Wanted: More Than Lip-Service Leadership Phi Tau1s Annual Report BY WILLIAM D. JENKINS Phi Kappa Tau Executive Director Jul. 1, 1972, marked "New Year' Day" in Phi Kappa Tau ... fiscal New Year' Day . In accounting procedures, a new fiscal year mean auditing the financial a tivities of the past year, development of a budget for the coming year, and an o erall evaluation of where you go based on where you've been. The "New Year" also brings with it a time during which you put thoughts to paper o a to give all members of Phi Kappa Tau an opportunity to be aware of the acti ilie . a complishments, and direction of the Fraternity in the past ear. Alvin Toffl r. writing in Future Shock, cautions that it is not so much the end re ult whi h affects our work a the increasing speed and momentum with which we accomplish that work. Phi Kappa Tau's momentum has particularly difficult is the determi- picked up ignificantly in the past nation of what went right and what two years; as a consequence the went wrong. a sessment of the results has become A growing number of Phi Kappa increasingly difficult. But difficult Tau chapters are "one-man shows" a it may be, it becomes even more in which one or two or three men important to take the time to consid- virtually run the entire chapter oper- er yesterda if Phi Kappa Tau is to ation. It is this one-man show ap- grow, strengthen, and prosper proach that could signal our demise tomorrow. if we do not attack it in a straight- By action of the Fraternity's Na- forward manner, collectively. and lional Council, it was determined fast. True, our membership strength that this issue of The Laurel would is down and our fiscal situation re- annually refl t the "Year in Re- fleets that. We have taken in fewer view" an, crt , Ill mformdllon pledgel> and initial \ fewer men and s 101 d b included. So it is that we the Fralcrnit} 's in orne for opera- delineate here the status of the tional efforts has suffered. Recruit- EXECUTIY! DIRECTOR WILUAM D. JENKINS Fraternity in terms of total member- ment is needed. But with a strong ship, initiates. chapter strength, recruitment program has to come Executive Offices staff, services to strong leadership ... and this is the chapters, colonies and alumni, concern. Adequate leadership de- A -Alpha Chi's publications, housing, manpower, velopment is lacking. expansion, and scholarship. Each of As Phi Kappa Tau faces the 1972- Unilf Ceawttaon~ these areas is singularly important; 73 school year, it is not enough to ., Daa Hi-an and JohD Job-a. Alpha Cbl 'II collectively significant. Mechanical- assume that certain problems will tion date of April 30th, 1938 had ly. it is reasonably easy to put this resolve themselves without etten- been set for some time. Alpha Chi sort of information together. What is tion. It would appear Phi Kappa Tau represented still another first in that (Continued on Page 4) it was the first group formed spe­ ctfically to be a Phi Tau Chapter and PROGRAM is considered the initial colony! Finally. the May 5th 1972 week­ Forty-First Phi Kappa Tau National Convention and Impact nd was selected by the charter Ooral Country Club, Miami, Florida brothers and 18 of the 27 arrived at August 15 to 19, 1972 State for the ceremonies. Additional­ ly four deceased charter brothers Tuesday, August 15 and one who was overseas were rep­ 12 Noon- 9 P.M.: Impact/Convention Registration resented by their families. Much of 5:30P.M.: Reception the credit for the successful staging 6 P.M.: Buffet Dinner of this unique but happy occasion 7:45- 8:45P.M.: Delegates Orientation Workshop belongs to Gerald P. Scott. Alpha 9- 10:30 P.M.: Model Initiation Ceremony Chi pre ident. Bragg Moore, Re· Wednesday, August 16 chartering Committee Chairman, 8 A.M.: Breakfast (Domains) Waldo C. Bounds, Missi sippi State 9 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.: M mbership Development Workshop '40, Charter Brother Chairman, and 10:45 A.M . - 12:15 P.M.: Finance Seminar the entir Re idenl Council. The fact 2 P.M - 3:30 P.M.: Opening Convention Session that all but four of the charter broth­ 3:30P.M.- 5 P.M.: Convention Committees Convene ers were pre ent or represented is an 6 P.M.: Dinner (Achievement Contest) indication of the work and planning 8:30P.M. : Rush Workshop whi h went into the re(.hartering 8:30P.M.: Domain Director Workshop effort a8 well a8 a tribute to the 1938 Thursday, August 17 Brothers' loyalty and dedication to 8 A.M.: Breakfast (Convention Committees) the Red and (.old! F.ac.h who was not 9 A.M. - 12 Noon: 2nd Convention Session pres nt or represented had a om· 12:30 P.M.: Golf Tournament, Swimming, Tennis, p lling rea ·on. Fishing, Sight-Seeing n turdav morning the charter 6:30P.M.: Awards Banquet broth r · · nd · their families were 9 P.M.: Drug Seminar given a tour of the University cam· Friday, August 18 pus. a mpu. which has grown 8 A.M.: Breakfast (Convention Committees) tremendou I sin e 1938 while 9 A.M.- 11 A.M.: 3rd Convention Session maintaining its program of excel­ 1:30 P.M. -3:30P.M.: 4th Convention Session lence as the larg st Univ r ity in 6 P.M.: President's Reception Mississippi. A tour of the present 7 P.M.: Convention Banquet/Adjournment Fraternity House was given and then lunch was enjoyed at the house with Saturday, August 19 the Resident Council membership. 8 A.M.: Breakfast/Departure tConl;nur.d on Page 5) 2 The Laurel of Phi Kappa Tau The 1971-1972 Phi Tau Year in Review President Stennis' General As we approach Phi Kappa Tau's 41st National development fund contributions on the increase, Convention it would take a book to review the the decline of initiates over the two-year period actions of the National Council combined with is the preventing factor. Membership develop­ the work of the Executive Office Staff during the ment was instituted to stop this very decline­ THOMAS L. STENNIS II last two years, as every facet of fraternity life ­ however, the program is simply not being applied National President by most chapters. One of the larger fraternities not specifically every major Phi Kappa Tau operation and particularly its Board Chairman, Ewing T. - has been carefully scrutinized and critiqued. experiencing a great membership decline has Boles.• Many changes have been effected as these two religiously applied its comparable membership development program! I do not accept the excuse The upcoming Convention will offer many new years have been spent reorganizing, surveying dynamic ideas and approaches for our Fraternity. our course through the 70s, and establishing fraternities are declining and that some of our chapters cannot succeed, particularly when on Hopefully each chapter will be represented for recommitments in an exciting period of transi­ IMPACT '72 as well as to participate in the legis­ tion. Hopefully the coming years will bear its every campus the good fraternities continue lative process of the Convention, most important fruit. All our problems have not been solved - no strong including our better chapters! If some can of which are a new financial approach (pledging one really expected they would be - but most succeed Phi Kappa Tau can and even when others have been recognized! Phi Kappa Tau has reacted, fail we should succeed. & initiation), constitutional amendments, and the and we are ready to move! election of new leadership! I am appreciative that every house corporation The gains, many long range, have far out­ Undergraduate involvement improved as our with a fraternity debt save one has joined the weighed the losses (we have had some) during "first" undergraduates on Council contributed effort of financial integrity and this one will these years of great challenge. The debit-credit much to our progress. While they were treated within the next several months. The day is here is not for me to judge, but no president has been as such, I am certain the 41st Convention will for responsible fiscal policies on all levels. Phi blessed with stronger support from a more dedi­ officially grant voting status to their successors. Kappa Tau's tough fiscal policy will insure our cated Council and Executive Office staff. I am We look to an increase in undergraduate involve­ success tomorrow! humbly grateful to each national officer, staff ment balanced with increased alumni involve­ member, domain director, Graduate and Resident ment. We urgently need participating alumni as This year the Executive Office staff will be at full strength for the first time in several years. Council brother who has contributed his time, chapter advisers, board of governor members, effort, and/or money to the future of our Frater­ house corporation officers and domain directors. Because of this chapters will have more assistance in rush, in membership development, and in nity. These two years have been an education, The need is for talents, and as Emerson states in and, hopefully, I have contributed just half my The Scholar, "true talent delights the possessor internal organization, as well as in rebuilding where needed. salt back. In all my experiences and travel first." throughout the country these past two years, my In the fall our expansion efforts should fully Activity will increase in alumni circles, in firm belief has been rekindled that Phi Kappa Tau develop under the direction of Gary Baumann, further improving Executive Office management, mechanically can offer a chapter and a brother Phi Kappa Tau's National Director of Chapter and in expansion.
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