THE Norton Anthology of Poetry THIRD EDITION •?»-»?-3»KC-K(-KC-Cg{-{C{-KC-KfrKfrC«-K0«C-CCCCCC-«{-CgC-K{-C«-C«-K0C«-«0C<0«fr ALEXANDER W. ALLISON LATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HERBERT BARROWS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CAESAR R. BLAKE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ARTHUR J. CARR WILLIAMS COLLEGE ARTHUR M. EASTMAN VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY HUBERT M. ENGLISH, JR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN With an essay on versification by Jon Stallworthy, Cornell University VTNWVT? W W NORTON & COMPANY New York • London Contents PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION xi Note on the Modernizing of Medieval Texts xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiv ANONYMOUS LYRICS OF THE THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEENTH CENTURIES 3 Now Go'th Sun Under Wood 3 The Cuckoo Song 3 Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? 3 Alison 5 GEOFFREY CHAUCER (ca. 1343-1400) 6 THE CANTERBURY TALES 6 The General Prologue 6 The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale 24 The Introduction 24 The Prologue 25 The Tale 27 The Epilogue 36 The Nun's Priest's Tale 37 LYRICS AND OCCASIONAL VERSE 49 To Rosamond 49 Truth 49 Complaint to His Purse 50 Against Women Unconstant 51 Merciless Beauty 51 CHARLES D'ORLfiANS (1391-1465) 52 The Smiling Mouth 52 Oft in My Thought 53 ANONYMOUS LYRICS OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY 53 Adam Lay I-bounden 53 I Sing of a Maiden 54 Out of Your Sleep Arise and Wake 54 xv xvi Contents This Endris Night 55 I Have a Young Sister 56 I Have a Gentle Cock 57 Jolly Jankin 57 Timor Mortis 58 The Corpus Christi Carol 59 The Jolly Juggler 59 Western Wind 61 A Lyke-Wake Dirge 61 Jolly Good Ale and Old 61 WILLIAM DUNBAR (ca. 1460-ca. 1525) Lament for the Makaris 62 Done Is a Battle 64 JOHNSKELTON (1460-1529) My Darling Dear, My Daisy Flower 65 Mannerly Margery Milk and Ale 66 To Mistress Margaret Hussey 67 POPULAR BALLADS The Douglas Tragedy 68 The Twa Sisters 69 Lord Randal 71 Edward 72 The Three Ravens 73 The Twa Corbies 74 Sir Patrick Spens 74 The Unquiet Grave 75 The Wife of Usher's Well 76 Bonny Barbara Allan 77 Johnie Armstrong 78 Mary Hamilton 80 Bonnie George Campbell 81 Get Up and Bar the Door 82 The Bitter Withy 83 ANONYMOUS ELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN POEMS When Flora Had Ourfret the Firth 84 Love Me Little, Love Me Long 85 As You Came from the Holy Land of Walsingham 85 Sweet Violets 86 Fine Knacks for Ladies 87 Weep You No More, Sad Fountains 88 There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind 88 The Silver Swan 89 Yet If His Majesty, Our Sovereign Lord 89 THOMAS WYATT (1503-1542) The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor 89 Whoso List to Hunt 90 Contents xvii My Galley Charged with Forgetfulness 90 Madam, Withoiiten Many Words 90 They Flee from Me 91 Patience, Though I Have Not 91 My Lute, Awake! 92 Is It Possible 93 Forget Not Yet 93 What Should I Say 94 Lux, My Fair Falcon 94 Stand Whoso List 95 Mine Own John Poins 95 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY (ca. 1517-1547) 97 My Friend, the Things That Do Attain 97 The Soote Season 97 Love, That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought 98 Wyatt Resteth Here 98 So Cruel Prison 99 QUEEN ELIZABETH I (1533-1603) 100 When I Was Fair and Young 100 GEORGE GASCOIGNE (ca. 1535-1577) 100 And If I Did What Then? 100 For That He Looked Not upon Her 101 Gascoigne's Lullabye 101 BARN ABE GOOGE (1540-1594) 102 To Alexander Neville 102 Once Musing as I Sat 103 A Refusal 103 Of Money 104 GEORGE TURBERVILLE (ca. 1540-ca. 1610) 104 The Lover to the Thames 104 Of Drunkenness 104 CHIDIOCK TICHBORNE (d. 1586) 105 Tichborne's Elegy 105 SIR WALTER RALEGH (ca. 1552-1618) 105 The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 105 The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage 106 The Lie 107 Nature, That Washed Her Hands in Milk 109 Three Things There Be 109 EDMUND SPENSER (ca. 1552-1599) 110 The Faerie Queene 110 Book III, Canto IX 110 Book III, Canto X 120 xviii Contents Book V, Canto II, stanzas 29-50 131 Amoretti 135 Sonnet 8 ("More then most faire, full of the living fire") 135 Sonnet 10 ("Unrighteous Lord of love, what law is this") 135 Sonnet 37 ("What guyle is this, that those her golden tresses") 135 Sonnet 54 ("Of this worlds Theatre in which we stay") 135 Sonnet 67 ("Lyke as a huntsman after weary chace") 136 Sonnet 68 ("Most glorious Lord of lyfe, that on this day") 136 Sonnet 70 ("Fresh spring the herald of loves mighty king") 136 Sonnet 75 ("One day I wrote her name upon the strand") 137 Sonnet 79 ("Men call you fayre, and you doe credit it") 137 Sonnet 81 ("Fayre is my love, when her fayre golden heares") 137 Epithalamion 138 Prothalamion 146 FULKE GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE (1554-1628) You Little Stars 150 Of His Cynthia 150 Sion Lies Waste 151 JOHN LYLY (1554-1606) Cupid and My Campaspe 152 Oh, For a Bowl of Fat Canary 152 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586) Ye Goatherd Gods 153 The Nightingale 154 Ring Out Your Bells 155 Astrophel and Stella 156 1 ("Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show") 156 14 ("Alas, have I not pain enough, my friend") 156 25 ("The wisest scholar of the wight most wise") 156 31 ("With how sad steps, Oh Moon, thou climb'st the skies") 157 39 ("Come sleep, Oh sleep, the certain knot of peace") 157 47 ("What, have I thus betrayed my liberty?") 157 48 ("Soul's joy, bend not those morning stars from me") 157 49 ("I on my horse, and Love on me, doth try") 158 52 ("A strife is grown between Virtue and Love") 158 71 ("Who will in fairest book of Nature know") 158 Fourth Song ("Only joy, now here you are") 159 107 ("Stella, since thou so right a princess art") 160' ALEXANDER MONTGOMERIE (1556?-1610?) The Solsequium 160 GEORGE PEELE (1557-1596) His Golden Locks Time Hath to Silver Turned 161 When As the Rye Reach to the Chin 162 Hot Sun, Cool Fire 162 Contents xix THOMAS LODGE (1558-1625) 162 Rosalind's Madrigal 162 ROBERT SOUTHWELL (ca. 1561-1595) 163 The Burning Babe 163 New Heaven, New War 163 SAMUEL DANIEL (ca. 1562-1619) 165 Delia 165 6 ("Fair is my love, and cruel as she's fair") 165 31 ("Look, Delia, how we 'steem the half-blown rose") 165 32 ("But love whilst that thou mayst be loved again") 165 33 ("When men shall find thy flower, thy glory pass") 165 45 ("Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night") 166 46 ("Let others sing of knights and paladins") 166 Ulysses and the Siren 166 Are They Shadows 168 MARK ALEXANDER BOYD (1563-1601) 168 Fra Bank to Bank 168 MICHAEL DRAYTON (1563-1631) Idea 169 To the Reader of these Sonnets 169 6 ("How many paltry, foolish, painted things") 169 14 ("If he from heaven that filched that living fire") 169 61 ("Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part") 170 63 ("Truce, gentle love, a parley now I crave") 170 CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE (1564-1593) 170 Hero and Leander 170 The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 185 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) 186 Sonnets 186 12 ("When I do count the clock that tells the time") 186 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?") 186 29 ("When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes") 187 30 ("When to the sessions of sweet silent thought") .187 33 ("Full many a glorious morning have I seen") 187 55 ("Not marble, nor the gilded monuments") 187 64 ("When I have seen by time's fell hand defaced") 188 65 ("Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea") 188 71 ("No longer mourn for me when I am dead") 188 73 ("That time of year thou mayst in me behold") 189 94 ("They that have power to hurt and will do none") 189 106 ("When in the chronicle of wasted time") 189 107 ("Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul") 189 116 ("Let me not to the marriage of true minds") 190 129 ("Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame") 190 130 ("My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun") 190 138 ("When my love swears that she is made of truth") 190 xx Contents 146 ("Poor soul, the center of my sinful earth") 191 The Phoenix and the Turtle 191 When Daisies Pied 193 Under the Greenwood Tree 193 Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind 194 It Was a Lover and His Lass 194 Oh Mistress Mine 195 Come Away, Come Away, Death 195 When That I Was and a Little Tiny Boy 195 Hark! Hark! the Lark 196 Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun 196 When Daffodils Begin to Peer 197 Full Fathom Five 197 Where the Bee Sucks, There Suck I 197 THOMAS CAMPION (1567-1620) My Sweetest Lesbia 198 I Care Not for These Ladies 198 Follow Thy Fair Sun 199 When to Her Lute Corinna Sings 199 When Thou Must Home 199 Rose-cheeked Laura 200 Now Winter Nights Enlarge 200 There Is a Garden in Her Face 201 THOMAS NASHE (1567-1601) Spring, the Sweet Spring 201 A Litany in Time of Plague 202 ROBERT HAYMAN (d. 1631?) Of the Great and Famous Ever-to-be-honored Knight, Sir Francis Drake, and of My Little-Little Self 203 SIR HENRY WOTTON (1568-1639) On His Mistress, the Queen of Bohemia 203 Upon the Sudden Restraint of the Earl of Somerset, Then Falling from Favor 204 Upon the Death of Sir Albert Morton's Wife 204 JOHN DONNE (1572-1631) The Good-Morrow 204 Song ("Go and catch a falling star") 205 Woman's Constancy 206 The Sun Rising 206 The Canonization 207 Song ("Sweetest love, I do not go") 208 The Anniversary 209 Love's Growth 209 A Valediction: Of Weeping 210 Love's Alchemy 210 Contents A Nocturnal upon St.
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