Headcount by Location of Previous Institution Attended TABLE 23 Winter Session Uvic Factbook

Headcount by Location of Previous Institution Attended TABLE 23 Winter Session Uvic Factbook

Headcount by Location of Previous Institution Attended TABLE 23 Winter Session UVic Factbook 2006/07 Location UG Grad Total British Columbia Camosun Region1 5,049 865 5,914 Malaspina Region2 1,172 55 1,227 North Island Region3 595 1 596 Kwantlen Region4 910 9 919 Vancouver 1,253 199 1,452 Douglas Region5 737 116 853 Capilano Region6 754 1 755 Fraser Valley Region7 287 7 294 Okanagan Region8 589 12 601 Selkirk Region9 269 2 271 Rockies Region10 135 0 135 Cariboo Region11 272 21 293 New Caledonia Region12 215 16 231 Northwest Region13 156 1 157 Northern Lights Region14 73 0 73 Distance Learning 184 18 202 Other Colleges 37 0 37 Other Institutions 71 0 71 Unknown Institutions 38 1 39 Sub-total 12,796 1,324 14,120 Canada - Non-BC Universities 1,130 704 1,834 Other 1,777 39 1,816 Sub-total 2,907 743 3,650 Outside of Canada 1,240 447 1,687 Unknown 18 0 18 Total University 16,961 2,514 19,475 1Camosun Region includes: Greater Victoria, Saanich, Sooke and the Gulf Islands 2Malaspina Region includes: Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Qualicum, Cowican Valley, Powell River 3North Island Region: Port Alberni, Comox Valley, Campbell River, Vancouver Island West, Vancouver Island North, Central Coast 4Kwantlen Region: Langley, Surry, Delta, Richmond 5Douglas Region: Burnaby, New Westminster, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Coquitlam 6Capilano Region: North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast Howe Sound 7Fraser Valley Region: Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Fraser-Cascade 8Okanagan Region: Okanagan-Similkameen, Okanagan-Skaha, Central Okanagan, North Okanagan-Shuswap, Vernon, Revelstoke 9Selkirk Region: Kootenay-Columbia, Kootenay Lake, Arrow Lakes, Boundary 10Rockies Region: Southeast Kootenay, Rocky Mountain 11Cariboo Region: Kamloops/Thompson, Cariboo-Chilcotin, Nicola-Similkameen, Gold Trail 12New Caledonia Region: Prince George, Quesnel, Nechako Lakes 13Northwest Region: Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert, Coast Mountains, Bulkley Valley, Nisga'a 14Northern Lights Region: Fort Nelson, Peace River North, Peace River South, Stikine Institutional Planning & Analysis Source: University of Victoria Registration Statistics as of November 1 of each year December 20, 2006 Headcount by Location of Previous Institution Attended TABLE 23 Winter Session UVic Factbook 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 Location UG Grad Total UG Grad Total UG Grad Total UG Grad Total UG Grad Total British Columbia Camosun Region1 4,711 852 5,563 4,767 925 5,692 4,936 910 5,846 4,872 897 5,769 5,079 873 5,952 Malaspina Region2 1,220 31 1,251 1,158 36 1,194 1,121 39 1,160 1,103 45 1,148 1,115 47 1,162 North Island Region3 651 2 653 645 1 646 630 0 630 591 2 593 573 3 576 Kwantlen Region4 840 7 847 746 6 752 757 7 764 771 6 777 860 6 866 Vancouver 1,097 160 1,257 1,026 177 1,203 1,092 198 1,290 1,091 183 1,274 1,108 180 1,288 Douglas Region5 797 104 901 816 121 937 849 124 973 800 108 908 742 104 846 Capilano Region6 580 3 583 600 2 602 611 1 612 627 1 628 694 1 695 Fraser Valley Region7 286 5 291 285 4 289 266 10 276 236 11 247 263 8 271 Okanagan Region8 743 16 759 725 14 739 711 8 719 670 10 680 651 11 662 Selkirk Region9 281 0 281 268 0 268 274 0 274 277 0 277 246 0 246 Rockies Region10 133 1 134 143 0 143 133 0 133 143 0 143 142 0 142 Cariboo Region11 368 17 385 288 18 306 302 15 317 266 14 280 278 16 294 New Caledonia Region12 308 11 319 292 10 302 262 8 270 221 17 238 219 18 237 Northwest Region13 186 0 186 183 0 183 160 0 160 144 0 144 150 1 151 Northern Lights Region14 71 1 72 79 1 80 76 1 77 69 3 72 80 2 82 Distance Learning 241 14 255 272 23 295 244 21 265 225 17 242 195 17 212 Other Colleges 37 0 37 34 0 34 34 1 35 24 1 25 38 0 38 Other Institutions 168 0 168 140 0 140 128 0 128 117 0 117 81 0 81 Unknown Institutions 12 2 14 9312 10 0 10 606 808 Sub-total 12,730 1,226 13,956 12,476 1,341 13,817 12,596 1,343 13,939 12,253 1,315 13,568 12,522 1,287 13,809 Canada - Non-BC Universities 1,123 557 1,680 1,044 547 1,591 1,013 575 1,588 980 608 1,588 1,066 672 1,738 Other 1,342 9 1,351 1,253 10 1,263 1,364 17 1,381 1,482 21 1,503 1,641 33 1,674 Sub-total 2,465 566 3,031 2,297 557 2,854 2,377 592 2,969 2,462 629 3,091 2,707 705 3,412 Outside of Canada 837 350 1,187 927 407 1,334 1,065 421 1,486 1,194 451 1,645 1,233 431 1,664 Unknown 20 1 21 31 0 31 18 3 21 11 5 16 45 0 45 Total University 16,052 2,143 18,195 15,731 2,305 18,036 16,056 2,359 18,415 15,920 2,400 18,320 16,507 2,423 18,930 1Camosun Region includes: Greater Victoria, Saanich, Sooke and the Gulf Islands 2Malaspina Region includes: Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Qualicum, Cowican Valley, Powell River 3North Island Region: Port Alberni, Comox Valley, Campbell River, Vancouver Island West, Vancouver Island North, Central Coast 4Kwantlen Region: Langley, Surry, Delta, Richmond 5Douglas Region: Burnaby, New Westminster, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Coquitlam 6Capilano Region: North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast Howe Sound 7Fraser Valley Region: Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Fraser-Cascade 8Okanagan Region: Okanagan-Similkameen, Okanagan-Skaha, Central Okanagan, North Okanagan-Shuswap, Vernon, Revelstoke 9Selkirk Region: Kootenay-Columbia, Kootenay Lake, Arrow Lakes, Boundary 10Rockies Region: Southeast Kootenay, Rocky Mountain 11Cariboo Region: Kamloops/Thompson, Cariboo-Chilcotin, Nicola-Similkameen, Gold Trail 12New Caledonia Region: Prince George, Quesnel, Nechako Lakes 13Northwest Region: Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte, Prince Rupert, Coast Mountains, Bulkley Valley, Nisga'a 14Northern Lights Region: Fort Nelson, Peace River North, Peace River South, Stikine Institutional Planning & Analysis Source: University of Victoria Registration Statistics as of November 1 of each year November 17, 2005 Headcount by Location of Previous Institution Attended TABLE 23 Winter Session UVic Factbook 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Gender Study Habit Gender Study Habit Gender Study Habit Undergraduates Male Female F/T1 P/T2 Total Male Female F/T1 P/T2 Total Male Female F/T1 P/T2 Total BC High Schools (for more detail, see Table 24) Local3 1,183 1,329 1,748 764 2,512 1,223 1,459 1,889 793 2,682 1,237 1,550 1,928 859 2,787 Non-Local 1,665 2,353 3,069 949 4,018 1,659 2,367 3,083 943 4,026 1,784 2,428 3,124 1,088 4,212 Sub-total 2,848 3,682 4,817 1,713 6,530 2,882 3,826 4,972 1,736 6,708 3,021 3,978 5,052 1,947 6,999 BC Colleges (for more detail, see Table 25) Local4 714 1,006 958 762 1,720 673 931 868 736 1,604 697 981 890 788 1,678 Non-Local 1,278 1,772 1,820 1,230 3,050 1,134 1,712 1,648 1,198 2,846 1,133 1,748 1,651 1,230 2,881 Sub-total 1,992 2,778 2,778 1,992 4,770 1,807 2,643 2,516 1,934 4,450 1,830 2,729 2,541 2,018 4,559 BC Universities (for more detail, see Table 25) Simon Fraser University 38 100 63 75 138 51 114 67 98 165 41 110 55 96 151 University of British Columbia 84 132 112 104 216 82 156 91 147 238 70 154 96 128 224 University of Northern BC 24 29 39 14 53 25 37 37 25 62 35 51 49 37 86 University of Victoria 477411 699615 1414 5 Other 47 167 81 133 214 76 180 102 154 256 106 227 137 196 333 Sub-total 197 435 302 330 632 240 496 306 430 736 253 546 338 461 799 Canada - Non-BC Universities 425 675 591 509 1,100 418 637 542 513 1,055 420 647 524 543 1,067 Other 544 909 903 550 1,453 500 881 850 531 1,381 485 856 801 540 1,341 Sub-total 969 1,584 1,494 1,059 2,553 918 1,518 1,392 1,044 2,436 905 1,503 1,325 1,083 2,408 Outside of Canada 246 333 284 295 579 266 367 326 307 633 295 428 350 373 723 Unknown 25 9 24 10 34 15 6 12 9 21 12 4 12 4 16 Total University 6,277 8,821 9,699 5,399 15,098 6,128 8,856 9,524 5,460 14,984 6,316 9,188 9,618 5,886 15,504 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Gender Study Habit Gender Study Habit Gender Study Habit Graduates Male Female F/T5 P/T6 Total Male Female F/T5 P/T6 Total Male Female F/T5 P/T6 Total BC Colleges 13 27 24 16 40 11 17 19 9 28 8302315 38 BC Universities Simon Fraser University 49 40 62 27 89 38 38 55 21 76 41 57 68 30 98 University of British Columbia 69 75 100 44 144 57 77 111 23 134 52 83 97 38 135 University of Northern BC -11 - 1 134 - 4 3571 8 University of Victoria 298 539 639 198 837 278 525 695 108 803 279 515 659 135 794 Other 12 23 22 13 35 14 29 34 9 43 20 40 43 17 60 Sub-Total 428 678 824 282 1,106 388 672 899 161 1,060 395 700 874 221 1,095 Canada - Non-BC Universities 284 310 527 67 594 270 301 506 65 571 265 307 516 56 572 Other 51011 4 15 3 9 10 2 12 389211 Sub-total 289 320 538 71 609 273 310 516 67 583 268 315 525 58 583 Outside of Canada 203 165 339 29 368 188 152 322 18 340 184 152 310 26 336 Unknown 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Total University 934 1,190 1,726 398 2,124 860 1,152 1,756 256 2,012 855 1,198 1,732 321 2,053 1Full-time study in Winter Session is defined as those students enrolled in 12 or more units.

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