STATUS AND DISTRIBUTION OF ALASKA BIRDS 91 RUSTIC BUNTING-&zberiza vustica Rare spring migrant in the western and central Aleutian Is from mid-MY through mid-JN (earliest, d, 11 MY 69, Amchitka I, CMW, and 0, 12 MY 77, Shemya I, DDG & GEH; latest, one, 17 JN 76, Buldir I, Byrd et al. in press#, and two, 19 JN 11, Kiska I, Bent 1912#), occurring singly, occasionally in twos or threes; maximum count has been five (26 MY 76, Shemya I, DDG & GEH). Very rare fall migrant from mid-SE through early OC (earliest, one, 15 SE 77, Shemya I, DDG & GEH; latest, singles, 20 & 27 OC 57, Amchitka I, Kenyon 1961#). Casual spring migrant in western Alaska (Gambell, St Lawrence I-d/O, lo- 11 JN 73, DDG & others; c?, 4-9 JN 76, GEH & others). GRAY BUNTING-Emberiza variabilis Accidental in Alaska. An adult male was collected at Shemya I, Aleutian Is, 18 MY 77 (Gibson and Hall 1978#). PALLAS' REED BuNTIN+Emberiza pal/ad Casual spring migrant in northern (ad C?, 11 JN 68, Barrow, Pitelka 1974#) and western Alaska (ad c?, 28 MY 73, Gambell, St Lawrence I, Johnson 1976). REED BUNTING-Emberiza schoeniclus Casual spring migrant in the western Aleutian Is (ad d , 29 MY 75, Buldir I, Byrd et al. in press#; ad d, 26 MY 77, Attu I, TGT & others; ad d, 4 JN 77, Shemya I, DDG & GEH, UAM 3580). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Continued, unstinted cooperation from many individuals, organizations, and institutions has provided much of the foundation for this compilation of data on Alaska birds. We are deeply indebted to the 375 individuals listed in Table 2, who have provided us with original data and whose initials are cited throughout the text in relation to specific contributions; their records have reached us through personal contacts, letters, telephone calls, checklists, compiled reports, and mu- seum specimens. A number of these contributors have also been instrumental in soliciting and forwarding to us observations other than their own. The most con- sistentcontributors over the years have been studentsfrom the University of Alas- ka and employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, but major original contributions have also been made by other resident Alaskans, both amateursand professionals,by scientistsfrom universities and organizations outside of Alaska, and by many who have come to Alaska to enjoy its bird life. Our enormous gratitude to these individuals cannot be over- stated. Our data collection has been facilitated by various contracts for field studies with federal and state agencies, and we are pleased to acknowledge their logistic and financial support: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Bureau of Land Management/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. National Park Service. 92 STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY NO. 1 This paper is, indeed, the result of many hours of cooperative effort by many people. LITERATURE CITED ADAMS, E. 1878. Notes on the birds of Michalaski, Norton Sound. Ibis 1878:420-442. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1957. Check-list of North American birds. Fifth ed. A.O.U., Baltimore. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1973. Thirty-second supplement to the American Omitholo- gists’ Union check-list of North American birds. Auk 90:41l-419. AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1976. 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