Belrs DO Save Lives ; ' B~LTS IN STOCK FOR. ALL· i . ": MODEL CARS · I ,' I ' . J.: " i ' : NOVA MOTORS H982) ·LTD. · !'. - Budget Reaction Ill· i ew. ! tes Busines-s Comment nts Comes Thick And Fast;, Approving I I And Critical I l.EET I s 'Not Getting • Treatment' LONDON-Chancellor of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloyd shows off the famed· dispute with the red leaih.'!r "Budget Box," which has been used by British Chancellors for generations to carry Budget documents, as he heads for the House of Com­ rs of America. mons April 9th to present the Governn·•·nt Budget for t1te coming year. Lloyd said prospects for Britain's all-important export trade are improving at home and ahroad.-(UPI Photo). · · · ---- --------------'----------- Jouhaud Ac(epts Full Hugh Montgomery, president : of the Canadian Construction : Association, welcomed exem!)· 1 lion from the ll:per-cenl Sdles 1 tax on all purchases of 'ewer· age and drainage materials. Responsibility For OAS MISSING PLANET? Activities In Algeria ..t ''' !- ! , Onl. (CP, - J ~!u1kokn :'~ell'S, m rdilorial, says it to accept cigar~tte :ripts in future. ltflloaoer. whicli plans a daily early ~ext operatrrl bv Andrew wlto · describes ,I ,.;?'... '"''"; as a "heal')' smo:;er" !t ''""'''"'··-- ~·t~r.~ ago, '~' : . 1~: tired of L'Oll~hing •tntil :L' ' ,I ~;rple in the lace," ~lr. I said. rl:torial stairs: ':1,i ' . liew or the lindin~s of ( ~ Collcce or Phys.icbns I many Canadian doctors, I·, I. Ml!koka :--'cw~ will no ·'. ampt ci:arcttc ~dver- it i1 remotely possible arc shown by 1cp· a:rthoritie~ to be hat·m· the makers are ~ble to or nullifv their harm!ul our ,, de'dsion wl11 be Kennedy said he would 7tC• ommim~ price curbing· Je,<;is· lation only "very reluctantly." But he indicated this is not an impossibility. He said Defence .inu~ Secretary McNamara c a I c U· tnnrr'' lated that higher steel prices '\\'C:\ hers- Go On Strike; would hoist defence costs by Go O:n Ra_mpa(je $1,000,000,000, :har~c. ~IIWAI· VIJ.LAGERS KILLED . -­" (,.\1'1- 11 _,.mllle01 BRUSSELS, Belgium (Rent· of the ers)-Fifly villa~crs have been ·;cntcd to !I killed in clashes with police in >ndaY ni~hl the Kwango area of the western : .; I ·ontribUIJOill S-ays Pil-,ots Strike Congo in thclast few days, the ·!rd~r' ~~ 1 official Congolese news agency . i ACP reporte.d here Tuesday. I .I Latest reports said order has _Won't Halt Shipping since been restored. THE COUNTRY PARSON: ro .. ',- • I JOSE . / ,, ·' .lt4·!0 - "It doesn't take much evil to: corrupt-all our oceans liecaliie: salty because what we call fresh· water kept· pouring into them." .I ·- ' .- . ' ' . J . THE DA1.LY NEWS... ST. JOHN'S, NF.t.D. 'l'HUJ.\SDAY, Al'ltlL l~ JOHN!.! 'I . ~ .: . ·Sf. ~---------------~--------------~----------------~~--------~-----------~· . .', . Can .The· French Army Turn From ALong Past Of Colonial Defeats To A Future In NATO, ' . 8y TOM A. CULLEN commanders refused to allow must resolve.'' ply, organize polling booths, 1 gradually withdr PARIS - (NEA) - For the their troops to. be used to put Th:; general explained tliat administer justice and a hun· the referendum awn as~~~ past four years France has llv· down OAS vlolenre in the Bab· crises of conscience were noth· dr~d other details. dependence is ~e~d~!geritl! ed in fear of a military putsch. ei·Oued quarter of Algiers. The lng new. Charles De Gaulle pre· In turn the Moslem popula· era! shrunged h" · The Offen Will the French Army re· commanders were hastily re· cipitated the first in June, 1940, lion, particularly in the villages, "~lall)v ~~ thc~sf shouldefl. main loyal ' to President de placed by more trustworthy of· when from his London exile he learned to have· confidence in of the future Th car the Gaulle? Or ·Wlll it revolt and fleers. · 1 called upon French officers to these officers. That is why they that there wii! b ey are attempt to overthrow the Fifth But It was still touch and go mutiny against the aged· Mar· feel so bitter today. Ri;;htly or them in a pus~hn~ Pla~e Republic? There are the big, as to what the other command shal Petain, · wrongly, the army [eels that ~f skilled techni , u,ton I black question marks that have lng officers would do, After all, "Things have never been the it has been made to betray I be a long time b~~~ns. hung over France since De most of them had been turning same since," he added. "Today these people for whom it work· 1 cured of tlleir pr , re , new J{ighway T: twentY pages G.julle returned to power in a blind eye to the OAS mur· wh en a h1g. h·ran k'mg off' !CCI' cd . " "'!., canwbilc France.ent . l958. ders. wishes to disobey an order he What will happen to the ca. have to be P~lient .. e WJIJ d penalties. By "army" was meant, more But on March 23 the OAS has only to cite De Gaulle's reer soldiers who are to be (!'\EXT: The Legi~ '~n• the next fE ~;~floen than not, those generals made the fatal mistake of am· DU~aUY News. wil an~ colonelS . who were deter· bushing a truckload of }'rench lte mplete section 1 mined to keep Algeria French, soldiers and kllllng six of them. if:~J!~~~}~:r:r:r: ::si!o~;; Test~-n:g Eae"tr-;-nlnUil the ~\.drivers will k From that moment on the .•• do·and if they artd who would stop at nothinll Today's career offiei!rs in AI· I i " U 1 1! to reallte this goal. · army's task became clear: it was geria are filled with disgust and J.0 offence will bE Now that .a ceasc·flre in AI· to stamp out the OAS lnsurre~· of anthc penalty. a sense of betrayal. 1\lany of JJth. ach case there gerla hus been reached, the lion as quickly as possible, them are veterans of the Indo· Anesthet·tc·· N~ach·· . · (ll'e " ' military threat .has been rc· even though It might Involve china war, and after the fall ' .. ' and a num~um mitved. But, the French Army firing on Frenchmen. Three of Dien Bien Phu they vowed ED:\10:-lTON (CPl-An clec· remember what ha er will ·be. g1ver continues to dominate political days later, French soldiers did that never again would they t r o n i c anesthetic machine, This is a "rcat P~e~e!. r~r~ case. The;e are . I ,,c and mimmum 1 thinking. · just that. ~llow poiticians in Paris to tie which may do away with the surgeon, Dr. ·camero~·P IQ TilE A RMY IN .Af..GIERS: The fever crisis has passed. JllUnl., ment for faih The questions now asked an~: But It was a close thlng. Peo· their hands. Never again would after-effects of some gas a~d 1he can better tell the · jDJprl• 00 -.Can De Gaulle turn the pic here still shudder to think feel no special attachment for IThese are the elite of the 1planation of their present bitter they send their troops into. ~at· 1 liquid. an~sthetics now b•~m~ ~ess ?f his work when lh · jines. French Army from its morbid what would have happened - Algeria nor for its "black feet," French Army. 1\lqny of them, I mood: tle w1thout the proper trammg used, 1s bemg teste~ at the Ut•l· !lent 1s not influenced b :e . pea]er ass1gnmg or ling licence $35, $20 preoccupation with past defeats how many more oificers would as the European settlers arc 1 particularly the officers, halfe 1 "For the past 16 years France and equipment. versity of Alberta hospital. gincss and nausea fol!o~'· · 1 to face its future in Europe? have refused to obey orders?­ ca II cd • been away froin France so long ' has been almost continuously "In Indochina, and again in ' Dr. D. F. Cameron and Dr. operation. In~ or· 1o days. · Can he convert an army witten had not the OAS shot the sol· Consequently, they feel none I' that they have lost touch with at war, Her armies have fought Algeria, the French Army has J. W. R.· Mcintyre, members of In tests on animal , operating serv1ce was created to fight brush wars dlers. · of . the · anguish of betrayal their countrymen. in Indochina, Korea, Egypt, and found itself up against an en· the hospital's department of dn· have been clamped :· th 'th, dealer's plates into a modern army equipped In discussing the French :. $20. 3 weeks or Which the career soldiers arc I discussed their psychology now Algeria-and they have emy fighting a total war by es~hesia, ar~ testing the ma·f of the animals an/th:. :, f'l'' '! d with nuclear weapons and pre· Army In Algeria, a clear· dis· said to experience at the. with a French general, now rc· known mostly defeat. The road revolutionary methods. And in chme on amma!s. I experienced comp'ete ' Usini! or h1r n~ ' pared to fulfill Its NATO obll· tinction must be made between th b r l d d I • Dr. Cameron sa~d anesthesia sia. It is hoped that· b. I bicle without reglstr• oug t o an n cpen. ent AI· tired, who started his career 1 they have traveled is studded time we ]earned to fight fire Is and the electrodes on onl·,·l : &atlonsT . the conscripts and the career complet~ mst.antau~~us $2(1· 3 weeks or 10 · gerla, by serving under the famed by Dien Bien Phus.
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