T65N Upper P Coeur d'Alene Field Office M riest Riv oy Resource Management Plan ie R iv er er K oot Planning Area e nai R Surface Management iv T63N Boundary er " LEGEND ! SURFACE MANAGEMENT Bonners Ferry BLM T61N Private State Priest Lake StateFish&Game USFS ¤£95 BOUNDARY County T59N Indian Reservation Public Land Survey township Priest River Pack River Bonner MAJOR ROADS 200 State Highway 57 95 U.S. Highway Sandpoint 90 Interstate 90 T57N ! 200 BLM % of County BLM Acres Priest River ¤£2 county ! Lake Pend Oreille River Pend Benewah 14,256 2.8% Oreille Bonner 11,975 1.0% Boundary 4,400 0.5% T55N ClarkForkRiver Kootenai 12,104 1.4% Shoshone 55,199 3.3% 97,935 1.9% Counties layer obtained from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Surface ownership layer and Spirit! Lake additional data were created at 1:24,000 scale by Coeur d'Alene District Office GIS personnel. T53N No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data, or for purposes not intended by BLM. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. Rathdrum! Department of the Interior Hayden Bureau of Land Managment ! T51N Kootenai Coeur d'Alene Field Office 3815 N. Schreiber Way Post Falls Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 ! Spokan e River Coeur d'Alene ! May 2007 ¦¨§90 97 T49N Lake IDAHO ¤£95 Coeur Kellogg ! d'Alene Coeur d'Alene River ® ! 3 Wallace Data is displayed in UTM zone 11 north, NAD83. T47N Plummer ! ! Shoshone St. Maries Saint Joe River Saint T45N Benewah Maries Rive r !Fernwood LittleN.F.Clearw T43N 3 ater Riv R5W er R3W R1W 0 5 10 15 20 25 Miles T42N R10E R12E R2E R4E R6E R8E Planning Area Surface Management Map 1 T65N Upper Coeur d'Alene Field Office Mo Pri Resource Management Plan est yie River R iver K ootenai Conservation/Restoration Boundary R Watersheds, Riparian Conservation iver T63N Areas, and Threatened/ Endangered Fish Streams " ! Bonners Ferry LEGEND T61N Riparian Conservation Areas Other BLM Lands Priest Lake Conservation / Restoration Watersheds ¤£95 Threatened Fish (Bull Trout) Streams Endangered Fish streams T59N (White Sturgeon) plus Threatened Indian Reservation Boundary Priest River Pack River Bonner County Boundary 57 MAJOR ROADS 200 State Highway T57N Sandpoint ! 95 U.S. Highway 200 90 Interstate 90 Priest River ¤£2 ! Lake PendO r ei lle Rive r Pend Oreille T55N ClarkForkRiver ® Counties layer obtained from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Surface ownership layer and additional data were created at 1:24,000 scale by Coeur d'Alene District Office GIS personnel. Spirit Lake ! T53N No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data, or for purposes not intended by BLM. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. Rathdrum ! Department of the Interior Kootenai Bureau of Land Managment Coeur d'Alene Field Office Hayden T51N ! 3815 N. Schreiber Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Post Falls ! Spo kane Coeur d'Alene River May 2007 ! ¦§¨90 97 T49N IDAHO Lake ¤£95 Kellogg Coeur River ! d'Alene d'Alene Coeur 3 ! Wallace Data is displayed in UTM zone 11 north, NAD83. T47N ! Plummer ! St. Maries SaintJoeRiver Saint Maries T45N R Benewah iver ! Fernwood Little N Shoshone . F. Clea T43N 3 rwater River R5W R3W R1W 0 5 10 15 20 25 T42N Miles R10E R12E R2E R4E R6E R8E Conservation/Restoration Watersheds, Riparian Conservation Areas, and Threatened/Endangered Fish Streams Map 2 T65N Upper Coeur d'Alene Field Office M Pri oyie Resource Management Plan est R R iver iver Ko ot Boundary enai R ive T63N r Forest Vegetation " ! Bonners Ferry LEGEND T61N Dry Conifer Priest Lake Wet/Cold Conifer Wet/Warm Conifer ¤£95 Other BLM Lands Indian Reservation Boundary T59N County Boundary Priest River P MAJOR ROADS Bonner ack Ri ver 200 State Highway 57 95 U.S. Highway 90 Interstate 90 Sandpoint T57N ! 200 Priest River ¤£2 ! Lake P end O reil le River Pend Oreille T55N Clark Fork River ® Counties layer obtained from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Surface ownership layer and additional data were created at 1:24,000 scale by Coeur d'Alene District Office GIS personnel. Spirit! Lake T53N No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data, or for purposes not intended by BLM. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. Rathdrum ! Department of the Interior Kootenai Bureau of Land Managment Coeur d'Alene Field Office Hayden T51N ! 3815 N. Schreiber Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Post Falls ! Spokane River Coeur d'Alene May ! 2007 ¦¨§90 97 T49N IDAHO Lake ¤£95 Coeur Kellogg ! eRiver d'Alene d'Alen Coeur 3 ! Wallace Data is displayed in UTM zone 11 north, NAD83. T47N ! Plummer ! St. Maries Saint Joe River Saint Maries River T45N Benewah !Fernwood Little N. F. ClearwaterShoshone River T43N 3 R5W R3W R1W 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 T42N Miles R10E R12E R2E R4E R6E R8E Forest Vegetation Map 3 ~ "' , ~~ ,,'"" ~ • ! ! ,. rA ' <f J_ -, . ' . __,,' . .'",_ I J ' _.l--. ., 1 . ;,; '" ,. 7<: J J. - j ' ,! ,!1 ~id ! dl ; I I I• , - ft." . I • ' i 11 I mII11-- IWI!",!!. !,!1 II '" , ,. nliJ !lm!!!!!!1 w ~ fJ 1-- 'lll'i' ..:1 !SA i 1/_________ H~ Z+ OO ,I ilnH!!H!1HI I 11 H 1;0 !n l ~IIII ! 11 'II : ttll .- ~ > ~ f • • ' III j•• Hll:, -- H' ". ~-. "~~~""" HUI lld : , 'Iill- ''If .", .A --..... hlh nll " - .-~, 6. 'fllji Ill' co hll' 'hi :IE II!. fl II ~, , iill! hil t - s. '''\. I!P!" ftl~ ''.; 11 1"lL llir h ~ : ' ."~ ... ,11 iH ' flit .I I! - I'll ~ .' -:-c I ~ C "(jJ \!l p ~~ ~'I .".'it -,,~to I~I ~ ~;:; i!1f . ~ ~ ~ 111 , 1_ 2 ~ ~ "I; ~ "'- -,,ti :~" ~T. 1... ' :-.101 ,0 , ~ ~J :gil ~~ .~. , '11 • tB- IB k e e S T52N T52N Rathdrum T52N T52N r tu C m reek s p C R2W R5W R4W R3W n a e L c M ek e Spades Mountain r w C T o Fork j r s C e reek s u a Three H Fo Skinner Bay k r ree ksC C ek r e n re e ls C ek Ni ins Legend Mok Road and Trail Restrictions Travel Area Designation Surface Management 53 Roads and Trails shown in orange on the map are closed k Closed to All Motorized Vehicles e BLMBu Cre j rnt to vehicle travel during the time periods shown below. Cramps Bay Jim C a Motorized Vehicles, Except Snowmobiles, Limited to Designated Routes PRIVATEb Berven Bay in C ks Cree r Motorized Vehicles, IncludingY Snowmobiles,ellowban kLi mited to Designated Routes STATE e Hayden Lake e 41 T51N Hayden k T51N3 12/1to3/31 12/1to3/31 12/1to3/31 NoRestrictions R4W T51N Travel Route Designation STATE FISH & GAME O'Rourke Bay R5W 4 Yearlong No Restrictions No Restrictions No Restrictions R3W Hayden Lake Designated Road/Easement (Open year round to T51Nall motorized vehicles) USFS 8 12/1to3/31 12/1to3/31 12/1to3/31 12/1to3/31 R2W Coopers Bay Designated Road/Trail with Restrictions WATER eek Cr 9 Yearlong 12/1 to 3/31 12/1 to 3/31 12/1 to 3/31 Ha bin j Lone Ca rri Hauser SECTION LINES 10 8/30 to 1/1 8/30to1/1 8/30 to 1/1 8/30to1/1 Proposedso Federal Land Management Highways n C 20 Yearlong Yearlong No Restrictions Yearlong Indian Reservation Roads/Trailsree 21 Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day No Restrictions k TRAIL STREAMS 22 Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day 23 Yearlong Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day No Restrictions Dalton Gardens j EastUNIMPROVED Canfield Butte ROAD Canfield Buttesj j Treasure Mountain 25 4/1 to 11/15 4/1 to 11/15 4/1 to 11/15 4/1 to 11/15 j LIGHT DUTY ROAD 26 Yearlong Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day Labor to Memorial Day SECONDARY HIGHWAY ek re 27 Yearlong Yearlong No Restrictions No Restrictions C j n a HIGHWAY rn e O F n L o o w n a Post Falls e C s r o k e m e e e k e r C C r a e l l j e j e Ford Rock k t Huetter Kelly Mountain S Black Bay Best Hill H olid j k ay Creek Cree m to an jFernan Hill h P jBlackwell Hill jCherry Hill eek ht Cr ig hl k T50N rc ee a on Cr e urt R4W Coeur d'Alene S B T50N T50N T50N R2W ek Cougar Bay re R5W R3W e C ri M a j Tubbs Hill j Potlatch Hill jBlossom Mountain Casco Bay k Kern Butte e j e r C e u l Lake Coeur d'Alene B S k Kid Island Bay a l a n reek Yellowstone Trail Road C Shasta Butte C ar r g A e Co u 90 lde j e ¦¨§ r Creek k Blue Creek Bay C Rich Hill k e e da j re r C d C ree Ki k reek C edar C Mica Peak Squaw Bay j Moscow Bay Wolf Lodge Bay S Beauty Bay q u C aw a Echo Bay C b C Swede Bay r Ro e l a e b ek in C ck Cre Everwell Bay C r L e r e a e e m k k b C ek Mica Bay r T49N 97 ee k R4W k Elk Mountain jCable Peak e e j r C n k e a e Driftwood Bay No r M rt C k t j h ica Fork M e s e r Lo C a T49N c T49N i M T49N j R6W k r R2W o F R3W Coeur d'Alene, Mount h k T49N ut ree So doC reek R5W car Happy Cove Turner C Del k e e r Ly C le jTwin Peaks W y C e r Turner Peak e n ee s r k j t a l l F i k o ee K Cr rk Loffs Bay th F Nor o rti S er ¤£95 co C tt re C ek ree Red Horse Mountain k Carril j l Creek Be llg Crescent Bay ro ve C k k r e Carlin Bay e j e re e Carill Peak e C r k n C Stin so lin k Bellgrove ar e C j re C ol ho c C S h eek a r tf C ie se Black Bay ld ru C K F L r ig M a e h c n e G k Killarney Lake t Black Rock Bay e in inn g i C C s r Cr r e ee e ek k e k L T48N ak Killarney Lake Road e C R3W re ek jSwan Peak k e Rockford Bay re T48N C e T48N k a R5W
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