The War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia The War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia Ron Chepesiuk For the Aranda Family of Bogotá, Colombia For your support and love Copyright © 1999 by Ron Chepesiuk All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Portions of this work are from Hard Target: The United States War against International Drug Trafficking, 1982–1997. © 1999 by Ron Chepesiuk. Used by permission of McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 38640 (www.mcfarlandpub.com). Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the Library of Congress. 030201009910987654321 ABC-CLIO, Inc. 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116–1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper . Manufactured in the United States of America Foreword Colombia has been at the very frontlines of the send to Colombia that are vital to the cocaine and struggle described within the pages of this encyclo- heroin production. pedia, facing down the drug cartels and their cam- The narcotics trade, because of its huge profits paigns of bloody intimidation and terror, for which and its destabilizing power, is one of the central fac- we have paid a high price, losing many of our finest tors generating violence in Colombia, Mexico, and citizens in the process.But with the end of the major the United States, and is a growing menace in other drug cartels the business of narcotrafficking had be- countries as traffickers seek new routes to spread come like a hydra, more fractured, more interna- their poison. tional, less public, and therefore more difficult to To defeat the drug trafficking menace demands a uproot. true alliance between countries both consuming and Governments must focus significant attention on producing illegal drugs under the principle of joint this problem and be determined to combat nar- responsibility, reciprocity, and fairness. We must cotics, which threatens the democratic institutions move forward vigorously to meet the formidable and the integrity of both consumer and producer challenge that the illegal drug trade poses. The fu- nations. Increased efforts must be made, for exam- ture of countries in all parts of the world and the ple,to take away from the drug traffickers the money well-being of their citizens depends on it. and properties obtained through the illegal trade, to fight money laundering of drug profits, and control —Andres Pastrana Arango the chemicals multinational companies knowingly President, Republic of Colombia v Contents Preface, xv Acknowledgments, xvii International Drug Trafficking and the War on Drugs: A Historical Overview, xix The War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia Abbell,Michael,1 Bank of Commerce and Credit Boot Camps, 16 Abello Silva, Jose Raphael, 1 International (BCCI), 9 Botero Zea, Fernando, 16 Acosta, Pablo, 2 Barbiturates, 9 Bourne, Peter, 16 Air America, 2 Barco Vargas,Virgilio, 10 Brent, Charles Henry, 16 Alternative Development, 2 Barnes, Leroy “Nicky,”10 Brown, Claude, 17 American-Chinese Commercial Barry, Marion, 10 Brown, Lee, 17 Treaty of 1880, 2 Bartels, Jr., John R., 11 Buckley,William F., 17 American Civil Liberties Union Basel Convention, 12 Buprenorphine, 17 (ACLU), 3 Basuco, 12 Burroughs,William S., 18 American Council on Drug Beatniks, 12 Buscetta, Tommaso, 18 Education (U.S.), 3 Belushi, John, 12 Bush, George Herbert Walker, 18 American Express Bank Bennett,William J., 12 Caicedo-Tascon, Giovanni, 23 International, 3 Bensinger, Peter, 13 Cali Cartel, 23 Amezcua Contreras, Jesus, 3 Benzodiazepine, 13 Califano,Joseph A.,27 Amphetamine, 4 Bernal Madrigal,Alejandro, 13 Camarena Salazar, Enrique, 27 Analgesic, 4 Best Friends Program (U.S.), 13 Campaign against Marijuana Anderson,Robert A.,4 Betancur Cuartas, Belisario, 13 Planting (CAMP), 28 Anslinger, Harry, 4 Bias, Len, 14 Cannabis Buyer’s Club, 28 Arce Gomez, Luis, 6 Blanco de Trujillo, Grisella, 14 Cano Izaza, Guillermo, 28 Arellano Felix, Ramon, 6 Blancornelas, J. Jesus, 14 Cardona, Libia, 29 Arizabaleta-Arzayuz, Phanor, 6 Blandon Castillo, Jose, 15 Caribbean Financial Action Task Arlacchi, Pino, 6 Bloods, 15 Force (CFATF),29 Assets Forfeiture, 7 Body Packing, 15 Caro Quintero, Rafael, 29 Associate High Valleys Project, 8 Bogotá Cartel (Colombia), 000 Carrillo Fuentes,Amado, 30 Bandidos, 9 Bonner, Robert C., 15 Carillo Fuentes,Vincente, 30 vii viii CONTENTS Carrera Fuentes,Adrian, 30 Counterculture, 48 Drug Use Forecasting (U.S.), 62 Cartegena Summit, 30 Crack Cocaine, 48 Drug Watch International, 62 Cartel, 31 Crop Substitution, 49 Dubose, Hampton C., 62 Cartelito, 31 Cuban Connection, 49 Dublin Group, 62 Carter, James Earl (Jimmy), 31 Cuevas Ramirez, Nelson, 50 Duzan, Maria Jimena, 62 Casas de Cambio, 33 Currency Transaction Reports Easy Rider, 65 Castano, Fidel and Carlos, 33 (CTRs), 51 Ecstasy, 65 Castro,Jorge,33 Dadeland “Massacre” (Miami, Edwards, Delroy, 66 Center for Substance Abuse Re- Florida), 53 El Paso Intelligence Center search (U.S.) (CESAR), 33 Dangerous Drug Act, 53 (EPIC), 66 Central Tactical Units (CENTAC), Dass, Baba Ram, 53 El Rukns, 66 33 Davidow, Jeffrey, 54 Elders, Joycelyn, 66 Certification (U.S.), 34 De Dios Uanue, Manuel, 54 Environment, 67 Chamber Brothers, 35 De Grieff,Gustavo,54 Eradication, 68 Chapare Province (Bolivia), 35 De Grieff, Monica, 54 Escalante, Ramon, 68 Chemical Bank of the United De La Cuesta Marquez, Jorge, 54 Escobar Gaviria, Pablo, 68 States (New York City), 35 De Lorean, John Z., 55 Escobar Gaviria, Roberto, 70 Chemical Precursor Agreement, De Quincey, Thomas, 55 Escobar, Severo, 70 35 Declaration on Enhanced Re- European Cities on Drug Policy China White, 35 gional Cooperation for Drug (ECDP), 70 Chloral Hydrate, 36 Abuse Control for Asia; The European Committee to Combat Clinton,William Jefferson (Bill), Pacific, 55 Drugs, 70 36 Decriminalization, 55 European Community Directive Coca-Cola, 38 Del Cid, Luis, 56 on the Prevention of Money Cocaine, 39 Department of Administrative Laundering, 71 Cocaine Anonymous (CA), 41 Security, Bogota, Colombia European Monitoring Centre for Codeine, 41 (DAS), 56 Drugs and Drug Addiction, 71 College on Problems of Drug Depressants, 56 Europol, 71 Dependence (CPDD), 41 Designer Drugs, 56 Extraditables, 71 Colombo Plan, 41 Diablos, 57 Extradition, 72 Colosio Murrieta, Luis Donaldo, Diaz Vega, Baltazar, 57 Families against Mandatory 000 Dilaudid, 57 Minimums, 73 Common Sense for Drug Policy, Dominican Gangs, 57 Farley, Chris, 73 42 Dover’s Powder, 58 “Fat Albert”, 73 Community Action Coalition of Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 58 Felix Gallardo, Miguel Angel, 73 America (CACA), 42 Dr. Snow, 58 Fighting Back Program (U.S.), 74 Community Action Coalition of Drug Abuse Resistance Education Financial Action Task Force America (U.S.), 42 (DARE), 59 (FATF),74 Constantine, Thomas A., 42 Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Financial Crimes Enforcement Contras, 43 Study (DATOS), 59 Network (FINCEN), 74 Controlled Substance, 44 Drug Abuse Warning Network Flores,Fernando Jose,74 Convention for the Supression of (DAWN),60 Fonseca Carrillo, Ernesto, 74 the Illicit Traffic in Illegal Drug Courts (U.S.), 60 Ford, Gerald R., 75 Drugs, 44 Drug Czar, 60 Frankfurt Resolution, 75 Corruption, 44 Drug Free Zones, 60 Franklin Quintero, Colonel Corsicans, 47 Drug Policy Foundation (U.S.), 60 Waldeman, 75 Counterdrug Technology Drug Strategies Institute (U.S.), Frechette, Myles, 75 Assessment Center (U.S.), 61 Free Base Smoking, 76 47 Drug Testing, 61 Free Trade, 76 CONTENTS ix French Connection, 76 Herrera Zuleta, Benjamin, 93 Leary, Timothy, 118 Freud, Sigmund, 77 Herrera Zuleta, Helmer “Pacho”, Legalization, 120 Friedman, Milton, 77 95 Lehder Rivas, Carlos Enrique, 122 Galan, Luis Carlos, 79 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Limitation Convention of 1931, Galeano Murcia, Cristobal, 79 Areas (HIDTAs), 96 122 Gambino Family, 80 High Times, 96 Linder v. United States, 123 Gamma-vinyl-gaba (GVG), 80 Hippies, 96 Lindesmith,Alfred, 123 Garcia, Edgar, 80 Hobson,Richard P.,97 Lindesmith Institute, 123 Garcia Abrego, Juan, 80 Hodoyan Palacios,Alfredo, 97 Lisboa Medgar, Juan Carlos, 124 Garcia Herreros, Father Rafael, 81 Hoyos Jiminez, Carlos Mauro, Liu Chong Hing Bank (Hong Garcia Meza, Luis, 81 97 Kong and San Francisco), 124 Garfield Bank, 81 Human Rights, 97 Loaiza-Ceballos, Henry, 124 Gaviria Trujillo, Cesar, 81 Hurtado, Rendon, 98 Logan Heights Calle 30, 124 Geneva International Opium Huxley,Aldous, 98 Lopez Michelsen,Alfonso, 124 Convention of 1925, 82 Inciardi, James, 101 Low Murtra, Enrique, 125 GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Inhalants, 101 LSD, 125 Butyrate), 82 Interdiction, 102 Luciano, Charles “Lucky”, 126 Ginsberg,Allen, 82 International Education Ludlow, Fitzhugh, 126 Giordano, Henry L., 82 Association, 102 Lupsha,Peter,126 Giraldo, Alberto, 84 International Law Enforcement Man with the Golden Arm, 129 Golden Crescent, 84 Academy (ILEA), 102 Marijuana, 129 Golden Triangle, 85 International Narcotic Research Martinez,Bob,130 Gomeros, 85 Conference (INRC), 102 Martinez Romero, Eduardo, 131 Gomez-Bustamante, Luis International Narcotics Board of Maspeth Federal Savings and Hernando, 85 the United States, 102 Loan Association (New York Gomez-Patino, Denis, 85 Interpol (International Criminal City), 131 Gonzales Calderoni, Guillermo, Police Organization), 103 Mathews,
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