PUBLISHED DAZLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNZTED J'TATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairsna- * * COMPLETE Record of U. J. GOVERNMENT Activitles YoL. 2 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918. No. 475 SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSES No Time Lost in Cabling ERA OF PROSPERITY WILL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS SENT Reports of Casualties CONTINUE FOR LONG PERIOD TO THE ALLIED COUNTR ES In Expeditionary Forces In response to a cablegram of inquiry in INOPINION OF MR. BARUCH; NEW RULING BY WAR TRADE BOARD regard to the transmission of casualty lists of the American Expeditipnary Forces, Gen. Pershing has cabled the War RECONSTRUCTION GOING ON Not to Include Packagesfor Mem- Department as follows: bers of Expeditionary Forces or " All deaths are being reported by INDUSTRY DAMMED UP cable as fast as the reports are re- Organizations-Shipments to Be ceived and the reporting of the FOR YEARS, HE ASSERTS Made Between Dec. / and 15. wounded in addition does not inter- fere with this. Due to our troops Chairman of War Industries on the march, the difficulty of The War Trade Board announces in being Board States Labor Is En- a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 348) that checking the casualty reports is in- there has been issued creasing, but every effort is being to the Post Of- promptly to obtain complete titled to Greater Share of fice Department a special export 11- made cense, known as RAO-60, to permit the reports of the dead and wounded." Profits-Does Not Antici- exportation, by mail, of Christmas gifts to individuals in the United Kingdom, pate Destructive Coripe- France, Italy, and Belgium and their WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD CAN tition by Europe Against colonies, possessions, and protectorates. (Shipments to members of the American NOT CANCEL ARMY CONTRACTS America. Ixpeditionary Forces, or of the forces of the allies abroad, or to individuals The Secretary of War authorizes the The War Industries Board authorizes serving abroad in the Red Cross, Y. M. following statement: the following: C. A., Knights of Columbus, or other or- Where it becomes necessary in the pub- ganizations of a similar character oper- lic interest to discontinue the pxoduction B. M. Baruch, chairman of the War ating with the American Expeditionary *of supplies or materials which are no Industries Board, at his weekly confer- Forces, or with the forces of the allies, longer needed for the Army, negotiations ence with the newspaper correspondents are not included under this license. Such for prompt settlement of contracts will Wednesday deprecated the pessimistic shipments must be made under special be undertaken by the War Department apprehensions ofthose who forsee serious license RAC-43, as outlined in War Trade in a spirit of fairness and helpfulness to industrial dislocations and labor difficul- Board Rulings Nos. 304 and 305.) all concerned. It is expected that con- ties attendant upon the return of Ameri- tractors will in their turn undertake to can business to a peace basis. .Limit to Shipment Date. furnish in the manner prescribed definite As far as he could see, he declared, Shipments under special export Li- statements which will facilitate prompt there was no justification whatever for cense RAC-60 must be made between De- payment of the obligations of the Gov- such pessimism. On the contrary, while cember 1, 1918, and December 15, 1018, ernment. he did not wish to appear to be in the position of predicting a boom era, he was and the wrapper of each package must Seeks Common Policy. bear the following information: convinced that for a long and continued 1. Name and address of person mailing An erroneous impression prevails in period there would be such demand for the package. some places that the responsibility of re- the products of American industry as 2. Detailed list of 'contents. ductions or cancellations of contracts would maintain prosperity and insure 3. Name and address of person to re- rests in the War Industries Board. This emploNm6nt. For years, he emphasized, ceive the package. is not the case. The War Industries Board industry has been danuned up, and un- 4. The statement " Christmas shipment is endeavoring to bring together the limited opportunities lie ahead. license RAC-60." various purchasing departments in order Labor, he said, was entitled to a greater The attention of the public is called to that a common policy may be adopted. share in the profits of industry, and it the fact that all shipments made under The War Department is the principal in was a matter for congratulation that a this license must be made in accordance the matter of its adjustments, though it far better understanding exists between with the regulations of the Post Office may, when it seems desirable, advise with capital and labor than ever before. the War Industries Board, or other gov- Department, and that the shipping of Reconstruction in Progress. any articles other than gifts under special ernmental agencies, on matters of general license RAC-60 is a violation of law. policy. Regarding reconstruction, Mr. Baruch To prevent too violent dislocation of in- declared that business men were taking Certain Articles Limited. dustry, from the standpoint of both em- the matter into their own hands, and that The public is advised that under the ployee and employer, accumulations by while critics talked of the perils of re4 existing customs import regulations of the War Department of either raw ma- construction the reconstruction was be. the United Kingdom, shipments made terials or finished products will be dis- ing quietly carried on. Manufacturers. under this license may not contain any tributed when and where the liquidation he declared, somewhat confused for the articles of gold or silver or real jewelry, of such supplies will least interfere with moment because of the dramatic sudden. or in excess of 10 pounds of tea or 1 the return of industry to normal condi- ness of the war's close, are rapidly find- pound of sugar, unless permits have been tions. ing their bearings and charting their own obtained from the Board of Trade, Lon- course back to normal c mditions. There don, authorizing the importation of such could be no system devised, he contended, shipments. In such cases applications tipn Sheet X-115. Packages not in ac- which would be absolute proof against a should be made to the War Trade Board cord with these British customs regu- certain amount of derangement in the for individual export license on Applica- lations are subject to confiscation on ar- business world consequent upon the proc- tion Form X aid Supplemental Informa- rival abroad. esses of transition, but by no means was 2 . THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918. this derangement likely to be as serious' as painted by the pessimists. On the other hand, -Tr. Baruch de- U. S. Mauretania Sails for New clared that he could find no sympathy for York the suggestion that the Government should undertake to go into business in With 4,008 Army Officers and Men comipotition with private industry. Each department, he announced, has been told Gen. March, Chief of Staff, authorizes'the following announcement: not to resell any raw materials in gom- The S. S. " Mauretania " sailed from Liverpool at 4 p. in. on November petition with private producers, unless 25 for New York, with the following troops: auch materials, if held, would deteriorate Enlisted or unless it was necessary to release them Officers. Men. to meet a pressing need on the part of the 330th Aero Squadron --------------------------------- 2 132 civilian population. From other govern- 2167th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 118 ments, he added, have come requests as 5th Construction Company, Air Service-------------------3 222 to whether the United States could let 309th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 125 them have some of these stored materials. 167th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 169 Concerning foreigif purchases from now 197th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 150 on, said Mr. Baruch, it was his under- 225th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 '127 standing tbat the loans extended by this 226th Aero Squadron---------------------------------4 176 Government to the fllies were to estab- 267th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 145 lish credits only for war-purposes. 3O8th-Aero Squadron---------------------------------5 143 305th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 173 No Destructive Competition. 316th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 138 Mr. Baruch anticipated, lie said. no de- 310th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 166 ftructive competition on the part of Euro- 321st Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 137 iean countries against American indus- 216th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 191 tries due to lower wage scales on the 268th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 140 other side. European labor, he believes, Radio Detachment------------------------------------ 1 45 will seek and obtain higher wages, and 325th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 119 lie called attention to the shrinkage in 319th Aero Squadron---------------------------------3 131 man-power In Europe, due to heavy war 331st Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 118 casualties, as likely to contribute its part 188th Aero Squadron---------------------------------2 139 in establishing higier wges. Thus, he 156th Aero Squadron.--------------------------------3 156 said,
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