South Carolina Radio Miller, Prog Dir; David Robinson, Mus Dir: J

South Carolina Radio Miller, Prog Dir; David Robinson, Mus Dir: J

South Carolina Radio Miller, prog dir; David Robinson, mus dir: J. R. MOR, gold. Tad Fogel, prog dir. Henry, chief engr. WSHG(FM) - (Listing follows WGTN). Easley Greenville WNOK -Jan 1, 1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- WBBR (See Travelers Rest, S.C.) WELP - March 1951: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 667 - N. 6027 Devine St., Drawer M (29205). (803) 776- (29640). (803) 859 -4401. Pickens County Bcstg WEPR(FM) Sept 1, 1972: 90.1 mhz; 97 kw. 1230. TWX 803 -733 -1131. Palmetto Radio Corp. - Co. Net: Keystone. Format: C &W. Cleatus O. Braz- Ant 1,100 ft. Drawer L, Columbia (29250). (803) Net: CBS. Rep: Avery-Knodel. Format: Contemp. zell, pres, gen mgr; Freeman Martin. coml mgr; Chas 758 -7318. S.C. Educational TV Commission. Net: Erwin Kahn, pres; H. Moody McElveen Jr., exec VP B. Smith, prog dir; Jack D. Moore, prom mgr; James NPR, S.C. Educl. Format: Educl. Sp progs: SCA vi- mgr; Frank T. Stish, managing dir; Doug & gen B. Clark; news dir; Leon Southerland, chief engr. sually handicapped. 60 hrs wkly. Henry J. Cauthen, Enlow, prog dir; John R. Cook, news dir; James R. pres; Wm. D. Hay, dir of radio; Charlton Bowers. Kelly Ill, engr. WELP -FM May 4, 1965: 103.9 mhz; 2.3 kw. chief - chief engr. Ant 340 ft. Dups AM 75 %. -FM July 15, 1959: 104.7 mhz; 100 kw. WNOK - WESC March 1947: 660 khz; 10 kw, DA -D. Box Ant 460 ft. (803) 776 -1233. Prog sep from AM. - Florence 2447 (29602). (803) 246 -7660. Bcstg Co. of the Stereo. Format: MOR. William L. McElveen, mgng Carolinas Inc. (acq 4 -58). Rep: Buckley. Robert A. dir; Camille Bradford, coml mgr; Ron L. Wells, prog WJMX - July 13, 1947: 970 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Schmid, pres; John Y. Davenport, VP & gen mgr; dir. WNOK -TV affil. DA-N. Box 1211 (29501). (803) 665 -0970. Atlantic Wally A. Mullinax, coml mgr; Bob Hooper, prog dir; Bcstg Co. Net: CBS; Tobacco Radio Net. Rep: WOIC September 1955: 1320 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 Nancy Teague, prod dir; Paul Brown, news dir; Don - Devney; Carpenter. E. E. Stone, pres: Paul H. kw-N, DA -N. Box 565 (29202). (803) 256 -1551. Gowens, chief engr. Benson Jr., principal own & gen mgr. Nuance Corp. (acq 2- 1 -74). Net: ABC /C. Rep: 1948: mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1, WESC -FM - March 92.5 Howard. Format: R &B. Spec prog: Black 15 hrs WSTN(FM) Co -owned with WJMX. Oct - 340 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. wkly. I. S. Leevy Johnson Esq.. pres; Elliott E. 1964: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Progs sep from Franks Ill, gen mgr; Douglas W. Craig, coml mgr; AM. Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. WFBC - 1933: 1330 khz; 5 kw. DA -N. Box 788. Eugene Waiters. prog dir; Jesse L. Bowers, mus dir; 505 Rutherford St. (29602). (803) 233 -4601. TWX WOLS - Nov 18, 1937: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Rene Carter, news dir; Daryl Nations, chief engr. 810 -281 -2182. Multimedia Inc. (acq 1- 1 -68). Net: w -N. 151 S. Dargan St. (29501). (803) 662 -3271. NBC. Rep: Katz. Format: Contemp. Wilson Wearn, WQXL 1945: 1470 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 3277 Florence Bcstg Co. (acq 1941). Spec progs: Black - pres; Bruce Buchanan, VP & gen mgr; Keener R. (29203). (803) 252 -8659. Metro Communications 12 hrs: C &W 14 hrs, both wkly. A. P. Skinner, pres Garrett, coml mgr; Billy Powell, prog dir; Dave Par - (acq 1974). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Young. Format: C &W. & gen mgr; Marvin L. Walberg, coml mgr; Doug tidge, news dir: W. E. Garrison, chief engr. Mannon R. Turner, gen mgr; Garrett M. Allen, exec Williams, prog & news dir; M. W. Pell, chief engr. VP. WSTN(FM) - (Listing follows WJMX). WFBC -FM - 1947: 93.7 mhz; 100 kw horiz, 97 kw vert. Ant 1850 ft. Stereo. Dup AM 22 %. 'WUSC -FM 1952: 89.9 mhz; 10 w. U. of South - WYNN Nov 5, 1958: 540 khz; 250 w -D. Box WFBC -TV affil. 777 -3110. Div of Con- - Carolina (29208). (803) 1586 (29501). (803) 662 -6364. Forjay Bcstg. (acq Classcl; 1966: 1070 khz; 50 kw -D, DA. tinuing Educ, U. of South Carolina. Format: 4- 16 -72). Rep: Howard. Format: Black. James N. WHYZ - May 26, Ed. H. Patterson, pres; Nicholas Mitchell, gen (803) 246 -1441. WHYZ Inc. Wm. Maurer, pres & gen mgr; Jack Maurer, coml & prom Box 4308 (29608). prog mus dir; Robert 10- 17 -70). Format: Rock, contemp. Dexter mgr; J. Michael Foster, and mgr; Gene Allen, prog & news dir; Andrew Bailey, (acq mgr; Ben Lambert, chief engr. mus dir: Bernard Moore, chief engr. Stuckey, pres; Raymond Somers, gen Howard, coml & prom mgr; G. Stephen Green, prog WXRY(FM) Feb 6, 1971: 93.5 mhz; 1.7 kw. Ant - dir; John Paul Heatherton, news dir; Ray Slatton, 380 ft. Stereo. Box 6827. 2400 Decker Blvd. Fountain inn chief engr. (29260). (803) 788 -6500. Frank D. Ward Inc. Rep: WFIS - October 1956: 1600 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Masla, Dora -Clayton. Format: Btlfl music. Frank D. WMRB Feb 8, 1954: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- 156 (29644). (803) 963 -5991. Fountain Inn - - Ward, pres & gen mgr; R. Lanier Jones, VP & sis N. Box (803) 242 -1490. Paramount Simpsonville Enterprises Inc. Format: C &W. Spec 8876 (29604). Tanner, dir; Drake Hotel, prom Net: CBS. Rep: mgr; Guerry prog progs: Black 18 hrs; Gospel 20 hrs, both wkly. Bcstg Co. (acq 4- 21 -54). Carpenter. mgr; Phil mus dir; Henry Staples, chief engr: Easy Istng, band. C. F. Cope, pres, gen Stout, Leroy A. Hamilton Sr., pres & chief engr: Ben H. Format: big news T. dir; David Macintosh, dir. Davis. VP, gen & sis mgr. & coml mgr; W. Arrington, stn mgr & prog Bill Krieger, prom mgr; L. F. Poole, mus dir; Evelyn M. Conway Gaffney Rust, news dir; B. S. Anderson, chief engr. WLAT August 1945: 1330 khz; 5 kw -D. 500 w- 15, khz; 5 kw -D. Bob - WAGT -FM - (Listing follows WEAC). WMUU - Sept 1949: 1260 N, DA -N. Box 799 (29526). (803) 248 -9040. Jones U. (29614). (803) 242 -6240. Bob Jones U. Coastal Bcstg Co. Net: MBS; Tobacco. L. M. WEAC - Sept 28, 1962: 1500 khz; 1 kw -D. 500 Format: Classical, religious. Dr. Bob Jones, pres; Hawley. pres & gen mgr; Mike Green, news dir & w -CH. Box 1210 (29340). (803) 489 -9066. Gaffney Jim Ryerson, stn mgr; Walter Slagle, coml mgr: coml mgr; J. E. Hawley, prog dir & chief engr; Marvin Bcstg Inc. Format: Solid Gold & Top 40. E. Dayton Walker, prog dir; Charles Koelsch, mus dir; Ingram. prom mgr; Gary Norris, mus dir. Raymond Parker, pres; Don H. Lovelace, gen mgr, Chuck Lee, news dir; William Greaves, chief engr. chief engr & treas; Ron Owenby, mgr; Ed Elliot, prog mhz; kw. Ant WLAT -FM - July, 1964: 104.1 65 dir; Jim Holland, news dir. WMUU -FM - Aug 15, 1'960: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. 140 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Ant 1 190 ft. Dups AM 90 %. Stereo. WAGT -FM - Co -owned with WEAC. 1959: 105.3 WQOK 1950: 1440 khz; 5 kw, DA-N. Drawer T Darlington mhz; 100 kw. Ant 890 ft. Dups AM 5 %. Stereo. (acq - 246 WQOK Inc. (acq 5 1- 15 -71). Format: C &W /Gospel. (29610). (803) -2112. -27- WDAR - 1955: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 9. 106 68). Net: ABC /C. Rep: H -R /Stone. Format: Smith Ave. (29532). (803) 393 -4081. Rebel Radio WFGN - 1948: 1570 khz; 250 w -D. Drawer 47 Contemp, underground. T. C. Hooper, pres, gen & Inc. (acq 5- 9 -69). Net: ABC /I; Tobacco Radio Net. (29340). (803) 489 -4795. Cherokee Radio Co. Net: coml mgr; Steve Chris, prog & mus dir; Billy Shand, Rep: Bernard; Tobacco. Format: C &W. Ted Gray ABC /E: Keystone. Format: Contemp. Keith news dir. Jr., pres; Bill C. Walls, gen & prom mgr; Freeland L. Johnson, pres & gen mgr: Sheila Adler, coml, prog & under WGTN Riles, coml mgr; Allan Miller, prog dir: Rudolph news dir. WSHG(FM) - (See listing Georgetown). Hatcher, engr. chief Georgetown WDAR -FM - March 1966: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Greenwood WGTN -July 1, 1949: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- 260 ft. Dups AM 100%. N. Box 575 (29440). (803) 546 -4161. Seacoast WCRS - Sept 1, 1941: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Dillon Bcstg Co. (acq 7- 6 -71). Rep: Dora -Clayton. Format: N. Box 1247 (29646). (803) 223 -8553. Grenco Inc. MOR. Richard T. Laughridge, pres; Wayne B. Net: NBC. Format: MOR. Douglas Featherstone, WDSC - May 22, 1946: 800 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Sawyer, gen mgr; Tom Rea, mus dir; Jay Aldridge, pres: Dan Crosland, gen & prom mgr; Ralph Norman, 231 (29536). (803) 774 -9031. Border Bcstg Co. chief engr. coml mgr; Dianne Lyle, prog dir; Darroll Evans, mus Net: ABC/E. Rep: Dora -Clayton; Tobacco Radio Net. dir; Dave Cureton, news dir; Charles M. Sparks, chief WSHG(FM) Co -owned with WGTN. May 1, Format: Variety, C &W. Spec progs: Black 6 hrs wkly. - engr. 1973: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 130 ft. Format: C&W. Joseph Martin, pres & gen mgr; Lee Lumpkin, Stereo. coml mgr; Ebbie Levinor, prog dir; John Quick, news WCRS -FM - April 28, 1965: 96.7 mhz; 1.3 kw. dir & prom mgr; Ray Allen, Ant 430 ft. Dups AM 100 %. chief engr. WINH - March 1962: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D. Drawer W (29440). (803) 546 -5141. Winyah Bay Bcstg Co. WGSW April 15, 1953: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WDSC -FM - Feb 16, 1954: 92.9 mhz; 8.8 kw.

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