& SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT OF ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 CONTENTS 2 Chairman’s report 11 Buying Group 3 Chief Executive’s report 12 Nottinghamshire General 4 Our Clinical Leadership Practice Phoenix Programme 5 Our Clinical Leadership 13 Nottinghamshire General CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Practice Phoenix Programme 5 The Secretariat Projects 6 New Board of Directors elected 14-16 2018-2019 events When knuckling down to write my message for this annual report, 7 Communications update 17 Pastoral Network I looked back at the last one. I talked about how the government needed to recognise how precious and vital general practice is to 8 Practice Liaison Team Update 18 The next 12 months a well-functioning NHS. Twelve months on, I can talk about how the 9 How we support 18 Treasurer’s Report sector is being incentivised to work in different ways but with general General Practice practice very much front and centre in the planning ahead for the 19 Summary of Accounts provision of and support for front line care. 10 GP-S The emergence of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) has been mooted for some time and after years of various think tanks and entrepreneurial GPs seeing collaborative working as the ideal, we now see some serious intention and initiatives to adopt this way of working as normal for general practice. The new GP contract that launched on 1 April 2019 is arguably the most significant change in GP contracting since 2004 and probably before. We are looking at a five-year deal with the potential to extend elements for another five years with promises of recurrent funding and extra resources reaching practices at an individual level and wider at network level. State-back indemnity is a welcome boost to the profession and represents a pay rise to many GPs in real terms. The new Network Primary Care Direct Enhanced Service will come CHAIRMAN’S REPORT into play on 1 July 2019 and at the back end of 2018/19 there has been a frantic rush to get PCNs into place with Clinical Directors and discussions around internal governance to create footprints for Another year of change, and the contract changes announced this There have been big changes made to MDO subscriptions. There is community services to wrap around. CCGs are also changing in shape year effectively provide a pay rise for the first time in many years. still confusion about how much we still need to pay and there seems and form to adapt to the changing landscape that puts great stock in Not only in direct reimbursement but also in guaranteed changes to be some confusion about what is covered by our national contract. integrated ways of working across the Integrated Care System. This over the next five years for General Practice. Primary Care Networks This is something that the LMC may find it difficult to help with directly; has meant challenging conversations as some practices have had to will be an important new development and the promise of closer a chat with your own MDO is essential as there is evidence that similar think about working together where they haven’t before – so much of collaboration and new funding have been tied together. clinical commitments may be being dealt with differently by different call this change is reliant on good relationships and a belief that the new handlers within the same organisation, and differently again between The LMC held contract workshops and will continue to provide more ways of working can be delivered. different organisations. There is guidance on this on the BMA website information over the next year. For the moment there will be little change and although the LMC may not be able to offer specific advice, we will of As we look back on 2018/19, I think that we can say that as a on the ground and investment follows commitment in the first 12 months. course be able to feed issues back to the negotiators centrally. profession, general practice is bracing itself for the changes and I feel it is important to be involved as local decision making will take place looking at how to lead within the changing landscape. As your LMC, we at this level involving service provision and therefore investment of new The LMC is your representative body, and as always, we will provide are doing the same and looking to ensure that core general practice resources in the local area. updates with these and all breaking issues. Don’t hesitate to contact the is protected and enhanced to make your surgery more sustainable for LMC at [email protected] with any queries you may have. you and for the benefit of all your patients. By Dr Greg Place, Nottinghamshire LMC Chairman By Michael Wright, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire LMC 2 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LMC LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 3 OUR CLINICAL LEADERSHIP OUR CO-OPTED LEADERSHIP April 2018 was start of a new term of office for the LMC clinical leadership, we opened nominations for committee members with six places in Our co-opted membership expanded in 2018 with the regulars joined by a new GP Trainee representative Karl Alvarez, and Joanne Sherwood and Julie the city, twelve across the county and two in Bassetlaw. With 18 nominations, there was no need for elections. We welcomed Dr Martha Berhanu Reid joined as Practice Manager representatives. and Dr Hussain Gandhi onto the LMC Committee. Our two vacancies for Bassetlaw remain unfilled and we have continued to encourage nominations from the north of the region. Dr Lorna Filby Dr Peter Holden Dr Sue Oakley Julie Reid Joanne Sherwood GP Trainee rep BMA GPC Rep for Derbyshire Sessional + Locum rep Practice Managers rep Practice Managers rep & Nottinghamshire Dr Martha Berhanu Dr Marcus Bicknall Dr Aneel Bilku Dr Khalid Butt Dr Laura Foxwell Dr Hussain Gandhi Committee Member + Salaried LMC Board Member + Committee Member + GP Committee Member + Committee Member Committee Member + GP GP at Willowbrook Medical GP Partner at Beechdale Partner at Torkard Hill Medical GP Partner at Oakwood + GP Partner at Partner at Wellspring Surgery Practice Medical Group Centre Surgery Elmswood Surgery THE SECRETARIAT There were changes within the LMC Secretariat this year as Adele Stewart joined the LMC as Head of Operations, Aleesha Newton joined as Communications Officer replacing Matt Bunn, and Amanda Piper moved from the LMC across to PSS. Dr Helen Garr Dr Adam Harrison Dr Christine Johnson Dr Sonali Kinra Dr Jen Moss Langfield Dr Greg Place Ashleigh Beer Lucy Cassidy Janet Chester Committee Member + Salaried Vice Chairman + LMC Workforce Lead Committee Member + GP Committer Member + Chairman + GP Partner The GP-S team expanded and Ashleigh Beer who previously was the GP-S Admin Assistant Practice Liaison Officer Senior Finance Officer GP at Cripps Health Centre Locum GP + Portfolio GP Partner at Hucknall Road Treasurer + Locum GP at Ashfield House Business Admin apprentice for the LMC joined the GP-S team. Medical Centre Surgery Dr Om Sharma Dr Carter Singh Dr Andy Sommers Dr Arun Tangri Dr Kalindi Krishna Tumurugoti Dr David Wicks Raheema Din Nikki Kendall Annie Meakin Aleesha Newton Adele Stewart Michael Wright Committee Member Committee Member + GP Partner Committee Member + Committee Member + GP Committee Member + Board Committee Member + GP Administration Apprentice GP-S Operational Lead Practice Liaison Officer Communications Officer Head of Operations Chief Executive + GP Partner at at Willowbrook Medical Practice GP Partner at Millview Partner at Riverlyn Medical Director + Locum GP Partner at The Fountain Greenfields Medical Surgery Centre Medical Centre Centre 4 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LMC LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 5 NEW BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE DIRECTORS ELECTED The LMC’s communications continued to play a vital role over the past year in keeping constituents informed. Following practice feedback in our annual survey there was focus on quality over quantity to avoid sending unnecessary emails to over loaded Once the Committee positions were confirmed, we moved onto elections for the Nottinghamshire Practice Managers. LMC Board. All Committee members were invited to apply, and the election results were In our annual survey, many of our constituents expressed a lack of confidence and knowledge about social media for their practices. We listened announced, on the 6th of June 2018. Michael Wright, the Chief Executive is an employee of the In November 2018 the committee to this feedback and developed new social media workshops which were delivered by our Communications Officer, Aleesha Newton. LMC and therefore was not included in the elections. held an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider a proposal Our social media presence continued to grow, and we engaged with more people online than ever before. We hit a milestone of 1,000 followers The Board Chairman - Dr Greg Place to change the terms of office on our LMC Twitter page and this continues to increase. for committee members. Voting Vice Chairman - Dr Adam Harrison members of the committee were Early in 2019, our quarterly newsletter was transformed. Formally known as ‘Your LMC’, after hosting a competition for a new name, asked to vote for their preference, ‘Notts in Practice’ took its place. The new look newsletter truly has our constituents needs at the heart of its content. Treasurer - Dr Jennifer Moss Langfield the majority voted to increase the term of office to three years, this Company Secretary - Mr Michael Wright was implemented immediately Board Member - taking the end date for current Twitter Feed Website App downloads Dr Kalindi Tumurugoti terms to May 2021. Board Member - Dr Marcus Bicknell Year Impressions New Year Impressions New followers followers 17/18 390,100 169 17/18 46,286 10,642 18/19 408,300 197 18/19 85,650 15,307 159 Change +4.5% +15.3% Change +59.6% +35.9% From left to right: Website Changes Dr Kalindi Tumurugoti, Dr Adam Harrison, The LMC website continues to be a destination site for our members with regularly updated content.
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