E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1999 No. 112 House of Representatives The House met at 9:00 a.m. Yet, at the same time it is clear to tion of Vietnam into the world econ- f me that it is important for us to ac- omy. It will help open up their society, MORNING HOUR DEBATES knowledge the problems that we faced but more important it will be an oppor- as a Nation dealing with the war in tunity for us here on this floor to ac- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the Vietnam. We were on the wrong side of knowledge the United States needs to order of the House of January 19, 1999, history. Just this week, we had before get beyond this terrible legacy. the Chair will now recognize Members the John Quincy Adams Society, Rob- It is more than economics. It is an from lists submitted by the majority ert McNamara acknowledging that he opportunity for America to get things and minority leaders for morning hour was well aware, during his tenure, that right. debates. The Chair will alternate rec- the war was not winnable and acknowl- ognition between the parties, with each edged the problems with the rationale I strongly urge my colleagues to join party limited not to exceed 25 minutes, that was advanced. These were items with us this morning in the Capitol, and each Member except the majority that were known, frankly, on college room H±137. Pete Peterson will be leader, the minority leader, or the mi- campuses around the country at this meeting with us individually to talk nority whip limited to not to exceed 5 time but denied at the highest levels of about his experience, to talk about this minutes, but in no event shall debate our government. opportunity, to give us a chance to not continue beyond 9:50 a.m. Last year, on the eve of the Jackson- only move Vietnam forward economi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Vanik waiver vote, I received a call cally but to do what is right by the from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 from Vietnam from my daughter who American people in this conflict. minutes. was visiting. She was struck by the f kindness of the Vietnamese people, the f WAIVER FOR VIETNAM beauty of the landscape and as a col- lege student she was not really aware, Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, it GAO REPORT CLAIMS VETERANS until her experience in Vietnam, of the is not often that on the floor of this ADMINISTRATION WASTES MIL- tragedy of that conflict. LIONS Chamber we can deal with several I have in mind today that conversa- major issues simultaneously, but such tion and her experience as we come for- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. is the case today as we deal with House ward. We are going to talk about trade SIMPSON). Under the Speaker's an- Resolution 58, which would deny the and economic opportunity, and that is nounced policy of January 19, 1999, the waiver of the Jackson-Vanik for the important. We are on the verge of sign- gentleman from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) nation of Vietnam. This issue is not ing a major trade agreement with Viet- is recognized during morning hour de- just of trade and international com- nam that will accelerate the economic bates for 5 minutes. merce. It truly is an opportunity for prospects of that country. We have in the United States to help get our story Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, all of us the capitol today, Ambassador Pete Pe- know that here on the Republican side straight regarding one of the great terson, who has performed a tremen- tragedies of our time. we are trying to fight to increase the dous service over the last few years in amount of money we give to the Vet- The war in Vietnam was truly a trag- his work in Vietnam. He is arguably edy for that nation. Great damage was erans Administration because the the best qualified person in America to President's budget was a flat line budg- inflicted upon the people, on a country bring about the reconciliation. His po- that had been at war for over a third of et which did not provide enough money litical and military experience, his pas- and particularly the fact that there are the century, from World War II to the sion and his compassion set him apart conclusion of that effort, but it had se- many more cases of hepatitis C. And and make him uniquely qualified. I we hope to increase cost of living for a rious implications for our country. It continue to be amazed at his efforts. divided generations, divided families, We have the opportunity to build on lot of the employees, but I wanted to polarized our society. his efforts with the rejection of the call my colleagues' attention to a GAO I have great respect for the men who disallowal, to make progress on human audit that was performed on the Vet- served in Vietnam. It has been a privi- rights, transparency of economic ac- erans Affairs on July 22 that found over lege for me to become acquainted with tivities. We have the opportunity to the next 5 years as much as $20 billion our colleague, the gentleman from help in Southeast Asia, the world's 12th could be wasted. And I think that is a Texas (Mr. SAM JOHNSON), and the suf- most populous country, hasten their concern for all of us here in Congress. fering that he and his family went economic progress, but it goes far be- The Veterans Health Administration through. I have been touched by that yond that. The defeat of House Resolu- is spending one of every four medical extraordinary sacrifice. tion 58 will help accelerate the integra- care dollars just caring for buildings b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6845 . H6846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 3, 1999 that are old and obsolete. They spend cilities that are obsolete and not being tion and the problem is growing. Just 6 it to operate and maintain these major used and close them, but it does not years ago, 27 States had issued mer- delivery locations, but these locations seem to want to. I think what we need cury advisories warning the public have very low occupancy and a lot of to do is allow a new process to get this about consuming freshwater fish con- unused space. So as I mentioned ear- started. So my bill calls for a process taminated with mercury. Today, the lier, there is $20 billion that could be to be sure that decisions on closing number of States issuing advisories has saved over the next 5 years. hospitals can only be made based upon risen to 40, and the number of water I think many of my colleagues know comprehensive planning with veterans' bodies covered by the warnings has that the Veterans Health Administra- participation, and that is very impor- nearly doubled. tion hospital utilization plan has been tant and very appropriate. dropping because the number of pa- The bill sets numerous safeguards in In some States, including my home tients has gone down. That is right, it place and would specifically provide State of Maine, every single river, has gone from 49,000 patients a day in that VA cannot simply stop operating lake, and stream is under a mercury 1989 to 21,000 in 1998. Almost half of this a hospital and walk away from its re- advisory, and that applies to the States decline has occurred over the past 3 sponsibilities to veterans. It must, shown in black on this chart. years. Not only has the hospital utili- quote, reinvest savings in a new, im- The growing problem has already zation dropped but the number of hos- proved treatment facility or improve prompted action at the State and re- pital admissions has decreased from services in the area. gional level. Last year, the New Eng- over 1 million in 1989 to about 400,000 in I think the bill responds to the press- land governors and Eastern Canadians 1998. So that is about a 40 percent drop, ing veterans' needs. It opens the door premiers enacted a plan to reduce to an expansion of long-term care, to Mr. Speaker. emissions, educate the public, and greater access to outpatient care and By the VA's own estimates, the vet- label products that contain mercury. to improved benefits, including emer- eran population is now 25 million and Maine and Vermont have passed legis- will drop to about 16 million in the gency care coverage. So in turn, Mr. Speaker, I think it lation to cut mercury pollution, and year 2020. So I am concerned, I think Massachusetts and New Jersey have all of us should be concerned, about provides the reforms we need for the next millennium that could advance enacted strict mercury emission stand- those facilities that cost so much to ards on waste incinerators. operate. More than 40 percent of the the goals of the GAO, and I think it is VA health care facilities are over 50 another important feature towards get- Although there is a clear consensus years old and we are just not getting a ting better efficient use of the money.
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