INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT and understanding to the dismounted sol- flexible form factor that can accommodate AND WEAPONS dier, allowing faster and more accurate de- the shooter’s preference method of em- cision making in the tactical fight. Nett ploying the system with the variety of dif- The soldier is the Army’s most deployed Warrior reduces time on target, greatly re- ferent mission profiles and soldier config- combat system and the most essential ducing the risk of fratricide; allows for im- urations. weapon in the Army’s arsenal. Program mediate feedback of battlefield effects; re- NW entered the technology development Executive Office (PEO) Soldier was acti- duces the use of voice communication; phase in February 2009 and recently vated in October 2002 to equip the soldier clears the fog of battle by displaying a real- achieved Milestone C. During fiscal year as a system through centralized develop- time common operating picture (COP); and (FY) 2012, the program was scheduled to ment, acquisition, fielding and sustain- provides immediate command and control. award low-rate initial production contracts. ment of virtually everything the soldier The centerpiece capability of NW is the wears or carries. ability to graphically display the individ- Product Manager Air Warrior PEO Soldier is the first organization in ual soldier’s location on a digital map. Ad- Air Warrior (AW) is a modular, inte- U.S. Army history to be charged with the ditional soldiers’ locations are also graphi- grated, rapidly reconfigurable combat air- mission to treat the soldier as a system. All cally displayed through the Army Battle crew ensemble that saves lives and maxi- aspects of soldier equipment are inte- Command System, connected via a secure mizes Army aircrew mission performance. grated, modular, interoperable and mis- radio that sends and receives information. More than 20,000 Army aircrew members sion-tailorable. This focused effort has led The system also connects the combat sol- have been equipped with the system. AW to the most lethal and survivable ground dier to higher-echelon data and informa- increases personal protection and mission force in modern warfare. tion products to assist the soldier in deci- performance and consists of a primary sion making and situational understanding. survival gear carrier that includes first aid, Project Manager Soldier Warrior All of this is integrated in a graphical user survival, signaling and communications Project Manager Soldier Warrior (PM interface that is user-defined, allowing sol- equipment; body armor tailored for the SWAR) supports soldiers through the ac- diers to easily see, understand and interact unique requirements of the aircrew mem- quisition of integrated soldier systems. in the method that best suits the user and ber; the aircrew integrated helmet system Current systems include Nett Warrior (for- his particular mission. including a Communication Enhance- merly Ground Soldier), Air Soldier, Soldier The physical subcomponents of NW in- ment and Protection System (CEPS) that Power, and Tactical Communication and clude a display to provide the soldier’s in- provides a helmet hear-through capability; Protective Systems. Project Manager Sol- formation, a computer to process and pop- over-water survival equipment, including dier Warrior’s product managers and di- ulate the information on the screen, an personal flotation, an emergency escape rectors develop and integrate components interface device that allows user interac- breathing device, and body-mounted life into complete systems designed to in- tion with the system, a power source, an raft; and the Microclimate Cooling Sys- crease combat effectiveness, decrease com- operating system to provide the system tem (MCS), a mix of platform-mounted bat load and improve mission flexibility. functionality to run tactical applications and soldier-mounted cooling gear that in- and Battle Command, and a networked ra- creases mission endurance under extreme Product Manager Ground Soldier dio transmitter/receiver device to send heat by more than 350 percent. The MCS Nett Warrior (NW) builds upon Land and receive information. As an integrated has been adopted for use by ground forces Warrior as an integrated dismounted sol- system on the combat soldier, size and including Stryker, Abrams, Bradley, M9 dier situational awareness system for use weight are kept to a minimum with the ACE, Navy, Marine Corps and foreign mil- during combat operations. The system pro- ruggedness for combat operations includ- itaries, with more than 16,000 systems vides unparalleled situational awareness ing water immersion. NW has a slim and fielded to date. The Portable Helicopter Oxygen Delivery System (PHODS) is a soldier-worn system that delivers com- Air Warrior Electronic pressed oxygen from a lightweight steel Data Manager (EDM) bottle attached to the Air Warrior vest. The system provides oxygen via a nasal can- nula up to 18,000 feet and via a mask at al- titudes above 18,000 feet. More than 3,000 PHODS have been fielded. The Electronic Data Manager (EDM) is a touchscreen, kneeboard computer that enables the air- crew member to quickly plan missions and react to mission changes in flight. The EDM, compatible with night-vision gog- gles and readable in direct sunlight, fea- tures a moving map, Blue Force Tracking, and a new terrain and obstacle avoidance capability expected to achieve airworthi- ness certification in FY 2012. More than 2,700 EDM systems have been fielded to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and foreign militaries. The Encrypted Aircraft Wire- less Intercom System (EAWIS) provides encrypted, hands-free wireless aircrew communications for nonrated aircrew mem- bers requiring mobility inside and in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft. EAWIS provides the first true aircraft intercom ca- 364 ARMY I October 2012 pability for medical evacuation helicopter personnel during rescue hoist missions and consists of an aircraft-mounted inter- face unit and mobile equipment units worn by the crewmember. The Survival Kit, Ready Access, Modular (SKRAM) gives aircrews readily accessible carriage of a 72-hour suite of life-support equip- ment in a flame-retardant, modular and configurable backpack, including supple- mental survival gear for extreme environ- mental conditions. The Air Soldier program formally en- tered into the engineering and manufac- turing development phase in December 2011 with a requirement to reduce aircrew member weight and bulk while improving safety and situational awareness and mis- sion duration. Air Soldier capabilities will be fielded in two increments, with the first delivery of capability in FY 2015, which in- cludes: Common Helmet Mounted Display System with integrated head tracking, providing all Army aviators (except AH- 64 Apache) with critical day/night flight and 3-D Degraded Visual Environment Survival Equipment Subsystem (SES) flight symbology (Apache aviators will be equipped in the second increment of Air cal/biological protective garment, survival ergy, power distribution, power manage- Soldier); Lightweight Environmental Con- vest components, and cold water immer- ment, and power storage solutions that are trol System delivering a cooling capability sion protective garments. lightweight and soldier-portable/wear- to OH-58D aviators previously unavailable The second and final delivery of Air Sol- able. The type of gear carried into battle by due to the space, weight and power con- dier capability in FY 2018 will fully replace soldiers in the past had a low power re- straints inherent in the Kiowa Warrior; and the Air Warrior and will include: Wide quirement that could be addressed with a soldier-worn Integrated Soldier Power and Field of View/High Resolution Helmet small amount of conventional batteries. As Data System (ISPDS)—a smart, on-aircraft Mounted Display incorporating 3-D DVE technologies mature and new power-con- rechargeable, single source of extended du- symbology for AH-64 Apache aviators; Ra- suming systems get added onto the cur- ration power for all aircrew-worn electron- dio Interface Control Module (RICM), rent soldier load, the Army needs to ad- ics. Developed through teamwork with the which combines the functionality of, and re- dress how to reduce that load and Product Director Soldier Power, the ISPDS places, the soldier-worn Encrypted Aircraft eliminate the logistical footprint associated eliminates the need to wear and carry sepa- Wireless Intercom System transceiver and with battery resupply. rate sets and types of batteries and spares. Combat Survivor Evader Locator survival The Soldier Worn Integrated Power Sys- Air Soldier also includes Personal Elec- radio, and adds a wireless data capability; tem (SWIPES) provides a central power tronics Control and Display System (PE Enhanced Laser Eye Protection (ELEP), source for extended mission duration when CDS), consisting of a Personal Display providing increased wavelength protection used with the ergonomic soldier-worn con- Module (PDM), Soldier Computer Mod- in a spectacle or visor configuration; Inte- formal battery, while reducing the numbers ule (SCM), and Mission Display Module grated Protective Ensemble (IPE), which and varieties of batteries carried by the (MDM). The PDM is worn by the soldier fully replaces the legacy Air Warrior gear soldier. The SWIPES system can provide and is the single user interface and dis- carriage and body armor system. The IPE power for up to four devices including (but mounted display for all body-mounted reduces weight
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