MAY, 1926 31 CJ,elicitations upon the re- An A1neriean Tra 'gedy --· by TIIEODORE DREISER. His first nor,el since 1915 "AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY b, In fine, the rreate.t of lta author'a ,rork:s, and that can hardly mean 1- dlaa newal of old that it is the greatest American novel of our ireneration."--JOSEPB WOOD KRUTCB, "The Nation." ''AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY is the Mt. Everest of American fiction. and it is one of the hlirh hills in all the tlction of the world."-JOBN MACY, Author of "THE STORY OF THE WORLD'S LITERATURE." 2 vol., boxed. Srd acquaintances edition. · li.\u. ,5.00 Count Bruga t Education and ~ May Days by BEN HECHT An Anthology of Ben Becht spina a detective atory. In the The Good Life process of exposinir ita mystery he sheds much by B ERTRAND RUSSBLL OMETHING joyous MASSES-LIBERATOR VERSE sharp and sudden light on the eternal mys- is a burst of One of the most searching mind• ef and daring went out Collected and Edited by tery of character and the climax the 20th Century, on the most la• S brilliant satire rarely equalled In any litera- TAGGARD portant problem of civilization. Ex- of American life when GENEVIEVE ture. Publishing date April 10th. $2.00 perience in the up-brl~ of 111,o Woodcuts by J, J, LANKES own children has given a practical THE MASSESAND LIBERA• The Editors of The Nation turn to this analysis of the methoct. recently published lists of Mary Glenn of education. Never has the relatien TOR suspended. books which they regarded as by SARAH G. MILLIN between education and life been M the most interestinir book.I Author of GOD'S ST:WPCHILDREN clearly expressed. ,2.H We welcome its return, published in 1925. On almost "The most vivid picture of South African life Publishing date April 10th every list MAY DAYS ap- which she has yet given. She baa attained to happy in renewing an old peared . It is a mairnificent compassion without softeninir to sentiment; she body of song of rebellion and has acquired assurance of judgment without becoming _c:lever friendship. beauty - one of the tlnest and she is simple without resortinir to formula. She is one anthologies of modem poetry of the notable writers of this ireneration."-"N. Y. Times TheGreatGodBrown: We have published the published. '3.00 Book Review.'' 2nd edition. ,2.00 The Fountain : The books . of many of its writ- ......,, Moon of the Caribbees Soldiers' Pay And Sb Other Play1 of the Sea ers,-and expect to pub- Virgin Spain by WILLIAM FAULKNER by EUGENE O'NBn.L lish more. by WALDO FRANK You will read thi1 book quickly because It b ao rood a story. You will not leave it easily be- The tlrst two are new pl•Y•· The A gor&"'OU8synthesis of soil, cause you will be moved deeply. And you will Sea plays are the irroups which The And we felt honored in history and men in Spain . marvel, as Sherwood Anderson did? at the art Provincetown Players made such a Special octavo $3.00 ~ which so simply~ and. humanly 1r1vea ua the stirring success of last aeason In being chosen to be the reality of seven years in Amenca, smce the war . ,2.50 S. 8. GLENCAIRN. Uniform with publishers of the Anthol- 4 the collected edition of O'Neill'• playa. Octavo-$2.50 AND LIB• Cover Charge ogy of MASSES Sticks and Stones by CORNELL WOOLRICH ERATOR VERSE-MA y by LEWIS MUMFORD Here's a lad of 19, still in college, who repeats This study of American ar• the surprise which F. Scott Fitzgerald irave the The Dybbuk DAYS, with the illustra- chitecture and civilization has world some yeara ago. Bi s novel of New York been chosen among some forty life b bewilderingly mature in perception-d by ANSKY tions by one of the finds American books for The J is youthful only in Its freshnesa and atrenirth. Translated by Henry At.berg and League of Nation's library. 2nd edition. $2.00 Winifred Katzln. This is the claulc of these magazines, the 3d edition. $2.50 drama of Jewish folk life now rou .. inir such enthualasm at The Neigh- wood cut artist, J. J. Gandle Follows His Nose borhood Playhouae. '2,00 Lankes. by HEYWOOD BROUN Publishing date April 20th Gandle will make an ei:~elle!'t ~avelling com- Sherwood panion for Juriren. DJS pd1rr1ma1re throqh A long new life-and as experience involv"" many adventures, and Is Anderson's told with that humor and wisdom that has bold and merry a one as made Broun'• column a focus fer civilized The Butter NOTEBOOK minds all over the country. 2nd edition. ,1.50 and Egg Man the old. From his notebook• Sherwood Anderson has irathered w- by GEORGE S. KAUFMAN pther vivid impresaions from I The Abbess ol Castro The year'• best 88tirical play. In It looking at many American And Other Stories Broadway lauirha healthily at luelf. • cities, atreets and hou- - ,u, People are In it--known and by STENDHAL unknown. It Includes a num- Translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrie/1 ber of new abort atoriea. $Z.SO The second work to be issued in the first ~- Publi.1hing date April 28th lish translation of Stendhal b the volume of is S Italian tales so deeply admired by Goethe. Thia is the first English translation made. ,z.50 by E. E. CUMMINGS The latest collection by Ameriea'a Casual most interestinir poet-winner of The Woodcut by J . J. LA.NKES, fnm A The Keen Desire Dial Award for 19%5. tz.51 MAY DAYS: Masses-LiberatorVene. Commentary by FRANK B. ELSER Publishinir date April 10th boob MACAULAY "It takes a supreme place amonir lint by RosE and a hiirh rank amo111r the more praeticed ~ Wise and witty are these ob- writing.''-"The N. Y. Times Book Review." 1ervationa on the ahiftlnir as- "I heartily recommend it to all who love a Scarlet and Mellow the irood story, and to all who hate sham."-"The pecta on modem life, by ALFRED KltBYMBORG author of POTTERISM, Baltimore Evening Sun." 2nd edition. $2.00 by DANGEROUS AGES, TOLD Aptly titled , for Mr. Kreymborir'• BY AN IDIOT, etc. _,z.oo new book of poems contains poe- The Enemy's Gates ln established form• u well u In ......,, by RICHMOND BARRETT Author of RAPTURE ver• libre. ,2.H Mr Barrett displays an uncanny lnaia'ht. Bis fundamentals ~ Notorious are· true and right and authentic:. "THE ENEMY'S GATES" illumin"" a dark tract of experience wit!: the clear,. bold liirht Personae BONI & LIVERIGHT Literary of truth.''-"N. Y. Timea Book Review. 2nd edition. SZ.00 Attacks The Collected Poems of EzRAPouND publish the books of Edited by The Thibaults by ROGER MARTIN DU GARD It ia a real privlle&"' to have in one volume the poetry of Ezra Pound. Sherwood Anderson ALBERT MORDELL Not since Romain Rolland, and Proust-French critics iro fur- The tlrst collection ever made ther and aay not alnce Balzac and Bugo--haa a work of tlc- It includes po- importance come from France • ems from boob "J,t· E. E. Cummings .t famoua contemporary at- tion of equal now eut of tacka on establbhed master- Vol. 1. THE GRAY NOTEBOOK-THE PENITENTIARY. A £,'' .[l, Theodore Dreiser pM>Cej!of literature. ,z.so + Vol. 2. THE SPRINGTIME OF LIFE. Each .2.50 + print. ,uo .4JY Waldo Frank The Travels of Marco Polo Ben Hecht The Venetian Use this coupon to secure the complete Boni & Lirleright Spring, 1926 Alfred Kreymborg Edited with an lntroduetlon b1 Catalog for Ludwig Lewisohn MANUEL KOMROFF John Macy "Marco Polo has been brouirht down to the library table from the dW1ty top shelves where he haa been dozing Lewis Mumford thne fifty years. BONI & LIVERJGBT have &'iven BONI 8 UVERIGBT, him as handtome a dre88 u Eugene O'Neill that with which he con- 61 West 48th St., vinced hla doubting Vene- New Tork Ezra Pound tian neighbors of 1295.''- Bertrand Russell "N. Y. World." Znd edition -Octav<>-Map end-papers, Please send me your complete cata- Upton Sinclair Woodcut decorations. $3.50 log of Spring 1926 publications. Jean Toomer II Hendrik W. Van Loon Banzai Nam, ................................................-.......... by JOHN PARIS Author of KIMONO and SAYONARA The actual life story of a modem Japanese, travellinir A~dress ......................._............... ,- .............. in the West. and making hia livln&' by nimble wit- and nimble fingers. This startling blo&'Qphy is E111r• N.K. land's best seller. ,2.so Publishl111r date April 10th .
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