Behavioral Science Division NEWSLETTERVolume 6, Issue 1 September 2006 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE DIVISION ANNOUNCES NEW PROGRAM OFFERINGS ate level education options offered to have been designed in accord with the students. The programs were devel- standards of the Council for Standards oped to meet the educational needs in Human Service Education and will be and goals of professionals in the fields offered in a modular format and week- of human services, criminal justice and night block scheduling. The Blackboard community counseling.” learning system will be integrated into all courses. Students, taking courses Administration of Human Services year-round, could complete the degree A new Master of Science degree in the in 12 months at an accelerated rate or Administration of Human Services will in 18 to 24 months following a more Lori Sitler talks to the Administration of Human Services Advisory Committee begin offering courses in the fall in New traditional schedule. Castle County. The degree is geared The Division of Behavioral Science toward working professionals who seek The core of the program will consist of six is pleased to announce new gradu- the knowledge and skills to lead non- required courses including a 120-hour ate programming,, which will begin in profit organizations, for-profit service guided practicum or a capstone master’s September. Thomas B. Cupples, Dean providers, and government agencies project depending on the work history of Behavioral Science, said, “Our new that provide social services to a wide of the student. The program will consist programs will enhance the gradu- variety of client populations. Courses of 33 credits of course work/intern- In this Issue Continued p.2 From the Dean’s Desk… Organizational The goal that we set for ourselves at the Human Services degree was approved Dynamics News. ......... 4 beginning of the new academic year was by Faculty Senate in May and students Re-accreditation of for us to be “strengthened by our past will enroll in classes this fall. The gradu- Counseling. ................ 5 accomplishments and excited by our ate Criminal Justice program will initiate future challenges”. The faculty respond- a new Post-masters Certificate in Home- MSCC Honor Society ed to this by setting a rather ambitious land Security. Community Counseling Banquet. .................... 5 agenda for the new academic year at will introduce two advanced studies their summer retreat. Every academic Post-masters Certificates; one in Mental Faculty Development. 7 program coordinator proposed some- Health Counseling and another in Child Centerfold ...........10–11 thing new for their program or a new and Family Counseling. The program approach to the existing curriculum, coordinators in close consultation with Ireland Tour. ............ 12 and by spring all of the goals were met. the College Relations Department A Master of Science in Administration of launched a summer campaign that Continued p.3 New Program Offerings … (continued from front page) ship. Core courses include Research, successful footsteps of the Leadership Design and Evaluation of Programs and Administration concentration and in Human Services; Legal and Ethical the Criminal Behavior Concentration. Issues in Human Service Administra- tion; and Administration of Human The Program is also pleased to offer a Service Organizations. The remaining Post-master’s Certificate in Homeland 15 credit hours will be earned through Security. The Certificate provides the elective courses. A few of the elective opportunity for practitioners who have of professional counseling is becom- courses to be offered include: Tech- earned a masters degree in crimi- ing more specialized and competitive nology and Information Management nal justice (or a related discipline) to and counselors are expected to be in Human Services, Managing Volun- expand their understanding of Home- competent with a wide range of popu- teers, Grant Management and Fund- land Security issues in an academic lations, problem areas, and treatment raising in the Human Service Environ- environment, which emphasizes prac- methods, these certificates are a timely ment, and Administering Programs for tical knowledge. and important opportunity to acquire Senior Adults. and document necessary professional Please contact Christian Trow- preparation and training beyond the To learn more about this new degree bridge, Graduate Criminal Justice master’s degree. program, please contact Graduate Coordinator at 302-295-1151 or Admissions at (302) 295-1184. [email protected] Each certificate requires completion for more information. of a master’s degree and 18 gradu- Administration of Justice ate credits in specified courses. Up to The Master of Science in Administra- six graduate credit hours in equivalent tion of Justice has added a concen- courses may be transferred into the tration in Homeland Security. With certificate program. Required Cours- today’s emphasis on Homeland Secu- es for the Post-master’s Certificate in rity and the fast pace of change for Child and Family Counseling include: criminal justice practitioners and those Psychopathology Family Counsel- in related fields, dedicated profes- ing, Child and Adolescent Counsel- sionals strive to stay educated and ing, Human Sexuality Counseling, informed on current trends. This new Community Counseling Marriage and Relationship Counsel- concentration focuses on gaining an The Master of Science in Community ing, and Advanced Family Counsel- understanding and a working knowl- Counseling Program will be offering ing. The Post-master’s Certificate in edge of major issues in Homeland two new Post-master’s Certificate Mental Health Counseling requires: Security. Students will broaden their programs beginning this Fall. The Theories of Counseling, Psychopa- base of knowledge through exami- Post-master’s Certificate in Child and thology, Addictions Counseling, Crisis nation of current topics in Home- Family Counseling offers professionals Intervention Counseling Strategies and land Security with an emphasis on with a master’s degree in counseling Skills, Ethical Decision-Making, and modern terrorism, risk assessment and or a closely related area the opportu- Advanced Counseling and Psycho- management as well as the practical nity to gain a specialty in the provision therapy. legal implications involved for prac- of counseling services for children and titioners in the field. The Homeland families. The Post-master’s Certificate For more information contact Dr. Craig Security concentration follows in the in Mental Health Counseling offers the Williams, MSCC Program Coordinator opportunity for advanced professional (302) 295-1150 (craig.r.williams@ development in a number of areas wilmcoll.edu); Dr. James Walsh, relevant to the practice of professional MSCC Assistant Program Coordinator mental health counseling and provides located at the Dover site (302) 342- the opportunity to complete a number 8625 ([email protected]) of courses required for licensure as a or Rebecca Lawton, Administrative counselor in a variety of states includ- Assistant (302) 295-1142 (rebecca. ing NJ, PA, and MD. Since the field [email protected]) 2 From the Dean’s Desk… (continued from front page) includes production of brochures, print for law enforcement at both the New There have been numerous accom- advertising, radio spots and a series of Castle and Dover sites. The Domestic plishments and success in the Divi- information sessions to promote the Violence Coalition conducted a semi- sion. So much of what we accomplish new programs. nar at New Castle. The clubs and honor is due in a large part to the dedica- societies were all busy with meetings, tion of our faculty and the talent of The program coordinators also have a programs, trips and banquets for our the adjunct faculty that work with us new marketing approach in which we students, and memberships increased on our projects. Our emphasis in the promote all of what we do in the Divi- in all of the groups. coming academic year will be to take sion as behavioral issues. All of some time to work with our the undergraduate programs adjunct faculty to make sure now have a common brochure we are all working together that highlights the individual as so many changes occur. majors of Behavioral Science, It is very important that we all Criminal Justice, Organiza- take advantage of the oppor- tional Dynamics, and Psychol- tunities that we have to come ogy while emphasizing the together on Faculty Develop- common threads of human ment Days, Program Read- behavior that is a part of all ing Week Activities and the that we do. Not only is this specialized training sessions good marketing, it is sound Dean Thomas Cupples that we have together for tech- academics. nology and new programs. Dr. Doris Lauckner took over the reigns All are encouraged and invited to Special programs continued to flourish of the Behavioral Science and Psychol- attend these programs and also keep with a very successful second annual ogy programs at the downstate sites in close contact with the program Women in Criminal Justice Leadership and Johanna Bishop was appointed coordinators. When we are all work- Conference. The first regional Criti- to the position of Coordinator of the ing together the benefactors are our cal Incident Stress Conference was Behavioral Science program at New students. No doubt you will hear of hosted by the Division and awarded Castle. Dr. Corrozi will coordinate the more new ideas and programs
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