Property of the Watertown-• "J • p Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgI 11 i MrwvUif, thmmtiuprnper • * ASitf NMWBl DEVOTED TO TEE WHOLE COMMVNITY-SOTHJNO ELSE OE LE88 V«L XV. No. 12. WATERTOWN, CONN* MARCH 2, 1928. TWO DOLLARS PER VKAR. SCHOOL QUESTION TO BE> 018-1 COURT CA8E8 , YALE UNIVERSITY PLANS THE FORECAST AND THE WEATHER CUSSEO AT TOWN MEETING „_.„„. "L . ... v - Committee Considering Creation of .. _ ! Frank McLean and Anthony Ker- Third College, President The United States Weather Bur- Several questions of much Interest {utes of Bethlehem were arrested by WHO'S WHO THIS WEEK Angell 8ays and importance will be placed before Constables Harry juid Fogelstrom in eau to!d New England generally on the voters of the town at the special front of the Community Building in Yale alumni back at the Univers- Saturday last that the weather would .meeting lo be held next Monday eve- Oakville on Friday evening after ity -for the fifteenth annual Alumni be "cloudy and warmer; rain or ning, March 5. " their antomobile collided with, a University Day, were told, last week snow tomorrow." On Sunday morn- Of foremost Importance will be parked machine opposite the Com- Mrs. A. V. 8. Lindsay of Scott) Hey. Clarence E. Wells has Teeov- Wednesday* by President James ing the observers In the territory the decision concerning the new high munity building. McLean waa ar- avenue Is visiting relatives In Balti->red after an attack of influenza Rowland Angell that a committee of admitted that the type of weather school building. Tue school commit- rtated by the officers charged with more, Md. i and |K able to be out again. Undergraduate ".Faculties has promised had not been shipped. Even 1 In Washington, D. C, where the fore- •/i tee hBB been studying the question intoxication and Kerutes was j Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Carley and Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Herolnway., bt.Hl af work ,|,,.OUKi,out the current since last May when it was author- charged with operating a car while family of North street are visiting have sailed for a two months' visit • at-inli-nilc year considering means of casts originated, a reading of two under the influence of liquor. When below zero was recorded on ized to prepare plans, make In Nashua, Tenn. in Kurope. | itlleviittHur Ihe .situation in the un- nrairgned before Judge Hungerford Sunday. , • ' and obtain estimates JJor 'a high Mrs. Mary Moore of Cheshire has Raymond Palmer, r.h|e| f of the local .d'-rgradunte schools caused by largge school building to be erected on the on Monday evening McLean was N'orthflild, Vt., Teporled a mini- flned |15 and casts on the intoxica- been vifiting her sister, Mrs. John , Ihv company, is confined lo his home numbers, by the creation of a third Hemlnway park site, which the town Virtue of Warren Way. on the Mtchfleld road by illness. 'college' at Yale, to .stand parallel mum of 16 degrees below zero and purchased at that time. On this tion charge while his pal escaped wlth v Quebec stood at minus 14. It was with a 90 day suspended jail sent- Mrs. Lester O'Dell is confined to' Mrs. H. D. Runciman of lower Main »>e Colh-ge and tin?. Sheffield authority the committee invited sev- her home on Chestnut Grove by ill JMieet has been entertaining her Scientific: School. A right cool day. It. may be said ence. In parenthesis that White River, eral architects to submit sketches ness. 1 mother from Detroit, Michigan. I President Angel), after announcing for a high school building suitable Robert Morrow and Christopher C. H. Shons, Instructor at the Taft tlwl lll( F ni1 Ont.. a day earlier, reported a mini- for Watertown'a needs and the en- f! renter wire also before Judge j School, was in New Haven Wednes- I*. II. Randall, who has been ill for " Endowment « had been j mum of C2 dejrrees bi'low zero. But tli- past, month, has recovered and la! oversubscribed by mon- thsin .$l,uoo,. tire committee visited many of the, Hungerford on charges of breach or i day on business. .,,„, . • ,i , ,, „ , , thirthi-ro was no snow or rain. Some- ; able to attend to his dullest in his new school* in this locality that I the peace. Urenler caused a disturb-1 The annual town meeting will be WM. said (hat the ilv, year bud«e.s „„ , ; drug store. d have similar requirements. From' ii nee at the Community house in held In the Town Hall on Monday previously drawn up by the «lepart- ,.elIently franiP(1 rori,r*8t> A °ance Mrs. I). J. Veaton of Main street r the sketches submitted and from Oakville on Friday evening and de- evening at 8 p. m. Matters of vital j in.-its and schools, ba.e.l on the nd- t he h Saturday personal observations the committee spite continued warnings rrom Con- Importance regarding the school sit- has returned after, spending the ditinnal Income from the Kndowment „„„ Monday allows what occur eT formed definite ideas -which they stable Harty, continued to create week-end visiting relatives in Voak Fund, wero found to provide for an uation here in Watertown will be s tai S8 w asked Architect A. T. Webster of trouble. He was placed under arrest the most important question to come ers, N. Y. appreciably larger expenditure for » W - a storm off the Waterbury to develop for them. 'by the constable and in removing additions to the staff than they were Geor*la coa8*. causing heavy rains 'before the meeting and every tax- Mrs. John Buckingham of De For- planning for the increase of salaries. but having no great depth, so far as him from the Hall young Morrow Mr. Webster has completed the payer should make an effort to be'; est street spent' Tuesday in New . "Since the first of January," he lack of barometric pressure went, entered the argument and Ue insist- four sketches showing the front ele- present. I York city. said, "we have been asking the offic- and it also saw an area of high pres- ed on accompanying' Grenier. Con- vation of the proposed new school, ers at the head of the departments sure over the upper lake region. stables Harty and Fogelstrom took and three.floor plans, the basement, and schools to. re-study these pro- The Weather Bureau for some rea- both youths td Waterbury and lock- FIREMAN SUED FOR ACCIDENT the first or main floor and the sec- grams and either to confirm or to son judged that the storm would ed them up for the night In court WARNING . ond floor. These sketches will be modify their previous proposals for move northeastward more rapidly Monday evening Judge Hungerford Arthur McLean, driver of a Wa- presented to the voters of the town terbury fire truck, located at Engine 'The legal voters of tne town of the use of the new Income as may than the "high" over the upper lakes together with the estimates at this Co. No. S in the Bunker Hill section! Watertown are hereby warned and at this time seem most expedient. would drift to the south and east, but meeting for approval.. also handed them a fine of $6 has been made a co-defendant in a notified that a special town meeting It has been clearly recognised all In this it was mistaken. Monday's Inasmuch as the question whether $10,000 law suit as a result of a will be held at the Town HalU in along that improvement in our teach- map indicated that the storm had the new building shall contain a Michael Slmonvich or Buckingham collision his. truck was In on January said Watertown, on Monday evening, ing may in many instances depend disappeared and the cold wave had .combined auditorium and gymnasium street, Oakville, was charged with 14. Joseph and Arthur Francis of March 5, 1928, at 8:15 o'clock, for quite as much upon bringing the taken possession of New England. or not, will have to be decided,at the Intoxication and breach of the peace, Milldale are the other defendants the following purposes: salaries of certain valuable men on The storm New England might have tonw meeting, the committee will having failed to provide properly for and Janette Hart of Watertown is To consider the purchase of a new the staff up to a point more nearly had had vanished. bring In estimates and sketches that bis family. This being his second the plaintiff! truck for the Fire Department, and commensurate with the cost of a Its disappearance deprived Febru- offense Judge -Hungerford gave him will permit the voters to go ahead The accident occurred at the Junc- to authorize the selectmen to dis- reasonable mode of life in New Ha- ary of its last opportunity to present '-"•* the new building with or with- a six months' suspended Jail sent- pose of the Reo truck now owned ven as upon the adding of more something severe in the line of ence and required him to provide for tion of Aurora street and Watertown . ' ^Bditorium and gymnasium. avenue, ihe Francis car colliding by the town. teachers to divide the burden of in- weather. Surely a zero reading in ,<•.. M* plans approved by the com- his family within a week or else go To authorize the Town treasurer struction, for no man can do his best Hartford Is not severe, nor are the to Jail. with the fire .truck, which was an- mittee call for a brick Colonial Bwering an alarm.
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