7 :1 I 1v A\. V ■ ' ■ V\ ) \ \ Vv A \ Avorage Daily Net Prem Run The Weather Vor Tbe Week Ended Party aunny, mild thia after- I>MMmber M, IBM ; noon, high In the upper SOe to mld-40a. Cloudy, cooler tonlgM, low In 20'a. High Tueiday 8S to 15,880 40. ManctufUitr— A City o f Village Charm VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 96 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1970 (OlaaeUled Adverttalns on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS P i wail FBI Gaining Walk-- Teachers Lobby Inside Track DOIVT Run WINDSOR LOCKS, Crnin. (AP) —CoonooticiJl residents On Education Bill Re Yablonski awoke todiay to find pave- merfbi glased with a treach­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of teachers and By GEORGE LARDNER erous ooeldng oi ice. other education workers started a member-by-member TTie Waahlngton Poet Travelers wamlngB were lobbying effort in Congress today, aimed at overturn­ FREDBRICKTOWN, Pa. — issued ,by the U.8. Weather ing President Nixon’s promised veto of the $19.7 billion Bureau during the night be­ At leaat one of the suspects In education bill. cause of the freeslng rain, the killing of United Mine Work­ Their drive came even before which reetitted from a com­ the House completed congres­ 4, 1970 ers official Joseph Yablonski bination of cold ground end sional passage of the measune,- has started to talk according relatively warm atmosphere. expect^ later in the day. Warning^ to reliable sources. Ihe low-preMure sydtem Charles Lee, in charge of the responMUe for the rein was "R 's quite apparent by now," highly organized "Operation expected to move rapidly one law enforcement official Override,” said he expecU a Police Raid \1 eastward end be off the New conceded. He added that "m ay­ close vote when the Houae acts, England coedt later today. be more than one” has been probably Wednesday, on the I IU » tka After a partly sunny, al­ Bill Defended < o > divulging inside informatitm to presidential veto. xpedlUona federal authorities but he r?- most balmy day, more pre- "We're not claiming victory, of New aipitatlDn may arrtve Tues­ WASHINGTON (AP) Sen- tncludea fuaed to elaborate. but we’re not throwing In any , . ^ . ..... I who had The first clear sign that in­ day in the form of snow towels," Lee said in an Inter- ate leaders of bom parties t<^ay xpoaed to endorsed a controversial "no­ vestigators have an inside track flinrlea as a frontal system view. lU of Bn- knock" provision in a pending (ulde and came from a frosty search for moves down from Canada. 2 Teachers, principals, librari­ drug control bill which would clues through the ice of the ans and others checking In with Monongahela River here. permit federal agents to con­ Lee’s orgamlzatlon were ilrect- duct authorized narcoUcs raids Scuba divers for the FBI and ed to rooms in the House Office without giving the traditional Pennsylvania State Police re­ Building where gpeclal state ^ portedly recovered a 30-30 rifle ABA Seen desks were established. There, ^ *7 from the river shortly before . ,,, ____ _ Democratic Leader Mike noon. Just outside Frederlck- Mansfield of Montana and Re- on how falliu'e of the bill would ppbllcan Leader Hugh Scott of :k W ade" town on the way to Vesta mine Approving affect educational programs In >bert Tay- Pennsylvania said the federal No. 8. the state, along with the voting mrk, courts would be relied on to is­ ' (O The search started late Fri­ records of the members on 6 dWKie (C> sue warrants for no-wamlng day night and was kept up Carswell Bid whom they were to call. (C) raids with careful discretion • (C) Saturday some five miles from Martin NEW YORK (AP) — The To measure resulta, they re­ and to correct any abuse of the (C) the Yablonski home. ceived also printed forms for re­ 1 London, State troopers were assigned chairman of the American Bar new law-enforcemeht tool. [y Greene cording the contact, any com­ Both Mansfield and Scott said to guard the hole in the ice Association’s federal Judiciary Reilly. mitments obtained, and their they would vote against an < 0 > overnight before diving was re- committee says "there’s a lot of eport <C) own Impressions of the leanings amendment by Sen. Sam J. Er­ <C) Burned Saturday. It began with . of uncommitted members. the breaking of surfaci ice by «Pec“ latlon that the vin Jr., D-N.C., which would - Weather (AP Ptiotofox) (C) a tugboat and a barge, and the has approved Infor- Lee said he expects nearly strike the no-knock provision imfort dropplng of lines with what nomination of O. Har- Vietnamese soWier, wounded by booby trap, is car ried on makeshift stretcher through U Minh forest. 1,000 persons to participate. from the bill as an undue Inva­ nfidentlal" appeared to be heavy magnets. Carswell to the U.S. Su- The promised attempt by the sion of privacy. Gray. Both the state police and FBI prcnrie Court, Democratlc-controlled Congress "We considered this very Iher and agents had an official "no com- After the committee dellberat- to override Nixon's veto will be carefully In executive session," (C) a test of strength that could Scott said. "We were concerned ihow <C) ment" about what they were here Sunday night, Lawrence Ihow Joha- looking for or even whether they E. Walsh, the chairman, said of have a telling effect on the fall about the right of privacy. (C) B52s Drop 2,000 Tons of Explosives elections. "We concluded that the fact Show <C) had found it. reports that Carswell’s nomina- Offlcials close to the investl- tlon had been approved: "If Nixon says the appropriations that the drug pusher can shove idja TUIer, bill for the departments of La- the stuff down the sink and de­ nraeo Nas- gallon, however, confirmed that you’re going o speculate tlmit they faiad been told where to way, there’s a lot of basis for It. hor and Health, EducaUon and stroy It—and does so In many look. They would not Identify I wouldn't speculate the other On North Vietnamese Supply Depots Welfare goes over his recom- cases—outweighs his right to ca Off • — U8AF the informant. way.” mendations by $1.2 billion and is privacy. I Sica Oft ler — M o­ TTiree men, Claude E. Vea- He said the committee would SAIGON (AP) — U.S. B52 The U.S. Command said 14 Official sources said truck supplies as well during the past inflationary. Nar^tlc distributors "are nad Siya ley, 27. Paul E. Gllly, 38, and announce Tuesday morning bombers made their heaviest North Vietnamese soldiers were movement along toe Ho Chi monsoon season as he did toe xhe Democrats, and many c<mtribuUng to murder and mil- Aubran W. (Buddy) Martin, 21, whether Carswell, in Its view. Is raids In nine months overnight, kUIed, but heavy enemy ma- Mlnh Trail Is “ very heavy this previous year and he now has Republicans, say toe Issue Is ^Ide ^ d the destruction of a have been charged with murder "qualified" or “ not qualified” to attacking North Vietnamese chine-gun fire kept American year, heavier than last year.’year." more to catch up with.” one of priorities—how Important person’s personality,” the Re- In the Yablonski slayings. jjg ^ associate Justice of the supply depots inside Laos, spotter pilots from assessing the They“ ■ said however, that enemy The six-month monsoons over jg to meet toe nation’s educa- publican leader told reporters. The defeated 59-year-old can- supreme Court. Since the com- across the frontier in the A Shau damage to the trucks and ware­ movement always Increases at Laos, which make many roads jjon needs. "They are an exceptionally vl- dldate for the UMW preslden- uilttee began rating Supreme Valley and farther south along houses. this time of year because it la Impassible, ended In November. Congressional leaders expect- criminal.” cy. his wife and thel^r daughter nominees In 1986 It has the Cambodian border. Later toe B52s went after the the dry season. Since then, sources report truck ed toe bill would go to the Wlrite encountering a xer- “ They are maintaining this traffic la 10 times as great as Rouse and a veto by late today amount of sob-sisterlsm J were ahot to death n e r every one of them quall- About 60 BS2s, four^ifths of North Vietnamese depots in the Bride* Clarksvllle home over the New __ ____Laos that receive supplies corn- option of launching an offen- during the rains. One source gometlme Tuesday. The over- **vm people who tend to weep <C> the Strategic Air Ckimmand’s World Y ^ r-s holidays. Meanwhile, in Waahlngton. bom terfleerta AMa. flew "from ing down toe Ho Chi'Mlnh Trail sive,” one source said. "Wheth- said 12,000 to 16JX)0 t r u ^ were attempt will come first In m A loan Style Yablonski s^porters former Vice President Hub-rt bases in Thailand, Guam and and feed them across the border er they are- going—*— to —exercise “ “ it detected along the Ho Chi Minh House probably Wednes- drug pusher and eport (C> Trail last month. jay. minimize the effects of their (C> Okinawa to drop nearly 2,000 to the A Shau Valley, the big­ or how they’re going to use it Weather toe work of paid assassins. Humphrey said Carswell gest North Vietnamese supply remains to be seen. The enemy Pointing out that the Tet fesU- With only 146 votes—one third * ’^<**ol Soo** ^ 4 . <C) tons of explosives.
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