QUAD-CITY TIMES ● QCTIMES.COM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011 ● B5 All high schools in the Iowa and Illinois coun- their schools. Information was submitted by ties served by the Quad-City Times were invited high school counselors. to nominate graduating seniors for Salute to Students also were asked to write short essays Academics & Achievements recognition. about the changes they expect to see in the world Students were selected for each category by in the next 10 years. Calamus-Wheatland High School CALAMUS WHEATLAND tional background and a desire to High School, Wheatland, Iowa, succeed.” has selected these outstanding seniors from its class of 42 stu- Vocational Education dents: MICAH KLAHN, son of San- Academics dra Klahn of Wheatland and the Melanie Emma Kayla Cassie Brian Micah Shalyn late James Klahn, plans to major MELANIE SLATTERY, Slattery Mason Minor Johansen Kruse Klahn Steward in agribusiness at the University daughter of Peggy Slattery and of Wisconsin-Platteville. Jim Slattery of Calamus, plans to CLASS OF 2011 Drew Jacobi, Cassie Johansen, Micah Klahn, Olivia Kruck- Top achievements: major in art. enberg, Brian Kruse, Landon Luepker, Danika Marten, ■ “A” Honor Roll Top achievements: Victoria Anderson, Angela Bousselot, Dylan Bousselot, Emma Mason, Jeff Mente, Lisa Miller, Kayla Minor, Micken- ■ National Honor Society ■ Valedictorian Anna Cady, Stephanie Cardona, Cody Clark, Skylar zie Powers, Mackynzie Querin, Karlee Rock, Brinn Schade, ■ United States Achievement ■ Daehn, Todd Daehn, Sara Davis, Ashley Diercks, Zachary Garrett Schneider, J.J. Schwennen, Meggan Septer, National Honor Society Dierickx, Kaitlyn Dwyer, Jared Graham, Nicholas Green, Academy Honor Roll ■ Melanie Slattery, Ryan Staats, Justin Steines, Shalyn Stew- “A” Honor Roll Cole Gronewold, Jonas Hansen, Christopher Henning, ard, Alex Traver, Zachary Wells and Gwyneth Wiese. “I expect to see much advance- “With the world spinning on in ment in the areas of agriculture a realm of unpredictability,it is chaos between people in our now.New technology is being doing paper work, but more on and transportation. I expect to incredibly challenging to predict world. With things the way they invented each year. You never computers.” see higher yields and better tech- future transformations. Yet as are, we are all going to have to know what will be created in the nology in agriculture, and many new difficulties arise, I pray my change. I hope we change for the future; it could be good for the Math/The Sciences more hybrid and electric cars generation discovers the power better and hopefully we will world, or it could be bad for it.” with smarter technology.” BRIAN KRUSE, son of Bill and in joining forces and working as cross that bridge.” one. While disputes are Leadership Susan Kruse of DeWitt, plans to Young Journalist inevitable and perfection unat- major in civil and environmental Humanities SHALYN STEWARD, daughter tainable, together progress and CASANDRA JOHANSEN, engineering at the University of of Patrick and Amy Steward of success are undoubtedly within KAYLA MINOR, daughter of daughter of Mark and Lori Iowa , Iowa City. Wheatland, plans to major in reach.” Richard Minor and Roxanne Johansen of Calamus, to major in Top achievements: Minor of Calamus, plans to psychology at Upper Iowa Uni- ■ journalism and mass communi- National Honor Society cations at the University of Iowa. The Arts major in real estate and finance versity,Fayette. president at the University of Northern Top achievements: Top achievements: EMMA MASON, daughter of ■ “A” Honor Roll ■ Honor Roll Iowa, Cedar Falls. ■ Honor Roll Keith and Emma Mason of “In the next 10 years, I expect ■Accepted to University of Iowa Top achievements: ■ Wheatland. National Honor Society technology will continue to ■ Good GPA ■ National Honor Society Top achievements: ■ Big East All-Academic evolve. With advances in medi- “In 10 years, I expect that the ■ ■ Honor Roll “A” Honor Roll Ten years from now I expect to cine, alternative fuel sources and world will be nothing but tech- ■ 1st place, drawing, Clinton ■ UNI Distinguished Scholars see more technology.As I have communication, my generation nology.I think that all the tech- Community College art show Award grown up, technology has will be expected to step up to nology we already have will ■ 2nd place, painting, Clinton “I believe in 10 years, our started to clear out a great deal of accommodate these ever-grow- become extremely advanced. I Community College art show world will be even more depen- labor. Ten years from now,it ing fields. These expectations also think that the cost of living “I believe that there will still be dent on technology than we are seems like we will no longer be depend on a thorough educa- will increase by a huge amount.” Mercer County High School MERCER COUNTY High believe universities will become School, Aledo, Ill., has selected for affordable for lower- and these outstanding seniors from middle-class people and allow its class of 82 students: for the less-fortunate to have an equal opportunity at education.” Academics LUKE BOUCHER, son of Alan Vocational Education Luke Linsey Michael Heather Michael Tara Madison and Sanya Boucher of Aledo, Boucher Lundeen Kelly Harfst McClellan Hyett Bush TARA HYETT, daughter of plans major in biology and Allen and Becky Hyett of Aledo, chemistry at St. Ambrose Uni- CLASS OF 2011 Horton, Evan House, Taylor Howard, Tara Hyett, Rachel plans to major in elementary versity,Davenport. Irwin, Shpend Islamoski, Michael Johnston, Danielle education at Black Hawk Col- Top achievements: Andrea Attig, Blair Baugher, Matthew Bealmear, Tyler Jones, Janessa Jones, Mason Karr, Deana Kellett, Michael lege-East Campus, Kewanee, Ill. ■ Valedictorian Bennett, Tanner Benson, Mark Boswell, Luke Boucher, Kelly, Britteny Kenney, Hailey Kirkhove, Kelli Koch, Lacey Top achievements: ■ National Honor Society Kristen Bridgford, Caitlin Brown, Madison Bush, Trenton Lantau, Kassandra Lloyd, Linsey Lundeen, Marvin ■ Top 10 Campbell, Andrew Christie, Shannon Clawson, Kaitlyn Col- ■ Illinois State Scholar McCarty III, Michael McClellan, Cetera Millett, Douglas ■ Future Farmers of America son, Melany Crocker, Cassandra David, Chonya Davis, Mills, Cassandra Morrison, Cale Muske, Cameron Muske, “I can see there being some big Brittany DeFrieze, Clint DeSpain, Molly Dietmeier, Brandan Nicholas Nash, Cody Paxton, Courtney Paxton, Stacey state degree changes in education in the next Dixon, Emma Downey, Tanner Dunn, Christina Eggen, Peterson, Shaun Peterson, Bryan Putnam, Kayla Randall, ■ John Phillip Sousa Award 10 years. I think that there will be Tony Elliott, Bryce Erickson, Tyler Fitchner, Samantha Nicholas Retherford, Alexandra Ricke, Elizabeth Rudsell, “I believe that over the next 10 more students to graduate, and I Fuller, Jeanette Garlough, Travis Gilmour, Michael Hanna, Tiffany Shaw, Austin Skiles, Kyle Skinner, Meridith Slater, years, technology will help think the students will learn Heather Harfst, Jacob Harrison, Derick Hermanson, Brittany Sproston, Zachary Street, Nicholas Thorndike, improve agricultural and indus- more. I believe this will be the Danika Higgins, Sarah Higgins, Broderick Hoerner, Amber Michael Weakley, Bethany Weeks and Paige Whitehall. trial efficiencies, which make result of improved teachers and products more affordable. I also more motivated students.” the problems on Earth and help and class is the biggest problem. on paper. Everything we will do believe that we will continue each other. Working together, we Muslims are being treated in school will include laptops or finding ways to make more effi- The Arts can succeed.” unfairly,as well as the workers. something to do with technol- cient and economical cars, yet Their God-given Rights should ogy.I also expect changes such still make them affordable for LINSEY LUNDEEN, daughter Humanities be upheld, like all Americans.” as medicine to cure cancers.” the consumer.” of Kenny and Diane Lundeen of Aledo, plans to major in mathe- MICHAEL KELLY, son of Leadership Math/The Sciences matics at Western Illinois Uni- Kathie Seabert-Beck and John Young Journalist versity,Macomb. Kelly of Aledo, plans to major in HEATHER HARFST, daughter MICHAEL McCLELLAN,son MADISON BUSH, daughter of Top achievements: teaching at the University of of Dave and Renee Harfst of Kei- of Jim and Mary McClellan of Skip and Wendy Bush of Aledo, ■ McKinney Award for Art Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. thsburg, plans to major in nurs- Aledo, plans to major health sci- plans to major in education at ■ 1st place, Lincoln Trail Con- Top achievements: ing at Black Hawk College, ence at Bradley University,Peo- Augustana College, Rock Island. ■ ference Art Show All “A’s” Moline. ria, Ill. Top achievements: ■ Society for Academic ■ Mercer County High School Top achievements: Top achievements: ■ Society for Academic ■ Achievement Music Student of the Month ■ Student Council president National Honor Society Achievement “In 10 years, I see myself living ■ Quad-City Times Salute to ■ Captain of various sports ■ Academic All-State ■ Illinois State Scholar in a world of development and Academics & Achievements ■ Honor Roll ■ Faculty List ■ Faculty List advancement. Although we are “I expect the world to become “Technology has dramatically “In my future, I foresee uni- “In 10 years, I see our generation struggling now,I see the world more progressive and accepting changed since I started school.
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