Karen Drucker Chants And Sing-A-Longs For All Kinds Of Gatherings Introduction ............................................................................................................. i Thank You For This Day ........................................................................................ 1 Blessing To The World ........................................................................................... 3 God Is ...................................................................................................................... 5 I Send My Love ...................................................................................................... 7 The Face Of God ................................................................................................... 11 I Stand Before You ............................................................................................... 15 God Is My Source ................................................................................................. 19 Welcoming Chant ................................................................................................. 21 You Are Blessed ................................................................................................... 23 What Is Mine To Give? ........................................................................................ 25 I Am So Blessed ................................................................................................... 27 Stand ..................................................................................................................... 29 Turn Your Cell Phone OV! .................................................................................. 31 KD’s Handy Dandy Guide to playing chords and transposing ............................ 33 Websites of New Thought musicians ................................................................... 35 Credits .................................................................................................................. 36 “Music is the shorthand of emotion.” Leo Tolstoy. “Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.” James Duffecy. I love to be of service, and I love to be in service. That is what this songbook and CD are about. After years of serving as a music director for three diVerent New Thought churches, directing the music for national and regional spiritual conferences, and traveling around the country performing, I have written and collected chants and songs for many occasions. My experiences have shown me how much music can contribute to the success of various gatherings. As a musician, I joyfully accept the sacred responsibility of setting the tone for an event. When a minister or an author speaks, I try to Wnd just the right chant or song to complement their subject and set the tone for their remarks. This holds true for all aspects of a church service or gathering. On so many occasions, I have seen how music can move the service along, deepen the emotional response, and act as the glue that connects one segment seamlessly to another. DiVerent types of gatherings require diVerent types of music. Some events require a song or chant that is fun and lively; others, something sacred and heart opening; and still others, music that gets everyone singing and connected. My main motto for chants is: KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie! The easier the melody, rhythm, and words are, the more likely it is that anyone can sing along. No one wants to feel like they are the only ones singing, that they are the only ones who can't remember the words, or, worst of all, that their fourth grade teacher was right, they really are tone deaf! Music is the great connector, and any time we lift our voices in song (no matter if the notes are perfect!), we can feel that oneness, and magic can happen. That is why I have compiled this collection of my chants. I have included examples of easy-to-sing chants for various components of a church service, workshop, or gathering.These are just ideas to get you going. On the accompanying CD, I have i included chants with me singing the lead, (tracks 1-13) and chants, (tracks 14-26) with my voice taken out so that you can sing the lead. I have made each one short enough (about 3 minutes) that you can sing or fade out depending on your needs. I have also included speciWc information for each chant on the CD, so that you will know what the order is, and how it ends. Just listen to the original, and you will be able to easily sing the lead yourself. For those of you who don’t sing in my key (my apologies to any men singing my songs!), karaoke machines are available that allow you to lower the key yourself, or you can just play the music live and change the key on the sheet music. For those of you who play piano or guitar, the sheet music is simple, allowing you to add any other chords or melody that you want. Basically, I am hoping you will be inspired to make these chants your own by changing the key, modulating, adding new verses, or even writing your own chant to meet the needs of your group. Chants and songs in each of these categories are also available from many other sources. At the back of the book, I have listed the websites of some of my favorite New Thought artists, who can assist you in Wnding music to serve your purposes. My hope is that this collection of chants will be of service to you and inspire and empower you to share your unique gift of music with the world. Keep singing and playing and making music! Karen P.S. For those of you who might feel that these chants are only for “singers” and not for you, let me share one of my favorite quotations, and the motto I try to live by: “I want to sing like the birds sing not worrying who hears or what they think.” Rumi. So let yourself sing! ii Thank You For This Day from the Native American Church Thank you for this day Spirit, thank you for this day. Thank you for this day Spirit, thank you for this day. This healing, this healing, this healing day. This healing, this healing, this healing day. You can substitute for the words ‘this day’ with anything you want. For example: Thank you for my friends/ our life/ my job/ your health/, etc. You can also substitute for the word ‘healing’ with whatever quality would work for you: This beautiful day/ This wonderful food/ This magical trip/ This fabulous job/, etc. Possible uses: This high energy chant is a great way to open a church service or gathering, or to use as a sing-a-long, or oVering chant. Song notes: This is my favorite way to start any kind of gathering. This uptempo chant is easy for everyone to sing and can create the space for people connecting in a fun way. You can substitute anything in those lines and just set the tone so well for whatever the gathering will be. I will often sing one verse a cappella and get everyone clapping along. What a wonderful way to start the day by giving thanks. Song form on the CD: 4 bar introduction, since the beginning might be confusing as to where to start, the back-up vocals are there at the beginning of each verse to help you. 1) Healing day … 2) Healing day … 3) Healing day … 4) Friends, my wonderful friends … 5) Friends, wonderful friends … 6) Health, radiant health … 7) Life, glorious life … 8) Wealth, opulent wealth … 9) This day, healing day … 10) ‘Thank you for this day Spirit.’ 3 times. It ends abruptly with ‘Thank you for this day!’ ©2006 TayToones Music BMI. 1 Thank You For This Day from the Native American Church =87 œ Am ‘ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & 4 œ œ ˙ Thank you for this day Spir – it, thank you for this day. Am ‘ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & 4 œ œ œ œ j Thank you for this day Spir – it, thank you for this day. This Am D7 4 œ œ œ œ œ & 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j heal – ing, this heal – ing, this heal – ing day. _____ This Am D7 4 œ œ œ œ œ & 4 œ œ œ œ œ ˙ heal – ing, this heal – ing, this heal – ing day._____ ©2006 TayToones Music BMI 2 From the CD ‘Songs Of The Spirit II’. Blessing To The World Words by Reverend David Bruner and Karen Drucker Music by Karen Drucker You are the heart, you are the hands, you are the voice of Spirit on earth. And who you are, and all you do, is a blessing to the world. (Substitute ‘You are’ with ‘We are’ and ‘I am’.) Possible uses: Sing-a-long for church, before or after a prayer, welcoming people (newcomers for church or group, children after Sunday school). Song notes: This is a nice chant to sing after people have settled into their seats and are ready to begin opening their hearts. They can sing it with their eyes shut or it can be powerful for them to look across the room or to the person next to them and sing “You are the heart” then for the whole group to look at each other and sing “We are the heart” and Wnally for them to close their eyes, put their hand over their own heart and really feel themselves embody the line ‘I am the heart … I am a blessing to the world.’ Song form on the CD: 4 bar introduction, 1) You are … 2) You are … 3) We are … 4) We are … 5) I am … 6) I am … 7) I am … ©2006 TayToones Music BMI. 3 Blessing To The World Words by Reverend David Bruner and Karen Drucker Music by Karen Drucker =145 œ Cm Ab b 3 ‘ ‘ & b b 4 œ ˙ œ ˙ Youœ areœ the heart, youœ areœ the hands. Fm Gm Cm ‘ bbb 3 & 4 œ œ œ œ œ ˙ you are theœ voice˙ ofœ Spir – it on earth. Cm Ab b ‘ ‘ b b 43 & Andœ whoœ youœ are,˙ andœ allœ youœ do,˙ isœ œa Fm Gm Cm Ab Bb b ‘ b b 43 & blessœ – ing˙ to˙ theœ world.˙ ©2006 TayToones Music BMI. 4 From the CD ‘Song Of The Spirit II’. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God Is Words and music by Karen Drucker God is life and I am life. God is life and I am life. God is light and I am light. God is light and I am light. God is joy and I am joy. God is joy and I am joy. God is love and I am love. God is love and I am love.
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