Stevens-Durye- a Automo- biles. Gasoline Engines. Parties siriag aa up-to-d-ate Automobile that If yon ars lookiaf far a Gasoliae Eaaiae with --will make iss-ml- ls will do to oa trips wall sail few parts aad lots of power for a littlo moaey, E. N. Sipperley, Wettport, Ct. The ewtowe write or sail oa E. N. Sipperley, Westport, Ct. VOLUME XXVII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1904. TEN PAGES NUMBER 31 CALIFORNIA SIGHTS be cut 18 Inches through. The moun Cancers and Rup- tain range of which I am writing is not rocicy, out noh soil from base to ton, IT SAVED J. W. Melbourne, M. D., tures Cured. FINAL JUNE CLEARANCE. and wherever a is seen As Seen the o: clearing will be Cancer Through Eyes patches of barley, wheat or oats, and Specialist, No Knife I No ! Operation an Jbsteemed Newtown occasional patches of corn or potatoes, HIS LIFE Sanatorium: 64 Bank wnue St, Derby, Ct., Endorsed by Physicians Gentleman, ine nnest table grapes In the Captain Randall Closa to united States are raised by the hun Death's Door But Is the only originator Who art wading thair patieftts thua af-- dreds of carloads. Peas, plums, peach of the cancer Is Now B. L. JOHNSON. es ana Savod by painless uiciea to ua lor euro. $12.98 prunes are raised and shipped core. Consultation in large quantities. Twenty-fiv- e miles Send fnr list of Connecticut people who have and advice .Cor- Central California, beyond Kanta Cruz we descend from MUNYON'S free. necure arter our toiltuton ran. The Price July 8, 1904, the mountain and stop at Los Gates respondence solicited. Beware of Imitators. Our last letter was written from and are only seven hundred feet above Cure Guaranteed. The best shoe that can be of our line of $20 Santa Cruz. We bad started on our me level 01 the sea. We here enter PAW PAW made for the money. DR A. D. FRENCH, regular Homeward bad followed the Santa Clara and will follow New trip, already valley stvles- am roarfu aIIi ail Specialist, Shelton, Conn, Sack Suits. $20 has always bought here a suit the California Coast line northward along through it until we reach Creek, Col., says: Mrs Johnson and leathers. j in and $12 98 for 426 miles and were still 120 miles Francisco, still 55 miles distant, We myself are doing Cripple Creek and Our to-da- label irreproachable style, gfabric fit; Victor y. south from San Francisco. We shar are now ten miles from San Jose, State guards are pa- guarantees quality. does the work of $20 Awhile this clearance sale our trolling Victor streets "A fit for every foot." Saved es patriotism wun mat of our TOT MOST BEAUTIFUL TOWN yet, but the big Money hand-tailore- d, lasts. These suits are all have friends on Independence day, told plants are all running. Gov Peabody "Zenith" shoes are con- Ity buying your Oxfords at In all this valley, and the county seat, is man 8 A IR Or OX KOlllJa. stories and sang home I while the for the occaninn. w trolled FohWs concave close col-- songs The covers an area of 20 exclusively by Muu's Patent Dolt. Velour Oalf and Russet broad, shoulders, the setting ' around a fire In city square amazed at all we see. Vnr raiirnai .. sitting big camp the miles and outside of. the business cen 3.00 Oxfords Now lars which do so much towards assuring a per- shadow of the bisr redwood trees of glneering it beats all we have seen vet. $3 47. tre Is one continuous or . i which you were told in a stretch of "c arts wen. il.pa.va tct i knva fect fit permanently stiffened fronts. The suit previous let chards and vineyards, and in fruits. morrow. Women's 1.75 Oxfords Re- ter, and a day later took Jthe train at Read His Remarkable Storvs E. L. J. Is tailored to its It's good looks are Santa Cruz 70 prunes take the lead, When fruit Heid-to-Fo- ot duced to keep shape. for San Jose, miles to After 30 vearsof a famwt READY-MAD- Clothiers. $1.47. culture was first,, introduced it was E ICE not the result of the .tailor's iron. These north ward on the direct route to San myself with, astubborn case of Dyspepsia CREAfl. Main Street and Fairfield Other Money-Savin- g al merely found that from soil ingredients and that gave me no Ava, Bargnlns Francisco. For that run we took the peace night or day. J WE laoKHvof No af- climate conditions was fdolishlv Used Jamaica hnnuuiA rA HAVE MOST EVERYTHING READY- - owns) suits have been popular at $20. man can narrow road of the Southern there noplace flincrpr Bridgeport. Conn. gauge in so me remporary reuei. xnen x tned MADE NOWADAYS, WBY NOT ford be well Pacific that for of distance the state well adapted to the ICE R. F. FOSTER & CO., to pass this opportunity to dressed part the of as San Pepsin, and I tried Doctors, but all CREAM. has Its course tortuous growing prunes Jose, and the k no avail. J. saw A NEW BRAND 946 Mala St., Conn. such a among the town went wild over Manyon's mm OF BEEP. Danbury, at saving.; windings In the Santa Cruz mountains. prune culture. advertised and. I thought I would try a A cow Dome. 10 me belonging to Owen Rurna ro. Sack Suits Reduced from $20, to ooon aiier tne we cross Plums, pears, apples, apricots, peaches gave reuei immediately: A LOCAL BUTCHER OETS A $12.98. leaving city and cherries are also so much so that I kept on, and when 1 cently had an investigating turn of HINT OF the San Lorenzo river, run a largely cultivated, had taken a half dozen bottles I knerai mind and undertook HOW TO BEAT THE BEEF TRUST. through while a great deal of the valley land to find out the short tunnel, and then climb steadily that I was cured. I believe it saved and mysteries of a near-b- v ice hnnw Is given up to the raising of wheat, will prolong life. to. A five-year-o- ld auestioner Grass Seed along the western slope of the San Lo my cow was soon deeply embedded Clover and Red and it the season for in the nled his to Timothy, Top la large renzo Canyon, among the redwood, the being harvesting, sawdust and cakes of mother the meat wagon, or small quantities. 1 have all the bast gave us a fine to see the TTsbury, VineyardJHaven, Mass. ice and it took hereabouts, Fertilizers laurel and the pine, up into the Santa opportunity Captain Randall is now a member of th considerable - recently, and fell to Inter grade of for Potatoes, Cora 1 1 11 muscle exerted a num- ' Cruz work going on to perfection. Our two nrm & by tne as to eon-- aad braia. Get my prieea before Buy- mountains. Most of the country ot Kanaau UromweU. larseatdeal. oer or rogating butcher the MAINJOHN ST RIDGEFORT. GONN. days' stay gave us ample em in anchors, chains and other neignoors to get tbe animal out tents of his ing. Scrape for Poultry. Amerieaa i tnrougb which we pass is forest cover opportunity ship sup- ius - cart. The butcher not Wire Fencing aad Barb Wire. Lumber 'Mi to get a good general knowledge of the plies in New England. He will gladly uncomronaoie position. Wheth- ed, no steam saw mills have as answering his questioner of all klada. Roeeadale aad Portland yet and also to answer any inquiries aa to the above. - the COW WIS exnecttnir tn fnrnlcK promptly the timber and place meet many intelli- Professor Man enough he said, pointing to a of Cement. A ear of Brookfleld Lime juat despoiled heavy the and cultured our yon especially asks ever Mr Burns with ice cream for supper pan density of smaller makes the gent people, tickets weak and debilitated person to hi or we nave pickled tripe, "I know what that Ik arrived, braia, need and Groceries. growth us the to over Paw Paw He try not not been Informed. This ia the to trade aad save mea-- J. giving privilege stop Remedy. Bays it makes ok that pickled wash cloth!" plaee SCENERY GRAND BEYOND DESCRIP we folks feel vonmr and weak folks lea where please to the extent of 30 GRANQfi TOPICS. Are You TION. west of srong. That it will take away all neec Misses Genevieve and Ida Schaffer Thinking days, Chicago.. Fifty years and desire for alcoholic stimulantSL At H. Here and there are rounded hills in an old schoolmate and friend of MRS C. of New York are their vaca R. STONE, of buyiag a CAMERA? If so our a; years sxperieace ago conolio drinks lift yon but let yon fall. H. NORTHROP TO OIVB AN AD enjoying and North Ct. ia the bneiaeaa to open spaces that are under cultivation, mine left Newtown to make for 'him Paw Paw lifts and holds it DRESS ON tion with Mrs John Farrell in Hawley-- . Southbury Woodbury, may help you start right. yon; gives ex THE ST LOUIS EXPOSI- - We are for Ansco Cameras wheat or bilaration agents the and Films, Oyko growing given up to orchards self a; name and a home in California. without intoxication. TION. , ville. Paper, Hammer Plates, etc We also do developing and Sold aU printing for amateurs and guarantee the best possible re- and vineyards.
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