Women20 Germany Project Handbook 1 2 NOTE TO READERS This project handbook provides a comprehensive The W20 Germany dialogue process is supported by overview on project management, implementation the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior and evaluation of the Women20 Germany dialogue. Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), followed by our international implementation partner Emerging Market Women20 (W20) is an official G20 engagement group Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD), a project of Deut- forming a transnational network of women’s organi- sche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen- sations, female entrepreneurs’ associations and think arbeit (GIZ) commissioned by the Federal Ministry for tanks. The main goal of Women20 is to promote Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). women’s economic empowerment as an integral part of the G20 process. Within the framework of the 2017 German presidency of the G20, the National Council Women20 Germany handbook of German Women’s Organisations and the Associa- Edited by Juliane Rosin and Vera Otterstein tion of German Women Entrepreneurs were tasked Pub. date: Winter 2017/18 by the Federal Government with organising the W20 Formats: Digital; paperpack, pp. 76 dialogue process. For additional information on this book, please As the umbrella organisation of more than 50 nation- contact: wide women’s associations and organisations, the National Council of German Women’s Organisations Women20 Germany, c/o Deutscher Frauenrat (Deutscher Frauenrat, DF) is the largest women’s lob- Axel-Springer-Str. 54a, by in Germany. D-10117 Berlin/ Germany The Association of German Women Entrepreneurs Phone: +49 30 204569-19 (Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen, VdU) is a Fax: +49 30 204569-44 cross-industry trade association which has been rep- Email: [email protected] resenting the interests of entrepreneurially active Twitter: @WomenTwenty_Ger women in commerce, society and politics for more Web: www.w20-germany.org than sixty years. 3 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 9 2 About G20 11 3 Emergence of Women20 16 4 Women20 Germany 22 5 Funding 26 6 Consultation process 32 7 Women20 Summit 40 8 Advocacy 42 9 Public relations 44 10 Outputs 45 11 Project evaluation 48 12 Recommendations to future W20 presidencies 68 13 Outlook 72 References 74 4 PREFACE by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Dr. Katarina Barley © Bundesregierung / Steffen Kugler On 25 and 26 April 2017, all eyes were on the I congratulate the National Council of German Women20 Summit in Berlin. The international guests Women’s Organisation (Deutscher Frauenrat) and included Queen Máxima and IMF Head Christine the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs Lagarde. The delegates of this year’s W20 dialogue (Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen) on their discussed what needed to be done to put women’s excellent job in organizing a diverse and inclusive con- empowerment at the heart of the G20’s work. The key sultation process which has made the overall success message was that the G20 had to realize that enabling of the W20 dialogue possible. women and girls is the only opportunity to achieve a sustainable and prosperous future. Providing a documentation of the outcome and a transparent evaluation of the implementation pro- In their recommendations, the delegates stressed cess, this handbook makes a valuable contribution that women were still marginalized with regard to to the sustainability of the W20 momentum. The their equal participation in the labour market. This Federal Ministry for Women will remain a committed also affected their access to financial resources. The supporter of Women20. W20 delegates called on the G20 to advance gender equality in all policy fields. The G20 should identify concrete approaches to implementing the 25by25 target as agreed in Brisbane in 2014, to foster women Sincerely, entrepreneurs and to close the gender digital divide. Many of the W20 proposals fed into the G20’s final Communiqué, the first-ever to include an individual section dedicated to women’s empowerment. Indeed, Dr. Katarina Barley the Women20 have generated a special and powerful Federal Minister for Family Affairs, momentum. They have made gender equality into a Senior Citizens, Women and Youth cross-cutting topic of the G20. This is a major success. Member of the German Bundestag 5 PREFACE by the W20 Germany Chairs Mona Küppers, Stephanie Bschorr Mona Küppers Stephanie Bschorr “There were more palm trees than women in the Women20 has managed to commit the G20 to con- picture!” With these words, our colleagues Paola crete action to advance the 25by25 target at national Subacchi and Susan Harris Rimmer once described a level, to promote digital skills among young girls and picture of a previous G20 summit. Indeed, the G20 to promote female entrepreneurs and enable access to had been representative of what we perceived as financial resources. For the first time in G20’s his- male-dominated economic governance. tory, the leaders’ communiqué contained an entire section dedicated to women’s empowerment. Establishing Women20 as an independent Considering that the G20 process is often regarded as engagement group was thus essential to counter the a “black box”, we would like to disclose to what extent structural gender imbalances inherent in G20 delib- W20 had been able to participate in G20 policy-mak- eration. Still, when we were asked to chair Women20 ing and how the W20 itself developed the recommen- in representation of the National Council of German dation representing the voices of an entire network. Women’s Organisations and the Association of German Business Entrepreneurs, we were doubtful whether This handbook is an important tool for a more trans- Women20 would be able to exceed its symbolic role parent and accountable consultation process at both of “adding” female representatives to G20 discussions. civil dialogue and G20 level. It lays open relevant working processes of the W20 dialogue and provides As we said in the opening note at the W20 Summit: a transparent account of the multi-level consultations “We want to move from the side table to the negoti- preceding the G20 summit. ation table. W20 is not supposed to be a token side- show”. Chairing Women20, we aimed to offer a different, gender-sensitive perspective to G20 deliberation. Our The outcome of this year’s G20 communiqué proved very first request, manifested in the W20 communi- the opposite. Thanks to the imporant groundwork qué, called upon the G20 to systematically include of our predecessors of W20 Turkey and W20 China, gender analysis in all its activities and thereby ensure 6 a gender-critical assessment of all G20 framework Finally, we would like to thank all our partners who agreements. In this vein, the project handbook rep- helped facilitate W20 Germany. They represent a resents W20’s critical assessment of its own activities. wide range of private and public entities. Our main supporter is the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Chapter eleven offers a thorough evaluation of all Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, followed by our W20 activities to discuss to what extent we were able international implementation partner Emerging Mar- to fulfil our self-set goals. Through the identification ket Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD). We would also of best practices and deficiencies, this handbook fur- like to thank our supporting partners from the private thermore provides a valuable set of lessons learned. sector, namely EY, Bertelsmann, Deutsche Bank and This set of recommendations on how to accelerate Google as well as our cooperation partners CIPPEC, Women20 is relevant for future presidencies as well betterplace lab and Women Political Leaders. Final- as to all kinds of civil society networks and wom- ly, our media partner is Deutsche Welle, Germany’s en movements intending to influence global policy international broadcaster. Only together were we able making. to tackle the W20. Your, Mona Küppers Stephanie Bschorr President of the President of the National Council of German Association of German Women Women’s Organisation Entrepreneurs 7 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ACWF All China Women Federation B20 Business20 BMFSFJ Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) C20 Civil20 CIPPEC Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento) DF Deutscher Frauenrat (National Council of German Women’s Organisations) EMSD Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues EY EY GmbH (formerly Ernst & Young) G20 Group of 20 GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GPFI Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion ILO International Labour Organisation ITC International Trade Center KAGIDER Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey L20 Labour20 OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development S20 Science20 T20 Think20 VdU Verband der deutschen Unternehmerinnen (Association of German Women Entrepreneurs) W20 Women20 WPL Women Political Leaders (formerly Women in Parliament) Y20 Youth20 8 1. INTRODUCTION For the first time since G20’s inception, the final communiqué included an individual section dedicat- In 2016, the National Council of German Women’s ed
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