VMC ROAD RUNNERS DOUBLE NUMBER SUMMER 1984 NEWSLETTER Vol. 16 No. 3 & 4 SEPTEMBER 1984 PRICE $2.00 ISSN 0813-7870 EMIL ZATOPEK TROPHY TIME AGAIN!! EMIL ZATOPEK on way to new world records for 1 hour and 20 kilometres in 1951, the year before his unique Olympic treble 5,000m - 10,000m marathon. Registered by Australia Post. Publication No. VBH 0488 THE VMC ROAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER is published for the information of members of the VMC ROAD RUNNERS CLUB and is covered by payment of the Annual Membership Fee. It is issued four times a year: SPRING (September) SUMMER (December) AUTUMN (March) WINTER (June). All athletes, irrespective of age or sex, are invited to contribute letters, results, comments, criticisms, etc0, to the Editor, 1 Golding St, CANTERBURY, Vic. 3126„ PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication should be on single-spaced, typed M sheets, irrespective of length, to facilitate layout. Articles should not eatceed one and a half pages of A4, preferably half that. Articles for publication MUST BE accompanied by the name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature. The author of the article shall retain fall responsibility for the content of such article. DEADLINE FOR COPY is the 10th day of the month preceding the month of publication, we ask contributors to aim for the 1 st day of that month to make editing less rushedo ********************************************** INTERSTATE LINES OF COMMUNICATION : AAU: Rick PANNELL, Olympic Park No.1, Swan St9 MELBOURNE 3002 429 50 77 NSW AAA: Clive LEE, PO Box N101, Grosvenor St, SYDNEY 2001 35 38 00 241CM VAA | Doug FERRIER., Olympic Park No.1 , Swan St, MELBOURNE 3002 (03)428 81 95 QAAA: Beg BRANDIS, &JU1I Stadium, Kessels Rd, NATHAN 4111 343 56 53 AA of SAs Ian ROGERS , PO Box 57» KENSINGTON PARK, SA 5068 332 83 52 AA WA: Gordon MELSOM , PO Box 208, WEMBLEY, WA 6014 387 55 99 AAA of TAS: Noel RUDDOCK, 10 Reynolds Court, DYNNHYNE, Tas 7005 23 19 76 ACT AA, : John MUIR, PO Box 503, WODEN, ACT 2606 B (062) 82 54 87 H 86 46 31 NT AA: Bill SMITH, P.0.Box 41710, CASUARINA, N.T, 5792, 85 27 66 OLD MARATHON & ROAD RUNNERS CLUB: Andrew SEMPLE, PO Box 192 EVERTON PARK 4053 C— CM CM WA MARATHON CLUB: Laurie PIGGOTT, 121 Salisbury St, BEDFORD 6052 (09) 37 09 SARRC: Chris ACTON, PO Box 163, GOODWOOD, 5034 (08) 261 65 40 NEW ENGLAND: John STANLEY, 'Wood Park' HMB 410, Old Inverell Rd, ARMTDALR, NSW 2350 NORTHERN NSW: Angelo JONES, PO Box 1, ALSTONVILLE, NSW 2477 ACT CC CLUB? Dave CUNDY, 33 Lawrence Cres, KAMBAH, ACT 2902 VIC FUN RUN CALENDAR: ‘AUSTRALIAN RUNNER’ PO Box 396, S.YAHRA,3141 (03) 209 91 97 ROAD RUNNERS ASSOC.(Sydney):John JESTON, PO Box A438,SYDNEY SOUTH 2000 (02) 989 38 22 ********************************************* VICTORIAN VENUES MELWAY REFERENCE OLYMPIC PARK: Swan St & Batman Ave, trams from Princes Bridge & Richmond Station 44 B 11 TWO BRIDGES COURSE: Opposite Botanic Gardens, near Morell Bridge, Alexandra Ave 44 B 12 ALBERT PARK COURSE: Robinson Hall, at rear of Basketball Stadium, facing lake 57 J 3 PRINCES PARK COURSE: Walker St .Pavilion, near Carlton FG, Royal Pde, trams pass 29 G 12 BOULEVARD: Richmond side of Yarra, behind Burnley Gardens 45 B 12 CRIB POINT ROAD COURSE: Park Rd, 500m north of Naval Depot, Football Ground 195 B 1 POINT LEO ROAD COURSE* 200m up from Pt Leo Beach turn-off, Flinders-Hastings Rd 196 G 2 DOMAIN* Birdwood Avenue, rear of Shrine of Remembrance, 1.5km from Flinders St 43 K 12 LATROHE UNIVERSITY* Car Park No06, off Ring Road 19 H 7 WERRIBEE SOUTHsPrlmary School, Cnr White & 0•Connors Rds, W'BEE SOUTH 201 H 10 MORRUMHEENA TRACK: North Rd/Murrumbeena Rd, 1.5km from M'beena Station 68 K 9 SANDRINGHAM TRACK* Thomas St, HAMPTON, 1km from Hampton Station 76 K *16 MENTONE TRACK* Opp.Lr Dandenong Rd/Nepean H'way Cnr, Second St,MENTONE 87 B 7 COBURG TRACK* Outlook Rd, EAST COBURG, off Murray Rd Swimming Pool 18 A 10 AHERFELDIE TRACK: Corio St, ESSENDON 28 D 6 HEIDELBERG TRACK: Liberty Parade, WEST HEIDELBERG 19 D 12 COLLINGWOOD TRACK: Heidelberg Rd, CLIFTON HILL. Crosscountry course opposite 30 G 12 RINGWOOD TRACK: New .St & Sylvia Rd, 1.5km from Ringwood Station 49 F 11 DONCASTER TRACK: George St, DONCASTER 33 J 11 BOX HILL TRACK: Elgar Rd, 2km from Box Hill Station 47 C 7 WESTERFOIDS PARK: off Porter Street, TEMPLESTOWE 33 E 1/2 VoM• C.NEWSLETTER SUMMER 1984 DECEMBER V0L.16 No. 3/4 VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB AND ROAD RUNNERS - NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to all FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF THE VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB and ROAD RUNNERS that the 39th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1985, at 8.00pm at premises to be notified in our next Newsletter.(Probably Albert Park). Business will include reports from the Executive Officers of the Club, Election of Office Bearers for the ensuing period and General Business brought forward from members of the Club. Refreshment will be provided at the conclusion of the meeting,, ***************************************************************************************** FINAL NOTICE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 1985 - $8 Seniors } $ Juniors (u.?0) - ARE NOW DUE. TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP follow the instructions on pages 35 and 36, complete the form on the bottom of page 35 and either send it in or present it at the next VMC RR race or function with the appropriate fee0 REMEMBER TO FILL IN a set of four SELF-STICK LABELS, USE BLOCK LETTERS with your CALLNAME, Surname, Address and POSTCODE and return them with your renewal form and membership fee, so that you will receive your quarterly newsletter. PLEASE NOTE: If you did not receive this newsletter through the usual channels, you are NOT FINANCIAL and should renew IMMEDIATELY.(To establish continuity) 10 RR MARATHON will be held on SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1985, at CRIB POINT, commencing at 12noon,(Melway 195 ® 0< To be eligible for any travel subsidy prize, competitors must be in their second year of continuous financial membership of the VMC RR or longer. All race entries for the VMC RR MARATHON must be in the hands of the RACE DIRECTOR by MONDAY. MAY 6. 1985. or late fee penalties apply. A 10km event, commencing at 12.15pm will be held in conjunction with the ifein race. Check in between 10.00am and 11.30 for both races. VMC RR MARATHON Entry Fee is $4> including post-race refreshment, and there are various special and random prizes. Non-Members pay a $1 surcharge. The 10km Race Fee of $1 is payable on the day. ~ — — ...... ........ ■ ■ -cut here------ ------------ cut here----------------------- VMC RR MARATHON . CRIB POINT . MAY 26 . 1985 - 12 noon ENTRY FORM Please enter me for the VMC RR MARATHON, Herewith $4 entry fee($1 surcharge if applicable) SURNAME............................... INITIALS......CALLNAME................. ADDRESS........................................................ POSTCODE....... PHONE (Home)........................... (Work)................................... BEST MARATHON TIME (last 5 years)................. .DATE OF SAME.................. Place where held...........................Name of Race.......................... Any other relevant performance................................................... Date of Birth ......./....../....... .0 SIGNATURE..Date....00 ./...00../ o...>0000000 < wammr. Tig; INTEREST OF AUSTRALIAN DISTANCE HOMING. The prime object of the VMC RR, as set out in point 2 of its constitution, is to foster and develop ("Promote and Foster" are the actual words used) distance running» This was in 1946, at a time when distance running was the 'poor relation' in Australian Athletios and had virtually no impact either inside or outside Australia's borders. Crazy ideas existed in regard to the 'harmful' effeot of prolonged running on the human body0 Considering that distance track races were held in the middle of high summer after­ noons at Interelub and even National Championships, this was really not so surprising. Mind you those distances rarely exceeded 2 miles (3.2km), there were two opportunities to get 'cooked' in either the State or National 6 miles (9.6km) track Championships or in both« I have still a vivid recall of the slaughter at the National Championship 1948, held at StJCilda' s Junction Oval, when LES PERRY suffered heat stroke and the rest of the remaining finishers staggered to the line. The establishment of a body to specifically look after the interests of distance runners had become a necessity in the absence of any real appreciation of their problems and needs and practical know-how on the part of the various athletic administrative bodies at virtually every level. A similar position was maintained, in spite of the progress made and rising standards overseas, in relation to women athletes right up to the 80's. Now, that distance running has caught on through the development of the Fun Run boom, we find that all of a sudden the same administrators wish to rush in and take over what has been painstakingly built up by the distance running people themselves. They would be better advised to bring the existing athletic competition and administration up to date with the changed attitudes in the community in CO-OPERATION with those who are already assisting some sections of the sport to up-date themselves across the board. To quote from our letter to the VAA in regard to the Bail Zatopek series in July 1984* "...We are unanimous (The Executive Officers of the VMC RR) in our desire to co-operate in close harmony with both the VAA and the AAU in the promotion of athletics, particu­ larly distance running, but as an autonomous affiliate and as a distinct
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