a * T«.-d in« re-«ln_ « lotidine«.«. f..ll .- »,| PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. V" LXXH 23.898. « r«, er* to nl-flil er i«, morro«« NEW-YORK. SUNDAY. MM.ll 21. L912.-FIVE PARTS-SKTY-FOUR SAYS GERMAN SHIP "ON" MOMENT, PLEASE." ISMAY ORDERS BOATS, DISREGARDED "C Q D" ANTICIPATING LAWS Carpathia s Operator Declares "Damned Fool Every Ship to Have More Than Enough Safely on Frankfurt Only Wanted to Know Equipment for Everybody, Irrespec¬ 'What's the Matter?'" tive of Legislation, He Says. COMMITTEEGOES TO WASHINGTON TALK OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Ismay, Franklin, Several Members of Titanic's Crew and Ismay and Frank'in Ordered to Testify Before Full Com¬ Probably Many Passengers Will Be Called to mittee in Washngton.Wanted to Get Away at Testify When Hearings Are Resumed Once, Chairman Says, Giving Intercepted Messages To-morrow. Ordering Cedric Held for Titanic^ Crew. The sessions yesterday of the investigation being conducted at the A step that seemed obvious a week ago. when the sinking Waldorf-Astoria by a sub-committee of the Senate Committee on Com¬ of the Titanic and the terrible loss of life became known, was merce into the sinking of the Titanic served rather to disclose than to unravel mysteries. taken yesterday and was the first attempt to prevent a similar The Frankfurt, "of some German line." was the first ship to disaster in the future. the "C D" call of the Titanic, and the wireless acknowledge Q operati¬ Orders were issued for even* ship on all the lines of the the of was con¬ on the Titanic, judging by strength the wireless waves, Marine to be im¬ vinced that the Frankfurt was even nearer than the Carpathia, but the International Mercantile Company equipped save the life of German ship failed to report her own position and made apparently no mediately-with lifeboat, and rafts enough to to the distress of the White Star liner. effort to respond signal every human being on board in case of an accident at sea. The Frankfurt is a North German Lloyd boat and plies between the White Star, Galveston and Bremen. The lines affected by this order include Senator Smith introduced the message sent to Representative the American, the Atlantic Transport, the Red Star, the Ley- Hughes on the Monday following the crash, which asserted that the land and the Dominion. were "all safe" and would be landed at Titanic's passengers probably Ifi of the of the order J. Bruce Ismay, Halifax, to which port that ship was "proceeding." This message was telling issuing signed "White Star Line," but insistent questioning of both the wire¬ president of the International Mercantile Marine Company and less operators at the hearing failed to reveal the slightest warrant for chairman of the board of directors and managing director of the message, and its authorship still remains to be explained. Preceding the convening of the committee Senator Smith admitted the White Star Line, said: that the government had evidence of the fact that J. Bruce Ismay had "I determined to do this, irrespective of any present or that the sent three wireless messages from the Carpathia insisting future laws on the subject, either in this country, in England, Cedric be held to await the arrival of that ship in order that he himself or or other countries touched by the lines and the surviving officers and crew of the Titanic might return imme¬ Holland, any foreign of the international Mercantile Marine Company. diately to England. These messages are understood to have been hut up the cruisers which this government sent to meet the Car¬ 'I am going to see to it that not only every passengci, picked by the pathia. as Mr. Ismay, since he was subpcenaed by the investigating com¬ _.- every member of the crew on any ship of the White Star, t«> vail on th« i «-dri«-. .md were his desire "to lend the committee - I Mr. desired they mittee, has reiterated every possible "A government t>"at picked np mi it ting thai Ismay back American and all other lines of the International Mercantile was t k«> back and to have tin* crew oí the Titanic go assistance." forwarded tu Washington. Mr. I-may anxious as in ease of to 1 had t" tell him rather emphatically that be could Marine shall in the future be as safe possible There was a mere of in the course of the immediately. If«* wanted to k<> l»ack »«n the Lapland day. make suggestion mystery mind that Mi I-:*...;, and ih<- members "f hi- crem would have t«> stay here and not . I mad«* op my another accident. sister ship to the Titanic, which failed to come to the latter's go. nerd not fear. We shall «et the facts Olympic, certain t<> the American people. American people to with the Ian. We assistance, more of a of on the of the explanations "We are not waiting merely comply perhaps suggestion suspicion part in iliis case." Senator William Alden Smith. most committee than out. It seems that are to the technicalities and give the anything actually brought probable going disregard of subsequent developments will show that the Olympic was too far away ample and complete protection to human life, irrespective to render any actual assistance. LONDON CONDEMNS ISMAY GNORED CROW'S NEST .11 legal requirements. In the future there will never arise a TO CONTINUE HEARING IN WASHINGTON. condition in which there is not room foi even-body in the life¬ liferafts, that are not After the noon recess Chairman Smith announced that the com¬ ON HIS OWN EVIDENCI boats or on tiie unsinkable pneumatic mittee would stand adjourned to meet to-morrow morning in Wash¬ even capable of being upset in rough weather." ington. He explained that it had seemed important to hold some hear¬ Could am The Senate investigating committee continued its sessions here in order that the of the should be mapped out His Indicates Disaster Survivor Declares That Titanic's were H. S. ings plan inquiry Testimony at the Waldorf yesterday. The witnesses heard those it was desired to examine later, and also of and subp.nas issued for Have Been Prevented. Lookout Shouted Danger ihe wireless of the Titanic, and IL T. in order that the captain of the Carpathia and his passengers, who had Should Three Times Before Crash. Bride, surviving operator «-««hi« «o T» «» rrn of the J. .Bruce a sacrifice of time and convenience to assist the sur¬ n> Cottam, the wireless operator Carpathia. already made great The évidence ill «Sew Vori of the White Star vivors of the Titanic, on their way to the Mediterranean London. April 20. «given ismay and P. A. S. Franklin, vice-president might proceed ("< DIDN'T HEED without further before the Senate committee is being closely FIRST OFFICER ( were in attendance. delay. investigation and tli ompany, Among those who will be further examined are J. Bruce Ismay, amined by Board of Trade experts, shipping officials TO APPEAB IN WASHINGTON of the International Mercantile Marine Company; the sur¬ in this .1 "No Wonder Murdock Shot Him¬ SUBP.NAED president British newspaper reading public generally country, That of the crew and officers of the Titanic, the surviving wireless operators and others admissions ar* self.'' Said One, Angry With the surviving officers, twenty members viving Bruce evidence and Officer Lighttoller's Their Should Mr. on whom subpoenas have been served. P. A. S. Franklin, of the White Ismay's dittstei Vigilance several of the passengers of the Titanic. Ismay as Hi« opinion thai the for surviving Star Line, and various members of the crew of the Titanic, together regarded justifying popular Go Naught. and Mr. Franklin have been subprrnaed to appear in Washing¬ members of and should have been with a number of the surviving passengers. All surviving could prevented. Ttir.-r warning)« that an Iceberg »*a« before the full Senate -committee in¬ is is. was th< Titanic drivei ton to-morrow morning the crew who were not subpcrnaecl sai'ed yesterday on the Lapland. What everybody asking Why ahead were transmitted from the crow's the Titanic disaster. sessions Harold S. BrirJe, the assistant wireless knots the ice n»it of «h*» Titanic to th* officer on the vestigating At yesterday's «H ;i «>t" iwrnf\ -tu«i and one-half through Senator Smith said the speed fifteen minutes before ahí struck. Before the morning session yesterday operator of thç Titanic, was examined. Harold T. Cottam. wireless un-, i he of the lookouts nol hridg« /one. and why precaution doubling !.r,...rdiiip t«i Thomas Whltelev. a first to Ncv York was recalled, and Herbert Pitman, third that the reason he and Senator Newlands hurried operator of the Carpathia, J. here is thai ll><* publie lias «been living saio«.n stewsrd, now in Bl Vincent's was taken? The impression was that the émiser«-. officer of the Titanic, was sworn, but his examination barely begun liner lias been nav- Hospital to begin the investigation here government a fools' thai «very transatlantic were when was taken. All the witnesses subp.naed are ordered in paradise, Both the prow's ueel lookouts wireless messages from the Carpathia show-iis: ?njoiirn'Tierit and thai th» he boato a eon« had intercepted to-morrow forenoon. with a reckless disregard for human life, need. Whltelejr rays Line, to be in Washington ¡gated rersatlon between them In which they that J. Bruce Ismay wanted the Cedric. of the White Star was in in an invalid chair, where other crack steamers led. The. appearance of Bride, who brought Titanic merely followed dismissed ths warnings given to the and the crew of the Titanic back to tli.it two out of of «he of the held to take him England hi* feet swathed in bandages, his ankle--« having been crushed, added a An analysis of the death roll shows every Titanic's bridge presence here.
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