F RICE ALUMNI ',NUMBER 5 JUNE-AU INSIDE Copeland's world of linguistics Commencement'86 A small town in Texas c.d.& JUNE-AUG. 1986, VOL. 42, NO. 5 Across the great divide 6 EDITOR Suzanne Johnson High in the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua, Mexico, the work of Rice linguist James Copeland SCIENCE WRITER bridges the cultural and communication gap between the Tarahumara Indians and the world B.C. Robison of social science. B.C. Robison talks to Copeland about his work both inside and outside the CONTRIBUTING AND Rice community. STAFF WRITERS Erin Blair '88 Steve Brynes Vietnam: A veteran returns 8 Shelly Unger '86 In 1984, William Broyles Jr. '66 went back to Vietnam, the first U.S. combat veteran to set foot Bill Whitmore on Vietnamese soil since the last American troops were evacuated. In this excerpt from PHOTOGRAPHERS his new book, Brothers in Arms, he looks at the reasons behind why men go to war. Alexandra Boterf '85 Laura Derrick '85 Philippe Paravicini'86 Playing to the crowd 11 Peter Yenne '72 DESIGNER but Baker Shakespeare's innovative approach It might lack the polish of professional theater, Carol Edwards to its time-honored subject has made the annual Rice production a much-anticipated event. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF RICE ALUMNI 12 President, G. Walter McReynolds '65 Commencement 1986 President-Elect, Gwynne E. Old '59 A steady rain couldn't dampen spirits during Rice's May 10 commencement ceremonies as 1st Vice-President, Bridget Rote Jensen '53 more than 900 degrees were awarded. Sallyport preserves the event in pictures. 2nd Vice-President, Nancy Moore Eubank '55 Treasurer, Russ H. Pitman '58 Past President, Harvin C. Moore Jr. '59 A small town in Texas 14 Interim Executive Director, Marilyn Moore'59 Widely known for his work in restoration, architect Harvin C. Moore '27 has spread his hard ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE enthusiasm to keep the past alive in his hometown of Chappell Hill, Texas. Sally- work and ON PUBLICATIONS port's Andre Fox tours Chappell Hill with the Moores and drops in on Richard and Mildred Chairman, John Boles '65 , Ganchan '40/'40 and their Browning Plantation. Third in the Sal/yport sesquicentennial se- Co-chairman, Darrell Hancock '68 ries. Past Chairman, Charles Szalkowski '70 W.W. Akers W.V. Ballew Jr. '40 Brent Breedin Franz Brotzen Ira Gruber Nancy Boothe Parker '52 Sara Meredith Peterson '47 Patti Simon '65 Geri Snider '80 Radio wasteland? he would have a different and more edu- upon leather upholstery. Could she allow Scott Snyder '87 Linda Leigh Sylvan '73 How disheartening it was to read of KLEF- cated opinion. If he still lived in Houston, herself to listen to music produced by he could possibly be doing business with horsehair drawn across catgut? Perhaps FM's change in programming. KLEF was the RICE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI GOVERNORS station that weaned me from rock and Jeff Rose, president of Texas Commerce, she should change her name, as her Greenway Plaza. In Dallas, he might want present name can arouse images of caneton Neal T. Lacey Jr. '52 taught me what real music sounds like. Jerry McCleskey '56 classical music station in Hous- to speak with Billy Neal, vice president of a l'orange! Without a Pat H. Moore '52 ton, what is to become of Rice music lovers? MBank, Dallas. I could name others who Miss Kavinsky, an English major, is Their radios are now superfluous. have graduated with the commerce major quoted as saying, "Since I hadn't eaten any that have been just as successful, but I red meat in three years, it didn't seem right SALLYPORT(USPS 412-950) is published in Mike Pelizzari, Ph.D.'76 hope Mr. Hoffman gets the point. We are all that the record of my achievements at Rice September, November, February, April Sunnyvale, CA Rice alumni no matter what career path we should be on a sheep's skin." We question and June by the Association of Rice EDITOR'S NOTE:Since the last issue of Sal- chose, and I have yet to ever hear any of my that a diploma is a "record" of one's Alumni, and is sent free to all university lyport, when the story of classical station fellow athletes say that they wished they achievements. It is a certificate conferring alumni, parents of students, and friends. KLEF's demise was published, public outcry had gone to another school, even one where certain honors, but hardly a "record" in the Second class postage paid at Houston, resulted in a new station with an all- the team is a winner and the students sup- accepted sense.(Although, alas, I was not Texas. classical format. The station, which took the ported them. an English major.)If not having eaten red abandoned KLEF-FM call letters, is now One last comment. I am sorry that Mr. meat for three years makes it wrong for William Marsh Rice University offers applicants with- providing what many deem "real music" 24 Hoffman feels it is necessary to withhold Miss Kavinsky to accept a sheepskin di- equal opportunity to all hours a day his contribution to the annual fund because ploma, what about the printing on the di- out regard to race, color, sex, age, na- of our athletic program. Other schools, with ploma? Surely she hasn't drunk any ink in tional or ethnic origin, or physical No apologies needed just as strong academic requirements as the past three years, so perhaps the(paper) handicap. Rice have been able to build and maintain diploma should be printed in Braille dots. I read with interest the letter from Rodney Editorial offices for SALLYPORT are located successful athletic programs by working to- lam inclined to believe that Miss Duck Hoffman in the February-March issue. Mr. in the Allen Center for Business Activi- gether. I am convinced that Rice can do the and Miss Kavinsky are having a bit of fun Hoffman stated in reference to scholarship ties, Rice University, 6100 South Main same if not only the students, but the fac- with the Rice administration and the press athletes, "if they graduate at all, they do so Street, Houston, Texas. in 'mick' majors." I would be interested in ulty and community, will support the effort. — getting some free publicity, a few knowing why such a fine university would The student athlete doesn't want a "free" laughs, and a big hand from the crowd POSTMASTER: Send address changes to offer so-called "mick" majors, how the pro- ride; he only wants a chance at the best ed- when Dr. Rupp gives them their paper di- SALLYPORT, Office of Information Services, fessors who teach these "mick" courses face ucation available. plomas. Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, their peers each day, and exactly which Pat Stidham '77 Still, one regrets that these Rice gradu- Texas 77251. courses are considered "mick?" Arlington, TX ates are capable of such triviality which re- Am Ito understand that if a student flects little credit on a great university Copyright 1986 by the Association of Rice majors in something other than the sci- "founded and endowed ad maiorem Dei glo- Alumni, Rice University. ences, his or her degree is not as accept- A meaty topic? riam... in freedom for research, to sober, able as Mr. Hoffman's? I do not know what I have just read in the May 12 issue of a fearless pursuit of truth, beauty, righteous- Mr. Hoffman does for a living and I will not newspaper published in Los Angeles that ness, and to all high emprise consecrated" begin to judge whether or not he is success- two Rice seniors, Sara Duck and Jennifer — Dr. Lovett's noble language on the Rice Alumni MOB sheepskin diploma! ful, but Ida know that the majority of Rice Kavinsky, have asked that their diplomas An alumni version of the MOB is in the graduates whom I know have been success- be printed on paper instead of sheepskin. W.P. Blair '36 planning stages for homecoming, to ful in their chosen fields. I refuse to apolo- The reason stated for this curious prefer- Pasadena, CA be held the weekend of Nov. 15. Those gize to anyone, including other alumni, for ence is that they are vegetarians! the path of education I chose. Granted, the Miss Duck, a political science major, is Getting serious interested in participating with the requirements of entry into Rice might have quoted as saying that she realizes her re- I wonder if anyone else out there noticed band in a halftime show, or in having been lowered to allow some athletes, in- quest for a paper diploma may seem silly. (I that John Papuga's letter on the "brouhaha" a social function before or after the cluding myself, to be accepted, but once in, am sure many people will agree.)She then over Rice athletics made no sense whatso- homecoming game Nov. 15 against the requirements to graduate are the same. states, "I don't participate in eating meat." ever. Yes, we really did chant the "existen- Baylor should contact Guinn Unger at We must compete not only against the top Then she says, "If I draw the line there, why tial cheer," and the "e-to-the-x cheer," and (713) 495-5405(days) or (713) 933-2350 athletes in the country, but also against the not draw the line one step further?" any number of other silly things because (evenings)or by writing him at 12904 top students. It is a challenge that we chose Why not, indeed? Well, because there they were original and creative and cer- Wirevine Lane, Houston, TX 77072.
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