DOCUMENT RES4ME ED 228-407 1 CE 035 478. A AUTHOR . Duck, Greg; Bella, Maureen TITLE Secondary Schooling and the World of Work. INSTITUTIpN Queensland Board of Teacher Education, Toowong (AuStralia). -REPORT NO ISBN-0-7242-1106-3 PUB DATE Oct 82. NOTE 111p. pus TYPE Information Analyses'(070), -- Reports - Research/Technical (143) -- Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Career Education; Educational Research; *Education Work Relationship; Faculty Development; *Fpreign tountries; Futures (of Society); Inservice tea-Cher Educa4ion; Preservice Teacher Educaion; Relevance (Education); *School Role; Secondary Education; *Secondary School Teachers; Teacher Attitudes.; Teacher Characteristirsf *Teacher Education; ,Nocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Australia (Queensland) ABSTRACT Thisresearch report, literature reView, and conference report focus on developments and possible fututetrends in secondary education regarding the world of work andimplications of these trends for the preservice preparation andinservice pfofessional development of secondary teachers. The research report background . presents findings of a project to exavine the characteristics, work experence, extent of contactwith the world of work,.and attitudes toward work of teachers in secondaryschools.in Queensland. It also details these teachers' view'sconcerning the'role and aims of secondary education, particularly asthey relaie to preparation for the world of work. The literature.review addresses these topics related to,the school-workrelationship:'aims of schooling, dissati,sfaction with schools, preparing studentsfor work .and adult life, and implica.tions for teacher'education.Proceedings of a conference on "Secondary Schoolsanethe World of work: r . Implications for Teacher Education" are then provided.Materials include the keynote -address, summaries of two- discussion- groups_oh the iole of secondary schools in preparing studentsfor work and - adult life andimplications for teacher education, and an overview of the conference discussion that considersthe context, pdrposes of secondary education, the need for change, desirable changes)and teacher education. (YLB) * * Reproductions supplied, by EDRS are the best that can be made4 .* from the original document. * *********************************************************************** . SECONDARY SCHOOLING _AND THE-' WORLD OF WORK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OFEOUCATION .MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY ELJCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has beenreprodldas received from the person or organization obgitiating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality % TO THE EDUCATIO RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in thisdocu . INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC):": ment do not necessarily representofficial NIE position or policy Board of Teacher Education, Queensland '4P.O. Box 389, Toowong, Q. 4066 October 1982 go The material included in this report is not subject to copyright and no restrictions apply to the use or reproduction of any ,part of it, provided that the source is acknowledged. NationalLibrary of Australia card number and ISBN ISBN 072421106 3 ¢) FOREWORD . , . k . This publication is aIsultof the recognition by the Queensland Board of Secondary School Studies and the lioard of Teacher Education of the closeinterrelationship between developments in the schools and developments in teachereducition. In view of the increaSing emphasis on schooling and work, the Boardsfelt, that it was timely fo review developments and possible future trends irk secondary,education and to consider the implications of these trends for thepre-service preparation and in-service prciofessional development of secondary teachers. .,, .. Numerous suggestions for desirable developments in the curriculumand organisation df secondary schools are contained in the report, together with someimplications for teacher education. These are set against a background of researchinto the charac- teriistics and attitudes of secondary teachers and 'a review of recentAUstralian literature relating schooling and work. / We commend the 'report to those who have' an interestin "or a responsibility for secondary schools and teacher education. We hope that it willstimulate further.,con- sideration of the relationship between secondary schools and theworld of work and of the implications of this relationship for teacher education sothat our secondary students mayr) be be ter prepared to take up their role in adultlife and our teachers better preparetassist them in this process. J.A. Golding A.R. MaaKee, Chairman, Chairman; Board ofSeconda4School Studies Board of Teacher Education 7 . .0 ?REFACE Towards the end of 1980, the Board of Teacher Education undertook a survey of teachers In Queensland secondary schools to ascertain the extent of their contact with the world of work outside the sphool and to gather their opinions about the sthool's rolein preparing students for the world of work. Follo*ng the publication of the results, reactions were sought from many individuals and groups. The Board of Teacher Education and the Board of Secondary School Studies then met to discuss the report together with 9ther xecent reports dealing with the school-work relationship, in par- ticularthe ueensland Review of School-Based Assessment and the Comonwealth Schools ConuhissLon publication Schooling for 15 and 16 Year Olds. As a result of these discussions, the two Boards agreed to holl' a joint conferencq at which those from the schools, the teacher education institutions and the cordmunity could meet to consider the role of schools in preparing students for work and adult life and the implications ctf developments in secondary schools for teacher education. The conference was held at .the Bardon ProfessicTal Development Centre on 29 May 1982. .. The firstsection of this report.s.., presents the results of the survey of Queensland secondary school teachers. The second section is a summary of some recent Australian literature onthe,relationship between school and work which was prepared es pre-readingfirconference participants. The third section isaiaccount of the conference proceedings, including coment on the area.4 of mai r., agreement and suggestionsror 'further action. In the final section, the main themeof the previous sectibns are briefly discussed. Acknowledaements 1 The preparkation of this publication was undertaken under the guidance of the Research Committee of the Board of Teacher Education..Greg Duck, assisted by Maureen Bella, wrote and edited the report. The report was typed by Jackie Sorensen. /The Board of Teacher Education and the Board of Seconaary School Studies would like to acknowledge tile assistance given by the following people during the project: d RePresentatives from business and industry anZI teachers who were involved in the initial planning stages of the project. , Teachers who willingly replied to questionnaires and so provided the infoimation on which Section 1 of the report is based. , , . Don Anderson, the conference keynote speaker, ikhose opening address provided a valuable stimulus to conference discussion. - Group reporters at the conference, who adeptly converted one-hour's group dis- cussion into six minute presentations to the conference. Conference participants, whose discussions provided \the basis for Section 3 of this report. A CONTENTS SECTION 1: RESEARCH REPORT - SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND THE WORLD OF WORK: The Opinions and Experiences of Owns land Teachers Introduction 1 Background Characteristics 3. Work Experience Other than Teaching 9 Teacher and CI Contact with the World of Work 14 The Role of Se ary Schools in Preparing Students for the Wont of Work 18 Reported Teacher nudes Towards Work 24 Conclusions , References SECTION 2:LITERATURE REVIEW - SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND THE WORLD OF-WORK: Some Recent Australian Literature Emergence of Interest in the Topic 31 Aims of Schooling 31 Some Dissatisfaction with Schools 34 Preparing Students kw Work and Adult Life: Some Suggestions 38 Implications for Teacher Education 43 References 45 SECTION 3:CONFERENCE REPORT - SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND TA WORLD OF WORK: implications for Teacher Education introduction 49 Keynote Address: The Future of Work by Don Anderson 51 Morning Discussion Groups: The Role of Secondary Schools In Preparing Students for Work and Adult Life 58 Afternoon Discussion Groups: implications for Teacher Education 68 Overview of Conference Discussion 78 The Context 7E/ Purposes of SeCondary Education 78 The Need for Change 79 Desirable Changes in Secondary Education .79 Teacher Education 82 Major Points of Agreement 84 Areas for, Further Piscussion and investigatIon 85 SECTION4:CONCLUDING COMMENTS 89 APPENDICES Appendix 1 List of Conference Participants 93 'Appendix 2 Questionnaire used in Research Project 96 Appendix 3 9embershlp of Research Committee of the Board of Teacher Education 107 SECTIONI RESEARCH REPUT Secondary Schools`and The World'of Work: The Opinions and Experiences of .Queensland Teachers I INTRODUaTON Purpose After a person leaves school, he islikely to spend a substantial parof the remainder of his life in the working work It is often considered; theref re, that schools have an important role to play in preparing their students to ent r and to participate in this world of work outside, the schoOl. In recent years, this aspect of a school's function has been given attent on by the media, by certain sections
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