CJhe Onec;pj;ic'el~ 7ie S~ Are Singing Your Song Theme From Godfather Memories Sunrise Sunset Matchmaker· Fiddler on the Roof· If I Were A Rich Man' Yankee Doodle Dandy . Danny Boy May Each Day' Down The Lane of Memory· Show Me Where The Good TImes Are . If They Wrote'em in'The Good Old Days' , Want To Hear A Yankee Doodle Tune· Old Songs Medley Sweet Adeline' Let Me Call You Sweet­ heart . Bicycle Built for Two, Annie Rooney. The Band Played On' Carolina Moon' 'Till We Meet Again' Wedding Bells, Heart of My Heart, Story of a Rose' Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland . My Gal Sal· Harrigan, Mary's aGrand Old Name' Moon Medley' Bye, Bye, Blues' They Didn't Believe Me Tennessee Waltz No, No, Nora· My Buddy' I'm Going Back to Carolina' A little Street Where Friends Meet· Just AB und Ie of Old Love Letters' S~ St1t9 - Delight your family and friends with this West Side Story complete collection of the SUNTONES recordings. ~ SetJeIl4t a.u( StWe - Single album $6; any two $11; any three $16; each additional album $3.00. Single tape $7; any two $13; additional tapes $5. Sft«'at 94t Padage - Any combination of eight albums Watch What Happens' By The Time I Get To Phoenix· Jean' $25.00; Any combination of eight 8-track or cassette tape $35.00; Lollipops And Roses' If I Fell . one address only, Their Hearts Were Full of Spring· Hospitality L1da Rose' Jerome "Touch of Old Songbook" - $5.00 Kern Medley· F inlan's RalnbO'N Medley' Old Folks Sheik of Araby Make checks payable to; SUNRISE RECORDS P.O. Box 15736, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. Canadian orders - add $1.50 - 3 to 5 week delivery. Hey, Look Me Over . Hello, Star Spangled Banner· This is My Dolly' All The Things You Are' Country God Bless America' River of No Return . After Cohan Medley , America The You've Gone . Pass Me By Beautiful' Give Me Your Tired Where Or When' No N&N Tunes Your Poor' WWI Medley My On This Old Piano NEMI Gang Buddy' My Country 'tis of Thee' On The Corner' Cohan Medley' Service Medley Battle Hymn of If You Can't Tell The World She's the Republic' A Good Little Girl South' The Chord Busters March I Had The Craziest Dream' Lazy Bones' BlessThls House' Winter Wonder­ Mother Machree I'm Confessln' land 12th Street Rag . Zlp­ That' Love You· Oh, Teacher' A-Dee-Ooo-Dah' Sound of Music· That Old Black Magic' The Little Strike up the Band You Tell Boy That Santa Claus Forgot· Me Your Dream' Spaghetti Rag· Doin' The Raccoon Mighty Lak Dear Hearts· Moonlight Bay A Rose For All We Know Marne' Can't Say No . America . Thn distribution, salt 01 admtisina 01 unofficial fecording,s is nol a rtprtsenlation that the contenls 04 suth mordinas art appropriate lor contnl use. [ufeniatimlClIOfficers rI1r.~.1I President, Loon S. Avakian, P.O. Box 589, Asbury Park, New Jorsey 07712 Immedlato Past Prosldent, Charlos E. Abernethy. 231 Cordelia St., S.W., North Canton, Ohio 44720 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP QUARTET HARMONY Vlco President. F. Richard Ellonborger, 2476 Poo(sch Ct•• Schonoctady, Now York 12309 Vice President, Sam Aramlan, 4435 W. Tiorra NOV.• DEC. 1974 • VOLUME XXXIV· NUMBER 6 Buona Lane, Glendalo, Arizona 85301 Vice President-Treasurer, Plummer Collins, 216 Conewango Avo., Warron, Pennsylvania 16365 Executivo Director, Barrio Bost, 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 reatures Board Members Communication - the One Priceless Gift ..................•... .. 2 Cardinal, Robert C. Martin, 410 N. Morton St., Letter From Or. Roy Ray - Institute of Logopedics 3 Fairmount, Indiana 46928 Forty·Four Years on the Yellow Brick Road . ............•.•..... Central States, William M. McLatchie, P.O. Box 4 153. Durant, Iowa 52747 Hawaii Prepares for Harmony Invasion ,........•... .. 8 Dixie, Robert E. Roark, 213 Marchmont Dr., Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 "Bless Me, 'Mo,' for I Have Sinned" ....................•...... 10 Evergreen, Rav D. Greaves, P.O. Box 367 Sooner Tooner Notes ....................•.•........•.......14 Coquille, Oregon 97423 Far Western, Lynn Brittan, 231 Ridge Estates, Harmony College, 1974 .............•......•......•.•.......15 Nevada City, California 95959 Afterglow Need Not Be 'Stepchild' ..........•........•.•.......22 Illinois, Tom Watts, 30 Lincoln St., Glenview, Illinois 60025 Make Bicentennial Plans NOWI ...............•. ' .......•.•.....23 Johnny Appleseed, Steve Hanrahan, 522 North Story of tl,e Pin ........................•......•...........33 Blvd., Huntington, West Virginia 25701 Land O'Lakes, Roger Thomas, 3720 St. An· drews Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin 53405 Mld.Atlanllc, Ernest A. Matson, Jr., 1501 (10111111 .·11. Raleigh Rd., Mamaroneck, Naw York 10543 The Way I See It ......•.•....•.•....•.•......•.•.•..•.•.. .. 9 Northeastern, Richard Pierpont, 39 Ballard Street, Towksbury, Massachusetts 01876 Tips From the Top . ...•.•......•.....•..•..•...•.•.........12 OntarIo. Elmer Down, 894 Floral! Drive, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Pioneer, WHilom C. Warner, 23531 Meadowlark, delmrtments Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Share the Wealth . ..........•.•......•.•.•..•.•.•....•...... 16 Seneca Land, James Steedman, 616 Delaware Road, Kenmore, New York 14223 Barbershoppers'Shop .........•......•.•....•.•....•.•......21 Southwestern, Ernie Hills, Box 66, Medford. News About Quartets . .............•.•....•.•......•........ Oklahoma 73759 24 Sunshine, Dr. Henry Vomacka, 1881 Rose St., I See From the Bulletins . .............•.•....•......•.•......26 Sarasota, Florida 33579 Mail Call From Harmony Hall . .......•...............•........36 Aud Past 1Iltematiollal Presidellts Wilbur 0, Sparks, 6724 N, 26th St., Arlington, Inisc:- .... llun.·Olls Virginia 22213 Hawaii Convention Registration Form ........•..... ,........... 8 Ralph Ribble, NorthPark National Bank, P.O. Box 12206. Dallas, Texas 76226 Indianapolis Convention Registration Form . ...•........ , 12 Richard deMontmollln, 4664 Oakwood Ad., 1974 Christmas Catalog ...................•......•.•........ 17 Columbia, South Carolina 29206 Logopedics Contributions . ........................•..........21 Century Club 28 ~ New Chapters - Coming Events - Bargain Basement . ...•..........34 Executive Director BARRIE BEST Music Educatiou aHd Services contributors ROBERT D. JOHNSON. DJ'rector Leon Avakian Joe Dah/by Val Hicks Bob Hockenbrough . .. Music Services Assistatlts Jail" Krizek Ken McKee Jack Murphy Ron Neff . .. Bill Roth MALCOLM L. HUFF DAVID M. STEVENS ... Dave Wilt Commu ~Iica timls THI:. HARMONIZER is the oHlcial publication of the Society for the Preservation HUGH A. INGRAHAM, Director end Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. It Is pUblished in the months of Januery. March, May, July. Septembor and November Field Representatives at 6315 . 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141, second-class postage paid at THOMAS P. COGAN Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising offices .re at the International SAMUEL K. KENNEDY Office. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of LLOYD B. STEINKAMP THE HARMONIZER, 6316 THIRD AVE .• KENOSHA, WiSCONSIN 53141, at least thirty days before the next publication data. Subscription prlco 15 $2.50 Commullications AssistaHt Yearly and $ .75 an issue. D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Editor LEO W. FOBART Fi~la"ce aud Adm;'lisfratiotl DALLAS A. LEMMEN,Director Admhlistrative Assisfaut future eonventlons OAVID L. WILT INTERNATIONAL MID-WINTER Mmlager, Membership Services June 23-28 ROBERT J. MEYER 1975 Indianapolis, Ind. bltematiO',a' Office July 6-10 1976 San Francisco, Cal. 6315 Third Avenue 1975 Honolulu. HI. Jan. 31·Fcb. 1 1977 Philadelphia, Pa, July 4·9 Kenosha, Whconsln 63141 1978 Cincinnati, O. July 3·8 1976 Washington, D,C. Jan. 30·31 414·654·9111 November-December, 1974 1 CJhe OnePriceless gift... To speak To To walk To hear I To learn l to Communicate Institute of Logopedics Wichita, Kansas 2 THE HARMONIZER INSTITUTE of LOGOPEDICS December, 1974 Greetings Barbershoppers: The one priceless gift ... the art of communication. All of us at times fail at communication. We fail to make our point. We fail to be understood. We are faced with the frustration of being at a loss for words. The boys and girls and men and women served at the Institute of Logopedics have special frustrations as they seek the one priceless gift. Their world of communications is filled with many barriers, but they work to overcome their handicaps. S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. and individual Barbershoppers are to be commended for involvement in the work of the Institute of Logopedics. Thank you. We do not take your support for granted, and you should not hesitate to contact me with your questions or suggestions. Even as we all enjoy the many pleasant moments and sounds of this season, permit me to speak to a point of special concern. Traditionally boys, girls and adults have been referred to the Institute for evaluation and training by concerned and informed persons in their community. If there are children or families in your community who need help, contact me or encourage others to do so. Our Evaluation Unit will then determine if habilitative programing and financing are available. Your action now might provide for one more worthy person ... the one priceless gift. Sincerely, ~R'" Th,D, Administrator Marli" F. Palmer - 1905-1965 Fou"der / 2400 JAR DI NEDRIVE WICHITA, KANSAS 67219 316 262-8271 \, J "-.'~" I 1/ / I ~, ___ '- ...... / ..... ~-..... , .......... SPl<O.\3'50~i'C01#.~ , =--- --- ~ ~~••" ~ L';~~ ~-~ ,- '- ,~~_~ ~'~l~ .'''1~0~-':: ~w..,.~_':..~ ~~~¢-~~!'h"( _~~hA"""A"'"~~ ~"t:ke - __ -"o G.' __ .1_ ~_<:_- .----- -o:~~ , t:"~~,..::=--. .j>o...,,,~~~,-,'I\t:~~
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