2,3,7.8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P"dioxin « Texas fever '!'8*cUO'''o<di*ben>7,o-p-di'OX'ln V'pe-cll-'ak- ■ fiTCDDffigo.cth.yl.ejie \fie-ira-,kl6-r6-"etli-a-iien\ n : a U^-'mer-ik monomer.s) — tet-ra-mer-ic \.te- jftiiDiIe nonflammable liquid compound CClj=CCl2 tet.ra.meUi.yl.am.mo.ni.um v.te-tra-.meih-sl-a-'md-ne- gindusirial and organic solvent and esp. formerly tour methyjIf wateriiary groups ammonium ion (CH,,:).N-^ containing p|)|Unintic — called also pefchlotoethyiene tet«ra.mine \"te-tr9-imen\ n 1 a compound (as methe- fm-ra-mefi-ane Vmeth-iin, Brit usu -"me-tthan\ n namine) containing four amino groups 2: a strong toxic gtoltACHWRlOE unstable b^e C4H1.1NO obtained from sea anemone.s or |^ie'v<si-klik, -'sik-likN a<ij : coniaining four usu. made synthetically |ilS?jn the molecule structure tetraniti-ate — see krythrityi. tetbanitrai e, pentabkvth- S'^eXitfi-trs-'si-iklen, -kisnv n ; a yellow crystal- RITOL TETRANITKATE antibiotic CajHj^NaOa produced by a |llomycete of the genus Strmomyces iS. viridifa- tet.ra.iiu-eIe.o.(idetide consisting of a \.te-tro-'n(y)u-kle-a.itid\ chain of four mononucleotides « ; « nucieo- tt'-ro ! any of vaj'ious derivatives of tet.ra.pa.ren.tal Vpa-'rent--l\ adJ: produced from a mosaic JUltadi /i; a group or arrangement of four: as a ^icallyf Idifferent S'"''" embryosol cells integrated from two genet element, atom, or radical b: a group offour tet.ra.pa.re.sis \-po-'re-s3S, -'par-3-\ pi \-,sez\ itoffidusu. in the form of a tetrahedron and pro- . muscle weakne.ss affecting all four limbs - called also t ffae successive divi.sions of a mother cell <a ~ of qmdnpaf€sis ;ld '^lyV ^ evident in the pachytenesynapsed stagechroinatids of meiotic that pro- be- 'with tetraparesis (a ~ patient) relating to. or atTecled is- "fra produced by the longitudinal splitUng ofeach ": a peptide consisting of four t Bw pomologous chromo.somes ammo acid re-sidues ttnodc add \»te-tr3-idek-3-tn6-ik-\ n ; myristic tetraplKwphate — see hexaeihyi TE rRAPHO.sPHATE \ite-tr3-fi-'lid-e-9\ n pi : &a order of the fl-pep.tide Mte-tra-idek-a-'pep-ilidX n : a poly- ysssomatostatin) that contains Id amino acids bianchh ffishes n andMmPnsmg distinguished tapeworms by a scolex pmasitic having in fourelasrao- bo- uO'Di-iiin \ite-tr3-ieth-al-3-'m6-ne-am\ n thridia and sometimes also hooks or suckens for attach- ammonium ion (CjIIji^N'* containing four ment to the host ■al y a salt of this ion fas (he deliquescent tet.ra-ple.gia \.te-tr3-'ple-j(e-)?\ /, : quadriplegia used as a ganglionic blocking agent)- tet.ra.pje-gic \-'ple-jik\ adj or n : quauriplecic somesniifl «numbei k four times the monoploid number a(a chromo ~ cell) - ''^.^'®"""®"'®'h-3l-'led\ n : a heavy oily pol- j — tetTa-ploi-dy V.p)6id-e\ n, pi -dies geMpd also lead tetraethylantiknock agent in gas- tetraploid n : a tetraploid individual ffilpyrophosphate n ; rEpp tet-ra-pyr.role also tet-ra-pyr-rol Vite-tra-'pKajr-.oK n ; a plsyttkbu-ram disuinde Mte-tra-ieth-sl-'thi-yu- chemical group consisting of four pyrrole rings ioined ei- pSiSliUflBAM isOM efh.y|.ene \.te-tro-,flu(-3)r-6-'eth-9.,len\ » infthloroplTX ® or in a ring (as piteous fluorocarbon CF2=CF2 used in mak- ^-'sak-a->rTd\ n : any of a class of car- Jed piKtluoroelhylene resins bohydiates (as slachyose) that yield on complete hydroly ISrate Vhi-fdrafi n : a chemical compound with sis four monosaccharide molecules Sanies of water — tet.ra.hy.drat.ed adj tet.ra.so.mic \,te-tra-'s6-mik\ adj : having one or a few chromosomes tetraploid in otherwise diploid nuclei due to W.anu.no.ac.ri.diBe kite-tra-.hi-drs-s-ima-nb- ies pnuj i tacsiine nondisjunction tel.ra.va.ient Xite-tra-'va-lantX adj: having a chemical va- 3, ^0«^*Bab*i*no] s-ka-'nab-a-inol, -indl\ ti: thc lencc ot ioui* (f-v-- carbon) tet.ra.20Ie \>te.tp..zol\ /. : a crystalline acidic compound as Is"" * n ! a salt or ester of teti'ahy- CHjN^ contmning a five-membered ring composed of one n ! a mefabolically active W«i,ti9nj3iN706 ol'folic acid that acts as a co- y rivatives of {?!:"'this compound P'trosen atoms; also ; any of various de ^Hbe transfer of groups (as a methyl group.) con- IS, piigle carbon atom in metabolic synthesis (as of 01 gioup CH3N4 that IS analogous to ammonium: also: anv 'tema V'hi-ma-nat n l cap : a genus of free= M mfr f (lenvatives used esp, as electron acceptors wte protozoans much used for genetic and bio- to test for metabolic activity in living cells Mesearch 2; any ciliate protozoan of the genus te.tro.do.fox.iD \te-.tr6d-3-.tak-san\ n ; a neurotoxin use SWii9W»?f WM t-uHiTNjOg that IS found esp, in puffei-f1.shes and that |^pmoi.irfitha.lein S.te-tra-i-.b-do-.fen-^l- blocks nerve conduction by suppressing permeability of iK;:hhalMen, -HhalA n : iodophtfialein the nerve fiber to sodium ions •d W)fn)l.lot \te.'rral-3^ie-3v-fa-'l6\ n : a congen- t^.rose \'te-,tros\ n ; any of a class of monosaccharide.s ■is, puly of the hea.r( characterized by pulmooai-y wopemng in the interventiicular septum, malpo- atoms or threose) containing four carbon Sportaover both ventricles, and hypertrophy of ® of an elemenl or lifatnck fe-Imnis^thu^ (18S0-1911), French phvsi- tIvTex-as If fev«r ?.\ tek-s3s-\ fPP" 0^ n ;oxygen an infectious — see o.smium disease tetroxide of cattle gputehed in 1888 an article on cardiac anom- transmitted by the cattle tick and caused by a sporozoan of |WS»:(escribecl the form of congenital heart the ^nus Babesia IB. bigemma) that multiplies in the Si f janosis that now bears his name. His I .he first but an improvement that an- hvTivI',ftck fevet, Texas caitiered fever blood cells ■- called also caiite. I'"rtsaTOidl four ofclinical the identifying with postmortem characteristics, obser- \a\abut \'\,kitten \3f\further \a\8sh \a\ace \a\cot cart -e nCrlTS-inar) w ; a molecule (as an enzyme or a \au\out \ch\ehin \e\bet \e\ea.sy \E\go \i\hil \I\ice \j\Job ^alqcnsists of four structural subunits (as pep- \V\y\jet \ Vziiv vision see^ also Pronunciation'Wn \th\ the \0\Symbols loot \uV page foot.
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