Washington State Emergency Medical Services Resources 2018 Summary Page As of December 31, 2018 EMS Agency State Summary Information Total WA State Licensed EMS Services Licensed Aid Services 36 Total Aid Services 196 Trauma Verified Aid Services 160 Total Ambulance Services 298 Licensed Ground Ambulance Services 15 Total Air Ambulance Services 3 Trauma Verified Ground Ambulance Services 283 Licensed Air Ambulance Services 0 Total Licensed EMS Vehicles Trauma Veirified Air Ambulance Services 3 Licensed Aid Vehicles 1,478 Total Services - 2018 497 Licensed Ambulances (Ground) 1,516 Total Services - 2017 497 Licensed Ambulances (Rotor Wing) 34 Total Services - 2016 505 Licensed Ambulances (Fixed Wing) 21 Certified Personnel Summary By Certification Level EMR EMT AEMT PARA Paid 41 8,827 185 2,687 Volunteer 304 4,245 175 56 Not Reported 1 2 - - Total 346 13,074 360 2,743 % Volunteer 88% 32% 49% 2% Paid vs. Vol. Mix - State % of Total Total Paid 11,740 71% Total Vol. 4,780 29% Total Not Reported 3 0% Total Cert. Personnel 16,523 Washington State EMS Resources 2018 Certified Personnel Count - Paid vs. Volunteer by Region As of December 31, 2018 Central Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer King Co. 1 0 3762 398 1 0 267 0 4031 4429 398 9.0% 0 4429 East Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Adams 0 0 14 8 6 0 1 1 21 30 9 30.0% 0 30 Asotin 0 1 28 32 5 5 51 0 84 122 38 31.1% 0 122 Ferry 0 0 0 21 0 2 0 0 0 23 23 100.0% 0 23 Garfield 1 10 0 15 2 0 0 0 3 28 25 89.3% 0 28 Lincoln 0 3 7 51 2 12 0 0 9 75 66 88.0% 0 75 Pend O'reille 0 5 16 63 2 5 6 0 24 97 73 75.3% 0 97 Spokane 7 54 570 393 24 19 314 6 915 1387 472 34.0% 0 1387 Stevens 0 4 18 104 16 24 0 0 34 166 132 79.5% 0 166 Whitman 3 35 25 107 5 12 19 0 52 206 154 74.8% 0 206 East Region Total 11 112 678 794 62 79 391 7 1142 2134 992 46.5% 0 2134 North Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Island 0 1 80 109 1 0 42 0 123 233 110 47.2% 0 233 San Juan 0 0 7 88 0 0 14 0 21 109 88 80.7% 0 109 Skagit 3 29 73 207 0 0 64 0 140 376 236 62.8% 0 376 Snohomish 0 8 820 180 14 9 265 0 1099 1296 197 15.2% 0 1296 Whatcom 11 11 274 243 4 10 58 2 347 613 266 43.4% 1 614 North Region Total 14 49 1254 827 19 19 443 2 1730 2627 897 34.1% 1 2628 North Central Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Chelan 1 0 135 108 1 0 44 0 181 289 108 37.4% 0 289 Douglas 2 2 16 40 0 0 0 0 18 60 42 70.0% 0 60 Grant 2 8 63 125 4 7 31 0 100 240 140 58.3% 0 240 Okanogan 0 6 35 50 20 7 18 2 73 138 65 47.1% 0 138 NC Region Total 5 16 249 323 25 14 93 2 372 727 355 48.8% 0 727 Northwest Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Clallam 0 1 47 115 6 11 52 2 105 234 129 55.1% 0 234 Jefferson 0 0 31 60 5 4 22 2 58 124 66 53.2% 0 124 Kitsap 0 0 360 72 23 0 98 0 481 553 72 13.0% 0 553 Mason 0 4 44 72 3 1 36 1 83 161 78 48.4% 1 162 NW Region Total 0 5 482 319 37 16 208 5 727 1072 345 32.2% 1 1073 South Central Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Benton 1 4 150 116 16 8 111 6 278 412 134 32.5% 0 412 Columbia 0 2 3 9 0 0 0 0 3 14 11 78.6% 0 14 Franklin 0 2 48 47 4 18 30 3 82 152 70 46.1% 0 152 Kittitas 0 5 40 72 0 0 25 1 65 143 78 54.5% 0 143 Walla Walla 0 13 31 88 0 3 41 2 72 178 106 59.6% 0 178 Yakima 1 13 213 211 6 1 53 2 273 500 227 45.4% 0 500 SC Region Total 2 39 485 543 26 30 260 14 773 1399 626 44.7% 0 1399 Southwest Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Clark 5 10 294 131 0 0 245 4 544 689 145 21.0% 0 689 Cowlitz 1 2 72 86 0 0 54 2 127 217 90 41.5% 0 217 Klickitat 0 9 11 68 3 1 15 0 29 107 78 72.9% 0 107 Skamania 2 5 4 15 2 0 9 0 17 37 20 54.1% 0 37 Wahkiakum 0 0 2 23 0 2 0 0 2 27 25 92.6% 0 27 SW Region Total 8 26 383 323 5 3 323 6 719 1077 358 33.2% 0 1077 West Region Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Grays Harbor 0 26 36 116 0 0 77 4 113 259 146 56.4% 0 259 Lewis 0 14 46 97 4 12 48 1 98 222 124 55.9% 0 222 Pacific 0 12 50 32 4 1 63 1 117 163 46 28.2% 0 163 Pierce 0 1 1024 270 0 1 439 13 1463 1748 285 16.3% 1 1749 Thurston 0 4 291 203 1 0 64 1 356 564 208 36.9% 0 564 West Region Total 0 57 1447 718 9 14 691 20 2147 2956 809 27.4% 1 2957 Statewide Total Not Total # EMR EMT AEMT PARAMEDIC Total Total Total Percent Reporting Personnel Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Vol Paid Providers Vol. Volunteer Air Medical 0 0 87 0 1 0 11 0 99 99 0 0.0% 0 99 Regional Summary 2017 vs. 2018 Vol., % Change 2017 Vol. % 2018 Vol. % Change Central 10.1% 9.0% 1.1% East 47.0% 46.5% 0.5% North 33.1% 34.1% -1.0% North Central 50.9% 48.8% 2.1% Northwest 32.0% 32.2% -0.2% South Central 45.6% 44.7% 0.9% South West 34.4% 33.2% 1.2% West 27.9% 27.4% 0.5% Statewide 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Regional Summary Total Personnel 2017 vs. 2018, % Change % Total 2017 Total 2018 Change Change Central 4207 4429 222 5.3% East 2084 2134 50 2.4% North 2901 2628 -273 -9.4% North Central 688 727 39 5.7% Northwest 1079 1073 -6 -0.6% South Central 1407 1399 -8 -0.6% South West 1086 1077 -9 -0.8% West 2911 2957 46 1.6% Statewide 97 99 2 2.1% TOTAL 16236 16523 287 1.8% Washington State EMS Resources 2018 Certified Personnel Count - Paid vs. Volunteer by Certification Type in Each Region As of December 31, 2018 Central Region East Region North Region North Central Region EMR Volunteer 0 EMR Volunteer 112 8.9% EMR Volunteer 49 22.2% EMR Volunteer 16 23.8% EMR Paid 1 EMR Paid 11 EMR Paid 14 EMR Paid 5 Total EMR Total EMR 123 Total EMR 63 Total EMR 21 EMT Volunteer 398 EMT Volunteer 794 53.9% EMT Volunteer 827 39.7% EMT Volunteer 323 56.5% EMT Paid 3762 EMT Paid 678 EMT Paid 1254 EMT Paid 249 Total EMT Total EMT 1472 Total EMT 2081 Total EMT 572 AEMT Volunteer 0 AEMT Volunteer 79 56.0% AEMT Volunteer 19 50.0% AEMT Volunteer 14 35.9% AEMT Paid 1 AEMT Paid 62 AEMT Paid 19 AEMT Paid 25 Total AEMT Total AEMT 141 Total AEMT 38 Total AEMT 39 Paramedic Volunteer 0 Paramedic Volunteer 7 1.8% Paramedic Volunteer 2 0.4% Paramedic Volunteer 2 2.1% Paramedic Paid 267 Paramedic Paid 391 Paramedic Paid 443 Paramedic Paid 93 Total Paramedic Total Paramedic 398 Total Paramedic 445 Total Paramedic 95 Total Providers 4429 Total Providers 2134 Total Providers 2627 Total Providers 727 Percent Volunteer 9.0% Percent Volunteer 46.5% Percent Volunteer 34.1% Percent Volunteer 48.8% Northwest Region South Central Region Southwest Region West Region EMR Volunteer 5 0.0% EMR Volunteer 39 4.9% EMR Volunteer 26 23.5% EMR Volunteer 57 0.0% EMR Paid 0 EMR Paid 2 EMR Paid 8 EMR Paid 0 Total EMR 5 Total EMR 41 Total EMR 34 Total EMR 57 EMT Volunteer 319 39.8% EMT Volunteer 543 52.8% EMT Volunteer 323 45.8% EMT Volunteer 718 33.2% EMT Paid 482 EMT Paid 485 EMT Paid 383 EMT Paid 1447 Total EMT 801 Total EMT 1028 Total EMT 706 Total EMT 2165 AEMT Volunteer 16 30.2% AEMT Volunteer 30 53.6% AEMT Volunteer 3 37.5% AEMT Volunteer 14 60.9% AEMT Paid 37 AEMT Paid 26 AEMT Paid 5 AEMT Paid 9 Total AEMT 53 Total AEMT 56 Total AEMT 8 Total AEMT 23 Paramedic Volunteer 5 2.3% Paramedic Volunteer 14 5.1% Paramedic Volunteer 6 1.8% Paramedic Volunteer 20 2.8% Paramedic Paid 208 Paramedic Paid 260 Paramedic Paid 323 Paramedic Paid 691 Total Paramedic 213 Total Paramedic 274 Total Paramedic 329 Total Paramedic 711 Total Providers 1072 Total Providers 1399 Total Providers 1077 Total Providers 2956 Percent Volunteer 32.2% Percent Volunteer 44.7% Percent Volunteer 33.2% Percent Volunteer 27.4% Washington State EMS Resources 2018 Licensed & Verified Agencies- by Type in Each Region As of December 31, 2018 Central Region # Trauma # Trauma # Licensed # Licensed Aid Verified County Verified Aid Ambulance Services Ambulance Services Services Services King 3 5 0 29 East Region Adams 0 0 0 2 Asotin 0 1 2 2 Ferry 0 0 0 2 Garfield 0 0 0 1 Lincoln 0 2 0 7 Pend Oreille 0 4 0 6 Spokane 4 15 1 3 Stevens 1 8 0 4 Whitman 0 9 0 7 Total 5 39 3 34 North Region Island 0 4 0 2 San Juan 0 0 0 4 Skagit 2 17 1 8 Snohomish 0 2 0 26 Whatcom 2 0 0 15 Total 4 23 1 55 North Central Region Chelan 3 4 0 7 Douglas 1 2 0 3 Grant 1 5 0 11 Okanogan 1 4 0 4 Total 6 15 0 25 Northwest Region Clallam 1 0 0 8 Jefferson 0 0 0 5 Kitsap 1 0 2 10 Mason 0 5 0 9 Total 2 5 2 32 South Central Region Benton 2 2 0 9 Columbia 0 1 0 1 Franklin 0 0 0 4 Kittitas 1 5 0 5 Walla Walla 0 5 0 5 Yakima 2 16 0 4 Total 5 29 0 28 South West Region Clark 0 7 1 4 Cowlitz 0 2 0 7 Klickitat 2 10 0 5 Skamania 2 2 0 1 Wahkiakum 1 0 0 3 Total 5 21 1 20 West Region Grays Harbor 1 9 1 12 Lewis 0 3 1 17 Pacific 1 2 1 4 Thurston 1 3 2 11 Pierce 3 6 1 20 Total 6 23 6 64 Air Medical Services # Trauma # Licensed Air Verified Air Ambulance Ambulance Services Services Statewide 0 3 EMS - Agency Resource Listing Lists the EMS County, Credential #, Credential Status, Agency Name, Mailing City, Public Phone #, Expiration Date, Agency Type, Care Level, Count of Agency resources, and Duplicate Supervision.
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