Dear Vvvvellows, a warm welcome to the workshop of VideoTrackingVideoTrackingVideoTracking Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) Chris Engler teaches vvvv at Frank Langer worked for 3 years the Muthesius Academy of Fine as broadcast cameraman and Arts & Design since 2004. He got interest in interactive video. offers an introduction to v4 At university he dived into video every semester and supports tracking, gestures and lighting, advanced users in disciplines which he completed with his such as generative animation, graduation on Digital Film motion sensing and interaction Production Techniques. design. The students are coming from all kinds of de- Graduation work was done with V4 and kindly support- partments: Fine Arts, Industrial Design and Interior De- ed by Meso / Max Wolf. His particular interest covers sign. the field from light->capture->algorithm->interaction As part of his job at the University, he developed not with image. just the very first dome projection system with vvvv Frank lives and works in Cologne as (ICH²) but also a neat Multitouch Table called Future Interaction Designer for ag4 mediafacade. Ocean Explorer. And last but not least, he runs a design studio in Ham- burg called wirmachenbunt. http://www.lightinsphere.de http://www.wirmachenbunt.de/ http:// lightinsphere.tumblr.com we are Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) Lighting Capturing Transmitting Calculating Presenting Recognising Analysing Interacting overview Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) LightingLighting Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) Color Wavelength violet 380–450 nm blue 450–475 nm cyan 476–495 nm green 495–570 nm yellow 570–590 nm orange 590–620 nm red 620–750 nm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_light light basics Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Farb.Temp.jpg http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Whitebalance4.jpg color temperature Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) sunlight fluorescent special fluorescent http://www.lifelite.de/spektralanalyse_leuchtstoffroehren.php color temperature Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) legend led 3000k Warm White halogen fluorescent 1 fluorescent 2 common bulb 2700K compact fluorescent lamp 5800K compact fluorescent lamp 2700K sun light http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/~grzy/SPEKTROGRAPHIE.html color temperature Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) http:/www.philips.com lamp variety Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) infrared visible http://www.watershed.net/About-Saunas/ infrared light Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) IR lamp IR lamp common bulb (!) industry IR lamps health lamp radium http://www.heraeus-noblelight.com http://www.philips.com http://www.radium.de infrared lamps Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) ������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � COLOR FILTER ���TECHNICAL��� ��� ��� ��� DATA��� ��� SHEET��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� COLOR FILTER TECHNICAL DATA SHEET COLOR FILTER TECHNICAL DATA SHEET ��������������� �������� SWATCHBOOK: PERMACOLOR SWATCHBOOK: PERMACOLOR SWATCHBOOK: PERMACOLOR COLOR FILTER: #1080 PRIMARY BLUE COLOR FILTER: COLORIMETRIC#5700 SEA BLUEDATA COLOR FILTER: COLORIMETRIC#4200 DEEP DATA PURPLE COLORIMETRIC DATA DESCRIPTION: Permanent�������������� Color Filterrosco hot mirrorDESCRIPTION: OBSERVER:�������Permanent ColorCIE Filter 1964 10°schott heatDESCRIPTION: filterOBSERVER:Permanent ColorCIE Filter 1964 10° OBSERVER: CIE 1964 10° TRANSMISSION = 24% or -2.1 stop loss TRANSMISSION = SOURCE:35% or • -1.5'A' (tungsten)stop loss TRANSMISSION = SOURCE:16% or• -2.7'A' (tungsten)stop loss SOURCE: • 'A' (tungsten) MIRED SHIFT = Not Applicable. MIRED SHIFT = Not Applicable.° 'D65' (daylight) MIRED SHIFT = Not Applicable.° 'D65' (daylight) ° 'D65' (daylight) CC EQUIVALENT = Not Applicable. CC EQUIVALENT = Not Applicable. CC EQUIVALENT = Not Applicable. HUNTER LAB HUNTER LAB HUNTER LAB CIE CHROMATICITY DIAGRAM CIE CHROMATICITY DIAGRAM CIE CHROMATICITY DIAGRAM PERMACOLOR #1080 PRIMARY BLUE SOURCE A PERMACOLOR #5700 SEA BLUE SOURCE A PERMACOLOR #4200 DEEP PURPLE SOURCE A 100 100 100 L* 30.791 0.9 L* 74.451 0.9 L* 3.973 0.9 A* 42.636 90 A*90 -17.880 A*90 -78.719 B* -106.461 0.8 B* -37.492 0.8 B* -90.564 0.8 80 80 80 0.7 0.7 HUNTER LAB HUNTER LAB 0.7 HUNTER LAB 70 SOURCE70 D65 SOURCE70 D65 SOURCE D65 0.6 0.6 0.6 L* 43.603 L* 82.446 L* 10.337 60 60 60 A* 90.525 A* 19.417 0.5 A* -54.933 0.5 0.5 50 B*50 -85.817 ( y ) B*50 -23.639 ( y ) B* -88.074 ( y ) 0.4 0.4 0.4 40 40CIE 1964 40CIE 1964 CIE 1964 Transmission % Transmission Transmission % Transmission Transmission % Transmission SOURCE A 0.3 SOURCE A 0.3 SOURCE A 0.3 30 30 30 Y 6.563 Y 47.410 Y 0.510 0.2 0.2 0.2 20 (x)20 0.133 (x)20 0.250 (x) 0.169 (y) 0.160 (y) 0.447 (y) 0.046 0.1 10 10 0.1 10 0.1 CIE 1964 CIE 1964 CIE 1964 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 SOURCE0 D65 SOURCE D65 SOURCE D65 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 Y 13.565 Y 360 38061.125400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 Y 1.170 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580( x 600) 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 ( x ) ( x ) Wavelength nm. (x) 0.133 Wavelength nm. (x) 0.194 Wavelength nm. (x) 0.162 (y) 0.112 (y) 0.309 (y) 0.029 nm. 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 nm.580 366000 386020 406040 426060 446080 467000 487020 507040 520 540 560 nm.580 366000 386020 406040 426060 446080 467000 487020 507040 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 roscotrans % 81 88 permacolor94 92 93 97 96 3108098 12 1 0 roscotrans %0 34 0 61 0 permacolor91 0 95 0 92 1 94 7 90 73 943570045 81 88 51 roscotrans 8% 57 2 70 1 permacolor85 1 74 1 52 1 10 1 1 2 342000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: MATERIALAVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONS: SIZES: MATERIALAVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONS: SIZES: AVAILABLE SIZES: General Description: Dichroic Coated Glass Filter General Description:20 in. x 24 in. Dichroicsheets (50cm Coated x 60cm)Glass Filter General Description:20 in. x 24 in. Dichroicsheets (50cm Coated x 60cm) Glass Filter 20 in. x 24 in. sheets (50cm x 60cm) Substrate: Borasilicate Glass Substrate:24 in. x 25 ft. rollsBorasilicate (60cm x Glass 7.62m) Substrate:24 in. x 25 ft. rollsBorasilicate (60cm x Glass 7.62m) 24 in. x 25 ft. rolls (60cm x 7.62m) Thickness: 1.75mm (1.1mm and 3.3mm optional) Thickness:48 in. x 25 ft. rolls1.75mm (121cm (1.1mm x 7.62m) and 3.3mm optional) Thickness:48 in. x 25 ft. rolls1.75mm (121cm (1.1mm x 7.62m) and 3.3mm optional) 48 in. x 25 ft. rolls (121cm x 7.62m) Manufactured in: U.S.A Manufactured57 in. in: x 21 ft. rollsU.S.A (144cm x 6.4m) Manufactured57 in. in: x 21 ft. rollsU.S.Ainfrared (144cm x 6.4m) filter 57 in. x 21 ft. rolls (144cm x 6.4m) • 13.5 in. Diameter Glass (34.3cm) - Cut to order • 13.5 in. Diameter Glass (34.3cm) - Cut to order • 13.5 in. Diameter Glass (34.3cm) - Cut to order Copyright 2001, Rosco Laboratories Inc. Copyright 2001, Rosco Laboratories Inc. Copyright 2001, Rosco Laboratories Inc. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) background light http://www.shortcourses.com/ fill light mainlight rimlight light position !"#$% /&**"'0-$%.AF*"1*,'*G3)0H !"#$% ??3@A3B@@9 !"#$% /&**"'0-$%.AF*"1*,'*G3)0H /&**"'0-$%.AF*"1*,'*G3)0H??3@A3B@@9 ??3@A3B@@9 /IAÿ2")1."$.&#" !"1#<"-."#C-'D 7#1';ÿE1'("# L"0"8,' /IAÿ2")1."$.&#" !"1#<"-."#C-'D 7#1';ÿE1'("# /IAÿ2")1."$.&#" !"1#<"-."#C-'D 7#1';ÿE1'("# /2ÿJK0'"#ÿ!#"..ÿ9 71H L"0"8,' L"0"8,' G@9BGÿJK0' "M41-0 01'("#N1(A3)" /2ÿJK0'"#ÿ!#"..ÿ9 71H /2ÿJK0'"#ÿ!#"..ÿ9 71H G@9BGÿJK0' "M41-0 01'("#N1(A3)" G@9BGÿJK0' "M41-0 01'("#N1(A3)" 01##$"**1'2#,)13ÿFÿ)5"'6#ÿ78(ÿ9 0:,.*ÿFÿ!)*#/(<),5"'ÿ;"'6",.'2 Video Tracking Workshop at node1001##$"**1'2#,)13ÿ9 #$),C"ÿD",#/()$$1'2ÿFÿ)5"'6#ÿ78(ÿ9 0:,.*ÿFÿ!)*#/(<),5"'ÿ01##$"**1'2#,)13ÿ9 D",#/()$$1'2ÿFÿ)5"'6#ÿ78(ÿ9 0:,.*ÿFÿ!)*#/(<),5"'ÿ;"'6",.'2 ;"'6",.'2 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) all pics april sunlight 18h calculation of sun light direction, intensity, contrast, glares, at certain places on specific dates ?@@ B@@ Z@@ A@@ G@@ V@@ ?@@@ B@@@ Z@@@ 0H @ B@@ A@@ V@@ 9@@ ?@@@ B@@@ Z@@@ A@@@ @ Z@@0H V@@ Y@@ ?B@@ ?G@@ B@@@ Z@@@ A@@@ 0H http://www.dial.de/ http://www.relux.biz/ +"-."ÿGV light calculation +"-."ÿBB +"-."ÿG Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) CapturingCapturing Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Large_convex_lens.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/tambako/ optics Video Tracking Workshop at node10 Christian Engler (wirmachenbunt) & Frank Langer (frank) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:CCD.jpg http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:CFA_Pattern_fuer_quadratische_und_rechteckige_Pixel.png One chip is dedicated for each color (RGB), whereas a single chip cam uses a color pattern to capture all 3 colors with one chip only - at cost of quality.
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