X- ' v:. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1954 PACE SIXTEEN ATerage Daily Net Preaa Run The Weatlicr .i For tiM Week BikM reneaet of V. B. Weather ■■ May 1, 1»84 Delta Chapter No. 51, Royal FUn ealder tonight. Freat Arch Masons, will confer the Mark Purnell Corporation Buys Properties on Birch Street Thespiang to Hear 11,135 ly In mpeeed nrean. Min. 1 About Town Master degree at its stated con­ Mm. TonMrrow fair. Ugh (< vocation tomorrow evening at 7:30 Member mt the Audit Tape Recording Bureau mt dliculation aoe. The DprcM Society of the In the Masonic Temple. The degree BUY NOW AND SAVE! Emanuel Lutheran Church will work will be followed by the usual Mancheeter^-AiCity of ViUage Charm hold ita monthly meeting In the social ho^ir and refreshments. Tape recordings of three orig-- muatc room tomorrow night at 8 Inal radio shows presented by the Mns. Ivy H. Butler of Mountain COKE Per Ton Cash $23.00 V0L.LXXHLN0.189 (CtasMfM AdTMtIalag Pag* M ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1954 o'clock eharp. Mr«.- Mae Wog- Center Thespisns over WTlC's (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS man will have charge of devo- Road. Glastonbury, has been noti­ Experimental Theater program Ujoni. Mra. Grace Fraaer will fied that her son, L>’|e, has been Per Ton Cash speak on "The Art of Hooking promoted to th^ rank of corporal will be heard by the group at its COAL $26.10 in Korea. CpI. Butler was formerly regular monthly meeting tomor­ (EGG, STOVE and CHESTNUT) Ruga" and will also tell about her row night. trip to Mexico. Refreshments attached to Item Co.. 21st Inf. Reg. as aid man, but is presently serv­ The recordings to be played are TELEPHONE MI-3-5135 will be served and a social hour "The Power of a Woman,” written mjoyed. ing with Heavy Mortar Co. in th X same capacity. by Burton Moore and adapted for radio by Ruth Rowley; "The An enthiuilaatic audience was en*- Heyo/*by Ruth Rowley; and "Two MORIARTY BROTHERS tertalned by a talented cast last Col. Allen R. Moore, of tl^U . S. Armory at Springfield wi^be the Tickets to Love,” co-authored by week. Monday and Wednesday eve- Philip Burgess aiyd Charles Tindle. 301-315 CENTER STREET r ■. »t a minstrel show spopsor- speaker at the meeting of the Buckingham Ladies Aid Society Prior to the entertainment, the •d by the at the Highland nominating committee, consisting Fara School. Director of the show tomorrow evening a / 7:45 in the social room of the/murch. He yill of Penny Richter. Jodie Golnik and was Charles Barbato. and others Vichi Wachtel, will present s slate who contributed to its success show pictures of his work in Alas­ ka and his flight over the North Of officers for the 1954-1955 term. •nor were: Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue, Pole. Committees for the forthcoming X Honors Today Fred Edwards. Dr. Andrew production of "Miranda" will also r • Thomas, Mary Doll and Rita Lan­ be annotlnced. dis. Memb«A of Orford Parish Chap­ ter. DjMt, desiring transportation Jodie Golnik will serve as hos­ tess for the evening. Company No. 3. SMFD, will meet to th^annual meeting to be held tbuwjumjumnt a t the firehouse tonight at 7:30. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the h ^ e of Mrs. C. Howard Tryon. ISfumerous Clergy ‘He Who Doe& the Will of God Abides Forever’ fell Street, Glastonbury, should contact a member of the transpor­ We Save Tea Money tation committee: Mrs. Maurice W. Low Cost 2nd Mortgage Willey, Mrs. Hermann Tiemann or This office will be closed Thursday evenings during Attend Last Mass Mra. Sherwood G. Bowers. LOANS the summer months, starting May 6th. However, ap­ HALE'S/ NO BROKERAGE FEES— j The Britisii-American Club will After Checkup Headquarp^rs We Offer Big Savings points may he made to suit ones convenience. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. James parishioners unable to attend the I hold its.monthly meeting tonight Pontifical Mass. ' at 8 o'clock at the clubhouse. CHARLES HERSHMAN Patrick Timmins, for 17 years During the Maas the casket con­ MORTGAGE CO. Our offlee hours Monday through Friday will con­ pastor of St. Bridget’s taining Msgr. Timmins body re­ K. George Pazianos, son of Mr. Herald Photo. mained In the center aisle. Placed and Mrs. George Pazianos. 23 Church, a former curate at Wa.ahington, May 5 (/P)—Army counsel derided as "a j»er- The Purnell Corp., owner of a PHONE CH.6.68B3 tinue to be 9:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. St. James’ Church and editor on a small table at the honored Green Hill St., was recently elect­ Parking lot at . Purnell Place, haa-j at least for the time being. Autos priest’s feet were his monsignor'* feet phony” today the letter Sen. McCarthy injected into ed to s#r\’e for a two-"'enr term on PTA Council acquired two biilUJings on Birch ■ will be enabled to enter Purnell of the Transcript, was given robe and syniboU of the office in hearings on his row with Army officials and identified by the Men's Judiciary Board of the Street the rear* portions of which Place through the private way' the final Church honors this which he was to be invested Mon­ McCarthy a.s a communication from FBI Director J . Edgar Student Council ofComell Univer­ are shown in the picture above. from Birch Street through the I morning when a Pontifical re­ day. Hoover to the Army on Jan. 26.. sity. Ithaca, N. V, The work of the Elects Slate In a move ,to protect the private- town-pwned lot.V The corporation ^ Bearers Enter 1951. board L? counseling students and COBURN & MIDDLEBROOK quiem Mass was celebrated by \-own (I lot and to improve ‘ the Is malting the purchase from John | Shortly before the Mas* began McCarthy scrapped back that Pazianos will act as a counselor now of traffic in the area, a McNeil, owner the buildings, the Most Rev. John F, the sulMtance waa e.s.sentially the for incomin;; freithmen during the INCORPORATED at 10:30, active pall bearers, hon­ Mrs. William Stuck New i jkesman for *he firm announc­ which "i- '22 tq 26 and 28 to Hackett, auxiliary bishop to orary pail bearers, and members of same as warn,ihgs the FBI had ‘Spy for the U. S.’ fall term. A graduate,of Manches­ ed today. The dotted line 30 Birch St. TheXpurneil Corp. I sent the Army about security risks ter High School in the class of President; Mrs. Caleen INVESTMENT SPXTRITIES the arxhbishop of Hartford. the various Catholic organlsfitlons through the picture sho^va the' spokesman said the\ purchase is i GOOD In attendance were the Most walked down the Center aisle and and radar secrets. 1852. he is taking a pre-law course path in which traffic will flow not a speculative move but rather j This was not disputed fcy the Caught at Probe at Cornell and is a member of Phi Named Vice President 541 MAIN .STREET TEL. MI-3-8631 Rev. Bernard J. Flanagan, bishop took their places. The plumed after the white dwelling in the a means of protectingXlhe devel­ of the diocese of Norwich, a dozen members of the Bishop McMahon one man in the hearing room with Kappa Sigma fraternity. center of the photo is razed. Ac­ opment of Purnell Place to a two- monsignori, and almost a hundred the moat knowledge about the New officer.s for the Manches­ Ateembly, 4th Degree Knights of Waahington, May 5 (dV-^EMpitol ter Council of Parent-Teachers cess to Birch Street, indicated by way street again and enlarging INSmiCE priests from throughout the state. Columbus Color Guard entered and matter- Robert'X. Collier, a mem­ RongM, R*fH9«raters Assn.<i- were installed at the annual the arrow, will be Just east of the and Improving parking facilities. Every seat in the church, which took their places. ber of speelal rounsel for the Sen­ police removed from the McCSar* meeting of the organization at large store and apartment build­ Purnell Place is now a one-way seats 650 persons, was occupied The priests, monsignori, and the ate Investigations Subcommittee. thy-Army hearing* today a apecta- W osIm ti and All Manchester Green School last ing which will remain standing. street. ____________________ by visitors, delegations from Cath­ officers of the Maas Entered, and Co'lier was given the job of tor who burst into loud laughter ► TO YS night. Mrs. William Stuek of the solemn ceremony began. rhecking up on the document af­ Otiiar AppliancM - olic groups and pariahionera. Some ter McCarthy produced it late yes­ during the testimony and thumbed ^ FUR THE KIDDIES Manchester Green is the new PTAs to reply on their willingness lecture by John Srhereshewski, is o m persona stood at the rear of the Officers of Mass ^ Large Aaaortmeat president: Mrs. R,. L. Caleen of terday. his nose at Sen. McOarthy. to raise theip contribution per pupil well Kowon commenter on child be­ church and in the aisles. Officera of the Ma.ss.wfre the Not Carbon or Copy HMjWIIAUeo Nathan Hale is vice-president: for the fine arts program to give havior, at the school on Tuesday, : A Maas had been held at 8 The man, who identilied hlmaetf Mrs. Paul Adams of Waddell is the committee a wider field for May 25. at 8 p.m. V>rplanck school: o'clock for the benefit of (Continued on Page Fifteen) The committee attorney went to as Arthur Perflt, 1188 Grand Om* Stores secretary and Sol Cohen of the Price Saring the witness chair to give hla re-1 selection of programs for next year.
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