WOMEN PILOTS —General Counsel, notaras, calendar, —Section News starts 5. —Letters, 12. —Bobbi Trout is 'Just Plane Crazy' Lyle Shelton won big in his F8FBearcat 'Rare Bear,' above. See p a g e 3 for more race results, and standings from the Mile High Derby. Good reasons for auxiliary members A part of the business of the corporation qualifications: “ Holds a pilot certificate of bership in Ninety-Nines. She may not vote, is attention to the bylaws which govern our Private or higher grade, or an equivalent hold office or be an international committee procedures. We update these guidelines certificate issued by the appropriate member.” each year at the annual meeting. The Government authority entitling her to fly In my opinion, the debate centered on an combination of a conservative outlook and either heavier or lighter-than-air aircraft.” embarrassing display of elitism. We heard the two-thirds majority necessary to make a The assembly also addressed a problem members threaten to resign their mem­ change make valid the rule of thumb that the Nominating Committee ran into this bership if they had to associate with non only one of three proposed bylaw changes year. Approaching various candidates to fill pilots; “ I got my license. She can get will pass each year. This year two of the its slate, the committee was turned down by hers,” and “ When I look in her eyes, I want seven proposed were annointed. Currency some of the most qualified and experienced Please see PRESIDENT'S page 4. was the subject of both amendments. 99s who no longer had a medical certificate. As you know, a prospective member of The words “ and shall hold current pilot The Ninety-Nines, Inc. must be a female certificates as defined by the rules of the pilot holding a current license issued by the member's country of residence” have now THE 99 NEWS appropriate government authority of her been deleted. Magazine of the International Women Pilots country. After proposing the amendment a The most passionate debate, and defeat, October 1988 Vol. 14, No. 9 second year, the Aux Plaines chapter came from a bylaw proposal which defined prevailed upon the assembly to delete the a new category: the auxiliary member. She Editorial Director; Marie Christensen word “current.” Our membership was to be “ any woman with an interest in Editor: Robyn Sclair requirement now calls for the following aviation but who is not eligible for mem- BOARD of DIRECTORS The Ninety-Nines, Inc. President: Gene Nora lessen Vice President: Marie Christensen You don’t have to try other Lorans Secretary: Doris Abbate Treasurer: Pat Forbes Director: Lu Hollander Director: Roberta Taylor Director: Joyce Wells Director: Carole Sue Wheeler Immediate Past President: Barbara Sestito SECTION REPORTERS Australia: Thelma Pye East Canadian: Donna Deaken Western Canadian: Barbara Meredith New England: Peggy Davidson New York/New Jersey: Shirley Ludington Middle East: Evie Washington Not many manufac­ Visit your local Southeast: Lucy Young turers urge their Northstar dealer North Central: Martha Norman customers to try a competitor’s product, but for a ‘hands-on’ demonstration South Central: Charlene Davis Northstar encourages it. Why? It’s the only and receive a complimentary Northwest: Trish Hanna way that you can really see the superiority of operator’s manual (a 40-page Southwest: Mary MacDonald a Northstar Loran over all the others. You’ll booklet on how to operate see one reason Northstar is called the “piece- the Northstar). And please, The 99 NEWS is published monthly by The of cake" Loran when you experience the free­ try some other Lorans Ninety-Nines, Inc. at PO Box 98497, Tacoma dom that a ‘Direct Access’ database can provide before you buy. It will WA 98498-0654. (206)588-1743. (you can find any of20,000 u>aypoints in a be very convincing. The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is a non-profit matter of seconds). Try as many Lorans as you organization engaged in education, charitable want, but don’t lay down any cash until you’ve For the name of your nearest authorized and scientific activities and purposes. put your hands on a Northstar. We’re convinced Northstar Dealer please call toll-free Non-member subscriptions are available for S12 per year. Please send changes of address to: you’ll see the difference. 1-800-NAVIG8R Loretta Gragg, Executive Director inside Massachusetts, call (617) 897-6600 The Ninety-Nines, Inc. PO Box 59965 AH Northstars are coi'ered NORTHSTAR AVIONICS Will Rogers World Airport by a 3 YEAR limited warranty 30 Sudbury Road. Acton. Massachusetts 01720 Oklahoma City OK 73159 I parts A tabor, FOB Acton, MAt a d iv is io n O f d me c Warranty is valid only after the Ml is installed by an Authorized (405)685-7969 Northstar Avionics Dealer and a copy of FAA form #337 is received by Northstar Avionics Variety of records mark 25th Reno Mile High Derby results The 5th annual Mile High Air Derby was race; women entrants down in number won by Jan Clemen and Bob Barton in a By DAVE SCLAIR 1976 Mooney M20F. Both of Fort Collins, RENO, NV - The twenty-fifth Reno Colorado, the pair took home the first National Championship Air Races, the place trophy and a check for $1000. Clemen had experience air racing, longest continually running air racing event in history, resulted in a bunch of new although her partner, a student pilot, was records and a few bent airplanes, but an taking part in his first race. outstanding, safe aviation spectacular. The second place trophy and $500 went Lyle Shelton of Dallas, Texas pushed his to Ian and Chris Bentley, of Littleton, F8F Bearcat, "Rare Bear,” to a new Colorado, in their 1979 Piper Dakota. qualifying speed record of 474.622 mph and Third place finishers were Mike Seavall then won the Unlimited Class Gold Race and Bob Crowley, of Longmont, Colorado with an average speed of 456.821 mph. in a 1966 Beech Bonanza. Final scores of the top three finishers were separated by The T-6 class was dominated by Eddie less than one point, making for a very Van Fossen of Bakersfield, California while exciting finish. Alan Preston, also of Dallas, captured the top prizes in both the Sport Biplane and In the non stock category, Charles and Formula 1 categories. Jan Perry of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 0 0 —Alan Preston zooms by the pylon flew their newly modified 1967 Mooney The winners split a record setting purse of and won the Sport Biplane Gold Race in $490,000. Attendance was also a new M20F to edge out Ann Luce of Boulder, this aircraft, which, incidentally, was Colorado in her 1968 Beech Bonanza. The record, with 150,700 on hand for the three formerly owned and raced by our new days of racing. Perry's were awarded a lovely eagle international treasurer, Pat Forbes, and trophy for their first place finish. The number of entrants, 119, also set a her husband Dave. With sponsorship record this year. Although he didn’t win the As a test of navigational skills, the race from Olympia Beer, the plane was route proved a greater challenge this time Unlimited Gold Crown, Steve Hinton in his dubbed "Olympia Swallow." "homebuilt” racer, Tsunami (TM), set a than in past years. The mountainous new racing speed record on Saturday when terrain and gusty winds required con­ in the high 70s with light winds most of the tinuous adjustments of altitude and he ripped around the course at 462.218 time. mph. Preston recorded a new top speed course. Winners were able to locate each At one point during the Saturday af­ checkpoint with minimum zigzagging over mark in the Biplane class in his "Top Cat” ternoon Unlimited contest, four of the race at 205.918 mph. Van Fossen also set a new the course. planes either called Maydays or made early Next year’s Mile High Derby is class racing record when he pushed his T-6 landings because of airplane problems. to a speed of 230.631 mph. scheduled for September 15, 16, and 17. Fortunately, no one suffered anything more For more information write 14437 W 32nd The number of women pilots dipped for serious than bruised egos and bent air­ the first time in a number of years. One Ave., Golden, Colorado 80401. (303)278- planes, and all but a couple planes were 4435. female competitor ran each class, except able to compete during Sunday’s finale. for the Unlimiteds. Linda Finch, a nursing home manager in San Antonio, Texas, competed in the T-6 class. Katherine Gray, a pilot for Worldwide Ferry Flying of Simi, California was an entrant in the Formula 1 class and Peggy Penketh, a dental hygienist from Auburn, California was in the Biplane category. None qualified for the final races. There were several female pilots in the airshow, also. Reno’s supporting airshow provided excitement and thrills for the huge crowd watching under near perfect flying weather conditions. Temperatures hovered “THE INCREDIBLE EDIBLE Safari to Shangri La Video Tapes STEALTHY AIRCRAFT" $18 each - Make checks to TECHNICAL MANUAL This very special gourmet choco­ The 99s, Inc. late aircraft has just left the Mail to Marilyn Copeland assembly line, and is now ready * 1 EDIBLE S ,e M 1308 Kevin Rd„ Wichita, KS 67208 for purchase. 1. GMA* & Star Search A perfect gift for Family, Friends, 2. GMA* & Awards Luncheon including 8 oz. Business Associates or just for Women Airlines Panel CHOCOLATE you. Be the first. Order today. 3. GMA* & AE Luncheon and Awards 4. GMA*, Star-studded Saturday night $17.95 REMEMBRANCES Banquet, Parade plus shipping G IF T S E R V IC E 2 1 3 -3 9 5 -5 2 7 9 __________ ‘Good Morning America___________ MCI S By SYLVIA PAOLI Informed voting needs the information Delegates to the organizations’ business to vote based on all of the chapter delegates to vote according to the meetings -- section and international discussion and all of the additional chapter’s preference, then they must do conventions -- have frequently inquired as dicussion and information presented at the all of the following things: 1) take a vote to their voting rights and requirements.
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