THK NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, FRIDAY, APRIL 2. 1875. 8 THE SPELLING-MATCH. he could not come in again through that them to favor complete aBolition of construc­ (oosmuriu) rao* ruwrr page.] OUR BOOK TABLE. other district I think he wilL tive contempts.” GREAT SOUTHERN Huberts 1. Snceharlna. At a late hour to-night the following tele­ Roman-. » Vol. VII of Little Cla-sics; edited Of all sad words of tongue or pen. Lard—demand lair, 11.40. Bulk m eats- The saddest are these, “ We may have Ben.” gram was received By the attorneys for Mr. deniaml lair; shoulder.' 8, short *ib middles by ltost-ifer Johnson. Bo-ton: James 1» (Washington Capital, March i!- Storey from William C. Goudy, their partner O s g o o d , t Co. From U. G. Eyrich. 130 11*. short clear 115, all loose. Whisky—an My Dear Saccharina- The orthogographi in Wunkegan : • lvance is asked, but non« established. C mal street, New Orleans. CONTEMPT. Waukegan, March 29. The present volume of this exquisite serif b cal wave now sweeping the country has at la»' George F. Chandler: F1MAM1IAL. of tiny booklets, if we may coin the word, is reached our nation id capital. A few days THE EDITOR OF THE CHICAGO TIMES RENT TO The following is the order for the release of BOOK HOUSE Gold opened at JAIL FOR WRITING “ PERSONALITIES ” Nkw Yo rk , Ajiril 1, Noon. devoted to romance, as illustrated in the s'nee I was invited By a gentleman standing Mr. Story: 114'. high in the community -six feet at least ABOUT A GRAND JURY-MUCH EX- “ Upon plaintiff in error entering into re­ Stocks dull. Money 5. Gold 111!. Ex­ stories ‘Tris,” by Oliver Wendel Holmes; EXCITEMENT—OPINIONS OF cognizance before the sheriff in $2500, with change-long 4.81, short 4 88. Govermneuis “The Uo icrucian,” by Dinah Mulot h Craik; attend a spelling-match gotten up to raise a THE TRESS —HIS RE­ G-orge Chandler as surety, he will be dis­ fund for the support of meritorious office­ HCfive and lower. State bonds quiet. “The South Breaker,” by Harriet Prescott LEASE ORDERED. charged from custody. New Youk. Agrill, Evening.—Stocks closed holders who don’t want to die, but who Lave Spoff >rd; “The Snow-Storm, ’ bv John Wil­ “ William K. McAllister, active and steady. Central lObj, Erie .lb’, been obliged to resign their sinecures tint Chicago, March 29.—In the Criminal Court “ Jndge of the Supreme Court.” Lake Shore 7:|i, Illinois C-ntr il 101J. I’itis- son, and “ The King of the Peak, by Allan another richer can be made for them. Tue of Cook county, tki3 morning, Judge Wil- [Cincinnati Gazette, March 30. .a bnrg 92, Northwestern ill, do. preferred, Cunningham. As our readers are doubtless object meeting my approbation, 1 couseuted and was on baud at the proper time. 1 found l'ams sentenced Wilbur F. Storey, editor of S7*. ltock Island 10«. well aware, only t ie very choicest tit-bits— tjub-Tre.i-.nrv balances: Gold, $04 770.« 1«; the crowd a high-toned one. One seldom sets the Chicago Times, to ten days imprisonment TH E OITY. currency, Î 12,070 3,it). The Sub-i’r<a-ur. r the cream of literature in the way of short in so small an assemblage so much intellect as in the county j *il for contempt of court, paid out $17,000 on account of interest, und tales and sketches—are admitted to this was gathered together iu that little room. having published articles constructively re- tlecting on the character of certain members Charity H ospital—The following is the $25 500 for bonds. Customs receipts to-day dainty series, which Will bo complete in The festivities were commenced by Geno a report of this institution for the month of *415,000. B ibeo k, of the committees of arrangements, of the Grand Jury. twelve uniform volumes, fit to adorn a shell under the auspic-s of which the “ spell” was Mr. Storey at present occupies Jailer March, 1S75: FO B hlfi* MAHKKTS. of the costlie=t etagtre of a lady’s boudoir. conducted, who read the following rules Doyle’s private cilice, where he receives Number of patients admitted— EOF»EUT G. EYRICH, London, April 1, Noon. Cotton firm; M'd- which were to govern the contest : friends and citizens, who call by hundreds, United States.......................................... with as much ease as in his own office. He Foreigners............................................. dling Cpl .nds7,y < 8, Middling Orleans, 8(5) T he R ainbow Cheeii. A story of the times. 1. The evening’s entertainment shall be 7J Estimated sale I 14,000, for speculation under tho general control of a “ director,’ expects to be released upon an order of Judge Boston: William F. Gid & Co. From K. McAllister, of the Supreme Court, before Total............................. 288 WHOLESALE and export 2000. Total talcs yesterday 1«00, G. Eyrich, 130 Canul street. who shall be both office-holder and pedagogue, of which 2000 sold after regular close of mar­ and shall exercise all the rights aud privi- whom an application for a supersedeas has Mules 2L7 ; females 71. ket. Silos on a basis of Middling Uplands, This volume appears to us strangely mis­ 1 ges pertaining to his offices save that of been made by Air. Goady, of his counsel. Number of patients dischargod- nothing below Low Middlings, deliverable placed iu a series of “ popular home novels; drawing salary, back pay, or inflicting cor­ There is a good deal of excitement in the Alales ...................................... 248 April and May, 7(d. its only claim to popularity Ling iu an ele­ poral punishment in lire shipe of investi city over the action of Judge Williams, and Females................................. 51 the general sentiment condemns it as an ex­ Bookseller and Stationery L atiiii — 5 :39 P. M .— Cotton nnclmnged. gant txterior, while the title Nord is scarcely gating committees. (Ho said the committe The sales to-day include7000 American. .June ha t been fortunate enough to secure the Hon. traordinary and high-handed exercise of Total.................................... 299 and July delivery, from Savannah or Charles­ justified by the very slender thread of narra B. F. Butler, the celebrated author of the (»öwer. Tho article referred to by the Court, Number of deaths CO. ton. not below Low Middling, 8 .‘5 1 fid. tive upon which are strung the lucubrations Analogy and Hudibr.is, us director for the in justification of its order, criticising the Number of patients remaining April 1,1875— T.ivene,ini, April 1, Noon. — Breadstuff-, of the exponents of two opposing sects of the evening. ) Grand Jury aud State’s Attorney, was written Alales........................................................ 306 Invites the attention of the City and Country niter several indictments had been returned Females................................................. 164 quiet. religionists of the future, ?. The contest shall be carried on by two L ondon, April 1, Noon.—Erie 201. 10-40’-; par ies, (both loyal) who shall be chosen by against the Times, aud could not, therefore, leaders selected oy the audience, without re­ be construed as obstrue ieg proceedings of Total...............................................470 Trade to his stock of 1021. the court. The averment of the article that l**niH, April 1.—Rente« «3(5)75. Horms in a L ibrary. Leslie Stephen. New course to the ballot-box or any contingent A Shoemaker Breathes H is L ast. — At Livkupooi., April 1, Evening.—Cotton — York : Scribe* r, Armstrong & Co. From li. fund. c -rrupt and disreputable men were cn the Grand Jury, it is claimed, can bo substanti­ 6 o'clock last evening V. G. Führer, a shoe­ Sales on a basis of Middling Uplands, G. L, lieh, 153 Canal street. 3. If time will permit and tho director holds maker, at No. 145 Gravier street, near St. nothing below Good Ordinary’, deliverable A series of charmingly artistic, critical es­ out there will be two contests, the lir.,t of ated, and the criticism is regarded as justi­ Charles street, committed snieide by shoot­ Standard, School and 3Iiscellaneo(i^ which shall be between those who are iu the fiable. The feeling in this community is that May and June, 8d; do, basis Middling Or­ says, reproduced from the CornhiU Magazine, ing himself in the right temple with a Colt’s leans, nothing bei »w Low Middling, delivera­ “ ring,” the second shall be open to all. the conrt has exercised a dangerous power, revolver. The police discovered the fict and ble Ap.il and May, 8d. Frazer's Magazine and the Fortnightly Review, When a word proves too much for any aspi and has struck a blow at freedom of speech. conveyed tho man to the Charity Hospital, iu which they originally appeared. They rant he is to take Iris seat quietly, without The city dailies, wi hont exception, con­ demn the action of Jud«'o Williams. Of the whe-ro ho expired at 9 o'clock last night. The HAVANA MVKKhTN. remarkably independent, impartial reviews ot profanity; some allowance will be made for suicide was caused from family troubles. TÎAvm. Apr I 1 Spanish gold 1Î21 (TTy temperament, association, etc. evening papers the Post and Mail speaks in 222, American 223(5)224. Exchaugo fair, de- the general characteristics ot Da Foe, Rich 4. In the second contest, open to all, (of terms of the severe-tt censure of the ma ter I From Yesterday’s Evening Edition.! BOOKS. H)uud on the United S ates sixty da» s currency ardson, Pope, Sir Walter Scott, Hawthorne, whatever color, previous condition of servi­ and manner of the charge, which it says, was You Naughty Man.—Miss Bessie Wallace, 92(5)93 premium, short sight95(5)9« premium, Balzac and De Qnincev.
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