oyinent SEE TABLOID INSERT Hie Weather partly cloudy and warm THEDAILY FINAL today, cooler tonight Sonny Red Bank, Freehold and pleasant tomorrow. Sun- day, fair and warm. Long Branch 7 EDITION ' 22 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO.29 RED BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4,1972 TEN CENTS iiimuiiuiiiiiiiiiniminiiiuitniniiiniiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sandy Hook Out as Deepwater Port Site current studies are being "con- By SHERRY FIGDORE final list, but Corps in- cording to Edward Wis- concerned primarily with the each site, we'd have soon posed site in Delaware Bay, formation from the presi- possibility of a terminal in the spent all our study jnoney on but have been more amenable dent's Council on Environ- ducted on sites in the Pacific vestigators are eying the niewski, an economist with and in the Gulf of Mexico, PHILADELPHIA - Sandy northern part of the bay, nea- the Planning Branch of the Lower Delaware.Bay. hiring halls." to the Atlantic site off Cape- mental Qaulity, and a study corps' Philadelphia office. The ACE was criticized by Hits Interest Lack Henlopen. This is the.pre- completed by Nathan Associ- each of which will also be Hook Bay has been taken off rer the northern New Jersey- whittled down, to one location. the critical list of possible New York industrial complex Data Gathered » many Monmouth County offi- And Dr. Burnes, in turn, ferred location proposed in a ates, a private Washington en- sites for a deepwater port for cials for not holding a hearing scored the lack of interest in recent feasibility study com- vironmental consulting firm. Sandy Hook was eliminated in lower New York Bay. "We're looking for the most early because of the proposed oil-laden supertankers. Other possible locations still environmentally and economi- locally, when Sandy Hook and the terminal hearings on the pleted for the Maritime Ad- , Use All Information The Philadelphia District cally feasible site," he contin- Long Branch were both origi- part of state governments. ministration of the Com- "Any piece of information Gateway National Park proj- in the running are Machias ect and the predominantly re- office of the Army Corps of Bay, Maine; Casco Bay, near ued, "and we've gathered as nally hi the running. "With the exception of Dela- merce Department by Soros that comes forward, we're go- Engineers confirmed yes- much information as possible Dr. John Burnes, chief Of ware, we didn't get any ex- Associates, Inc., a New York ing to use," he said. By June sort-oriented industry of the Portland, Maine; Delaware Jersey shore. terday that the ACE has cut Bay; Norfolk, Va., and a point since Bridgeton." the Environmental Resource pressions one way or the oth- engineering firm. of 1973, the department ex- its original list of 17 potential on the Continental Shelf off A public hearing was held in Branch at the Philadelphia in- er from any of the state gov- Dr. Burnes said his depart- pects to have ready a final "The land use seems pretty East Coast sites to six, none Cape Henlopen, Del. Bridgeton, in southern New stallation, said the ACE tried ernments." . ment Would, over the next recommendation. There will well committed away from in- of them in Monmouth County. Jersey^ by the Corps late in to space out its hearing sites. Delaware' conservationists several months, cull the Soros probably be only one location dustry," Dr. Burnes com- "Sandy Hook Bay has been left on the Atlantic coast. Con-1 Raritan Bay is on the semi- ' completely eliminated," ac- May. Testimony there was "If we had a hearing at objected strongly to the pro- Associates study as well as in- Sce Sandy Hook, Page at Historic XJ.S.-Soviet Missile Pact Ratified WASHINGTON (AP) - The will have the effect of break- considered a threat to the mittee Chairman J.W. Ful- Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R- Senate has ratified a historic ing the momentum of the re- • United States. bright, D-Ark., and other N.Y., also'expressed concern treaty limiting the spread of cent Soviet arms buildup. Such a threat could cause Democrats expressed surprise that the agreement might be Soviet and 'American defen- Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- the United States to pull out of and dismay when told the Jac- approved in an atmosphere of sive missiles. Was., challenged that view the agreement, he said. son amendment had the back- renewed distrust. The 88-2 roll-call vote yes- and announced he will seek to Jackson sought also to put ing of Senate Republican Jackson contended the terday cleared the way for amend the agreement, by ad- Congress on record as direct- Leader Hugh Scott and the United States must put the So- later consideration of the ding a warning to the Soviets ing the President to seek Nixon administration. viets on notice it will insist more controversial five-year that any move to increase equality of numbers in the Administration witnesses that the principal of equality SALT agreement on offensive : their offensive capability so next round of SALT negotia- asked for no such provision emerge from the new SALT nuclear weapons. ' as to threaten the American tions with the Soviets. when testifying on the agree- negotiations which may begin The treaty was opposed nuclear deterrent would b.e Foreign Relations Com- ment, Fulbright said. as early as next month. only by Sen. James B. Allen D-Ala., and James Buckley, Con-R-N.Y., who contended it is immoral because it causes OATH OF OFFICE — Edward R. Rosen, left, of 16 Windsor Drive, Free- the United States to forego an hold, takes an oath of off Ice as deputy attorney general, administered by available means of defending. Hospital Rate Control Evan W. Jahos, criminal [ustice director. Mr. Rosen has been assigned to its population against poten- the Appellate Section, East Orange. Also pictured Is Mrs. Edward Rosen. tial nuclear attack. Signed by President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow last May 25, the treaty limits each na- Plan Eyed Cautiously tion to 200 antiballistic mis- Wright, 4 Others siles and just two sites — one TRENTON (AP) - The Haines said New Jersey study. But be suggested that "We are already more ad- at te capital and one in the in- state insurance department is should study the possibility of the examination might better vanced than any state in seek- ' terior defending an offensive- reacting cautiously to a pro- controlling hospital rates in be carried out by state health ing to control accounting missile site. posed study that could lead to much the same way it regu- officials rather than his own procedures in hospitals," state regulation of hospital department. The White House said Nixon lates other public utilities. McDonough said. Indicted in rates for patients. "There's a similarity with Furthermore, McDonough The commissioner said he was pleased with the ratifica- The proposal was submitted said, new plans for controlling tion vote and "looks forward public utilities," Haines said. was more receptive to a pro- WASHINGTON (AP) - A on at Leesburg, N.J., on Aug. yesterday by Martin L. Running a hospital is "an ac- hospital rates should await posal by Haines to impose dif- federal grand jury yesterday 22,1970. to prompt action" oh the com- more conclusive results from panion interim agreement. Haines of Mount Holly, the. tivity that ultimately involves ferent Blue Cross insurance indicted three men and two Wright was sentenced in public defender who success- the public interests." the State Health Depart* rates according to regions of women, all of Detroit, Mich., Heated' debate is likely as fully opposed the most recent ment's new program of re- 1963 to 15 to 30 years for the the Senate moves on to con- State Insurance Commis- the state. on a charge of air piracy in ,murder of Walter Patterson, request by Blue Cross for sioner Richard C. Mcbonough viewing hospital budgets and He said the idea "seems the case of a gang of hija- sider the agreement which al- higher rates. expansion programs. operator of Collingwood Park lows the Soviet Union to sur- said the proposal merited reasonable and has merit" ckers who commandeered a Service Station, Rt. 33, Wall. but would require further Dctroit-to-Miami Delta jet pass the United States in the Brown was convicted of numbers of land-and sea- study.- flight to Algiers on Monday. armed robbery in Elizabeth, In a 25-page report to The single-count indictment based nuclear offensive mis- N.J., in 1968 and. sentenced to siles. McDonough, Haines said that, was returned in U.S. District three to five years, the FBI The treaty needed only Sen- GirJL Undergoes Heart because of statewide uniform Court in Miami, the Justice said. Blue Cross rates, persons who Department said. ate approval but the agree- ment must be acted upon by live in areas where hospital' Maximum penalty upon con- The hijackers demanded $1 rates are lower are, in effect, viction of air piracy is life in" million hi ransom for the re- both chambers. lease of the 86 passengers The agreement places ceil- subsidizing those who live in prison. The minimum penalty Surgery AfterStabbing regions where the costs are when they landed at Miami ings on both nations' nuclear is 20 years. higher. The FBI said Wednesday International Airport Monday arsenals, and the Nixon' ad- unemployed Neptune resident, and received it. George E. Wrlgnt ministration has contended it LONG BRANCH - The con- ficials, after she was report- Haines, who announced bis that two escaped prison in- dition of Judith Goldstein, 22, edly stabbed during a' robbery with stabbing the young Ea- proposals at a joint news con- mates, one convicted of mur- of 34 Country Club Apart- attempt on Second Ave.
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