (= circulans), the head Belizin & Maisuradze and C. reticulatus towards the base of the bud but, as mentioned Belizin & Maisuradze). Callirhytis bella (se- above, nothing was produced. Nine of the expe- xual generation only), C. comantis (sexual riments were carried out on Q. robur. In one of generation only) and C. reticulatus (asexual them the result was doubtful but in another ex- 63 GEA, FLORA ET FAUNA periment reliable results were obtained. This selected by FB, now deposited in JP-V’s last experiment is described below. collection, is kept in this collection as: «Exp 71: The bag was placed as early as the 14th of 2 females (21.VI.71, Poitiers)», «Exp 74: 7 ma- September on a twig of Q. robur near to la les (1-15.VII.74, Biard)», «Exp 79A: 12 males Rochelle (Baillac) in France. On the 26th of & 23 females (21.V.79-7.VI.79, St Malo)», March, three black Callirhytis agamic «Exp 80: 7 males (8-10.VI.1980, St Malo)», females were introduced. On the 30th of June, «Exp. 82: 4 females (19.VI.82, St Malo)» and the bag was opened.
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