'*;”5p'; yv ■ ( f ^ 1 ♦ Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, May 17, 1916 V o l. 5 6 N o 20 Man Can*! Siam! Every­ to t h in g 'rue. <)n - m p b ' v i 11 g' ' ! ,eiW ' h 1 1 p p • ■. IUto 1 cllil-e 1 i < 11 -1111 s < • i' 1 . ■ , , j-, |,- M i 1 ’ i1 i1 (, , *I ■ 1. 1\ J! ’1, , I[ •. Practical Economy Ami under :i : ; : 1 w ■ i a 'NmnmT mm g<‘"'d , : : " . u .. d U i • V. el'c gla i - d Baking powders made from alum or 11 W :- ' . •1: - ' a :. w ( n ' a- - m-y phosphate may be bought for a trifle less *,( 11 \ ; "( -h , ' P e1 1 i1' •i i- ■, amt w (* G *' W ' ■ i,• i |, ). mi i 1 ' * i,v a - ' 1 . n:ai :- e n B r o a d than Royal Baking Powder, which is made Queries and Replies Covering Matters of st; 1 i i 1;' - 'own, ami v,’c w •! -Ilper- M e a n i n g from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Importance to the Man Who Runs a Car ! U 1 h , Sa i d i! was ti:e n n a test lm n■ i an i Pic i,in.-t r‘dial ) 1 e tiiwn- Tim Maim- hoard of i11 root oi oil Alum powders are not only cheap, but 1 M lih h r ami dc\ i-lii| fi­ in 11. i S whole industrial j uxq >n ivd imss tins been in­ *•* they differ greatly in leavening power. & Ci iIII! ll i in i M . and we ye lied wif!: joy. structed that in obtaining an iu- I’lllid f"i' hi- paper. and \\i slid v iitory of Maine's resources, the If a cheap baking powder is used for a g'( ■ml y in tin- fhmr in Eli ssful III) term •‘munitions" lor the army and fine cake and the cake turns out a failure rmi-i ■ i i' 11 s i i (- - s. Xatiin .* ha<1 reaelnsi navy must be construed in its broad­ its limit." est sense, namelv. that it includes there is a waste of costly materials worth every article needed for its equip­ more than a whole can of the cheap bak­ Maine State Exposition ment and maintenance, and col­ Kindly give all the information possi-f The Oldham coupling between my ing powder. ble as to how a six volt storage battery clutch and gear box is very noisy, laterally it includes many things could be tested and charged and tools Could you tell me of a way to eliminate On Satunlay. .Jun in, will be nb- apparently extraneous, but that Royal Baking Powder produces the for doing same. I have a 110 volt di- this? served the “JuMfli anniversary of tin actually facilitates the making o f rect current line. How many bulbs Your coupling is probable made in first permanent settlement in tin munitions. finest food, and its use therefore, results in would have to be burned in connection tlmM, ijuiuclin^: the sleeve, ring city of Portland. This was estab-: 11 is apparent that it includes w 't *1 and a square piece fitting over the for an actual saving. fished 1>\ ( apt. Samuel Moodv, and niost kinds of foods, clothing from About ten lamp sockets are fastened ward end of the clutch gear. There ar* t be people ni Portland, in common cotton and wool, lumber anti many to a board and then connected in pnral tlurefore two places where wear can ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. lei. ('athon lamps of 110 volts are occur and cause noise in action (irst. with tnose in other sections of west of its products of manufacture, placed in the sockets. In series with erii Maine, are to take part, in tl)*- tjoot.s and Shot?s a.nci Variotis leather N e w York at the lugs (if the Oldham ring and. the line is placed an ammeter, and second, on the square sides of the great observance. goods, etc., in fact, most things that across the line a volrricter is connect­ cot: p 1 i11g. You should look at these This celebrat ion will come at the make up the industry of our own ed. A suit a 1 he switch is placed any­ points and measure the eiearance. If end of the first week of the second and ot her states, where in th.e circuit. The number of the clearance is sulliciently great to annual Maine S t a t e Exposition lamps to be operated depends upon the The transformation that may he water during heavy rains and yet caime mi m-i i imi ami noise new pieces which opens .I line ,T Not only will charging rate of the battery. Let us should h< •ured to tit. made in a given industry to special Keep the Garden Busy there he literary exercises, hut there not be so steep that the soil will be suppose that the initial charging rate work is not so apparent, but what washed or gullied. The surface will he a. military parade, an auto­ Even the smallest back yard may is six amperes. Either six 100-watt Are relir.ers a success? W ill one get lias actually taken plain* m England mobile parade and an historical be made to yield a supply of fresh should be nearly level so the water lumps will approximate this figure or enough m .lem e to pay for their cost? , illustrates what may obtain with us about live bin watt lamps and three When u it l est to use them, when cas- j patade. I his hist named will depict vegetables for the family" table at j w i,Aiot stand in hollows. Where namely, how certain facilities and 50-watt, lamps. The ammeter will read inns or after considerable many incidents in the historical but slight expense if two or three tlie natural slope of the land does labor may lx* employed. England the number of amperes being drawn wear? growth of Portland. crops are successively grown to keep not provide.sufficient, natural drain­ was disastrously short of ammuni­ age, ditches may be dug or a tile by tlie lump bank, and, it' the charging P-di ■m are a sue e*-s and are used I n planning t he great celebration. 1 the area occupied all the time, ac- tion ; a glazier began to stamp out rate is initially six amperes and the fiy a ul'cal m U'I.rr of motorists. As the Portland ('handier of Commerce cordingtothe garden specialists of (^ra'n put in. Ibis will prevent meter reads seven, then too many '(( tile t.liYa a obtained, this will he cart 1'idge clips, a manufacturer of waste water from the adjoining land and a big volunteer committee have ! the department. People who would lamps are in the circuit, and one at a petal itpi.ii l ia renditions under which music rolls used his equipment to from washing over it. Such water combined t heir efforts to make this discharge a clerk if be did not work time should he unscrewed until the the tires a re ....(rated. M any lind that make gauges, a manufacturer of in­ may carry weed and grass seed into one of the most notable occasions in! the year rouud will often cultivate meter reads six amperes. (lie use of refiners in worn casin'- ■ fants’ food makes thousands of the garden, which are later culled tin* history of tin* county. This1 a garden at no little trouble and e x ­ Another method of charging at home gives better results than in new ones plugs for shells, an advertising celebration t oget her wi t h the Maim* pense and then allow the soil to lie out with difficulty. is by the use of a water rheostat. This agency is making sln-H adapters, The soil in the average back yard rheostat consists of a small barrel con­ State Exposition will bring one of; idle from the time the first crop W hat are th.e objections, if any, to wat eh makers a re adjusting fuses, a. is not only lacking in plant food but taining two lead ]dates and acidified the two throw crank shaft' the greatest crowds ever seen in; matures until the end of the season. manufacturer of making machinery also lias been packed until it is hard or salt water. Each plate should he T]u. ,,n,1{ m this method of Portland. Special rates on all the Where a two or three crop system is is an expert contractor for G" high and unyielding. To loosen up such about one toot square and one-fourth uiauufaeturlng the crank shaft is that railroads of Maine will he provided' used in connection with vegetables inch thick. Such an arrangement may it would ho detrimental to effecting a explosive slid Is, a jewelry house is soil and make it suitable for garden for the day as well as for other daysl adapted to small areas, a space no be used in a lip volt circuit and the making periscopes, a phonograph produce requires that careful atten­ proper balance of the reciprocating during the two weeks the great ex-1 larger than 25 by 70 feet will produce charging rate varied by the man in purts. Even the use of a counterpoise concern is sending millions of deli tion be given to its preparation. Af­ position will be open. I enough fresh vegetables for a small charge by bringing the plates closer would onlv effect the rotative balance.
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