NEW FROM ACOUSTIX INTIRNATIONAL QUARTIT CHAMPION' featuring THE A~lERICAN POPS ORCHESTRA THE VOCAL ~IAJORITY fi PANACHE TIle Stars and Stripes forever' The Star Span~led Banner God Bless The USA' ASong like Daddy Used To Play Blackbird Nedley , Unchained Nelody , And So To Sleep Again IfTIlere's Anybody Here From Out ofTown ' God Bless America This Is The f>loment • So f>lany Voices Sing America's Song PLEASE SEND NE; Order Date _ __ Stars r; Stripes CD Ii) $15. $ _ __ Stars r; Stripes Cassette (j) $10. $ .. __ Tile New Science ofSound CD {i) $15. $ _ __ The New Science ofSound Cassette w $10. $ _ ShipplnglHandling $ 2.50 Pdyable In u.s. f",nds. Chl'rsu~ orders add 1,t. luas Tax (If applicable) $ _ re,ldems add 8.1'~ sales Ia.... Total $__ . Name Address StatelPrOlirKe '" COUntry Phone ( o Ma$te,-(ard Exp. Dale 5lgl1ill",re ~Iall lour order 10: ACOUSTlX Productions. 104" North Central E.\presmay S\llle 109·"8. Dallas. TX 7;..1)1-1211, btt> 26<;-STIX 1J8.49~ raJ{ l'our order 10: btt> 16<;"9,S5- ~ distribution. 5.lle or adl"elllslrlg of unomdal recordings Is nol a reprt'Sffi­ tatiO<1lhat the (O<1lenlS ofSIKh record!n~ are appropriate for CO<!leil ",se. Presented by the ITY LIGHTS 1992 Queens ofHarmony Name _ Address _ City/State/Zip c- _ Compact Discs@ $15.00 each $ _ JAU ME BlUES HEY DAddy Cassettes @$10.00 each $ _ ElliNGTON MEdlEY SiR DukE ...• THE ROSE MAKE CHECKS TO: Subtotal $ City Lights SfH $ 2.00 8 Woodland Road TOTAL $ Maplewood, N.J. 07040 (US fUNDS ONlV) The cf.str.botoo, !oa~e I)( ad'il?rt'siog 01 uflOfl"o;iaJ rewrdngs is Il(lt a represellla~«lll1at lite contents of such lecordng5 are apj:l(opriale lor ron\e5t use. 'Jive. percent oftfie proutd's from tfit sa[ts oftliis recoraing fiaf){. Pun pfufgttf to tlit 'Young Siflgers J"olwtfation. March/April 1994 The Volume LV, No.2 The JlarIllQI/itl'r (USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017-7849) is lhe amelal publication orlh", Sadri,. for lhl." I'resl."rnllioll ~aIl7lonizer :md Encoufllgl'ment of Rarb('T Shop Quarl('1 Singing in ,\merica, 111(". (SI-'EUSQSA). Ills IJUblished inlhe months ofJnlluarJ, March, J\la)',Jul)'. Sel)temhernlld NOn'llIbcr A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF at 7930 Shcridnn !toad, KCllosha, Wiscollsin5Jl43. Sec­ ond·dass postage (laid al Krlloslm. Wlscollsin, lind at SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY additional mailing offices. Editorial and nd\"t'rtising of· fices nrc at the il1lernnliona! office. Adn'rlising rates .."allable"110n nqursl. Publisherassumes 110 respolisibil­ Features , il)' for return of ullsolicited nmnuscrlpls or artwork. Poslnmsler: Stilt! addrcss changes to editorial offices of Tilt Harmol/izer, 7930 Sh('rldllll Road, KrllDsha, Wiscon· 4 Sarasota was a blast! sin 53143 at Iraslthirt.r da)"s befort' lht' nt':\:t publication reporl on midwinter convention date. A portion ofeacll Illflllbtr's dues is allocated to conr the llIagazine's subserilltion price. Subseriplion price to 8 "Mini-chorus" wins Seniors Quartet Contest nOll-llll'mbers is SIS )"earl)' or SJ per Issue; foreign sub· scriptions are S27 )·('arly or S".50 per Issm' (U. S. funds new champion's entire name too long to fit here onl)"). VI994 b)" the Socll't)" for the Presen·ation and Encouragement of Harber Shop Quartet Singing in 10 Virginians visit London, England Americll,lne. Richmond, Va., Chapter invited to perform at festival 12 Three messages about harmony Intemaliona) Office public relations tips for Barbershoppers SPEBSQSA 16 Bal'bershoppers on cruise 6315 Third Avenue AHSOW, Pekin rcunion (ovcrleaf inscrt) find fun in the sun Kcnosha, WI 53143-5199 Telephonc (414) 653-8440 11 How to get good convention seats TolI·rree 1·800·876·SING (7464) manager of conventions provides tips FAX (414) 654·4048 Office Hours: 8 n.Ill, - 5 p.m. 21 Harmony College 1994 to have two choruses i\londfly-Fl'idnr (Ccnlrlll Timc) two top-notch directors to "do their thing." 22 Top ten reasons for not having a will Intemalional Office Starr director of development offers advice JOE LILES, Execulive Director DAN NAU:'IIANN. Director of t-.lusic Education & Services FRANK SANTAIlELLI, Din.'CtorofFinancc &. Adminislr.ltion Also in this issue (;ARY STAi\I~l, Diro:ctorofMalketillg nUTH BLAZINA·JOYCE, Museum Cumlor/Archivist 8 Marketing the Society KEN BUCKNEll, ~I;lllagcr ofConvenliolls & l\leelings DAN DA ILY. Ediior of Publications JI~I DE"US~IAN.l\lusic SpccialistID~IEJ\\'ol!d IIaml0ny 15 Direct Line LANI D1ETEIl, C&J Cooo.lill3tor!Quartel Regisll)' RUSS l"OIUS. l\ledia Production Coordinator 19 Heartspring and Service WARREN I.EISEMANN. i\lanagcroflnformation Systems BRIAN LYNCH. Communications Specialist m:rn' MADSEN. Merchandise Oldels & Shipping 20 New Music Notes/suggested arrangements RUTH i\IAltKS. Hannon)' Foundation Program Coordinator £\' NA U.1olusic SpecialiMlPerfon1l3llcen.laJketing 23 Barbershop Al"ound the World 80.1. RASHI.EIGH. Music Sp.."X'ialistIYouth Outreach GREG RISMDEN. Computer Network Manager lJURT SZABO. MusiC'" SI~ialistlMusic Publishing 24 Membership Matters PATRICK TUCKEIt-K£lL\', COTSn.lembership DEE VJ.::SEVICK, Assi~lanl 10 the E.\:ecuti\"c Director 24 Men of Note CHARLIE (;REEN, Dircrtorof Dcwlopmenl ~Iinn("apolis. ~linn. (612) 929·QO..II FAX: 929·0552 25 Chapter Etemal Conventions 25 In Memory INTERNATIONAL 1994 Pitlsburgh, Pa July 3-10 26 Youth Ouh"each 1995 Greatcr Miami. Fla July 2-9 1996 Salt Lake City. U",h June 3D-July 7 28 News About Quartets 1997 Indianapolis, Illd June 29-JlIly 6 1998 Atlanta, Ga. .. June 28-July 5 32 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers 1999 Anaheim, Calif. June 27-July 4 2000 Kansas City, Mo. July 2-9 On the cover MIDWINTER 1995 Tucson,l\riz. .. January 22-29 Barbershopper Mike Patti discovered the cover art in a flea market, and provided 1996 JacksOI1\'i1le, Fla........ Jatluaf)' 28-February 3 a replica to hang in Harmony Hall. Reproduced on our cover by permission. Internct: brian·[email protected] © The Curtis Publislling Company MarchiApril 1994 8fmfnonizer Intel'national Officel's II/Ierl/a/ional ExeclII;re Committe£' President: Emie Nickoson. 1702 Cameron Ct.. l~xington. KY ..0505 Vkc Pr~'sil!cntffreasurer:Dick Shaw. 35 Vagabond lane. Wimer H:n·en. FL 33881 Vice President: Tim Hanrahan, 215 HedglX'ock Court In "Seventh" Satellite Beach. fl32937 Vice President: Ed Waesehe. 6 ViSla unt·, Meh·illc. NY 117..7 Immrdiale Past Presidenl: Terry Ammiall. 47A Dot AWllue. Ctllupbell. CA 95008 Heaven Executive Director: Joe liles l'.' ob/do Il/lerl/aliOllal Board Members by Joe Liles C:l/dinal: William Campb.:ll. 8-ILOSoulh F.a,l Sl.,Indianapoli•. IN 46227 Executive Director CtnlrJl Slalts: I'r~d Tclkr, 1510CrNllll10r DI .. lla\lillg'. NE6S901 lli"it; I)ick llch)I~. 7J2 (j.t<'1~)" Dr.. Nash\illr. TN 371115 Ewrgr~~n; Bun Slfom, 45-'11'0.\ !';lIm Rd.. (ir(:u FJll~. M r 59-1Q.t FJr W~~l(m: Dick Gil...-in, J-ISSS L)Ol Aw.,I-I~n~1, ('A <J1S-I5 IIlinoh: 1:a.rI"ko;,:lh, 15611 GI~n<.JJ1( I.~nt, I.od.:pon, IL 6().t41-J202 JohnOl)' Appk...·~d: Jlloo' J~n],;in_. M9-1 5I1-;1I","01l,l, DubliOl. OH -13017 Land 0' l...:ll~.; JudJ Orff, 115 E. Lin&1I St. SlilI"JI~r. "'N 550S2 Mid·Allan'i....: b::k Htllis.1S O1k.k)' Dr.. Hunling'on Station. NY 111-Ui NonJl(J>,C'm: Jim Kis'030:1:. P. o. Bo,," 7045. ChC'p.x-htl.IU 0lIH4-0997 l "Hey,sir Whmdoyouthinkabout serve in a number of ways, regardless of his On,ario: Kid.: Snoolt,·n. 2J Br.l<klltoo Ill.. Willo\\d.l!.>. ON "12H IY4 the lack of learning and all the profession or background. In our organiza­ CANAD.\ ~(r. ROStr 1..c:\\i~.10115 11 "Ilk Rd_. BalllC'Cr«Ii, MI-l9017 apathy in our chapter?" tion, a person has an opportunity to expand Ro.:l)· .\IOllDl~in: Phillloff"un. Jr.. 2140 CI;uk An.,llillings.;\tT59101 "I don't know, and I don't care!" his life beyond the tedium ofthe daily grind. SC'OC'C~ Land: Dick Btnn.... 37951.)tl1 Nd., No.:b.:,.ttr. NY 14606 South\\r~l~m: BIUC<' Clarl:. 2-169 Oifonl ,\\('.• San ,\ng~Io, TX 7690-1 We often hear people talking about apa­ The opportunity to grow and develop within Sum.hint: Ntd FOj!kr. 14928 F,·,lIl..:r Co,~ Rd.. CIC'.ln\;I'U, FL J-Ui22 lhy within a chapter. Quite often, what is the context ofpleasureable activity is one of and Direclors-lIl-ulrge viewed as apathy is merely a perception by the greatest girts our Society can give a 1).11\ 83J,.tr. 515 Bth·nkrC' Dr. 1110. 1101 SpiiOlg_.•\R 71901 Eri.... Jackson, 202110w.:ud 51.. Riw.tun, NJ 05077 leaders when they cannol get others to do member. John Schlltidtr, 3 Rip Van Willlk. HOU)lon. TX 77014 whal they want them to do. II has a lot to do GNrgt Shield" I Valk)brook Dr, 11400. L>on :\Iilh, O;\' :-'OB 2S7 CANADA with power and conlrol, Hnd little to do with People want to do what Ihe)' arc nol re­ poor attitude on the part of the members. It quired 10 do. ]ustto keep up with responsi­ has been proven over and overagain: people bilities of everyday life, many people are Affiliate Organizations react with positive interest when they have a placed on, what seems to be, a never-ending AUSTRAUAN ASSOCIATION OF "tEN nARBERSliO!' stake in the outcome.
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